PA G E TH R E E THE N Y SSA G ATE CITY JO U RN AL, N YSSA, OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , J A N U A R Y 27, 1949 ---------------------- a MARRIAGE LICENSES WANTED—Are you raising your with Mrs. Canada's sister, Mrs. Dali. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram were Claude Luallen and Marguerite sights above ordinary wages? The T.iey came to attend the funeral of In Boise on business Thursday. Canada's brother, Jesse They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lual.en, belli of Caldwell. best one-man business in Malheur Mrs. -a i.k Jamison of Nampa. . h . . . y H. K..wahara of Jamieson, county now available. Car requir­ Thompson. Mrs. c .is Bullard and Wilma ed. Write J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mr. | ana Yiucu.i Demise of Vale. j FOR SALE—One large size oil Dexter avenue, Seattle, Washing­ were hostesses at a kit.hen shower Don. d E. Moss and Eiva Mae and Mrs. Howard Day. Mr. and | burning heating stove; one heavy ton. 30D6XC January II for Pearl (Orris! Jack- Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver, Mr. and M rs., Jones, both of Ontario. duty horse and cattle trailer; one ten, who was married recently. Eugene Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. I lightweight utility trailer; one WANTED—Permanent room and Fourteen were present. Jeanie De :ert Cleaver attended a party COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT 550-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. board in private home, young man, R ee’e, Wilma Bullard and Willie at the Jim Savage home Saturday I Frank C. Wyns, et. ux. vs. Garrett RATES. Two cents per word for each issue. After one month one Leo Pile, welding and repairing, phone 110W. Freight Lines, et. a!., damages 2Dtfc McKinney were in charge of the evening. phone 016J1. 13Jtfc $15,570.72. games. Mrs. Jackson was the re­ cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c Guy Tanner attended a scout United Credit Men’s Association WANTED— To buy anything in cipient of many nice gifts. » Re- FOR SALE—Singer power, com ­ beef or veal. Also custom killed fre rnients of cake and ice cream meeting at Ontario FYiday night. I vs. Omar Hite, recovery on ac­ pound feed, goose neck light, new Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day of I count, $279. and delivered to Polar Cold Stor­ wee served by the hostess. transmission, % H. P. motor, full Mr. and Mrs. John Zlttercob re­ Ad”'an were dinner gusts at th e1 FOR SALE—1946 Hudson, good complacements, for upholstering, age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc j PETITIONS. PROBATE COURT For Saie turned heme last week from a Glenn Hoffman homi Sunday. paint, good condition, like new. sacks, light leather, auto, tents LOST Mr. and Mrs. Mancil Bishop and, Estate of Reba T. Clark, deceased. month's visit on the coast. Can be seen at the Farmers Co-op, etc. Ready to plug in and start FOR SALE—Ladie's white shoe ice H. O. Hopkins, phone 31-M. 30Dtfc M‘ss Ilene Wilson of Salinas hildren were in Ontario Wednesday. | production. F. Lete” Sackett, On­ skates, size 4 1?, almost new, phone Mrs. Alta Pekkalo of Ontario vis­ S T R A Y E D — From range, four California returned to her home tario, Ore. 16Dtfc 123-R. 20jtfc FOR SALE—80 acres fine level whiteface cows, branded P under | last week after a week's visit wtth ited at the home of her brother, land, very good house, 1 smaller FOR SALE— Have farms and homes A on right hip, 45 brand on left j Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and Guy Tanner and family Sunday. for sale. Need more, list with Ken rib, undevslope on right ear and family. FOR SALE—1941 Ford five-passen­ house, $26,250.00. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barker were 29Jtfc. crop in upper left ear. Alva P. | Nell Bowers met with her 4-H ger coupe, heater, new radiator, 10 acres in Adrian, Modem 2 Renstrom. Phone 264-W. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. All Makes and Models anti-freeze. See Thompson Oil bedroom home, nice corral, shade, Goodell, Nyssa route 2. 13J2xp club at the school house January Edward Topllff Sunday. Co. 27jlxp lawn and the land is very fine. FOR SALE— An excellent selection 22. the six members In attend* j Mrs. Ouy Tanner accompanied of farms of all sizes including Quick, Efficient $10,500.00. some unimproved, also small acre­ LOST—Oattle branded B S o il, an~e learned how to measure pat- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson to POR SALE1— 1935 Ford 4-door Sei-vice ages. Homes of all kinds, several right ribs, wattle on right neck, I terns. The next meeting will be| Ontario Saturday. 