THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1949 BIRTHDA PARTY HELÜ 'N HOLLOW ward chapel. The Sunday session purchased the Reuben Haroldson was opened at 10 a. m., «rich A- farm and have moved onto it. COW HOLD M , Jan. 13—Ruth Sessions entertained last Saturday evening at a birthday party in hon­ or of Cleone Maw. The 20 women present played bunco. Mrs. Weston won high and Cleone Maw low. A lunch was served. The L. D. S. conference o f the preisthood was held Saturday eve­ ning at 8 o'clock in the Ontario l^ke City in charge _ Eight hund- red were to attendance in rhe morning and 1100 m the Mtemoon The Sunday meeUngs were held in the Weiser Stake Chapel. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Duriee re- turned l^ t w e e : from a holiday visit to Rupert, Idaho, where they spent a week with Mr. and Mis Clarence Aston. Ray Rookstool and family have BlUV Port« - New Plymouth attended a birthday party last Sat- in honor £ ^ o nnle R o o i. ^ Carrif Depain of ^Ontario „ vls. King this week with Mr. and Mrs. ^ A flre8ide chat meeting was held Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at- ^ home Mr. and Mrs. Harold Callahan . their Sundav dinner iuest. 38,000 LIVES LOST In Auto Crashes Annually! Insure Today See FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY Stock Tank Oil Heaters PORTABLE— EASY TO OPERATE Also Useful In Barns, Chicken House, Basements, Shops Nyssa Implement Co The House Of Oliver Church Notes THE CHURCH OF THt NAZARENE 10 a. m., Sunday school, Russell Smith superintendent. LI a. m., congregational and special singing and sermon, subject, "Wonderful". 7:15 young people, teenage and junior services. 8 p. m„ evangelistic service. Services 8 p. m. every Wednesday. Prayer and fasting service every Friday noon. Sunset Valley Community Hall A. R. Herring, Pastor Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon subject, “ Holiness” Bles­ sed Are the Pure In Heart; for They Shaill See God.” Sunday school, 10 a. m. A hearty welcome awaits you at all these services. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sterl D. Splesz, Pastor Sunday school and Bible study at 10 a. m. Praise and worship at 11 a. m. Junior church at 7:30 p. m. Inspirational Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. We welcome you to came and enjoy God's Blessing with us. Note: Mid-week service post-1 poned this week; The pastor will be' PAGE FIVE attending the district convention Right to Safety and Security of | Provo. While they were gone they 560-gallon gasoline or fuel tank. of Assemblies of God at La Grande the Person”. Brimj your Bibles. saw the rose parade on New Year's Leo Fife, w elding and repairing. January 17 through 20. Day and went as far south as Old phone 016J1. 13Jtfc SUNSET VAII.EY Mexico. They reurned by way of ____ __________________________ A s s e m b l y o f g o o Provo. Utah. W J V B CHURCH OF CHRIST Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor Don K. Maxfieid. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Here From Boise— 10 a. tn„ Church school. Worship services, 11 a. m. Boyd Brown and son, Stephen, 11 a. m., morning worship and Young People, 7 p. m. are visiting this week at the Bur- Lord's supper. Meeting in gym. Rev. Vinjil Krause, leader. rt 11 Brown home. 6:30, Senior Endeavor. Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. 7, Junior Endeavor at the par­ Wednesday Bible study, 8 p. m Too Late To Classify | sonage. We welcome and urge you to at 8. evening worship, place to be tend these services. . FOR SALE—Hay, 20 to 30 tons. announced. good green, leafev Devon Larsen, Wed.. 8, prayer meeting at the Rt 2. 