Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1948)
PAGE THREE TJiE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1948 tended the Adrian town team bask* etball game In Nyssa Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Orasmlck dinner In Nyssa Thursday. ' home, full basement. double Home supply company. Must have Mr am} Mrs. Anthony Crofelo ( garage, one acre of ground, ex good car and references, no selling, W. H. Orasmlck. cellent location. SHOWN BY AP no Investment, apply 622 N.» W. and Mary Lou were Thanksgiving ; md Mis. Merle Kurtz and daugh POINTMENT. Second street, Ontario, Oregon, guests at the home of Mr. Gras- ter enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner at E. W . PRUYN One of the nicest two-bedroom basement apartment, 6 to 8 p. m. mick's brother, Leo Ostermiller, and the M. J Kurtz home. homes In Nyssa. Full oasement. 2D8xp family at Ontario. Jim Norris flew to Seattle Tues Auto Repairing furnace, stoker, water softener, gar- only. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne and day evening from Boise. He re tge. fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav- WANTED—'To rent dairy farm, 30 Matt Henne of Salem visited Reboring, Valve Grind HATES. Two cents per word tor each Issue. Alter one month one | ng ana curbing paid. Shown by to 50 acres, must have necessary friends and relatives In Nampa Fri turned home Monday morning. .ppomtment. John Norris flew to Walla Walla See Wilson day. cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance. Is 30c. We have several good lots on housing and barns. ing, Lathe work. Parts Park avenue for sale. 2D2xpi Lloyd Seuell was a Thanksgiving .md Lewiston Wednesday morning. Highway market. | guest at the home of Miss Betty BERNARD EASTMAN Sunny Goulet had his tonsils re and accessories WANTED— A sleeping room In | Buskirk of Parma. Real Estate— Insurance moved in Nyssa Saturday. He spent Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Seuell and one day In the Nyssa Nursing Phone 64 private home by business man. Call Phone 5 6 -W FARMS FOR SALE For Sale 2Dlxp Darryl were Sunday dinner I home. 165J. _________ , quests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs 80 acres o f cleared and plowed FOR SALE—1943 Allis Chalmers Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and FOR SALE—1932 Ford model B ' ground on Black canyon project, tractor, plows, cultivator and tools WANTED—80 acres good fa rm ! M. C. Seuell and family. Pat and Gary shopped in Nampa D. R. Hartley, phone 015R3. 2Dlxp Mr. and Mrs. Richard *Imbler coupe, all new tires, phone 08J1 $4100. I Saturday. land, prefer good dairy set up. .. , I were Thanksgiving guests at the after 5 p. m. 2 D lx p ! 76 acres- Owyhee project, 3 room FOR SALE—24 foot Master-Built Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurt* shop Client will pay casn. Nyssa In- | dome 0j Imbler’s parents. Mi — ----------------------------- ; house, .good buy at *16,000 with ped in Caldwell Monday. trailer house, at a substantial sav surance Agency. Ralph O. Lawr- i Mrs. W. A. Wiggins of Ontario, FOR SALE—Tractor, F20 in good terms. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz left ing, like new. Has only been pulled condition, with plows and mower. 1 acre, southwest of town, 2-room 110 miles. See BtU Lemon, West ence. Agent. 210tfc ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam of Nyssa Tuesday for a week's visit in Cali - 1— -------- ----------------------- were Thanksgiving guests at the Phone 021R2. 2D2xp: house with full basement, *4500; ern Stores. Optometrist fornia. 2Dtfc WANTED-- Capable salesman-buy- home of Mr. and Mrs. George Smit ' p~ — :-----— -------- --------- - ! *1500 down, balance easy. R*»;er Norland. Hoyt Warwick, TOR S A I M la c k x m lt h equipment, I j acres on paid. up water rlght> FOR SALE—Practically new Lionel er for Malheur county, must be free md family. Roy, George and Paul Heri, B od Eyes Examined John and Jake Smit were week- * tc; . Wl’ 1 lease shop phone ®7? p'4' ' new basement house with 4 rooms Electric Train, heavy duty trans to travel, willing to study full line Kurtz and Cecil Smith are among Caldwell,_____________________ 2D2xP , and bath, *21,000. Will also trade former, extra track, phone 109W to do effective work, good com - ,,nd guests a t the home of their those who attended the meeting - sister. Mrs. Glen Gallant, and fam- after 6 p. m. 2D2xp mission. Write Watts Seed FOR SALE—Model B John D eere!011 lar*er farm- of the Rifle club in Adrian Wed 24Jtfc. ily of Goodrich, Idaho. Nyssa, Oregon. Phone 720 tractor, tractor mower, cultivator I acres, good house of 5 rooms nesday night. FOR SALE—160 acre farm, Mar WANTED— To buy anything in Jake Smit left Monday for Cas- bars, beet lifter, beet loader, all In \ bath, modern except heat. Ex Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Newbill 718 Arthur St. good car and refeerences, no selling, [ ce.lcnt dairy barn for 10 cows, 500 garet Terra, route 2, Nyssa. 