80 acres with two sets of build­ sedan, 172 East Third. 202Jxp also double bar diamond on righ t' held Februar 5 at the home of ings, near town and very good new ylth FHA terms. Mancil Bishop and Glenn Hoff­ LOCATED AT (lip, notify Sylvan williams on Rt. Loretta Moeller. TOR SALE—New home. 2 bed­ man attended a sale at Caldwell TOR SALE—19 tons of hay, first sahool. This is a good farm, only 6J4xp Western Store rooms, fully modem, in good lo­ 1. Box 158, Vale. $16,300.00. Saturday. and third cutting. Glenn Osborn, 471 Main—Nyssa FHA approved, $2,760 FAM ILIES M O VIN G 80 acres of very level ground, cation. one-half mile east of Nyssa-Parma Mr. and Mrs. Perry Titland, Mr. v iis C LLLA N EO U S down, balance easy payments. junction. 20J2xp small shack and well on place, Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur­ FROM CO LU M B IA and Mrs. Edward Topllff »and Mr. HERBERT E. C O X , good soil, plenty of water. $10,500.- MISCELLANEOUS—Insure with E. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver attended ance agenev. Technician FOR SALE—1937 Plymouth, radio 00 L. Jamison. 100% service. 13Jtlc COLUMBIA AVE., Jan. 27—Several a veterans school party Tuesday and heater, good condition, sell 80 acres, good 4 room house. FOR SALE— New Westinghouse el­ night. families are moving from this com ­ ectric ranges, three models, Ostrum MISCELLANEOUS—General trucK- munity. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ber- cheap. Bill Anderson, Parma- $10,500.00. Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W ing. John Barnett and Kenneth Nyssa junction. 27jlxp 80 acres, one room house, 41 Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. anek left Sunday morning for TOR SALE— Let us measure your Chico. Ca.ifornia to make their FOR SALE—New 1948 Chevrolet acres of good land, can water bal­ windows for Venetian olinds. No home. Mr. and Mrs. Levere Mont­ one-ton pick-up, dual wheels, over­ ance of place by pumping from charge for this service or estimates. MISCELLANEOUS—^We buy, sell or W E H A V E AN Baldwin pianos. gomery and daughter moved last load springs, heater, Omaha bad­ drain, $9,500.00. Obtainable in one wee*. Assorted trade pianos. 40 acres, one of the best, very colors in steel or aluminum slats. Grig? Bros and Butler, Bybee week to Klamath Falls. Mr. and ger stock rack, 3000 actual miles. 27 jtlc Mrs. H. Newell also moved recently. Call at Ace Pastime, Marion R. high producing land, well improv­ Nyssa Furniture company, pnone building. Mrs. Gerrit Stam attended Civic 20Mtfc. Tracy, Nyssa, Oregon. 20J2xc ed in one of the best districts. 149-W. MISCELLANEOUS— Available now club meeting in Nyssa Wednesday $ 12 , 000 . 00 . TOR SALE— Electric wiring and Electrolux cleaners ana air puri­ af'ernoon. FOR SALE—Netted gem potatoes, -10 acres, very high producing supplies ot all kinds at your Wes­ Callers at the Grant Rinehart tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Brps. fiers. and service. Ed A. An­ $2 per 100, Marion Chard, 452 No land, well improved. $13,750.00. FOR derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. home in Nyssa Friday afternoon Appliance Co., phone lUi-W 15J!fc. 6th St. 13J4XP 20 acres very highly improve^!. Phone 087-J4. 26Jtfu were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Nice house, bath, water softener FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Larson FOR SALE—-1947 International M and every convenience. $9,000.00. chrome table and sink edgings, MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and and family motored to Weiser last Tractor, phone 028J5, Ontario. waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur­ free pick-up or your dead, crippied 76 acres, 3 roam house, good niture Co., phone 149-W. 6J4xp 6Mtfc. or sick livestock. Calls reee.ved be­ week. Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mrs. John ground, 1 mile from town, easy TOR SALE— Business building, fore 9 o clock are picked up by Broad, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam, FOR SALE—Unpainted cabinets terms, $16,000.00. Mam street location, lot size 25x116. noon. Efficient drivers. Call col­ Mr. and Mrs. Klaas Tensen and 2080 acre stock ranch, carries I Ralph and chests of drawers. Cabinets G. Lawrence Insurance lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys­ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oroot attend­ Pine new j agency, Nyssa, phone 53. are in section and can be bought 250 class A permit. 22Jtfs. sa 102-W. luano Animal Product* SEPTIC TAN KS AND CESSPOOLS PUM PED ed funeral services for Jesse R. complete or in sections. Nyssa brick home, 2 fireplaces, other good Company. 