P A G E S IX T H E N V S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A O R E G O N BUENA VISTA HAS children. Mr. and Mr*. Olen FAMILY DINNERS man and alenda and UeUrnd H ofl- O lfts were exchanged. Mr and Mrs. Jam es Stephen, J r Hoff- held a family dinner a t th eir home Mr. and Mrs. Willis B ertram had Ohrtstnu s day. G uests were Mr. BUENA VISTA, Die. 30—M rs| Ed and Mrs. Eugene Stephen, Mr. and Bigelow, H arold B ertrum , Mr. and as their guests C hristm as day, Mr. Mrs. Joe Stephen and family and and Mrs. Glen H urshy an d d au g h ­ Mrs. R obert Blgkrw a n d son of ters of O ntario, Mr and Mrs. C het Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen and South D akota spent the p ast week Sage, Mr. and (Mrs. E. L. Jam ison, children. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and at the Will la B ertrum hom e Mrs. Mrs. Ed Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ Robert Bigelow and Harold B ert-; ert Bigelow a n d Son an d Harold family spent C hristm as eve a t the rum a re sisters an d b ro th er of Bertram . i William O rr home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day had Willis B ertrum . Mr. and Mrs. D elbert Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Leake Topllff a te G ary and Mr. an d Mrs. Alva Good- as th e ir C hristm as d inner guest. C hristm as d in n er a t Mrs. Ethel dell, Jr., a te C hristm as d inner at Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day, Mr; and Ooodell's home near Vale. the Henry Bstrick home n e a r Mur- Mrs. Cecil Florea and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver e n - ! ldlan. , Mr. and Mrs. O rren Moyes and son Mrs. Howard Day and daughters tertained a t a family dinner Christ-1 Mr and Mrs. Edw ard ToplHf ate mas. Ouests were Mr. an d Mrs. Chris: nas d in n er a t the home of spent Sunday at the H. L. Day Loyd C learer an d chklren, Mr. and Mrs Topliff's paren ts. Mr. a n d Mrs. home in Adrian. Mrs. Delbert Cleaver an d Gary Mrs. Lester Cleaver and fam ily, W W. Deffenbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Jam es S tephen. Sr., ate Sunday d inner a t the Loyd daughter. Mr. an d Mrs. La Vem entertained at a C hristm as party cleaver home. Mr. and Mrs Geonte Cleaver and Cleaver, Mr. and Mrs. M agnus Ek- C hristm as eve. Those atten d in g anger and Jerry an d Ben Cleaver. were M r. and Mrs. Fred Stephen Mr. and Mrs. La Vem Cleaver left Mr. and Mrs. S. B. H offm an had and children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Monday for Missouri where they as th eir C hristm as d in n er guests, Stephen and family, Mr. and Mrs. will visit several weeks. Mr and Mrs. Claude Day and fam ­ Jam es Stephen, Jr. and boys and ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim R itchie and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stephen. HOLIDAY VISITORS T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 30, 1948