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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER j6,JL94S DEFEATS a thorough study to be made of this problem WILDER ugly head of communism. ADRIAN 50 TO 38 of indigent farm labor and it would seem to us Education is the best method of attack. that our local Malheur County Farm Labor Wilder high school defeated the Perhaps communism will have to run its course. Adrian basketball team last Fri Sponsoring association might well undertake PubUaher W hen the people of the world want communism KLASS V. POWFI.L day night on the Wilder floor by the job. stopped, they will stop it. Over a period of a score of 50 to 38. Broadening of the social security laws to years, people have the type of government they aLB SC U IPTIO N EATBH Ai> V ESTI SING K IT aH The inexperienced Adrian five cover migratory laborers may not be the ans aid not have much chance, trail want or tolerate. $2.00 Open rate, per inch_____ *Se One Year............. au Months . . ........._...... $1.25 N ational, per inch.-.............40c 24 to 12 wer, but certainly it should be given every con in at g the 9 to half 6 at and the 39 quarter, .06 Classifieds, per w ord..... ... *c Ringle Copies___ to 25 at three- MIGRATORY FARM LABOR PROBLEM sideration by employers of farm labor and it Minimum ...30c • S trictly In Advance! MADHEUR EN TER PR ISE quarter time. should get formal endorsement unless a better Adrian players were Holly 18, method of solving the problem is found. Efers 2, Klingback 4, Schiemer 2, Published every TtfUrsday at Nyssa, Malheu- County. Oregon Taxpayers in Malheur county as well as in Entered at the postoffice» at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Stoker, Witty, Nelson 4 and 8tev- other agricultural communities will do well to U trough the United States lx alls, as second class matter, undet __ enson 8. take a keen interest in proposals that the nat the ac. ol March 3. 1879 MOTHERS ENTERTAINED I ional social security act be broadened to include FURNITURE mothers of the pupils of the farm workers. The welfare of farm laborers, fifth The grade were guests of the SAFETY SLOGAN- particularly migratory farm laborers, is vital to teachers and room mothers of the Upholstering “Don’t Let Death Take Your Holiday” Rebuilding Refinishing Nyssa school last Friday afternoon us all. library. Hos Few have forgotten the welfare problems In tesses the for grade the school Expert Workmanship Satisfaction Assured POURING OUT MORE MONEY tea were three created prior to the war when large numbers of fifth grade teachers; Mrs. the Lane, ONTARIO, RAY DOWELL, PHONE 699J migratory laborers and their families were left Miss Voigt and Mrs. McKinney, and Uncle Sam, meaning you and I, continues stranded* wherever their last seasonal job ran the room mothers, Mrs. Ralph to have ample invitations to take “advantage” NYSSA, INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE out. The problem was particularly acute here Lawrence, Mrs. R. W. Bolitho, Mrs. of the opportunity to pour his money down the Wemick, Mrs. R. G. Sager, because of our late harvest season which gen C. Mrs. A. John CO., PHONE 170W rat holes of Asia and Europe. erally saw a great number of families without rol Tucker. Yingling and Mrs. Car means swelling the public relief rolls in Nov Madame Chiang Kai-Shek is now in the ember and December. The problem which United States trying to get more financial aid once was critical diminished during the war for one of the most corrupt and incompetent years beause of the great demand for labor governments of modern times. Ch*ang has everywhere and at all seasons of the year. been fighting Chinese war lords and com Although national employment figures are still munists for many years, all without beneficial high, locally the labor demand has eased con- effect on China, and is now in the worst pos sidertbly with the result that welfare author ition of his career. Yet, he and his wife are ities are worried about the future. asking for more help, which, press dispatches Dorothy Burgher, director of public wel indicate, may be denied. fare in Malheur county, has reported a marked Howard Bruce, acting administrator of the increase in relief requirements for unemployed economic co-operation administration, reported seasonal workers this year. The early end of this week that certain Europeans were buying agricultural work this fall resulted in some 20 American metal with Marshall plan dollars and new applications for general assistance in Nov