PAGE SIX _THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, furiai î\nti's THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1949 and Mrs. L. A. Maukiing Mrs. was followed by an evening of Bill Carpenter o f Payette was a, dancing. As a token of friend- gueat p.ayer. ■hip, a Roger's silver service tray wiiii sugar oowl, creamer, and mat- -5 - H O-TEliS TO BRIDGE CLUB -hing salt and pepper shakers was Mrs. Wayne Morris was hostess presented to Mr. and Mrs. Share. HOSTESS TO CLUB Farmers To Meet— Mrs. Carl Seourn was hostess at to her Thursday afternoon bridge Harvey Williams of Twin Falls has A meeting of members of the the January meeting of .he Ore- I club at her home last week. Honors ur. based the Share farm. 1 Ri-hland gopher control project gan Trail Grange Home Economics went to Mrs. Gene Stunz for high n hi oe he.d Tuesday, February 1 SEWING club Friday afternoon, oanuary 7. score and to Mrs. Edward Boydell _ . . . CLUB „ ,, MEETS „ , ^ | at 2 30 p. m. at the home of Joe Thirteen members were present. to r second high. ??le . . 4"— C. ub Dirksen. The members will discuss net last Friday evening at the h e i » l * gop-ier control program. The business was conducted by — §— iome of their leader, Mrs. Ron Chairman Iva Adams. Mildred PAST PRESIDENTS MEET Work on the second Veterans. Auxiliary To Meet— H J1 won tthe door prize. Refresh- j Mrs. E. K. Burton entertained Whitaker. ments of salad, nut bread and the members of the past presi- ear sewing projects was carried Mrs. Leo C. Bear, president of tcffee were served by Mrs. Orma dents club o f the American Legion an by the members. the lames auxiliary, announced Goodell, assisted by the hostess.! auxiliary at her home Mondaj —8— that a joint meeting with the V. HAVE DINNER GUESTS The February meeting will be held afternoon. Following a social hour, F. W. will toe held in the veterans Dinner guests Sunday at the with Mrs. Garret Stam February 4. j refreshments were served by the memorial ¡nail Tnursday evening home of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Mauld- Each lady is asked to furnish a hostess. .ng were Mr and Mrs. Virgil at 8 o'clock. ■mall gift for the valentine party -5 Ih mpson and Mr. and Mrs. Dick -5 - HONORED AT PARTY Go To Weiser— ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB More than 90 friends and neigh Dooley of Boise. Mr. anu Mrs. George N. Bear The members of the Wednesday bors gathered at the Chailk Butte went to Weiser Saturday on bus CLUB WILL MEET evening bridge club were guests last i hall Friday evening for a farewel mens. The Friendly Neighbor club will week of Mrs. Tom Eldridge. Prize ; party honoring Mr. and Mrs. meet Wednesday, February 2 at the winners were Mrs. Sid Burbidge Charles Share. A pot-luck supper Return From Walla Walla— home of Mrs. Effie Maze. Work Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Galloway re for the coming year will be dis turned last Sunday irom Walla cussed. Walla, where they visited for a I week with Mr. and Mrs. Weldon 4-H CLUB MEETS T ie Four Leaf Clover Sewing Furgeson. PERSONALS HEAR EVA N G ELIST “ A L G R U B B S” Nightly Except Monday and Saturday A V IT A L BIBLE M ESSAGE at ASSEM B LY OF GOD CH URCH ‘ How God Delivers From Alcohol and Dope” W E CER TAIN LY Appreciate the great fight made by the NYSSA VOLUNTEER FIREMEN in preventing complete destruction of our Building on Highway 20 W e congratulate the firemen on their effect iveness in fighting fires. They are doing a great job. B. & M. EQUIPMENT CO. Nyssa, Oregon <r N YSSA Telephone 108 program THEATRE FR ID AY, JA N U A R Y 28 Warner Baxter, Wallace Berry, Micky Rooney, George Sanders “ SLAVE SHIP” A Re-Issue Cartoon Adm. 44c-9c, Inc. Tax S A T U R D A Y , JA N U A R Y 29 Margaret O’Brien, Butch Jenkins, Robert Preston In “ BIG C IT Y ” . . . A story every one will really enjoy! Cartoon Mat., Sat., 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings 44c-9c Inc. Tax SU N D AY AN D M O N D AY, JAN U AR Y 30-31 Wallace Berry, Jane Powell, Elizabeth Taylor, Carmen Miranda, Xavier Cugat and His Orchestra In “ A DATE W IT H JU D Y” It’s a hilarious love life of a kissable Miss . . . and her romantic mishaps. Pete Smith Specialty and Cartoon Mat., Sun., !:30, Adm. J0e-9c. Inc. Tax. Adm. K\filings 44c-9c Inc. Tax TU E SD A Y , FEBRUARY 1 Stooge Comedy W EDNESDAY 27J2XC v .. 1r~ Mrs. Charles Polling of Arcadia, California was a visitor Monday and Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartley. Mrs. Poling and Mrs. Hartley are sis ters. FOR SALE—Philco Table Model, battery radio, See Bob Thompson. * * 27jtfc Snow Queen Candidate— Miss Mary Lou Schenk, freshman at Brigham Young university is a candidate for snow queen of that school. STRAYED TO PHILER RANCH— 1 bay mare, 800 pounds. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. Ray Russell, Philer ranch. 27jlxc FOR SALE—Chevrolet, four-door, 1918 sedan, phone 246J or 01 IRA. 27jtic CARD OF THANKS Pianist To Appear— We wish to express our appreci Georgy Sandor, internationally famous piano virtuoso, will play ation to the many friends for their in the Centre theatre in Ontario i *tln^nes* shown to us during our Thursday, February 3 under the recent bereavement. Mrs. Grace Tnampson. auspices of the Community Con Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson. cert association. Sandor, a native Mr. and Mrs. Del Taylor. of Budapest, began there at the age of 18 a career that has brought him triumphs on three continents. To Portland— Here From Elgin— Dr. C. M. Tyler, local dentist, j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cummings left Wednesday evening for Port former residents of Kingman Kol- land to attend to business. He j j ony, were visitors over the week expects to be gone about a week. end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton. To Boise— Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hopkins Leave For Portland made a business trip to Boise ! |§ Mrs. Grace Thompson and her Tuesday. daughter, Mrs. Del Taylor, left . I ; Wednesday for Portland. Mrs ENTERTAINS AT DINNER Too Late To Classify j! Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peterson en Thompson will remain in Portland tertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. with her daughter for the present. FOR SALE—Straw stack. Jack and Mrs. W. C. Bishop and Mr. Fields, R 2, four miles west of and Mrs. Jack Schenk and fam Returns From Vancouver— Owyhee comer. 27j3xp| Mrs. Bernard Eastman, who has ily. been at the home of her sister in MISCELLANEOUS We need more ■ I i Vancouver, British Columbia, re listings on farms, homes, building |f HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Ron Whitaker was hostess turned to her home Monday even lots and business properties. See | jg to the members of her bridge club ing. Grigg Brothers and Butler. 27j2xc j 1 Tuesday of this week. High score was held toy Mrs. Carlos Buchner I Leave For Idaho— FOR SALE—1942 Model-A J oh n ; Mrs. Katie Jensen, who has been Deere tractor, good condition, reas- > ind second high toy Mrs. James Leslie. Guest players were Mrs. visiting her daughter, Mrs. Delmo onable. Vem Garner, four and Smith, left Tuesday to return to three-quarter miles northwest of Leslie and Mrs. Frell Blair. her home at (Bancroft, Idaho, Owyhee corner. 27jlxp BEBEKAHS HAVE BENEFIT The Rebekah lodge entertained Returns From Portland— Mrs. d i f f Main and son, Kent at 17 tables of pinochle at the benefit party held last Saturday have returned from Portland, where evening. The door prize, an elec Kent was taken for medical ob tric mixer, was won toy Mrs. J. O. servation. Olson. High scores were held by Willis Bertram and Mrs. Lundy and Executive Board To Meet— The Nyssa P. T. A. executive JAMES VV. STEPHENS. Route 1 second high by John Ostrom and Mrs. Adam Pooht. Traveling prizes board will meet Monday, January Is Now Representative For went to Mrs. Frank Perko and 31, instead o f on Thursday because Owen Gann. Hostesses for the oc of the community concert in On casion were Mrs. Joe Bellon, Mrs. tario. G R EAT W ESTERN Ray Graham, Mrs. John Lawrence, Mrs. Howard 'Smith, Mrs. Finley Adult Clothing Classes to Begin— FIRE CONTROL Adult clothing classes will be Shuster, Mrs. Eddie Taylor, Mrs. Ellis Walters and Mrs. Paul Baker. started Monday, January 31, In the Telephone 07R5 The next party will be held Sat high school building under the di rection of Mrs. Charles Steffens. urday evening, February 5. This service to the women of Nyssa -5 - has been offered for several years Charter Night Planned— The Nyssa Lions club has been under the competent supervision of notified that the Adrian Lions will Mrs. Steffens home economics in hold their charter night program structor of the Nyssa high school February 5. Members o f the Nyssa As many as 25 women may enroll Lions club, sponsor o f the Adrian in the classes this year. The class .•lub, and their ladies are Invited to es will ¡be held Monday and Wed attend the dinner meeting, which nesday evenings from 7 to 9:30 and on Saturday afternoons from will be opened at 8 o'clock. 