Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Advertising HATES. Two cents per word for each Issue. Alter one month one cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. For Sale FOR SALE—Extra good two bed- ________ room house with large utility room, F O R S A LE —Or trade: on income fire‘ place' paved street, reasonable property, 14 acres with new mod-|dowli Payment, balance 50 per ern home, all insulated, utility roonth, 4 % ^interest, A L * E — New, two-bedroom room, basement, attached garage, FO ’r/' R n ° S ™ full basement, double located one mile from Nampa, pav- j borne. cd road, school bus, mail and milk Karage, one acre of ground, ex route. land irrigates one way. best 1 cubent location. SHOW N B Y AP- o f condition, ail fenced, priced be- 1 ^O IN T M E N T , low like property. I f you have I of the nicest two-bedroom property to trade give full infor- ! bodies in Nyssa. Full oasemeut, mation In first letter, write owner 1 £urnace, stoker, water softener, gar. age. fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav for appointment. Fred Armstrong, ing ana curbing paid. Shown by Nampa, route 3. HSDlxp appointment. FOR SA LE —Heaters, circulators,1 to travel, willing to study full line I white ranges from surplus stocks to do effective work, good com- I and priced far be vow actual value. ; mission. W rite Wat Ls Seed Co., 24Jttc Ed Case's Furniture Bargain C e n -, Nyssa, Oregon. ter. north o f " Y ’\ Nyssa. 140lfc I W A N T E D — T o buy anything in FOR S A L E —Singer power, com-1 beef or veal. Also custom killed pound feed, goose neck light, new and delivered to Polar Cold Stor age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. l2Ftfc transmission, 4 H. P motor, full complacements, for upholstering, sacks, light leather, auto, tin ts ____________ etc. Ready to plug in and start j _______ LOST—Cattle ______ branded B S on production. F. "L e te " Sackett, On- righ t rlus> wattle on right neex. tarlo, Ore. 16D tfe double bar diamond on right LOST FOR S A LE — 1985 Plymouth fou rn ihlp- notI*y Sylvan Williamson. Rt. 2D4xp door sedan, 3225. six wheels and, 11, Box 158, Vale. tires, four like new, good radio, S T R A Y E D— Lanje white faced anti-freeze in radiator, body fair, steer. Owner may claim after pay upholstering fair, private owner, ing for feed and this advertisement. inquire at veterans housing project Ernest Stephenson, 6 miles west No. 20 or phone 192W. Nyssa. Ore and 4 mile south on Alberta av gon. 9D2xp enue. 25N4xp MISCELLANEOUS FOR SA LE —24 foot Master-Built trailer house, at a substantial sav ing. like new. Has only been pulled M ISCELLANEO US—Septic t a n k s 110 miles. See B ill Lemon, W est and cesspools cleaned. Reasonable ern Stores. 2D tic rates, phone 261-M, collect, Nyssa, Dl64xp FOR SALE—-234 acres, $65 per acre, Oregon. PAGE THREE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1C, 1948 Mrs. Don Orant and daughter. Snake river bridge. Oregon side, Mrs. Annie Gregg, and the Her- 4 mile north annex school. 4 work Your CHRISTMAS T r ^ uhel O regg family. horses, saddle and bridle, 10 short- Will Be Happier Mrs. Fred Mitchell returned horn cajtle, bull caif, 1937 truck. Thursday after spending a week Oliver detract caterpillar, John [ visiting at the home o f her daugh Deere tractor and mower, culti ter, Mrs. Monjon Hanse, at Cald vator, ditcher, rubber tired wagon, | well. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan were grain drill, many other Items of making arrangements to move to machinery. Lunch, terms cash. Ralph Youngblood, owner. Boise the first of this week. Gene Cleaver has been 111 the PUB LIC FARM SAXE— Nine and oast week, suffering from an ab- one half miles south and west of sccessed sinus condition. Ontario, 5 miles west of Cairo Mr. and Mrs. Orover Cooper were Junction and 4 mile north or 74 Sunday dinner guests at the home miles east of Vale and Vi mile at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goodier north. Sale starts at 1 p. m. Lunch served on grounds. Saturday, De- Don't battle holiday tratto« .n Kingman Kolony. i cember 18. 