I THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1949 TAGE SIX shower of white ribbon streamers. LOCAL GIRL WED3 The wedding march was played At a lovely home wedding, Rev. Donald Campbell performed a oy Miss Adrienne Peterson. Mess double rift? ceremony uniting Misf>! June Savage sang “I Love You Patty Chard, daughter of Mr and Truly” and '•Because”, accompanied Mrs. Ewen Chard of Nyssa and by Miss Peterson. The Matron of honor was Mrs. Lawrence Dayn Price, son of Mr. and Mrs Raymond Price of Wil­ Kenneth Ohard. sister-in-law of low Creek at 4 o'clock Sunday, Jan­ the bride who wore a gown of b.ue taffeta covered with net ana uary 2. The bride was given In marriage trimmed in gold seoul ns. She wore by her father. She was beautiful a corsage of rose carnations. T.ie best man was Kenneth In a white corded taffeta gown, with matching mitt, and a double Chard, brother of the bride. Mrs. Bwen Ohard. mother of strand of pearls. The finger-tip veil was held in place by a heart- the bride wa3 attired in a dove shaped crown, with sprays of lily gray crepe dress with a red rose­ of the valley. She carried a bud cor-.ve. Mrs. Raymond Price, bouquet of pink carnations with a mother of the groom was dressed V SA L E FU LLY GUARANTEED VAIKON Battery in a green silk dress with a red rosebud corsage. Immediately following the cere­ mony 41 guests attended the re­ ception. Miss Beverely Hoehn at­ tended the guest book and gift table. Mrs. White, sister of the groom, poured punch and coffee. Mrs. Elver Nielsen, sister of the bride, cut and served the beautiful three-tiered wedding cake, topped with the traditional bride and groom. The bride chose for her going- away costume, a winter white crepe dress trimmed in gold sequins and brown accessories. Her corsage was of rose carnations. After reluming from their honey­ moon, the couple will make their h me hi Ontario. Ou --rf-town guest: attending the i dding and reception, were Mr. and Mrr.s. Orland White, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ennors and Mrs. Arizona Price of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Price and daughter of Wil­ low Creek, and Mrs. Elmer G. Conley and daughter of Battle Creek. Michigan. MARRIED IN CALDWELL Miss Virginia Troutner, daughter of Mrs. Edwin Oldham of Nyssa, and Stewart iBob) Schweizer, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Schweizer of Sunset valley, were united in marriage by the Justice of peace in Caldwell Thursday. The bride was -mployee of the Nyssa First Nat­ ional bank until January 1. The groom has been farming in Sunset valley. Same Big Savings On Other Sizes and Models JA N U A R Y 17 TO 29 IN C L U S IV E &L W. H. LEMON, Authorized Dealer Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA Telephone 108 program THEATRE The new members of Congress are realizing their troubles didn't ,md with the election. First off, chey had to find places to live, and it seems that vacancies in Wa hington, D. C., are harder to Ji cover than a vegetarian at a attlemen’s convention. Next, the job-seekers began hitting them from all angles.. .and with all angles. On top of this the fresh­ man legislators are up to their hub •aps In learning the complex rout- tines of their new jobs. But this nappens with every Congress, and tomehow they catch on and they're oon able to take the bull by the horns. So let's not be too im­ patient. A mother in Leeds, England, frantically told doctors one of her 18-month-old twins had swallowed a toy w heel. . . but she didn't know Which twin. Looks like she's got double trouble. And neglecting minor car repairs can also lead to double trouble. Let us protect your ar at HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. It takes a combination of factory- trained mechanics and precision tools to do a perfect Job.. and that’s just the combination we offer you. Phone: 77. Herriman Motor Company discussion groups sponsored by the CIVIC CLUB TO MEET The Civic club will hold its Jan­ Nyssa Parent-Teacner association uary meeting next week. The has been changed from the third to place of meeting has been changed the fourth Thursdays to avoid con­ ¡or this meeting irom the parish flicting with the meetings of other hall to the basement