KLASS V. POWELL - SUBSCRIPTION KATES - - - - Editor and Publisher AOVEKTISING RATES $2 00 Open rate, per inch 40c One Year .................. $1.26 N.„U'Jiiul, per inch 49c Six MoiiJis .05 Classifieds, per word ... 2c Single Copies .................... (Strictly in Advance) Minimum 30c Pualished every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879 Church Notes Don't fail to attend these meet ing and hear what God is willing and able to do. ASSLMBLl OF GOD Sterl O. Spies/, Pastor Devotional and preaching at 11 a. m. Evangelistic services each night except (Monday and Saturday); Evangelist Al. Grubbs speaks auth- oritively on such vital Bible truths as salvation, regeneration, divine healing, baptism in the holy ghost. Rev. Grubbs, a former resident of Vale and known by many in Mal heur county, brings a personal testimony of how God delivered him from alcohol and morpihine ad diction. THE CHURCH OP THE NAZAKENE 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. in', congregational singing and a duet by Donald Hickey and Eldon Barker. Sermon by the pastor. Subject: "Beware of Substitution” . 7:15 p. m., young people, teen age nd Junior services. 8 p. m., good singing, both con gregational and special singing. Solo by Bill Randolph. Sermon by the pastor. 8 p. m., every Wednesday services. Cut your payments Relieve the pressure Farmers, a Land Bank loan will give you the security you need with “tailored to measure" pay ments. OWNED BY FARMERS FOR FARMERS m u im k um s t See your nearest N ati. Farm Loan Awn. Mem. Federal Land Bank System Herbert J. Davis, Sec.-Trcas. Payette, Idaho S. & C. CAFE J Re-opened For Business Under New M anagem ent OPEN UNTIL 1 A . M. \ Clayton Patton and Jake Groot .ra le a trip to Eugene for a load "f lumber last week. Mrs. Martha Klingbaek and Fred, nd Mrs. Jesse Gregg and children hopped in Ontario and Payette Saturday and saw the new Chev rolet car at Hannigan’s in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar were hosts at a dinner fo m h e ir grand- con. Wesley Franklin, on his second birthday Saturday evening. Also present -was Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin and Gary of Nyssa. OWYHEE, Jan 27—Rev. Robert Kriner held services at Owyhee Sunday school Sunday morning. Af ter services Rev. Kriner and child ren were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gregg. Mrs. Kriner was unable to come with her husband because their young son, Phillip, is §till recovering from an operation which was performed at Portland several weeks ago. The O. K. K. club met Thurs day, January 20 with Mrs. Werner Peutz. Mrs. Williom Peutz assist rd. Mrs. Martha Klingbaek and Mrs. Jesse Ditty were prize winners in a contest. Refreshments were erved to 18 members and one vis itor, Mrs. Bertha Culbertson, who is visiting here from Martinez, Cali fornia. A meeting was held at Owyhee schoolhouse Thursday night at which time the budget for the coming year was approved. From 2 until 7 p. im., February 4, the residents o f Owyhee will vote on the bond issue, which Is necessary to build the new schoolhouse. Jimmy Chamberlain was a week end guest of Bobby Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haney and SALES .AND SERVICE 650 No. 4th St. Box 184 Claude Willson, Mgr, Phone 128-J Grapefruit 46 OZ. CAN 19 c $ 10.00 Large Size Soap Powder $ 32.50 $ 29.50 4 Lbs. Cigaretti esT39 Lard Bench and Night Table, Both For DUZ - O X Y D O L W H IT E K IN G 29 c 09c Slab Pound 49c Bacon Kings "Red Rose” Hams $ 18.50 $ 32.50 W H E R E Q U A L IT Y FURNITURE IS A L W A Y S PRICED B E LO W THE M ARKET. W H Y ??? ASK US. ED CASE’S FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER Nucoa Lb. 59c Pound Velveeta Just Arrived North of Y, Nyssa Nyssa Fire Protection Carton All Brands $ 99.50 Two Fine Large Walnut Dressers, Used Check Your Hazards REV. KRINER HOLDS O W Y H E E SERVICES Juice Baby Cribs and Youth Beds, Wisconsin Made, All Hardwood, From FIRES FIRES FIRES [ tender Bedroom Set, Three Pieces, Waterfall Walnut ‘Nachman” Spring-Filled Mattress 1 Old Mattress and Mr. and Mrs. William McEwen and Ethelyn and Evelyn of Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests in the Orville McErwen home. Sunset Valley Community Hall A. R. Herring, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mr. aand Mrs. A. L. Crane, Evan gelistic singers will be with us to sing and play. Mr. Crane will speak during the Sunday school hour. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Lewis E. Hall, Evangelist will give morning message and also the evening message at 8 p. m. There will be an undenominat ional holiness revival meeting each night except Saturday at 8 p. m., January 30 to February 13 Inclusive. You are welcome at all these services. «t Also Waterfall, Walnut Chests Art Warren, who was burned two daughters of Mitchell, Oregon spent tne week-end here with the the fire in the tenant house Oral Hite family. Jim Hite was the T. H. Brewer place, is s here to get parts for his truck as confined to the hospital. Warren he is still hauling logs at Mitchell. suffered second degree burns. SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodsen, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship services, 11 a. m. Young People, 7 p. m. Rev. Vintil Krause, leader. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m We welcome and urge you to at tend these services. FROM A W ELL K N O W N LINE OF G O OD FURNITURE I tertained with a pinochle party at their house Saturday evening. Prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Graham of Nyssa, high; William Peutz Jr. and MFs. Gerald Slippy low and Mrs. Glenn Mc Ginnis of Nyssa and Werner Peutz traveling prizes. Mrs. Woodrow Brewer and daughter, Beverly, of Ontario drove to Owyhee in their new Studebaker car to visit Mrs. Brewer's aunt, Mrs. Oral Hite Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters and Brenda of Boise spent the week- °nd here in the parental Ellis Walters home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Linville and family have moved into the ten ant house on the Bob Rice farm vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Bud Iharland who moved to the Cecil Smith place. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hite and ʧ The Odte City Journal Noon Friday, prayer and fasting family of Nysra were Sunday guests in tue Neal Nicholson home. cer .ce3 at the parsonage. We extend to you a cordial in Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Voice of vitation to all our services. Dead Ox flat were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow Thursday. CATHOLIC CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer, Mr. Park Avenue and Third Street ind Mrs. Darrell Williams and Rev. P. J. Galre. Pastor Mass every Sunday at 9:30 a. m dary Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Donald irewer and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Catechism classes for the gradi fomer Brewer and daughters, Mr. chool children will commence Sat- nd Mrs. Howard Evans and Anne arday, January 8 at 10 a. m. in th. f Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Em - hurch. ;t Baker and family of Ontario MISSIONARY BAPTIST CIIURt ere guests at dinner Sunday in Sunday school. 10 a. m. le Keith Tallman home in Home- Morning service, 11 a. m ale. The dinner was in observance Young People, B. Y. P. U., 7 p n f the birthdays of T. H Brewer Evening service, 8 p. m. nd Mr. Williams, who both have Wednesday prayer service. 8 p. n irth ays this week. Vexisting pastors supply, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald nd children ware dinner guests in I HE m e t h A d i s t c o m m u n it y he Ray Fletchlr home in Home- t HURCH 9: 45 a. m„ church school. Classes iale Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Werner Peutz en or all ages. 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser mon: "The Old Testament Search for God". Anthem: "The Lord Is My Strength". During the service there is a nursery provided where parents may leave their small children while attending church. 7 p. m., youth fellowship. 8 p. m., evening ervice. "The Bible and Human Rights—The Right to Freedom of Conscience and Expression." On Monday evening at 8 o'clock the Peace Cell Group will meet at the parsonage. All interested per sons are invite^. 5 TH E NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1949 PAGE TWO 2 Lbs. 29c Cheese 79c WILLIAMS FOOD MARKET Phone 2 8 4 W ^ Prices Good Through Sunday ^ Free Delivery