3 horses, 9 cattle, farm Sunday dinner guests at the j machinery. Terms, cash. Harrison Take a carefree ride kaaie Henry H intz home were Mr. and (H arryi Russell, owner; Bert And Go Greyhound for • merry Mrs. Robert D itty and family, erson & Joe Church, auctioneers; holiday adventurel Catherine and M aretta Matson and L. H. Fritts, clerk. Frequent schedule* get you Hillmer Hintz o f Payette. Hillmer there quickly. You can stay Hintz is now employed on a rail longer at f a m i l y reunion*, road repair crew at Council, Idaho. visit with old friends and Many of the Sunset valley farm neighbors, and still profit by M AR R IAG E LICENSES ISSUED ers attended the John Deere pro the inexpensive fare*. Your R oy Sasaki and Ruth Ruriko Greyhound Agent will be glad gram Friday at Nyssa. T h e pro K u;a. both of Rt. 2 Payette. Paul to give you complete travel in gram included lunch and a show Eugene Johnson of Ontario and formation on any holiday trip. at the theatre. Imogene Moore of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Field left CO M PLAIN TS, C IR C U IT CO URT GET AW AY FROM W IN TIRI this Wednesday morning for a Aldula G. M orfltt vs. James B. Leave winter's wrath behind, months vacation in California. Doyle. Recovery on contract. $3.- and enjoy a vacation under They took the northern route, 250. Credit Bureaus Adjustment sunny skiest Let your Grey planning on visiting Mrs. Field's department vs. -Lester J. Tolman, hound Agent help plan yemr son at Berkeley, then continuing et. ux., recovery on account. $346.91. trip. Transportation, h o t e le , an to San D.ego to visit Mrs Credit Bureaus Adjustment depart sightseeing— ell pre-planned ■ Field’s daughter and parents. lor one LO W price. A ik h r ment vs. Leonard E. Browning, et. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D itty were F R E E folders! ux., recovery on account $532.80. honored at a party Wednesday R. P. Ellingson, et. al. vs. Ralph L. GREYHOUND LEADS IN COUKJWtYl evening in their home celebrating Crane, recovery on account, $1,- their seventh wedding anniversary Depot At 470.94. Audrey I. Parkinson vs. Paul Guests were Mr. and M is. Werner C AR L'S DOLL HOUSE A. Parkinson. Divorce. Peutz, Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves, Mrs. Jess Ditty, Junior Ditty, Mrs. !EiaiiiiimB1iniww^-inimii(SlWWin1CiirnlVili]M(5t^li!i’a 5M 515M SM 51t Mary Query and Clarence Dodson A lovely crystal orchard party set was presented to the honored • couple, while the evening was spent risitinu and playing pinochle. At any time you may revise the amount of in Linda Ranson spent the week end in Boise visiting her sister, surance you cany. We will be glad to bring Miss Doris Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. B ill Beck and your coverage up to date. daughters of Pasco, Washington were guests at the home of Ilenry Hintz Tuesday evening. Mrs. Beck is a sister of Henry Hintz. The Becks were enroute to their nomt after spending three weeks In C ali fornia. ^l®intglglSlSlSl51BlSl&lS15lS'eiS15l®lSl{ali9l!£i\i9U?nS>iIPrSl0lSlBlSlSlS)5),iil63,,? Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newgen and two sons left last Monday for their nome at Madras. T h e Newgens spent two -weeks visiting both par ental homes and friends in this (-alley.. NEWS OF RECORD FO R SALE — Hoover deluxe sweep- j 75x116 corner lot on Main street, two pumps, plenty o f water, 130 Miscellaneous—Custom land level leveled, terms. Oscar Pike, phone ing and plowing. Howard Bybee, er, guaranteed, ornate fluorescent | location, 2D3xp Xing avenue. W e have several good lota on 198J. 9D2xp light, quality clothing. Phone 011-R4. 9D2xp Park avenue for sale. FOR SA LE — An excellent selection Miscellaneous— W ill make brief ap B ERN ARD EASTM AN of farms of all sizes Including pearance at your home as Santa Real Estate—-Insurance F O R SALE—One flat rim sink, some unimproved, also small acre Claus anytime near Christmas for Phone 64 (Crane) also mixing faucet with ages. Homes of all kinds, several $1.00. Phone 262 W after 6 P. M. spray attachment. Leonard Huseby.i m D - ------------ — — n02 So Fourth St 9D2xc ^ S A LE -Netted gem potatoes, new yith F H A terms. :o reserve time. 9D2xp 208 90. Fourth St.