13J1XP parsonage. PHONE Women's council met Thursday i FOR SALE—One large size atemoon at the Roy BRibbey resi­ j burning heating stove; one h dence. duty horse and cattle trailer; I lightweight utility trailer; To Portland— BROWNIE’S CAFE FAITH 'CTHEFkN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Main and Sunday school at 2 p. m. son, eKnt, left Wednesday morn­ Church at 3 p. m. The pastors subject will bs ing for Portland where they will ‘Christ Blesses the Home.” spend several days on business. Pastor Carlson has called a meet­ ing of the board for next Sun­ Job's Daughters Council Meets— day after the church services. This The executive council o f Job's s a very important meeting. Every Daughters met Monday evening at member should attend. Anyone needing to contact Pastor the home of Mrs. L. A. Maulding Carlson (Rev. Elmore F. Carlson» Plans were completed for the pro­ may do so at 508-19th avenue So. gram to be presented February 13, when the Job’s Daughters enter­ Nampa, or phone 656, Nampa. tain the Eastern Stars. Visit In Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Halcomb and family were week-end guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. William Gramkow of Boise. Attends Wool«rowers Convention— Bud Wilson left Sunday for Poc­ atello, where he will attend the onvention this week of the Idaho Wool-Growers. Mr. Wilson is a commissioner of the Idaho Wool- Growers association. Leaves For Vancouver— Mrs. Bernard Eastman left last Friday for Vancouver, B. C. to be m SSIONARY^BAPTlSI ( III Rt II with a sister, Mrs. D. L. Ross, whose husband is critically ill. Mrs. Sunday school. 10 a. m. Hewitt of Payette, is at the East­ Morning service, 11 a. m. Young People, B. Y. P. U., 7 p. m. man home during her daughter’s Evening service, 8 p. m. absence. Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. m. Visisting pastors supply, III With Pneumonia— C. H. Bennett was taken to the THE METHODIST COMMUNITY Holy Rosary hospital last week CHURCH suffering from pneumonia. His con­ 9:46 a. m., church school. dition is improving. 11 a. m., morning worship. Sub- Jeot: “God Is Seeking Man’s Good” Visit In California— Anthem: “Trust in the Lord” by Mr. and Mrs.. John Schenk re­ Handel. turned last week-end from a 10- 7 p. m., youth fellowship. day trip to California. The trip 8 p. m., evening service. "The was made with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bible and Human Rights—The Moore, who were visiting here from Radiant-Circulating Oil Heaters For Down Payment Until Fall Peterson Furniture Co 37 Years Dependable Service Nineteen hundred and forty-eight marked a continued healthy growth for the State of Oregon. In this growth the F irst National Bank has shared, thanks to the confidence of thousands of friends throughout the state who have given us the opportunity to serve fully their banking needs. This confidence has enabled the sixty banks of the F irst National Group to re tu rn ever-increasing financial benefits to Oregon’s communities, industries and' individuals. THESE ARE THE DECEM BER 31, 1 9 4 * M e m b e r Federal Deposit Insura nce Corporation PO R T LA N D B R A N C H E S ^ ' M A IN BRAN C H S IX T H A N D M O R R IS O N B R A N C H UPTOW N BRANCH E A ST P O R T L A N D B R A N C H HAW THO RNE BO U LEVARD BRANCH L IV E S T O C K K E N T O N B R A N C H M O N T A V IL L A B R A N C H ROSE C IT Y B R A N C H SO U TH EAST PO R T L A N D B R A N C H U N IO N A N D R U S S E L L B R A N C H ____________ B R A N C H E S O U T OF PO R T L A N D Neither cold, wet, wintry weather, nor any stormy day can keep you from getting clothes clean and dry easily, when you use automatic home laundry equipment. Pick any day of the week as wash day, and the clothes dryer does away with the labor and trouble of hanging clothes on the line. 'f you already have an automatic washer and ironer, you know how much time and effort they save. The addition of an automatic dryer will make wash day that much easier and faster. Clothes can be dried to any degree desired . . . from damp dry to bone dry. If you've never enjoyed the benefits of any automatic laundry equipment, start today. Ask your dealer to demonstrate automatic washers, dryers and ironers. There are many fine makes from which to f / / i / / / choose, and they cost so little to operate at Idaho ^ d / ' ^ ' P e e r 's electric rates, which are among the lowest in the nation. A LB A N Y BRANCH ASH LAN D BRANCH A S T O R IA B R A N C H BEND BRANCH C E N T R A L P O IN T B R A N C H CONDON BRANCH COOS BA Y B R A N C H C O Q U IL L E B R A N C H E N T E R P R IS E B R A N C H F O S S IL B R A N C H G R A N T S PASS B R A N C H G RESH AM BRAN CH HEPPNER BR A N C H H IL L S B O R O B R A N C H H O O D R IV E R B R A N C H K L A M A T H FALLS, M A I N B R A N C H S O U T H S IX T H S T R F ET B R A N C H LA G RAN D E B R A N C H L A K E V IE W B R A N C H MEDFORD BRAN CH