Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1948)
«, > P A G E FIVE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO URNAL, NYSSA, OREGON TH U R SD AY, DECEM BER 2, 1948 Uanrh BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD ON COLUMBIA Mr3 this winter. scripture readings. madean Taylor, president: Dorothy Mrs. Norman Hipp and family. IfClnney gave Dick Qro<* and Mrs. Mar- Spirits, secretary, and Joan M a th - Mrs. Anna Dali, who has been1 Mr. and Mrs. George M oller and _ ,J°rie Fields of Jasper, Minnesota erly. JaretU MoeUer, Annette vlsiting her children tlie past family visited in the home o f Mr. C O LU M BIA AVE., Dec 2 -M r . and galled on Mrs. Oram Rinehart and Stradley. Margaret Bates Violet month moved back to her home ant* Mrs- R ^ K rln er near the Malheur Butte and in the Paul Mrs. Pete Tensen entertained Sun-|-,Irs' Dlck Tcnsen of Nyssa Tues- J ______ , . . day afternoon |Drydale, Maryln Tytle, and Cath- this week. Moeller home Thanksgiving day d. a-ernoon in observance of the M ri L R Fields vUlted Mrs rttl* The next meeting Friends charivorled Mr. and Mrs. Several o f the farmers are doing birthday anniversary o f Mrs. T e n - j John Murray at Caldwell Monday wiU * * held December U at the Jask Zittercob Wednesday evening, their fall plowing. ..... » - - and d - afternoon. i . -------- * , home of Cathrlne Coleman on Gem The Couple were married recently Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard ana sen. Dinner guests were ~ » Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Moeller vis- Anna Dali visited in the V em Mrs. John Broad, Mr. and Mrs. C.l Mrs- L - R- Fields and small son, 'avenue. Ited In the John McKinney home Ruther and Kenneth Vanderpooi M. Tensen and N eil and Carolyn. 5?“ ^ ' of .'J“ per' Minnesota arrived Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley en- in Boise one day last week.' homes In the Kingm an K olon j Mr and Mrs. Klass Tensen, Mr. *° spend thanks- tertatned at Thanksgiving dinner Stanley Nelson o f Notus and Sunday. -mi Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. L. \irs Dies Groot parents’ Mr' and ior Mr an<l Mrs. Walter S t r a d le y Shirley _____ _ __ Caldwell had ^ A ttig of Mr. and _________ Mrs. Olln L ay and Giles R Fields and Dick o f Jasper, M in - ; ‘ Bo se visitor, ¿atnrriav w and Mrs William Stradley of Big rharge of the service after Sun- Lay returned last week from a “ ... . “ ---- 1 "7 day scnooi school ou Sunday JoretU ivioeuer Moeller trip trip" to Canada and and Washington. 'John Broad and Mrs Rnv»i vs . m . ' 2 * aay noty. ooreiui Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen of. Kincs Tensen was an F ™ er 61111 iam lly of New Plym - ,-ave a recitation Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and Nyssa entertained at a fam ily din- ..¡.itor F n d av Ontario outh. | Prayer". W ilm a Bullard gave a ,-irls had dinner Thanksgiving day ner Thanksgiving. Places were laid ' Mr and Mrs °f 3pent Thanksgiving flannel board lesson with Mr. and Mrs. Bab McKinney for 14. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ber- -hopped in Ontario hecuw ^ the week-end here with his sister, and Betty Bullard and W illie Me- Jimmy Cook, who was dlscharg- anek were among the guests. Mr. and Mrs. L. Davidson of Mr. and Mrs. G rant Rinehart of Parma were hosts at dinner Nyssa entertained at their home Thanksgiving for Mr. and Mrs. C. Monday evening at dinner honor Muntjiwerf of Big Bend and Mr. ing her cousin, Mrs. M arjorie R. md Mrs. Gerrit Stam. Visitors in Fields o f Jasper, Minnesota. Other .he evening were Mr. and Mrs. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jake Groot of Arcadia. Groot, Mrs. Judd and Mrs. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen enter Tensen. tained at Thanksgiving dinner for Fred Levy is feeding cattle on the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. the feed lots at the Pete Tensen John Broad, Mr. and Mrs. Klass Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. Loyal Fields and sun of Your CHRISTMAS Trip Jasper, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot were Will Be Happier Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerret Groot of Apple valley. ! COME IN AND SEE YOUR NEW MAYTAG ed recently from the army Is vis- | and Mrs. Dave M itchell left Sunday Iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Ion a trip that will take them from A. V. Cook at Arcadia. S in Diego, California to Florida. ¡They plan to be gone several weeks. Cub Leaders to Meet— The Cub Scout leaders have call ed a meeting of all dgn mothers $10 R E W A R D and dads, and cub committeeman for Friday e v e n ly at 8 p. m. at will he given to anyone who fur the city hall. nishes us with the name of a lurchaer of our new Siding» To Imbler— Hoofing, Insulation or Weather M r and Mrs. R. V. Wilson re-1 Stripping. turned to Nyssa Sunday from Write or Contact: Imbler, where they spent Thanks giving with Mr. Wilson's parents. D. A LB IN Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wilson. 