Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9t 1948 The ( held temporarily In the gymnasium i Nyssa Bulldogs were the recipients ! among the three clashes. of two sound trounclngs from a i Nyssa Bulldogs won from a favor- | until the basement of our new smooth La Orande team 53-32 and ed Parma quintet 32-28, while the sanctuary Is completed. 6:30 p. m. The two Christian 49 to 20. The Vale Vikings showed i Weiser Wolverines dumped the New ________ i Fruitland 30: Parma 40 and Payette unusual early-season form in drop Plymouth Pilgrim s 33-18 and the Endeavor groups w ill meet In the! homes. Phone the parsonage for The Emmett Huskies maintained 29. and New Plym outh 45 and ping two tilts to Union 38 to 77 Vale Vikings romped on Fruitland the place if you miss the morning their strong early-season bid for Marsing 23. 43-22. The Ontario Tigers Journ and to Baker 24 to 22 and upset service. The Nyssa B squad defeated the the Snake river valley basketball ting the dope bucket by edging eyed to Baker Friday, December Emmett B's 37 to 20. 8 p. m „ evening vespers and 10 and gave the Baker Bulldogs a title by defeating the Ny&sa Bull Caldwell 37 to 32. Bv Dennis W. Patch message “ Wonderful Counsellor” at full evening. In a good ball game Conference play got under way dogs Tuesday night on the Emmett The Emmett Huskies, the Vale the Tkjers ended the regular play th ^ J . C. Smith home. Vikings and the Ontario Tigers December 7 with two contests. The floor by a score o f 39 to 26. ing time In a dead heat with the 1948 S. R. V. Champion Emmett L. D. S. CHURCH The Bulldogs looked better than loomed as the teams most likely Bulldogs 34-34, but In the overtime First Ward in their previous games this year, to make a strong bid for the S Huskies took tjieir opening con period the Baker quintet won the ference win against an unexper Dean Fife, Bishop especially showing more fight. The R. V. crown in the Initial two game 41-37. The Baker team easily ienced Payette team 36 to 20 while Sunday, 9 a. m.. Sunday school scoring was well scattered among weeks o f the 1948-49 basketball he Ontario Tigers Journeyed to trounced the Nyssa Bulldogs 38-26 Sunday, 10:30 a. m. priesthood the players, with Hunter leading season. Saturday night. Parma and hung up a 44 to 33 vic meeting. Non-conferen-e warm-up clashes with 7 points. tory over the Panthers. Sunday, 6:30 p. m , sacrament Nyssa will play at Fruitland F ri largely dominated the opening week In December 10 clashes the re or fast meeting. T h e strong day of this week and at Vale Tues of the new season. Tuesday, 2 p. m.. R elief society day of next week in the last two Ontario Tigers swamping a visit mainder of the S. R. V. teams also meeting. games before the Christmas va ing Huntington quintet 44-16. The saw action with only one upset Tuesday, 4 p. m., primary meet ing. T H E CHURCH OF THE Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., geneologtcal NAZAREN E meeting 10 a. m., Sunday school, part Thursday, 7:30 p. m.. Mutual of the S. S. time will be given to Improvement association meeting. the chidren and all of the preach- Sunday, 5:30 p. m.. ward welfare ng time for their Christmas pro meeting. (First and third Sundays) tram. \ O t t f f u l 7:15 p. m., young people, teen- CHURCH OF JESUS C H R fS T ige and junior services. OF 8 p. m., Rev. J. A. McNatt. our L A T T E R D A Y S A IN T S ** /■ri'fV KMUUTIt COZY W ARM TH district superintendent, will be SECOND W A R D preaching for us. W IT H O U T W E IG H T (Mormon) Wednesday, December 22 the Arvel Child, Bishop younti people will be giving their Sunday, 11:30, sunaay scnool. Christmas program. 10:30, Priesthood meeting. Sunday. 8 p.m., Sacrament d e TH E M E TH O D IST C O M M U N ITY vices. Wednesday, 2 p.m., R elief society CHURCH Wednesday, 4 p.m., Primary 9:45 a. m., church school. Wednesday, 7'30 p.m., Mutua 11 a. m„ morning worship. Christ mas service. Sermon: "The Et Improvement ernal Drama’. Anthem: "The Birth- SEVENTH D AY A D V E N TIS T lay of a K in g ” by Neidlinger. CHURCH 4:30 p. m.. vesper service. The Naomi Buchert, Superintendent choir and church school will co American Legion Hall operate in this service of music Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. and readings. Music includes: "A - Preacnmg service, 11 a. m. dore and Be S till” and "O Holy In Evangelist Hugh Cowles N igh t” . charge of service. 7 p. m., Youth fellowship. Enjoy the bent in »leeping comfort. Buy a 8 p. m., there will be no even- General Electric Automatic Blanket, and A V A IL A B L E IN THREE M O D E L S : Sunset Valley ‘ ng service. discover a new world of coay sleeping Community Ilall Twin-bad Ona-control _ warmth, automatically maintained - night A. R. Herring, Pastor M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH 66 by 86 inches after night — at the Jtoatright temperuture 10 a. m., Sunday school. Sunday school. 10 a. m. , you personally select. 11 a. m „ Christmas program. Morning service, 11 a. m. $39.95 There’s a G-E Automatic Blanket for the Young People, B. Y. P. U., 7 p. m. Tree and treats for all. You are bed you sleep in. Chooao from .three models Evening service, 8 p. m. invited to attend our Christmas Double-bed One-control and four lovely colors. Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. m. program. 72 by 86 Inches Don’t wait! Make sure that this winter Visistlng pastors supply. you'll sleep undisturbed . . . no more shiver ASSEM BLY OF GOD $41.95 ing nights . . . no more piling on extra C A T H O L IC CHURCH Sterl D. Splesz, Pastor Park Avenue and Third Street blankets, duping all the normal changes in Sunday school, 10 a. m. Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor room temperature. Double-bed Two-control Worship service, 11 a. m. The time o f mass has been Evangelistic meeting, 8 p. m. 72 by 86 Inches The Automatic Blanket is carefully hanged to the winter schedule, Tuesday, Prayer and Bible study, made to meet rigid General Electric beginning September 12, It will be 8 p. m. ^ * $52.95 safety standards, and is approved by at 9:30 a. m. Friday, Young People, 8 p. m. cation. Huskies Defeat | Other Tuesday night scores in valley were as follows: WeLser Bulldogs 39-26 23 (he and Vale 49: Ontario 31 and I Church Notes sleeping «¡M Yours with the General Electric Automatic Blanket! Underwriters' laboratories, Inc. It is certified washable by the American Institute of Laundering, » Colors: ROSE • BLUE • GREEN • CEDAR Henneman Hardware Company F A IT H tlT T H E R A N CHURCH W e are still meeting on Sunday to hold services In the absence of a pastor. Rev. Elmore F. Carlson of T rin ity Lutheran church, N am pa will b<t here until the vacancy Is filled. Sunday school Is held at 2 p. m. and church services at 3 p. m. I f it is necessary to contact Rev. Cation please write to Box 270, Nampa, Idaho or call 908-J. CHURCH OF C H R IS T Don R. Maxfleld, Pastor 10 a. m. church school hour and special Christmas program by the primary department under the di rection of Mrs. Roy Barnes. A benevolent offering for the Bever- ton home for the aged w ill be taken. 11 a. m., worship service and communion. Message o f the morn ing will be "The Prince o f Peace.” Our . morning services are being W e welcome and urge you to at tend these services. ST. P A U L ’S E PIS C O PAL CHURCH Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. Morning prayer, 9 a. m. Holy communion, First Sundaj Evening prayer, 2nd Sunday each N o morning service on zna Sun- month, 4 p. m. day. T o contact minister, call 40S-J, Ontario for appointment. SUNSET V A L L E Y ASSE M B LY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson. Pastor Sunday school. 10 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. Young people's meeting, 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Bible study, Wednesday, 8 p. rr. SO FRESH so FiAVORFUi PUC Plates To Be Re-used— Ed Conway, field auditor of the public utilities commissioner of Oregon, announced this week that ihe present issue of P. U. C. plates, oeing white figures and letters on Slue background and issued the year 1948, will be valid through the year 1949 and thereafter re placed by new issue of plates. Con way said "D o not under any cir cumstances destroy your plates on January 1 of 1949, but retain them in use provided the vehicle for which they are issued is still in ¿ervice. The 1946-47 plates have oeen voided and- these carriers who have these plates should contact rhe P. U. C. office at Ontario. Leaves Hospital— Miss Forrestine Wilson, who un derwent an appendectomy last week at the Holy Rosary hospital, is convalescing a t the W. W. Foster home. Visits Parents— Miss Frances Foster arrive^ at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs W. W. Foster this week and will spend the Christmas vacation here. To Hold Christmas Party— T h e Rebekah annual Christmas party will be held Friday evening, December 17, at 7 p. m. The hus- oands will be special guests at the party, which will be opened with a pot-luck dinner. RESH I BREAD To Boise— Mrs. Eddie Powell, Mrs. Herman Towne, Mrs. Marco Murolo and Tom Morris were in Boise Satur day to attend the exhibit of Mr. Murolo’s paintings at the art museum. Drive Your car in and put it in the hands of our expert mechanics. They’ll make a thorough in spection, replace worn or broken parts and make the delicate adjustments which mean so much to auto performance. T ow ne s G arage MIKE A N D IKE A R E R E A L L Y A T T R A C T /N G A T T E N T IO N A T O U R S T O R E / Lot» of folk» have come in to »ee our pig-growing race. Ike. the imallert pig now, U eating grain alone . . . Mike - a Purine balanced ration. Folka are amated to see the difference in growth that Purine meke»! And the coat ia lest per pound of gain, tool WHEREVER BREAD IS USED ...IT MEETS EVERY TEST OffINE BREAD! _ ■ ■ Came ia and see hew they're GROWING! . IK E In 42 Days Ate 132 lbs. of Grain. In 42 Days Ate 177 lbs. O f Grain He Received No Hog Chow. Plus 36 lbs. O f Hog Chow. H e G a in e d 2 9 P o u n d s UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ^ /Tie S/zea+tt/i+U'Zj MI K E H e G a in e d 7 5 P o u n d s 132 X $3.25 cwt. is $4.29. 177 X $3.25 cwt. is $5.75 $4.29 Divided by 29 Is $ .14. 36 X $6.65 cwt. is $2.39. You W ill See W h y It Is Cheaper $5.75 Plus $2.39 is $8.14. To Buy Hog Chow. $8.14 Divided by 75 is $ .11. Ike cost 14c fo r a M ik e cost lie for a p ound o f gain p ound of gain Tobl er Feed €r Fuel W .W W m Vm W m V.W .W .V.V.W V BREAD IS AT ITS BEST W H E N (iilvtfl 1 ,tCl FRESH