M E R R IL L B R A N C H M O LALLA BRANCH NEW BERG BRAN CH NORTH BEND BRAN C H NYSSA BRANCH O A K R ID G E B R A N C H O R E G O N C IT Y B R A N C H PENDLETO N B R A N C H SALEM BRANCH SH ERM AN COUNTY BRANCH STAYTO N BRANCH THE DALLES B R A N C H T IL L A M O O K B R A N C H U N IO N B R A N C H W OODBURN BRANCH OTHER B A N K S IN TH E FIR ST N A T IO N A L GROUP When you install major appliance* make sure your home has enough circuits, outlets, the right size wire and fuses. Electricity can work better for you through Adequate Wiring. I D ¿yirA/cril/ A H O Dots So V MUOfCoets P O So W UTTLE! ER C arfton State and Sa v in gs B a n k Benton C ounty State B a n k 'C o rv a llis ) Philom ath Branch P h ilo m o th i The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f C otta ge Grove The First N o tio n a l B a n k of Eugene The First N a tio n a l B a nk of Forest Grove T he First N a tio n a l B a n k of Lebanon M o n ro e State Ba nk M oreland-Sellw oo d B a nk 'P o rtla n d * The First N a tio n a l B a n k o f P nn eville Scio State Bank C la tsop C ounty B a n k 'S e o t id e l C oolidge and M c C la in « (Silverton) Ba nk of Sweet Hom e Y a m hill State B a n k Only C a sh in va ult a n d in Federal Reserve B a n k ............................. Due from B a n k s ....................................................... .............. T otal C a s h ............................................................ U nited States G ov e rn m e n t O b lig a t io n s , Direct a n d Fully G u a r a n t e e d ................................................................ State, C o u n ty a n d M u n ic ip a l B o n d s a n d W a r r a n t s ................. O th e r B o n d s a n d S e c u ritie s................................................... Stock in F edera l Reserve B a n k ................................................ Loans a n d D i s c o u n t s ................................. ............................ A ccrued Interest R e c e iv a b le ................................................... B a n k Prem ises, Furniture a n d Fixtures a n d S a fe D e p o sit V au lts O th e r Real Estate o w n e d ........................................................ C u sto m e rs' L ia b ility o n A ccounts o f Letters o f Credit, A cceptances, a n d E n d o rse d B ills ..................... .. O th e r R e s o u rc e s ........................................................... .. T O T A L R E S O U R C E S . ............................................. C a p ita l . . . * ............................................................. S u r p l u s ........................................... • • • • • • • ............ U n d iv id e d Profits a n d R e se rv e s................................... T otal C a p ita l F u n d s ........................... ... . D e m a n d ........................... .............. • • • • , S a v in g s a n d T im e ......................... ............ L ia b ility for Letters of Credit a n d a s A cceptor En d orse r o r M a k e r of A cceptan ces a n d F o re ign B ills. . . Interest Received in A d v a n c e ......................... ............ Reserve for Interest, T axes, Etc.................. ................ . O th e r L ia b ilit ie s........ ............................................ .. , D E P O S IT S T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S . ................................... In a d d itio n to Its 4 5 b ro n c h o s t h ro u g h o u t O re g o n , 15 o th o r O r o g o n b a n k s arm m mm bmrs of tho First N a t io n a l B a n k G r o u p D E P O S IT S Th« First N a t io n a l B a n k o f P o rtla n d a n d 4 5 Bra nches 15 o th «r O r e g o n b a n k t in th« First N a t io n a l G r o u p . L O A N S A N D D IS C O U N T S Th« First N a t io n a l B a n k o f P o rtla n d a n d 4 5 B ranches 1 5 other O r e g o n b a n k s in the First N a t io n a l G r o u p . TOTAL RESO URCES The First N a t io n a l B a n k o f P ortla n d a n d 4 5 Branc 15 other O r e g o n b a n k s in the First N a t io n a l Gro< First National’s colorful 16-page Annual Report to stock­ holders for the year 1948 is now being printed and will b . available on Jan. 20. You may call for a copy at any bank in the First National Group, or we will be happy to send you on*.