THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1949^ PAGE FOUR T A X 160 S ERVICE Built-up Asphalt Roofs Repairs— Hot Mops Complete Roofing Service Insulation And Brick Siding NEW PLYMOUTH ROOFING CO. New Plymouth, Idaho Make Local Calls To STUNZ LUMBER CO., Nyssa Prices Reduced •WESTINGHOUSE’ ELECTRIC RANGES To Clear Stock For New 1949 Models to Nebraska because of illness. who have completed their navy stationed at Pearl Harbor, and Several members of her family are "boot training" at San Diago, re- Pharaoh will take corpsman traln- seriously ill due partly to the cently received assignments for th e: ing at the naval hospital at San blizzards and sub-zero weather in next 18 months. Crandall will be Diego. that section. , Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Limbaugh and Junior and Bud Shaw of Fruitland and Richard Grasmick Do You Need Assistance With Your went to Bogus basin near Boise Sunday. Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Jean Blakesley and Terry were Ontario and Payette shoppers Saturday af-1 ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Seuell and Darryl were Saturday dinner guests E. D. “ MIKE” MICHAELSON at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. | C. Seuell. P. O. Box 490 Phone Z8R and 134 Mr. Moguson, Mike O'Leary, Betty Buskirk of Fruitland and Office L. & II. Produce Warehouse Lloyd Seuell made a business trip to Boise Thursday evening. Jean Blakesley and Terry were | Thursday evening guests of Mr. }f and Ms. John S. Huntini Nyssa. Accounting Income Tax Book-keeping? Oí R OOFING The meeting was attended by M. C. Seuell and Jean B.akesley of this community. Jim McDroe and his mother have had influenza for the past several' days. Mrs. W. H. Orasmick and Mrs. George Grasmick attended a Ladies Aid society meeting at the home of Mrs. H. P. Ostermiller at Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and family and Janice attended a bask etball game between the seventh and eighth grades of Fruitland and Emmett Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy attended the white elephant sale at New Plymouth Saturday. Benefits went to the V. F W. and auxiliary of New Plymouth. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meroney and Joy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Robinette of New Plymouth. The afternoon was spent playing pinochle The pinochle club met Saturday evening at the Nu-Acres community hall. Mrs. Bob Shaw and Mrs. EM Meroney were hostesses. Si Letts had as his guests, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen, Monday evening. The guests were enter tained at a movie at Ontario. Mrs. Roy Hansen has been called EU idian called at the home of their uns, E.mer and Dave Saturday June spent the week-end at the Dean Austrian home. Rita Riddle and Patricia Smith ! pent Friday afternoon at the Forest Hardman home in Newell Heights attending the birthday party of Diane Hardman. They spent the evening at the theater after dinner. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin has been 111 in the Nursing home over the week end. Miss Marguerite Sc-human was a dinner guest at the Jess Norris heme Wednesday evening. Bob Weibb has been ill over the week-ent with influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster and Mr. and Mrs. George De Haven spent Saturday evening at the Cecil Smith heme. M’ss Marguerite Schuman spent Sunday afternoon and evening in Boise. Those fromm Adrian attending the pinochle party at the C. B. Hill home In Newell Heights Friday were Mrs. William Ashcraft, Mrs. L. Dierking and Mrs. Herb Thomas. Those attending a P. T. A. meet ing at the Kolony school from Adrian Thursday evening were Mrs. Frances Deffer, Mrs. George I De Haven, Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson, Rev. and (Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Jerry Mackey, Mrs. Bill Loon ey, Mrs. Anna Sparks, Miss Ester Fogelman, Mrs. Jess Norris and Mrs. Cecil Smith. Mrs. Dennis Patch, former Adrian resident, and Mrs. John Schenk of Nyssa were guest speakers. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Toombs of Nyssa visited at the Vernon Parker home Sunday. The Adrian Rifle cluib held its monthly meeting Wednesday night. The members are making plans for a box social to be held February 19. After refreshments at the confect ionery, Bob Kurtz showed home movies. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown enter tained Mr. and Mrs. William Willis, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Phifer, Mr. and j Mrs. Dick Ashcraft, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer at a pinochle party Saturday evening. Harvey Otis has returned home from iMilton-Freewater, where he -pent the Christmas and New Year’s holidays with his daughter, Mrs. Henry McGruger and family. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Nicholson of Owyhee dam visited Saturday eve ning in Adrian. Ralph Moore of Owyhee dam left Tuesday for California to a t tend the funeral of his ¡brother- in- law. Mr. and Mrs. Alvon M cG innis! were su >er guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Oe.