of the Mc-th- j groups. odist church, in order that motion, pictures may be shown. The meet- j To Receive Cap— mg topic will be interior decorat­ Miss Patricia Gwynn of Nyssa ing, with Miss Katherine Peterson oi Peterson’s Furniture store as will toe among 15 student nurses gueut speaker. Special music willj who will be honored in a capping .e given by Miss Kathryn Crandall. ceremony to be held January 11 at OI additiontl interest to the mem- St. Alphonsus hospital in Boise uers oi the civic club will be questions concerning federation At the capping ceremony, mark­ with the National Federation of ing the completion of our months Women's clubs, that will be an­ of training, each student will be swered toy Mrs. Fred Olmstead of presented with her blue and red Ontario who will discuss federation. nurse's cape and the white St —$— Alphonsus hospital cap. BRIDGE CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. Orin Summer was hostess to her Monday adtemoon bridge Speaker Commits Suicide— ciuo at her home last week. Prizes Lewis Brown, well-known Ameri­ went to Mrs. Lloyd Wrison for high can author, who was scneduled to score and Mrs. Robert Wilson for low. Quest piayeis were Mrs. Rob­ have delivered an address at the ert Wilson and Mrs. Bert Lienk- March meeting of the Malheur County Knife and Fork club, is aemper. reported to have taken his life by - 5 - poisoning in his cottage at the BENEFIT PARTY SET A pinochle party will be held bv Uplifters cluib in West Los Angeles the Oregon Trail Grange in the this week. Mr. Browne was to Oregon Trail schoolhouse Saturday have talked in Ontario March-12 night, January 15 for the bene­ on the subject, “What Is Wrong fit of Biie Malheur Memorial hos­ With Our Civilization”? Another speaker will be secured for the oc- pital. cason. PINOCHLE PARTY HELD The Rebekah lodge held another Soldier Visit— Sgt 1/c and Mrs. James R. Car­ pinochle party Saturday night, Jan­ uary 8 with 13 tables in piay. Mrs ter of Louisville, Kentucky are here Carl Setourn won high and Mrs visiting his mother, Hazel Krul. John Oslrum second lor the ladies. Sgt. Carter has been stationed at Kentucky military Willis Burtrom won high and John headquarters Barnett second for the men. Trav­ district for the past few years. A eling prizes were won by Mrs. Fred family gathering was held Sunday Braun and Harry Kingrey. Door at the home of his mother for prize, a waffle iron, was won by relatives and close friends in cele­ Mrs. Harland Diven. Hostesses were bration of his home coming. Mrs. Harold Greig, Mrs. Minnie Leuck, Mrs. Ben Lancaster and P. T. A. Buys Pictures— At the executive meeting of the Mrs. Wyatt Smith. Refreshments of cake, fruit salad and coffee were served. The next pinochle party will 'be held January 22 at the Rebekah lodge hall. GUESTS AT DINNER Mr. and 'Mrs. A. E. Marshall and son, James, of Ontario heights and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ramsey and daughter, Carl and son, Jack of Weiser were New Year’s dinnei guests of Rev. and Mrs. Sterl Spiesz. GUEST IN NYSSA Mrs. Cathedlne Retoerger of Cald­ well, former Nyssa resident, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dor­ man at dinner Saturday. Son Arrives— Mr. and IMrs. C. A. Mally have received word of the birth of a son, bom on New Year’s eve to Mr. and Mrs. William Mally. Tiie baby weighing seven pounds, 13 ounces, was named William Michael who is the first grandson of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mally. Return To California— Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Foster left last week to return to their home in North Hollywood. They were accompanied to Caliifomia toy Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bratton, and C. C. Wyc-koff of Baker, who will visit at the Dean Wyckoff home at Taft, California. Nyssa Parent-Teacher assocition last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Roy Barnes, a report was made that the picture committee had received six pictures, which will be framed and be ready toy next week for presentation to those rooms that won the attendance contest at this week's Parent- Teacher meeting. Goes To Colorado— Mrs. William Smiley of Nyssa has been in Manzanola, Colorado, where