___________ 9D2xc: 32 per 100, Marlon Chard. 402 N. One acre on Alberta, 4 mile out, me bedroom, modern, full base 16D2xp M ISCELLANEO US—General truck FO R SA LE —Ford truck, '41 b od y1 6th St. ment with two bedrooms, $6,000. mg. John Barnett and Kenneth with new Mercury motor. Has fla t, F A r iw « f o r s h v FOR S A LE —-New home, 2 bed Reece, phone 123-R. U tfc. bed with good four-foot rack, com - * OK hALE plete truck like new, will sell very 1 40 acres extra ^ level land- rooms, fully modem, in good lo M ISCELLAN EO U S— Available now cation. F H A approved, $3,000 reasonable or trade for car. See j good modern basement house, down, balance at $42 monthly. Electrolux cleaners and air puri “B itze” at sugar factory lot, every ] 312,000. fiers. and service. Ed A. A n day at 4 p. m. 9Dlxp 20 acres, close to town. 6 room Ralph O. LawTence, Nyssa Insur- derson. route 3, Welser, Idaho. ince agency. house, old Owyhee water, very Phone 087-J4. 26Jtfc. F O R SALE—Coal range, in good level, fine land, berries, fruit, shade, FOR H A IE — 12-foot Bversman land condition; two burner hot plate, 311,025. leveler, special price. Ekler Hard-1 MEJCELLANEOUS— Prompt and used one month; trailer house, 210tfc1 iree pick-up or your dead, crlppied 40 acres near town, this place wäre oompany. 8x18, not on wheels, for rent or for or sick livestock. Calls received be nas been a dairy farm for several sale. Lieon Leavitt, No. F ifth street. i i J-irs and should really kick out FOR SALE— We have a new supply fore 9 o ciock are picked up by 9D3xp of truck mud flaps, $3 pair. Ed noon. E fficient drivers. Call col he row crops, $10,000. 160 acre stock ranch at John Day Case's Furniture Bargain Center. lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys F O R SA LE —Small modem house, sa 102- W. raano Animal Product* w ith good basement. Priced for Oregon, abundance o f water, FOR SALE— New Westinghouse el Company. 5Jtfc. quick sale. East Third street, H. F. room house, large barn, near town ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom Ledbetter. 9D2xp m the valley, $16,000, terms. Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W M ISC E LLAN E O U S— Need money? 20 acres of the best land under Loans on farms ror refinancing, FO R SALE — Baled straw. 1 mile Owyhee project. Very good im FOR SA LE — Business building. building. Improvements, b u y i n g . north of Owyhee school house. J. provements, $9,000. Main street location, lot size 25x116. Long term, low Interest, see B er B. M ltohell Route 1. 9D2xp 10C0 acre cattle ranch, 90 acres Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance nard Eastman, phone 84. Nyssa.. 22Jtfc. irrigable, 7 room house, handle* agency, Nyssa, phone 53. 3Atfc. FOR SALE—One Westinghouse 150 cattle. roaster, four frionths old. One FOR SALE— Let us measure your M ISCELLANEO US— Duplicate car HOMES Swain motor bike with Wlzzer mot Universal trailer house, Watson windows for Venetian olinds. No and cylinaer lock keys made. Hen- or, like new. E. E. Rotner, one charge for this service or estimates. Dollies, sleeping room for 6, this 250tic. Obtainable In one week. Assorted nemans. mile north and 4 mile west o f is really nice, $2750. colors in steel or aluminum slats. Apple Valley schoolhouse. 9D2xp CUSTO M SLA U G H TE R IN G A home with all the modem con Nyssa Furniture company, phone Stock received Monday. Tuesday, F O R SA LE —Inventory sheets, 9 4 veniences, including automatic coal 149-W. 20Mtfc. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m by 12 inches, Just what you need stoker heat, fine lawn and shade, to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to )2. Attend Training Course— for taking inventory. Nyssa Gate many expensive flowers and shrubs FOR SALE— Electric wiring and N o stock received on Sunday. Sunday school and church lead City Journal. 