1:30 to 4 p. m. Visit In Payette— Out of Washington comes news Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldridge v is Visit In Caldwell— that should make 16,000,000 veter ited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Wilbur Holcomb and Mrs, ans happier than a long-armed Eldridge’s mother, Mrs. Oertrude R. M. Cochrun visited in Caldwell man at a boarding-house banquet. Fulton of Payette. Monday at the George McClure It seems that the QIs and iady and Clyde Phurer homes. warriers who took out National Visit I I I Boise— Service Life Insurance will receive Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman dividends that should average a- were Boise visitors Saturday. round $90 to $125. Many ex-service people dropped their policies after Returns From Kansas— EXPERT the w ar. . . tout even so there will Earl Chard returned home Wed probably be some dividends on nesday from Kansas where he spent Sewing Machine whatever they paid to Uncle Sugar. Christmas with relatives and This jackpot is not to be confused friends. Repairing with a bonus. . . and payments will start showering down somewhere between August and December. Quick Dependable ATTENTION Don't bother forming a line. They’ll | Service bring it to you. We Are Now In Position To Do Which reminds us o f a fellow | Who took out fire insurance, but All Types Of Cabinet Work Am Satisfaction ^ he wouldn't take out tornado in surance. He didn't know how to Contrari Building. Guaranteed start a tornado. The best all-a round insurance you can have for I fou r car is to keep it in top driving | Inter mountain condition by coming to HERRTMAN i Johnson Cabinet Shop Furniture Company MOTOR CO. for a Mid-Winter 1 Mile North Of Nyssa- Check-U p. .. which includes lubri- i Phone 176-W cation and an oil change. Top Purnia Junction On Highway 95 that o ff with an engine tune-up and your car will give you better performance during the rest of the cold days ahead. Phone: 77. TUESDAY CLUB PLAYS I T e members of the Tuesday evening bridge club met this week at the home of Mrs. J. J. Sarazin Honors went to Mrs. Bernard Frost and Mrs. Frank Morgan. Addit ional guests for the evening were Mrs. Blaine Ballah and Mrs. Jonn Beckham. ^ ATTENTION NEWS VIEWS Herrim an M otor Company Courteous, Prompt, Friendly Service Is Yours in Ontario Genuine Factory Parts No Waiting Factory Approved Mechanics Sun. and Lab. Testing Equipment Pickup and Delivery From Nyssa M UTCH OIL CO. Chas M. Keitenbaugh Shop Foreman Phone 286 or Write Ontario BO YOU KAYE ANY S c r a p Ir o n ? J I STOCK TANK HEATERS (S ervice WHY NOT TURIN IT In to Cash? WE B U Y SCRAP IRON, BRASS, COPPER, BATTERIES, R AD IATO R S, ETC. See Mac Or Wayne At The Nyssa Auto Body Shop Phone 107W E. 0. M. Specials 1 Lot Ladies’ Shoes ........ 50c Pair Ladies’ Cotton Hose, Reg. 39c Pair— Sizes 9 to IOV 2 ......... 10c Pair Dish Cloths, Size 13x15 Four For ....................... Ladies’ Knit Pajamas Reg. $3.95 ............... 25c $2.49 Bracken’s Dry Goods — Shoes — Clothing X-Ray Shoe Fitting N YSSA OREGON in “ TH E LAST ROUND-UP” Admixsion 30c-9c, Inc. Tax. Card Party Postponed— Tne card party sponsored by the Oregon Trail Grange and scheduled for Saturday evening, January 29 at the Oregon Trail school house, has been postponed indefinitely due to the fuel shortage. r ~ A P P ttO V tD ^ S l PAY FOR THEMSELVES BARGAIN NIGHT Gene Autry, Jean Heather In Cartoon club met January 22 at the Arcadia o.hoolhouse. Five completed dress es were displayed. Patterns were tudied during the afternoon. The leader, Mrs. Clyde Bowers, served home-made candies. T ie next meeting will be held at the home Jorett Moeller February 12. Here Kom Emmett— TO TRADE—Party at Twin Falls Ed Lyells of Emmett visited over wants to trade as a down paymifit, the week-end with his sister, Mrs.! a small acreage with large home for A. V. Cook and his mother, Mrs. 60-80 acre farm near Nyssa. See Mary Lyells. Mel Beck at Grigg Brothers and Lutier in Nyssa. 27j2xc Walla Walia Visitors Here— FOR SALE—1917 WUiys jeep, A -l Visitors at the E. H. Fieshman condition, priced to sell. Arlan home the first of the week, were Haroklsen, phone 015R3. 27j2xp Mrs. Fleshman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fieshman of Walla FOR SALE—Used washing machine Walla. T e y are enroute to Kan- and used refrigerator. Phone 10-M. INCREASED PRODUCTION Sports AND TH U R SD AY. FEB. 2-3 of Frank T. Morgan Agency MILK OR M EAT The wonder of wonder shows from Walt Disnev, the entertainment wizard. Besides the Increased Satisfaction “ M ELODY TIM E” You get from knowing that you are doing everything possible Fire Insurance On Homes — Personal Property — Business Buildings — Merchandise. With Roy Rogers and Trigger, Dennis Day and the Andrews Sisters lending voice, char acter and charm to the cartoon figures and their fabulous adventures. “ The picture is alto gether terrific” . for the comfort of your stock Motor Vehicle Insurance — Bonds — Liability Policies __ All-Risk Insurance On Valuables. N yssa Im plem ent Co. Matinee Wednesday 2:3«, Admission 30e-9r, Adm. Evenings 44e-9r Inc. Tax Robert F. Thompson The House O f Oliver