633 North lat Street. W. Leave On Trip— Mr. and Mrs. Ira Comprehensive Blanket For Protection FROM A L L W E A T H E R — USE Farmer’s Personal Warps Window Materials . . . Liability Insurance ROAD IS GRAVELED IN ARCADIA AREA ARCADIA, Dec. 2—The road has been graveled on Imperial avenue to the high line ditch and the ous can be driven to the end of .he road for the children. The Arcadia Sunshine club will nold its Christmas party December 17 at the home of Mrs. George Don't battle holiday traffic Coleman on Gem avenue. Take a carefree ride home Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hipp and family spent Thanksgiving day in Baker with Mrs. Hipp’s sister and Go Greyhound for a merry holiday adventure! family. Dinner guests at the home of Frequent schedules get you Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard Thanks there quickly. You can stay lon ger at f a m ily reunions, giving day were Mr. and Mrs visit with old friends and Theo Matherly and Joan, Mrs. neighbors, and still profit by Anna Dail and Harold Dail. the inexpensive fares. Your Alice Warner, who is attending Greyhound Agent will be glad Normal school at Ashland, Oregon to give you complete travel in spent the holiday week-end here formation on any .holiday trip. with h»r parents, Mr. and Mrs. a ils Warner. She returned to GET AW AY FROM WINTERI Ashland Sunday. Leave winter's wrath behind, The Arcadia styashine club will and enjoy a vacation under meet at the home of Mrs. Otis sunny skies! Let your Grey Bullard, December 3, for an all-day hound Agent help plan your eetinr. instead at the home of trip. Transportation, h o te ls , sightseeing— all pre-planned— Vorn-a Jameson. for one LO W price. Ask tor Nell Bowers met with her 4-H F R E E folders! sewing class November 27 at the I home of Margaret Bates on Al- GREYHOUND LEADS IN COURTESY/ I berta avenue. New members in I first year are Irene Taylor, Shirley Depot A t n ii__Tnon In _______ _ and Mnpllpr. Joan Moeller. In j !«.u Schilling C A R L ’S D O LL HOUSE the second year division are Car-1 S A « J j *r j 'S t r is a real source of satisfaction to They hold in the heat, keep out the cold and are cheaper than glass. the policy holder Just tack them o n ; they will last for years. They can be used for storm doors, windows, porch enclosers, poultry houses, hog houses and barn windows E . L. J A M I S O N è W e have all types of Warps window Materials: Screen Glass Insurance Agency ON “ Your General Paint Store” D l5ig^l^^S51S151^^iZ1£ 1315ltnlt5TPiY5L51515t515l5151O15il5"St515l515l510l5l515l0I51finS!0l0l5U " SB8MS8 . • ' • • • • • xm '«.H i « W Mi lull A ? MM ■u w » You’ll Choose Wisely From This Group Of I 'U R V ? » m Gorgeons . New Lamps 4 1 Plastiglass Flex-O-Glass STÜNZ LUMBER COMPANY in the new Heldt building I Block West of R. R. Depot Wyr-O-Glass Glass-O-Net Our New Address is 60 No. Third street Nyssa Furniture Company Nyssa, Oregon Ure and Mr. w e'f V. More Than 10 Styles To Choose From X. As Low As HOKSMAIN 'W usjl Lounge Chairs Leather Chairs Fan Back Chairs Wing Chairs $6.75 - l - j $ 17.50 fc ü Six-way Floor Lamps With Beautiful Silk Shades 9 69c Chairs that leave you breathlex* % RONSON ADONIS LIGHTER ............ w i a t i\ ;r rALIVlULlVt- d a i M T M Q FT^ n M E -I n ............... $10.00 are so lovely in rolor and texture. their fabric» $11.95 Chairs that will "pick-up” your living room like a tonic . . . 50c Table Lamps of Many Styles and Colors that will be a credit to your good gift Judgment $6.95 and up $2.00 AA A C T F P Q for years and years. EVENING IN PARIS SETS, FROM .... $1.50 MAX FACTOR SETS FROM............. $3.25 For The Children . $2.00 See Our Large Display of Doll Buggies, ■M$mxwss#w CORTLEY MENS SETS FROM.......... Scooters, IF YOU DON’T SEE IT . . ASK FOR IT! Wagons, Plus Tax on Cosmetics Tricycles, Rockers, Tables and Chairs. MYRTLE WOOD AND JUNIPER NOVELTIES Owyhee Drug Co. CREDIT TERMS . OF COURSE wmmmmmmmmuM jjH ggggggggM SM M M NM RM M M M K'iSNM SM M SSM nK?* Peterson Furniture company “ Dependable Service Since 1911’ Prescriptions Precision Filled G. H. Peirsol Phone 29-W