-il Smith Thursday evening. C.vude Smith spent the week- md visiting at the Cecil Smith, j ' ’ on and James ¡McGinnis and Till Willis homes. Adrian Antelopes won two bask etball games the past week. Tues day evening they defeated Greenleaf ’ ¡-33 and Fricjay evening defeated Marsing 43 to 41. They play Hun- lngton and Wilder this week. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Mathews at tended a card party at Wildor Sat urday evening. They were guests of Donna Roebuck. HaUh has been ill the past week. Mrs. Bill Looney substituted for Mrs. E.mer Sparks in the King- man Kolony school two days while ADRIAN, Jan. 27—'Mrs. Howard Mrs. ¿¿larks was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Dierking entertained tue following at pinochle party. Mr. and Mrs. Dale •shcraft, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. William A hcraft. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rainey. Mrs. Glennwood Pounds received word of the sudden death o f her untie, John Hart, In Va.e Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Pounds went to Vale Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown attend ed tihe funeral of Jesse Thompson In Nyssa Friday. BROWNIE’S CAFE Mr. and Mrs. Ausman of M ir- PARTIES HELD IN ADRIAN SECTION Receive Assignments- FRY! DR. C .W . CRAVES Optometrist I Eyes Examined F O R SALE Phone 720 I LIVE OR I 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho ¡DRESSED) DANCE FULL-COLOR PICTURES m Tender And Juicy m Batte ry Raised On Saturday, January 29 “ C O M E TO L I F E * IN T H R E E D IM ENSIONS Cow Hollow Hall The Best O f Feed Gold Coast Rangers You'll be amazed at the startling three-dimensional realism of stereo- icopic, full-color Kodachrome View- Master pictures. Over 2100 full-color pictures available on 7-scene Reels interchangeable for either Stereo scope or View-Master Projector. Educational and entertaining. See world-famous attractions, Switzer land, England, Hawaii, North, Cen tral, and South America, Flowers, Animals, Fairy Tales. You’ll never tire of View-Master pictures. Orchestra Adm. $1.25 per Couple Sponsored by Chalk Butte Grange LEMON 'S HATCHERY PHONE NYSSA, 06J3 "IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY” ORECON PLOTNER U5 A-QZ A U T O ixvinrs^m IM P O R T A N T tj^ V u n C A A ÏÉ . % A USEP CAP 15 TAí DÍPÍNDABlilfV OF T A Í V Í D EALE RS Gl\J£ you *Al T acts VÍVÍHV ON MEETING HELD BY NU-ACRES GRANGE Was Now Model B-64 (Pictured) $319.95 $269.95 Model D-64 $269.75 $224.95 — At Your Westinghouse Dealer— OSTROM BROS. APPLIANCE CO. 50 North 1st St. Phone 269J m RIM CO A* motor b o x 137 NU-AORES, Jan. 27—The New Plymouth Grange Master and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Poy Sasser, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Rife of New Plymouth and the county agent, Gilbert Man- son, were guests at the regular meeting of the Nu-Acres Grange Thursday night. The topic of the evening was the proposed formation of a degree team, A committee | was appointed to meet with a slm- j liar committee of the New Plym- 1 1 outh Grange to go further into| the plan. Refreshments were ser ved. L. O. Hawley and M. C. Seuell were elected to serve on the board of directors o f the Malheur hos pital association at Nyssa at the annual meeting of the members. FOR SPRING NOW! NEXT TIME FIRE HITS, IT M AY BE YOUR TURN! BY PLACING AN ORDER TODAY FOR They’re Tested Now On Display If1 ÍÜ US (io It)] !§) CC) M They’re Proved Nobody knows where or when Fire will strike next or how much It will cost to repair the damage or replace the property destroyed. They’re Here That’s why being careless about insurance protection just doesn’ t make sense. Safeguard your property Investment today with Fire Insurance. Or, if you already have a Fire Insurance Policy, make sure that its amount is adequate in the light of your current property values. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon ^ IË J à (Ö IT dò) ÎB This Month See it—try it. you'll like it! Here’s the famous Ferguson system of implement attachment and built-in hydraulic control com bined with the stepped-up power and performance of the new Ferguson Traotor. Powerful valve-in head engine that’s a regular on fuel. Four forward speeds. Tip-up hood for instant accessibility. Both rear wheels braked with a single pedal, plus individual turning brakes... and many other high-performance features designed from the experience of more than 300,000 Ferguson System owners. Ask for a free demonstration without delay! Remember, Fire’s next stop may be at your place. And, if you’ re caught without insurance coverage . . . udct/uufc insurance coverage . . . you can lose plenty! BERNARD EASTMAN Open House All ► G E T DELIVERY NOW Come In You Are Always Welcome ◄ WESTERN CORRUGATOR CO. Highway 20 North Of Ny*sa «Y ” NYSSA. OREGON \