T H E N YSSA G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L, N YSSA, OREGON PAG E SIX T H U R S D A Y , DECEMBER 16, 1948 ■ji-'ter r CLUB OF ARCADIA ■ jr \ i r * c M T C T iw r HOLDS MEETINUl AR C AD IA, Dec. lo— Lee and H ar old Dali and Oeorge Moeller re turned last weelc from an unsuc cessful elk hunt near Baker Otis / v v e^ v w v w w w w w w N — but insurance policies improve invisibly THAT is one reason why you need a local insurance agent to help you keep “modern” in your various insurance coverage. Policies are improving every year, becoming broader, more liberal. And there are now new combination policies wliich can save you money, plenty. These improvements may be unknown to the general public, but we keep up with them every minute. Bernard Eastm an Bullard, Theo Matherly and V em I when they organized a 4-H Cali Butler left Tftursday for Ukiah to ciuo, w:th Mr. Feik as leader. >unt eik j Mr and Mrs. Clyde Bowers, Mr. The Arcadia Sunshine club met i , nd Mrs Fred SchilUng and M r. at the home o f Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mrs. Jake Oroot am ended a December 3 fur an aU-day meeting ' at the hume of Mr. and a pot luck d.nner Mrs. Cecil „ Mrs. u ,s Jameson Friday eve- HmiGtAM onH Víre ( I an ru n U . i __ Houston and Mrs. Oeorge Hast rung near Nyssa. T h e occasion prepared and demonstrated new marked Mr. Jameson’s birthday methods of cooking vegetables. Mrs j ameson served refreshments They cooked cabbage, red beets and to the group. carrots. Mrs. L. E. Robbins and Mrs. George Coleman made sev eral kinds o f fancy rolls for the NU ACRES FAM ILIES meal. Plans were made for tne HOSTS A T DINNERS Christmas party to be held Decem ber 17 with Mrs. Oeorge Coleman NU-ACRES, Dec 16— Mr. and Mrs. Nell Bowers met with her 4-H F. C. Fry made a business trip sewing club November 11 at the to Payette last week. home of Violet Drydale. T h e 2-B Mrs. O'Neil Holloway of Fruit- group measured and cut out a :and, Mrs. M C. Seuell and Jean print dress each and the 1-A group Blakesley were Poise Christmas made needle cases. An accordian shoppers Saturday. solo was played by Shirley Schill Mr. and Mrs. M erril Wildman ing. The group sang "Booking Over and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wildman, a 4-Leaf Clover." Refreshments who live near Boise, were Sunday were served by M argaret Bates and dinner guests at the home of Mr. Violet Drydale. Th e next meeting and Mrs. W. H. Grasmick. will be held December 28 with Mrs. Sherman Keck and Mrs. Calhrlne Colman. Thomas Evans and Janice were Mr. and Mrs. Don Strive of Friday afternoon guests at the Milton and Freewater visited her home o f Mr. and Mrs. Pamer Ross parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hous of Nampa. ton, and Mr. Strive's sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, Jr. Cecil Houston and fam ily. They and fam ily of Nyssa were Sun left last week for Los Angles, where day afternoon rjuests at the home they expect to find employment. of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Pryon of Sr. Hermiston visited here and at Em Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and mett last week. family were Ontario and Payette Mrs. Ada Butler is having some Christmas shoppers last week. repair work done on her farm F. A. Johnson was a Sunday din house here. ner guest at the home o f Mr. and A group of young people met at Mrs. C. F. Hansen of Nyssa. the Parley Feik home last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Burt of Ort- onville, Michigan are expected to arrive this week to spend the win ter with Mrs. Burt's father, F. A. Johnson. For A Truly Safe Ride Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne have [ been suffering from severe colds Get Astride | this past week. Silas Letts was a Sunday supper j guests at the home of Mr. and “ 250 The ' Mrs. Martin Hansen. Later in the | evening Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Pul- | sipher came in for an oyster fry r as a surprise for Mr. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit were Boise Christmas shoppers Satur- C o m « I n t o d a y a n d to o t h a | day. b e a u tifu lly It r o o m llo o d J A W A Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot of " 2 5 0 " . Y o u 'l l so « f a o t u r a s I Nyssa were Sunday dinner guests at o o v o r b o fo r o o o g ln o o r o d l o t * the nome of Mr. and Mrs. George • m a to r c y c la — t a a t u r a s w h ic h o it u r o tho u tm o st 1« r id i n g Smit. “ BALANCED WEIGHT" MOTORCYCLE • a fo ty , Insurance Real Estate Phone 64 Nvasa, Oregon c o m fo rt, o c o n o m y . Going On Vacation— Mr and Mrs. Andy McGinnis will leave December 22 for a month's Idaho ''acatiom They wi visit relatives < m California, Portland and The Wanted Tommy’» Trading Post Phone 1356K, Caldwell. Nyssa Dealer . .. Dalles. , .. BIG CROWD ATTENDS SALE FOR CHURCH For Protection freshments were served Ronnie ns- timaiMmMMWMM'lfrifrt'rill— ' celved a number o f lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Tltland and AD R IAN , DEC. 16— A large crowd Mr. and Mrs. Estel Tooley attend attended the dinner and auction ed a card party at Parm a Saturday sale at the Presbyterian church evening. Saturday. The proceeds go to the Twins Born T o Nyssa Couple— church building fund. Mr. and Mrs. O len Weeks ir e Mrs. ftay Landou was 111 with In the parents o f twins, a boy and a fluenza Friday and Saturday. Mrs. James McGinnis and Junior girl bom December 8 at the Holy The and Joyce visited In the Harvey Rosary hospital In Ontario. Hatch home In Big Bend Sunday. girl weighed 5 pounds, 3 ounces Howard Hatch, Vernon Parker, and the boy 5 pdhnds, 10 ounces. and Mr. Nelson are elk hunting They have been named Evan and Evelyn. this week. They hold in the heat, keep out the cold and Mrs Bob Brown entertained Mr. are cheaper than glass. and Mrs. F. F. Cummings and Mr. T o Boise— B o L » visitors Saturday were Mrs. and Mrs Olen Brown at dinner Just tack them on ; they will last for years. Houston Wilson, Mrs. Bud Wilson, Sunday Mrs. Dean Aussman was ill Tues Mrs. Lloyd Wilson, Mrs. Grant They can be used for storm doors, windows, Lewis, Mrs. Ed K nettle and Mrs. day and Wednesday. porch enclosers, poultry houses, hog houses and Mrs. Don Cates visited Mr. and Jesse Rigney. Mrs. Dean Aussman Sunday. barn windows Mrs. Jess Norris was a Boise vis itor Monday. Mrs. Glenn Brown, Mrs. Bob Brown and Mrs. Jess Nofris vis ited in Caldwell Tuesday afternoon Screen Glass Wyr-O-Glass Plastiglass M rs Glenn Brown and Mrs. Bob Brown were Boise visitors Glass-O-Net Flex-O-Glass rhursday. Mrs. Bob McCullough accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter to Boise Saturday. Several Adrian residents attend ed the funeral for Bert Roberts at Roswell Thursday. Mrs. Dave Mathews has been ill “ Your General Paint Store” at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Mathews. Wilder defeated the Adrian high school basketball team Friday eve ning. A large crowd attended the wed ding reception and dance at the Legion hall Friday evening in hon or of Mr. and Mrs. "R ed” Weels. James McGinnis,, Richard Holly and B ill W illis are working In On • Yes, once you consider that we, as a factory-appointed tario this week for Bill McEwen. FROM ALL WEATHER—USE W a r p s W in d o w M a t e r ia ls . . . DR. G.W. GRAVES We have all types of Warp* window Material»: Optometrist Eye» Examined Phone 720 718 Arthur St. Caldwell, Idaho STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY ¿ / / ¿ e/ * " JA M ISO N LEVELS CONSIDERABLE LAND BEU NA V ESTA, Dec. 16—Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver were in Boise Friday. Mrs. Jennie