re-selling it to Americans for scrap metal at a ember. Last week closure of the Nyssa farm tidy profit. Certain English elements denied labor camp resulted in an acute housing prob any had faith on the part of the government, lem for 13 indigent Mexican families. Al but the United States is withholding further though $3,750 is budgeted for general assist metal shipments to Europe until the situation ance 'in December, Mrs. Burgher estimates at is investigated. It would not be the first time least another thousand dollars will be required. this country’s generosity had been abused. Malheur county’s direct share in this budget is The money spent in Asia and Europe dur 30 per cent; 70 per cent comes from state funds. ing the war and since has been spent some The problem is small now compared to what for a selfish purpose, checking commun what it may become in later years when labor Only Evans has all these exclusive Tube. See these today! Evans at ism, which we feel is inimical to our way of life. (lemands diminish even further and when local features. Low Horizontal Heat these close out prices is the best Assuming that we do rid the world of taxpayers are less able to foot the bills. Chamber, Evans Horizontal Burn- Oil Heater buy in America today! communism, what are we going to do with it? We suggest that now is none too soon for er, and Separate Burner Lighting Quality and Value Plus! We can’t forever police the world to whack the CHRISTMAS PLANS 1 to 2 Room Heater, Reg. $59.95, N o w ............ 9 1.'S.®© FOR GROUPS SHOWN 2 to 3 Room Heater, Reg. $79.95, N o w ............. ®59.®."S PAGE TWO ihe Gate City Journal E d it o r and EVANS OIL HEATERS (Continued from Page I) at 8 p. m. the Nyssa Catholic j church will have a special Christ mas program for the children. The Christmas midnight mass will oe held on Christmas eve. At the Nazarene church the Sun day school will present a Christ mas program on Sunday the 19th. On Wednesday evening., the young people will present a cantata di rected by Mrs. Burnlce Gibson and EeRoy Seward. During the week Christmas pro grams will be held at some of the local churches. The Assembly of God with Rev. Sterl Splesa as pastor will have a Sunday School Christmas program Thursday even ing at 8 o’clock. The 2nd Ward Relief Society of the L. D. S. church will have a program and gift exchange at the church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. On Wednesday at 8 p. m. ihe M. I. A. of the 2nd ward will have a program and social at the church. On Sunday morning there will be a Christmas program af 11:30. The St. Paul's Episcopal churcl will have a program for the Sun day school Thursday. December 23 at 7:30 p. m. at which time there will be a visit from Santa Claus, and Christmas treats. Following the program there will be a social hour for everyone. The Christ mas service at the church will be held December 26 at the parish hall. The 1st Ward of the 1*. D. S. church will have a Christmas pro gram Thursday, the 23 at 7 p. m. at the church. There will be a vtflt from Santa and social time for the primary and Sunday school. Various church young people's groups are planning young people s caroling parties for the coming week. "My Christmas Scrapbook" is the theme for this year's upper grade school program, which will be given Tuesday evening, December 21 at 8 p. m. The 5th grade will pre sent "Childhood Memories", with the following presentations, "Dec orating the Tree ", "The Night Be fore Christmas" and 'Santa and the Reindeer". The 6th grade will give "Treas ured Christmas Cards" showing “Carolers", Bells", Candles and "Angels”. The 7th and 8th grades will pre sent the nativity scenes portray ing the "Shepherds", "The Wtse- Men" and "The Birth of Christ", Mrs. Lane is chairman of the program committee, with Mrs. Schweizer, Mrs. Nolan and Mr. Weatherspoon assisting. The dec oration committee consists of Mrs. Rigney, chairman. Miss Voigt and Mr Newman. On Friday evening, December 17 at the gymnasium the Junior high school will hold Its annual Christ mas party and dance. 3 to 4 Room Heater, Reg. $129.95, N o w ............ $97*5® WHILE T H E Y L AST! Ostrom Brothers Appliance Co. Phone 118W Nyssa, Oregon For The Convenience Of our Customers 51^giSl51SlBiai?i31SMi^l^i^i^i5Tnl5igisigEigMgigii5ig-.^i5iioii5 iggl9HHl€19f Our Stores Will Remain Open Until 8:00 P. M. * Decem ber 21, 22 and 23 JACKSON JEWELRY WESTERN AUTO HENNEMAN HDWE. EDER HDWE. BRACKENS MARSHALL-WELLS WILSON BROS DRY GOODS GOLDEN RULE PAULUS JEWELRY FIELDS DRESS SHOP