she was called because of the death of her brother, Ray Prentice. While Mrs. Smiley was in Manzanola, Mrs. Prentice also died. They spent Christmas with their sons, Jack, and his family, and Dick and other relatives in Oak­ land. They returned up the coast and spent New Y ears with Mr. Parker's mother at Dallas, O regon. NEWS OF RECORD .MARRIAGE LICENSES Clarence Lester Dodson and Mary Alice Query, both of Nyssa. Richard Thomas Silence and Alvina May Casteel, both of On­ tario. COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT Zelma Jordan Black vs. Carl R. Black, divorce. Mutch Oil company vs. L. E. Pen­ nington, recovery on account, $921.22. Mutch Oil company vs. L. E. Pen­ nington. et. ux., recovery on ac­ count. $996.18. Churchman Coming— C. F. Swander of Portland, exe­ cutive secretary of the Churches of Christ in Oregon, will be here to help the Nyssa church celebrate i'ts anniversary Sunday, January 23. Too Late To Classify Due to the bad weather, the date of dedication of the new church FOR SALE—Private garage, $100. See John Marid, north First street. has been postponed. 13J2xp Still In Hospital— FOR SALE—New Ford, 1949 V-8, Mrs. Anna Kratzbqrg is still in Good Samaritan hospital, 2266 N. five passenger coupe, heater and seat covers. See Eldon Ulmer, W. Marshell street, in Portland. Nyssa pharmacy, phone 14. 13Jlxp Ferry Breaks Away— A ferry running from Prali island j ATTENTION to the mainland southwest o f 1 Nyssa has broken loose from Us moorings during the past two or We Are Now In Position To Do three days. It was apparently rul ed loose by Aie Ice, which now | 411 Types Of Cabinet Work And fills Snake river. Anyone seeing Contract Building. the ferry is asked to contact the owner, J. Melvin Beck of Gregg Bros, and Butler. Return From Trip— Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parker and Hubert of Sunset valley arrived home Thursday after a two-weeks trip through Oregon ,r-nd California- Johnson Cabinet Shop 1 Mile North Of Nyssa- Parma Junction On Highway 95 Wallpaper SALE 9 Off ON ALL DISCONTINUED ITEMS ALL FIRST GRADE IMPERIAL WALL PAPER Stunz Lumber Company Meeting Changed— The date of the meeting of the FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, Claudette Colbert In “BOOM TOWN” Cartoon Adm. 44c-9c, Inc. Tax SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 DOUBLE FEATURE Alan Curtis “ENCHANTED VALLEY” A1 LaRue “BORDER FEUD” Mai.. Sat., 2:2«: Adm. 3»r-9r Inc Tax Adm. Evenings 41c-9c Inc. Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JANUARY 16-17 Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Ann Miller, Peter Lawford In “EASTER PARADE” FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR With Irving Berlin’s s o n g s ...I t ’s the hap­ piest musical ever made with Astaire dancing and Judy’s Golden Voice. Mat., Sun., 2:30, Adm. 30c-9c. Inc. Tax. Adm. E vening 44c-9c Inc. Tax TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. JAN. 1S-1P Technicolor Comedy in the Grand Goldwyn Manner! Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo, Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey “A SONG IS BORN” A mad, merry mirthful mixup of gals, funny gangsters and glorious music. It’s Kaye at his all time best. Adm. 44c-9c, Inc. T u THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. JANUARY 20-21 Delightful romantic shenanigans.. .A great laugh for you! Tyrone Power, Anne Baxter, Cecil Kellaway. Lee J. Cobb In “LUCK OF THE IRISH” If you liked “Miracle of 34th Street” (and who didn’t), you’ll love this. Color Cartoon Adm. Evening« 44c-9c Inc. Tax T hat are I 9 4 7 I 9 4 6 I 9 4 I I 9 36 I 9 3 4 I 9 3 4 Ford Ford Chev. Dodge Chev. Plymouth $1695 $1395 $1075 $450 $150 . $65 Drive into our completely equipped garage for auto service at its best! Our skilled mechanics will overhaul your car and advise you on all needed repairs. Have your car checked today and forstall faulty operation HOURS C H A N G E ! Sterling sal. Jan. 15 C L O S IN G TIME: Saturdays Other Days O P E N IN G TIME: Every Day . 7 :0 0 p. m. 6 :0 0 p. m. . 8:30 a. m. . These Hours W ill Be In Effect Until Further Notice which may prove fatal! waggoner « « to r Co. NYSSA, OREGON Bracken’s Wilson’s Dry Gds. Everybody’s i Golden Rule