5Jtfc. Thompson at the Methodist church Lumber company, phone 118-W. house. 80 acres of -this is very ! FOR SALE—Well constructed 5- 16Dtfc fine level row crop land. $37,500.00.1 room modern 'basement home with MISCELLANEOUS—Fc» your in­ in Nyssa Friday afternoon. W e Build Concrete Septic Tanks on the Job 120 acres, 10 room home on high­ garage attached. Good corner lo­ surance needs—E. L. Jamison. 100 Miscellaneous—Need money to im­ way. $26,250.00. % service. 13Jtic PR IM A R Y OFFICERS cation. PUMPS AND PUM P SERVICE prove your home, build that extra 1 acre, 2 room house and finish­ Building lots 50x120. Oil street, ATTE N D G A TH E R IN G room, re-roof, siding, insulation, M I S C E L L AN EO US— We Have ed basement. $4,500.00. curbing and sewer. $650.00 and farmers wanting to cash rena good weatherstripping, well or a pump. 40 acres, the best land and the W e are Equipped to Service All Low rates, long terms, no property down. row crop land. Grigg Brothers and COW HOLLOW, Jan. 27—The L. best water right. $21,000.00. D. S. primary officers and teach­ lien, just your name. Write at 27}tfc Six-room modern home, good cor­ Butler, Bybee building. 40 acres, well improved, *4 cash, ers of the Owyhee ward attended once for appointment with full Types o f Pumps balance, easy terms. $10,500.00. ner location. Immediate possession. directions how to reach your home. MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? a stake leadership meeting in On­ 83 acres, good improvement, old 1096 acres cattle ranch and row Loans on farms ror rerinanemg. tario last Saturday at 2:30 p. m. U. S. Home Improvement, Ontario, water right. $11,000.00 easy terms. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Callahan, Oregon 2Dtfc farm. 436 acres water building, improvements, b u y i n g . COM PLETE PLUMBING LINE 80 acres on Wilder bench. This crop Mr. and Mrs. Lan Ashby and Mr. Long term, low Interest, see Ber­ right and 350 acres first class row and Mrs. Ewen Chard of this dis­ TOR SALE—Extra good two bed­ is a very good farm with good Im­ crop soil. One good house and nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. room house with large utility room, provements, $27,300.00. 3Atfc. trict attended a P. C. A. banquet 1000 acre stock ranch handles 150 three labor houses. V4 .down. at the Moore hotel last Saturday. fire-place, paved street, reasonable 37 acres with four room house, Mr. and Ms. Clarence Herrud down payment, balance 50 per head year around. $21,000.00. MISCELLANEOUS — Duplicate car 80 acres, 7 rcom basement house. ideally located for suburban homes, month, 4% interest. and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- and family o f Caldwell visited at $16,500.00. $13,000. neman’s. 250tfc the Joseph Callahan home last FOR SALE— New, two-bedroom 76 acres, very good row crop 10 acres adjacent to Nyssa, at­ Wednesday. Mr. Herrud also at­ home, full basement, double land, good improvements. $16,500.00 tractive expertly constructed new MISCELLANEOUS—For 100 % ser­ tended to business in Vale. garage, one acre of ground, ex- 40 acres, very fine place, $21,000. modem five-room home, full base­ vice on insurance. E. L. Jami­ Mr. Peterson and Mr. Nelson of •el’ent location. SHOWN BY AP­ 40 acres of probably the richest ment, finished, good buy. son. 13Jtfc the Weiser stake visited the Owy­ POINTMENT. land in the valley. Been in dairy GRIGG BROS and BUTLER hee ward L. D. S. church Sun­ One of the nicest two-bedroom for years. Pair buildings, old water Bylbee Building. 27jlxc CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING day evening. Mr. Peterson, a for­ homes in Nyssa. Full oasement, right, $10,000.00. Easy terms. Stock received Monday, Tuesday, mer missionary to Sweden, reported furnace, stoker, water softener, gar­ lg^O acres and 400 acres school Wednesday and Tnursday, 8 a. m his experiences and spoke highly of For Rent age. fireolace, beautiful yard. Pav­ land at Ca'rrtridge, Idaho. The io 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 the Swedish people. Mr. Nelson, ing ana curbing paid. Shown by finest buildings and the best fenc­ No stock received on Sunday. TO RENT—Furnished apartment, the stake leader for young people, appointment. ed place in the County. One nice at 601 N. 1st St., phone 123-J. 202xc Beef, sheep and pork. Free deliver.) spoke on the subject of "Friendship 75x116 corner lot on Main street, home and one new home, large to Polar locker plant. and religeon. good location. barn, hog house, machine shed, TOR RENT—Two room furnished One mile