9D3xp •in rock garden, close In, and only supplies of all kinds at your Wes tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Bros. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery ers of the Nyssa Christian church $8,500. are attending a teachers training FO R SA LE — Monogrammed sta House In Parma, 6 room, close in Appliance Co., phone llb -W 15Jtfc. to Polar locker plant. One mile west a Alberta avenue course being held this week at the tionery, leather goods, napkins, town, $6,500. FOR S A LE — Tile wall coverings, Phone 05R1 Christian church In Ontario. The playing cards. Nyssa Gate City Brand new, large home with oak JAK E FISCHER classes are beirwg conducted by Mrs. Journal. 9!D2xp floors, basement, 2 bedrooms, large chrome table and sink edgings, waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur William Sieske of Eugene, Mrs. living room, large kitchen. $7,000. niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. F O R SALE!—-Model B John Deere Marjorie Mosier and Rev. Emil 4 room house in Green addition, tractor, tractor mower, cultivator Helseth o f Ontario. FO R SALE—Have farms and homes $ 2200 . bars, beet lifter, beet loader, all In As nice a 5 room, medium prlc- for sale. Need more, list with Ken IN L O V IN G M E M O R Y good mechanical condition. D ic k , . . . . . , . 29Jtfc. SU NSET V A L L E Y , Dec. 16—The | 0f our son F lo jjl B yrd who passed W yatt. 4 mile north and 4 mile « 1 h ^ s e as we have had n s long Renstrom. Phone 264-W. east o f Adrian. 16D4xp tlm« hardwood floors, electric dteh- FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper Sunset extension unit m et Wed-1 away ______________________________________waher, shade and lawn and many December 25, 1947. Guaranteed to be washable anc nesday for an all-day meeting at I Miscellaneous— Need money to 1m- other convenlencies. $7,000, terms, non-fading ror three years. Good (he Sunset valley hall. The dem- j We are Sad within our memory, prove your home, build that extra 1 Good building lots from $375 to stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com onstration leaders, Mrs. Grover J Lonely are our hearts today. room, re-roof, siding, Insulation, i $550. pany. 26Jtfc. Cooper and Mrs. Paul E. Bergam, For the one we loved so dearly. weatherstripping, well or a pump. | Taxi business with 2 new cars presented an extensive demonstra Has forever gone away Low rates, long terms, no property j Jn a live-wire town. Owner w ill- tion on the making o f sweet rolls. O ft we think o f him in silence. li«n . Just your name. W rite at ing to give a very good deal for Though no eye may see us weep From the one basic recipe, the __ once for appointment with full quick sale. FOR R E N T —Floor Polisher. P et- leaders showed 10 different ways For we keep our silent weeping E. L. JAM ISO N directions how to reach your home. erson-Newsam Furniture Co. 22Jtfc of shaping the dough into rolls. Until others are asleep. Real Estate and Insurance U. S. Home Improvement, Ontario, Including the art of plaiting. The Father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Phone 276W Oregon 2Dtfc linished products, which included D. C. Byrd and family. buttertwists, fan tans, Butterhorns, cover rolls, butter-horns, bow-knots, snails, orange-cinnamon and date rosette coffee cakes, and -braided rolls, were all enjoyed by the group. The January meeting will be on PU B LIC F A R M SA LE — 1 p. in., the subject of furniture arrange Thursday, December 23, 4 mile S. W. Weiser, first house west of ment. The Pleasant Hour club met Thursday afternoon at the home of the hostess, Mrs. O. P. Counsil. Twelve members were 'present for the Christmas exchange. Refresh Auto Repairing ments were served. The January meeting will be held at the home Reboring, Valve Grind of Mrs. Ed Corfield. PHYSICIANS LODGES David Randolph, who has been ing, Lathe work. Parts visiting his daughter, Mrs. Lew M c Coy, the past month, left Satur SAR AZIN CLINIC 8 T U N Z LUM BER C O M P A N Y and accessories day for Portland to visit his daugh Dr. J. J. Sarazln F O R R E N T — Polish your own ter, Mrs. A. R. Reddekopp. floors. Rent our high-speed pol Dr. K E. Kerby Phone 56-W Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. G regg and two ishing equipment. Easily handled daughters were Sunday dinner Dr. L. W. Scott Project Office, 8 p. m. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. guests at the W illiam Gregg home, 3Atfc. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome Afternoon visitors were Mr. and EXTENSION UNIT HOLDS MEETING FIRE POLICIES CAN BE REVISED See FRANK T. MORGAN AGENCY PLUMBING Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing —Contact— Brower Plumbing Shop NYSSA, OREGON We Guarantee Our Work For One Year Free Estimates—Phone 196-J mmmm For Rent SALE CALENDAR professional And Business Directory E. W. PRUYN ir Nyssa Post No. 79 American Legion L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to V. and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 C. J. Kopp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fry Building O ffice hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Dally except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Gate City Lodge No. 214 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street DENTISTS DR. C. M. TYLE R Wilson Building JEW ELRY STORES Phone 165-J. Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays. 9 6b 12. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE J. R. CU ND ALL Dentist Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — D IAM O ND S W ATCHES Main Street a . Second WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE O fficial Tim e In s p e c t« lor Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREGON Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic N YS SA OREGON W ANTED W ANTED —O ffice g irl in Nyssa. See M el Beck at G n igg Bros, and Butler real estate office. Bybee building. 16Dlxc W A N TE D —-Permanent room and board in private home, young man, phone 110W. 2Dtfc W A N TE D — 80 acres good farm land, prefer good dairy set up. Client will pay cash. Nyssa In surance Agency, Ralph O. Law r ence. Agent. 210tfc W A N T E D — Capable salesman-buy er for Malheur county, must be free Free Pick Up Dead and Worthless Animals DR. J. A. M C FALL Call Collect DR. JOHN EASLY There Is a Phone Near You Nyssa 100 V E T E R IN A R IA N S DR. H A L D. W H ITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Parma 28 Ontario 53 -W e Haul the Day You C all' Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore GIVES YOU THE POWER YOU NEED a n d sa v e s y o u m o n e y , too When you are oil a Ford Tractor, what you like is its power and easy handling . . . how it gets the work done. When you are checking your bills, what you like is how little you pay for gas, oil and repairs. Yes, the Ford Tractor gives you the power you need . . . with economy, too. A ll around the farm . . . on big jobs and little jobs . . . a Ford Tractor and Dearborn Implements give you the right combination. L^t's talk it over! Right for h*ovy jobs >tr 0- ** That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. m NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol lowing warrants will be cancelled and the pay ments thereof will be refused unless said war rants are presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before December 31, 1948. ' »Î * f T r* J ui night 1er light job«, toe GENERAL FUND W AR R A N TS O f Your OPTOM ETRISTS NOTICE! - \ Amount Claimant Hilda L. Tensen Maude Greeley W illiam K eller Robert Newby $3 00 .30 170 618 No. Date Issued 9819 9975 Dec. 7, Dec. 7, Jan. 13. Mar. 13. 111 359 1940 1940 1941 1941 GENERAL ROAD FUND W AR R A N TS Ed Tucker Lawrence Swanson N. A. Campbell 100 3.75 1.58 July 11, 1940 Jan. 3, 1941 Feb 10, 1941 4646 5027 5688 H. S. Sackett, County Clerk. Nyssa, Oregon m m 9HHRRMR G e n u i n e p a rt * a n d expert service on a ll Ford Tractor* and Dear born Farm Equipment, FARM EQUIPMENT Kropp & Son Ontario, Oregon Phone 85 m m gjm If