2DGxp beef or veal. Also custom killed cac*e. Idaho, where he will report and family shopped in Boise Sat Tuesday to be Inducted into the Wyatt, to mile north and to mile ; capacity chicken house, water piped POR SALE—Two medium urday. They are driving a new size and delivered to Polar Cold Stor army. Caldwell, Idaho east of Adrian. 2D4xp to buildings, a real buy at $12,- ranges, Margaret Terra. Packard. 2D2xp age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and ____________________________________1500. Very easy terms, low rate of Several in this community at- family have moved into their new Miscellaneous—'Need money to 1m-j interest. FOR SALE—Electric sewing ma For Rent I5lSil5inl515M5l5lS151SlSlSlSf515lIsllolpfl51SM51Sl^lS’l,ulflSItQl,sl5l51SlSM 5lS''SIB6nH H BH Bi residence. prove your home, build that extra I 76 acres of the best land In the chine, new, never been uncrated. room, re-roof, siding, insulation, i valley, basement house, large mod- Nyssa Produce, First and Oood. FOR RENT—Four-room house, el- | Thanksgiving guests at the home 25N2xp j of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson 2D2xp ectrlcity, phone 07R5. weatherstripping, well or a pump, ern chicken house, other good — —— —;—— — ------ —-------------! were Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hath- Low rates, long terms, no propertybuildings, *16,500, terms, POR RENT Courtel one-room a - L wav Mr and Mrs BU1 Mnnn and lien, just your name. Write at 1000 acre cattle ranch, 90 acres TOR SALE—234 acres, *55 per acre, partment, very nice, at Nampa- famlly Mr and Mrs Herb Newell Built-up Asphalt Roofs once for appointment with full Irrigable, 7 room house, handles two pumps, plenty of water. 130 New Plymouth Junction, rear of ’eveled, terms. Oscar Pike, phone and Jimmie. Harry Hathaway and directions how to reach your h om e.; 150 cattle. Repairs— Hot Mops 25N2xp Buelah Smith and Julia Hathaway. 198J. 2D3xp Palisades. U. S. Home Improvement, Ontario HOMES Complete Roofing Service Thanksgiving dinner guests at Oregon 2D tic 4 room house in Green addition, FOR SALE— John Deere model A FOR RENT—Floor Polisher. Pet- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Insulation And Brick Siding $2200 erson-Newsom Furniture Co. 22Jtfc tractor, used 30 days, and Z model, FOR SAKE—Toledo coal range Evans and family were Mr. and House in Parma, 6 rooms, dose M and M tractor. E. H. Beus, NEW PLYM O U TH ROOFING CO. with warming oven, in good con In town, $7100. Mrs. Thomas Evans, Sr., and Jan phone 05J5. 25N2xp j New Plymouth. Idaho dition, $10. Call at Saw shop. ice, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans, A home with all the modem con- FOR RENT Make Local CaHa To Jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen nQrth pirst _ ^ * ^ XP j venlences, including automatic coal FOR SALE—By owner, six room| Ballard and family of Parma. Mr. Floor Modem except j FOR SALE— 1934 Chevrolet truck stoker heat, fine lawn and shade, house in Parma. S TU N Z LUMBER CO., Nyssa and Mrs. Palmer Ross and family with stock bed or will trade for cat- many expensive flowers and shrubs heat. Almost new garage. For In Sander of Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles fflai6im cfl^^i5iai5igi|iiigi5MSisisi5i5ig_____________ tie. Walter Pinkston, phone 02-J5,j'n r°ek garden, close In, and only formation write Miss Wilhelmina Kaywnrd and Jack of Caldwell. Mr. '« i » o i m Hoffman, 1705 Dearborn street, Nyssa. 24N2xo $8,500. Reasonable and Mrs. Harold White of Parma, 25J42xc As nice a 5 room, medium priced Caldwell, Idaho. leaf and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rates F O R S A L E — Three-apartm ent house as we have had in a long Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tlsh o f Green- house, two lots, garage. 699 No. time, hardwood floors, electric dish FOR SALE—Oil heater, large size Coleman, practically new. Also Keek and family. * 6th, phone 119J 25NUC washer, shade and lawn and many table model washing machine. R. Cecil Evans is under a doctor’s other conveniencies, $7,000, terms. Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing K. Laracy, Inquire Owyhee grocery. FOR SALE—John Deere tractor, care again. He suffers with severe Brand new, large home with oak 18N3xp — Contact— model B, first class condition. Lee floors, basement, 2 bedroom«, large nose bleeding. Stoker, R 3, Parma, phone 15J4. living room, large kitchen, $7,000. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Deleyes and FOR SALE—Red beans, good qual 25N2XP family of Albany were Thanksgiv Universal trailer house, Watson ity, *6.75 a bushel, $11 a sack. A. ing guests at the home of Mrs Dollies, sleeping room for 6, this D. Moses, near Langton’s comer. FOR SALE—One of the finest two- Deleyes' sister, Mr. and Mrs. Har really nice, $2750. llN4xp. bedroom homes in Nyssa. Nice N YSSA, OREGON ley Sager, and family. TTiey re 2 lots and small house, *1000. room finished in basement, stoker turned to Albany Friday. FOR SALE—An excellent selection STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY W e Guarantee Our W ork For One Year heat, water softener, fire-place, This Is worth the money. Mr. and Mrs. ¡Raymond Sager and Good building lots from *375 to of farms of all sizes including Free Estimates— Phone 196-J beautiful yard, paved street, F. H. some unimproved, also small acre TOR RENT— Polish your own family o f Nyssa were Thanksgiving $550. A. terms, priced to sell. floors. Rent our high-speed pol dinner guests at the home of Mr ages. Homes of all kinds, several We have listings on a cafe and ishing equipment. Easily handled and Mrs. Harley Sager and family. One acre of ground, extra nice confectionery, a grocery store and new yith FHA terms. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. two-bedroom home with full base Matt Henne spent the past week One acre on Alberta, to mile out, 3Atfc. with his brother, Sam Henne. He ment, double garage, less than one a service station. one bedroom, modern, full base E. L. JAMISON mile from town, Nearly new. ment with two bedrooms, $6,000. returned to his home at Salem Real Estate and Insurance Very nice one bedroom house LOST FOR SALE—New home, 2 bed Friday. Phone 276W with nice big yard, lots of shade. rooms, fully modem, in good lo Mr. and Mrs. D. F. IFlanrey and 3 T R A Y E D —Large white faced FHA approved, $3,000 Fred of Nampa and Mr. Edm reasonable down payment and SALE^-Heaters, circulators, cation. steer. -Owner may claim after pay small monthly p a r e n t ^ balance. stocks down, balance at *42 monthly. Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur ing for feed and this advertisement. 3 ^ i , L C °™ er l0t ° n Maln S trm \an d priced far bevow actual value. ance agency. Ernest Stephenson, 5 miles west DINNER P A R T Y IS good location Eld Case’s Furniture Dargaln Cen and to mile south on Alberta av HELD A T N EW ELL Also have several good residence ter, north o f “ Y ” , Nyssa. 140tfc FOR SALE—12-foot Eversman land enue. 25N4xp lots all in good locations. leveler, special price. Eder Hard NEWELL HEIGHTS, Dec. 2—A BERNARD EASTMAN j FOR SA IE —Our services. Electri- ware company. 210tfc Found dinner party was held at the home Phone 64 ! cal wiring at reasonable figures. Real Estate Insurance Let us give you our estimate on FOR SALE—Used milking machin- F O U N D — Two white-face cows of Joyce Kurtz Sunday evening. Come in— look around— we would like to have you. FOR SALE—New Ferguson and your new home. Nyssa Electric es-several makes to choose from - with calves. Owner may have them After dinner a movie was shown by Compare these with any in the valley: 1946 Oliver tractor with plows and | Co., phone 111M, located just north some nearly new. It will pay you by paying for keep and this ad Bob Kurtz. Then the young people equipment. Frank Skeen, to mile ! of Dessert Seed plant. 25N2xc to see us first. vertisement. Ernest Stephenson, 5 attended the show In Adrian, Those attending were George west on Enterprise avenue, phone j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - miles west and to mile south on DAVENPORT & JACOBS 017 R 1 18N3xp FOR SALE—Extra good two bcd- W EEK-END SPECIAL Alberta avenue. 18N4xp Elfers, Jean Delrking, Kennll Price, SURGE DAIRY EQUIPMENT j room house with large utility room, Caroline Scheimer, Joe Witty, DEALERS 1946 Ford Tudor, Good Heater, 24,000 mile*. FOR SALE—One new five-room ' fire-place, paved street, reasonable Shirley Smith and Le Roy Mecham. MISCELLANEOUS house, completely modem with fu ll1 down payment, balance 50 per 814 River St., Payette, Idaho. 