west a Alberta avenue The relief society meeting of the Phone 05R1 We have several good lots on cattle shed and a dandy place all cabin, heat. Kressly cabins, phone Owyhee ward was held at Edna around. $45,000.00; terms cash. JAKE FISCHER Park avenue for sale. 122J. 13J tic Hartley's place last Tuesday. The E. L. JAMISON BERNARD EASTMAN meetings held every week, Tuesday TOR RENT—2-room cabin at Real Estate and Insurance Real Estate—-Insurance at 2:30, will be held In the homes BIBLE STU D Y IS Chadwick’s camp. 23Dtfc Nyssa, Oregon Phone 64 cf the members until warmer HELD A T A R C A D IA weather. FOR RE1NT—Good 80-acre row crop land, 5 ‘4 mâles southwest of Nyssa, cash rent. C. H. Bennett. ARCADIA, Jan 27—R. G. Chandler BIRTH D AY P A R T Y 272xc of Caldwell is conducting a Bible HELD FOR CHILD study this week at Arcadia. The TOR RE1NT— Polish your own study begins at 7:30. Everyone is floors. Rent our high-speed pol­ BUENA VISTA, Jan. 27—Mrs. invited to attend. ishing equipment. Easily handled Guy Tanner and son Rollo, Fred Schilling, Bob McKinney by women. Nyssa Lumber company. gave a surprise birthday party in 3Atfc. and Harley Noah were business honor of Junius Tanner, January visitors at Caldwell Sunday. 15. Games were played and re­ FOR RENT—Floor Polisher. Pet- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Behymer Those erson-Newsam Furniture Co. 22Jtfc and son Eddy of Portland spent freshments were served. present were Mary Stoker, Diana the week end here with relatives. Hardman of Adrian, three Aldrca Mr. and Mrs. Miles Canada of children, Harry and Harold Bum- PHYSICIANS LODGES FOR RENT Jerome spent the week-end here gardner and Rena Rookstool. Floor Nyssa Post No. 79 S A K A ZIN CLINIC Classified I FOR SALE—Russet eating potatoes, j $1 per sack, bring your own sack. I L J. Josephson and son, Payette, I Idaho, phone 392-J. 27jtfc. Advertising Radio Repair . Electric Pipe Thawer Frozen Water Pipes BROWER PLUMBING SHOP SB Professional and Business Direciory Sander Dr. J. J. Sarazln Am erican Legion Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. L. W . Scott Veteran’s Hall— 8 P. M. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to r . and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 C. J. K opp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fry Building Office hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily except SaWrday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street DENTTSTS DR. C. IVf TYLER Wilson Building Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 12. PAU LU S JE W E LR Y STO RE J. R. CU N D ALL Dentist W ATCH ES Main Street a. Second W Y C K O FF JE W E LR Y STORE Official Time In spect« tor Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON Revival Services! SUNSET VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL W A N TE D WANTED—Housekeeping or baby sitting. Phone 279-W, Dorothy Bowman. 27j2xp WANTED—To hire baby sitter. Prefer person living on or near Reece avenue. Phone 197-R. 20jtfc JAN. 30 TO FEB. 13, INC Telephone service everywhere has o f the war —and nowhere has the growth been faster than in rural areas. Services Each Night Except The rural telephone expansion program is S A T U R D A Y A T 8 P. M. actually ahead o f schedule, for the Bell Sys­ Sundays 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. tem’s five-year postwar goal o f adding one million rural telephones has already been Free Pick Up HEAR LEW IS E. H ALL, EVANGELIST Of Your Dead and Worthless Animals MRS. ELLIOTT, Soloist DR. J. A . M CFALL Call Collect DR. JOHN EÁ SLY There Is a Phone Near You Nyssa 100 reached - in little more than three years. Every telephone added,whether in city, town OPTOM ETRISTS Parma 28 Plan now to attend this old-fashioned undenomin­ ational holiness revival Ontario 53 Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Nyssa, Oregon or on a farm, means one more"neighbor” for every telephone user. It is our objective in 1949 to bring service to more and more people, not only in rural areas but everywhere — and to improve the service for all. “We Haul the Day You Call Phone 21, Ontario, Ore >1 m illion m ore neighbors,, expanded by leaps and bounds since the end STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY Special music and spirit-filled evangelistic singing. V E TE RIN ARIAN S DR. H A L D. W H IT E Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Rates Gate City Lodge No. 214 JEW ELR Y STORES Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Reasonable YOU ARE W ELCOM E M ALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. A. R. HERRING, Pastor!