Goodell and Mr. and Mrs. James Washburn and child- ten of Caldwell were dinner guests at the Leslie T o p liff home Sunday. E. L. Jamison is having consider able land leveled. A lva Goodell had hay chopped the past week. Mrs. James Stephin, Jr. enter tained at a birthday party for her I son, Ronnie on his 8th birthday I Twenty little guests attended. Re- /% /#£ //‘C .. Ford dealer, have a reputation to maintain you realize that you can buy a used car here with complete confi dence. • • • Herri man Mo 1 r> r WHO'S HERE Motor in a MANSER MOBILE Come in—look around—we would like to have you. Compare these with any in the valley: WEEK-END SPE CIA L 1946 Ford Tudor, Good Heater, 24,000 mile». $ 1 375 1946 Ford tudor, equipped with heater. Light grey, super deluxe $1675 1946 Ford fordor, heater and seat covers, light gray, good rubber to take you many miles $1745 1947 Chevy Coupe, five passenger. Just like new, all the accessories $2245 1941 Chevy pick-up, ton, 8 ply tires $1245 1941 Chevy tudor in that popular medium green shade, clean as a button inside and outside, heater $1245 1942 Chevy fordor special deluxe, a tutone green job equipped with heater and seat covers $1345 1941 Medium gray DeSoto fordor sedan, radio, heat er and seat covers. This is a steal at $lt)45 1941 Pontiac 8, five-passenger coupe, comes in dark blue with heater and seat covers, Rarin’ to go at $1295 1940 Plymouth four-door sedan, with heater, white sidewall rims, just had my face lifted to a dark tan $1045 1940 W illys fordor sedan, equipped with heater, new red paint job $750 1947 International pick-up, n4 ton $1665 1946 Ford ton pick-up, four-speed transmission, 80r< rubber, dark green $1676 1939 Ford pick-up, light blue, excellent rubber, three speed transmission $750 1938 ton G. M. C. pick-up 95% rubber $675 1941 Ford truck, 1% ton capacity, excellent shape all around, beat this price $795 1942 1 1/> ton Chevrolet truck, flat bed $895 1947 T w o ton Studebaker truck, two-speed with radio and heater, see this before you buy $1575 1939 Ford tudor with heater, seat covers, excellent tires, all I need is a driver $850 1948 Ford panel, heater, 13,000 miles, new car guarantee, oversize rear tires $1800 O lder models to choose from, also, ranging in price from $75 to $175. Come in and get a aquare deal from “Smithy”. Most o f these carry a guarantee. H a n s e r , I n c . Phone 49 Payette, Idaho I PRESTO-LOGS! Reddy Kilowatt makes a wonderful Santa Claus this year because there is a larger supply of the electric appliances for which your family has waited. Yea, for a cheerful Christina» season, enjoy the convenience of Presto-logs, the clean, efficient, economical fuel. A Pres to-log is a solid fuel which burns evenly, providing intense heat with little smoke or ash. Truly the ideal Yule Log. There are thrills galore awaiting the whole family on Christmas morning when they open their gifts and find just the appliance they've wanted— perhaps a toaster, a radio, an electric comforter or one of a hundred different and marvelous appliances that works wonders through electricity. A FINE GIFT FOR FAMILY FRIENDS Make your shopping list today from the partial list of suggestions below. Then see your electrical dealer's com plete selection. Surprise friends on Christmas Eve with a package of Pres-to-Logs for theit iireplace. MAKE THIS AN ELECTRICAL CHRISTMAS Buy Now . . . W hile They're Easy to G E T at . . . ‘7La& Toaster* Roasters Cotte# maker* Mixer* Ranges Dish washers Vacuum cleaners Waffle irons am m ^EnzET- O. L. G A L L O W A Y . M Sr.. N yu a IDAH O Ù ecP uciûj Floor lamps Boudoir lamps Washing machines Cart)age disposers Table lamps Heat lamp* Hobby tools Home shop tools Y Ironers Water heaters Electric blankets comforters, sheet* Heating pads Radios Oryers Space heaters POWER Does So MUCH-Gort* So UT T LE I