2106xc Mr and Mrs. George Scheimer $ 1 475 basement, located on King avenue. I month, 4% interest. FOR SALE—We have a new supply Miscellaneous—Lawn leveling, horse were in Boise Saturdey. SCunz Lumber Co. 25Ntfc. FOR SALE— New, two-bedroom of truck mud flaps, $3 pair. Ed shoeing. Junior McDermltt Is visiting at Will buy chicken feed Dixie ilinkade, route 2, the home of his parents. Case's Furniture Bargain Center. horses. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Olenn are Nyssa. 25N2xp 1946 Ford tudor, equipped with heater. Light grey, FOR SALE— New Westtnghouse el building an addition to their house «trie ranges, three models, Ostrom super deluxe $1675 which Was formally owned by Mr. TANNING Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W Custom Tanning and Manufactur and Mrs. Claude Smith. 1946 Ford fordor, heater and seat covers, light gray, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith and ing of FOR SALE— Business building, good rubber to take you many miles $1745 family enjoyed a Thanksgiving Main street location, lot size 25x116. JACKETS, GLOVES, MOCCASINS, ETC. 1946 Ford 6 Club coupe, heater, fog lights, shiny Ralph O. Lawrence Insurance rW N A A A A / W N A A / W V W ^ Write for Illustrated Price List agency. Nyssa, phone 53. 22Jifc. black finish, excellent white sidewall tires, most MYERS GLOVE & TANNING CO. FOR SALE— Let us measure your 1490 South 12th popular style today. $1745 Salem, Oregon windows for Venetian olinds. No 2605xp 1941 Chevy pick-up, % ton, 8 ply tires $1245 charge for this service or estimates. Obtainable in one week. Assorted MISCELLANEOUS—General truck 1941 Chevy tudor in that popular medium green colors In steel* or aluminum slats. ing. John Barnett and Kenneth shade, clean as a button inside and outside, heater Nyssa Furniture company, pnone Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. PHYSICIANS 149-W. 20Mtfc. LODGES $1245 MISCELLANEOUS— Available now 1942 Chevy fordor special deluxe, a tutone green job TOR SALE— Electric wiring and Electrolux cleaners and air puri SAK AZ1N CLINIC Nyssa Post No. 79 supplies ol all kinds at your Wes fiers. and service. Ed A. An equipped with heater and seat covers $1345 Dr. J. J. Sarazln tinghouse dealer's Ostrom Bros. derson, route 3, Welser, Idaho. American Legion 1941 Medium gray DeSoto fordor sedan, radio, heat Appliance Co., phone 118-W 15Jtfc. Phone 087-J4. 28Jtfc. Classified Advertising DR. G.W. GRAVES R O O F IN G S E R V IC E PLU M BIN G Brower Plumbing Shop Motor in A MANSER MOBILE Professional And Business Directory I'm §oïn? to cover oÇ ny house Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. L. W . Scott Project Office, 8 p. m. Physician and Surgeons All Veterans Welcome L. A . Mauldins, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Pnone 37 Hours: 10 to I', and 2 to 5 Daily except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 C. J. Kopp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Fry Building Office hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Dally except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Gate City Lodge No. 214 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8 :3 0 . South First Street DENTISTS DR. C. M. TYL ER Wilson Building JE W E L R Y STORES Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 12. PAU LUS JE W E L R Y STORE J. R. CU N D ALL Dentist Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS W AT"RE S Main Street a. Second WYCKOFF JE W E LR Y STORE Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA ORBOON MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and free pick-up of your dead, crlppied or sick livestock. Calls received be fore 9 o ’clock are picked up by noon. Efficient drivers. Call col TOR SALE—Have farms and homes lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys for sale. Need more, list with Ken sa 102- W. xaano Animal Products Renstrom. Phone 264-W 29Jtfc. Company. 5Jtfc TOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper MISCELLANEOUS- Need money? Guaranteed to be washable ant. Loans on farms Tot refinancing, non-fading Tor three years. Oood building, improvements, b u y i n g . stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com Long term, low Interest, see Ber pany. 26Jtfc. nard Eastman, phone 64. Nyssa. MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car WANTED—Permanent room and and cylinaer lock keys made. Hcn- board in private home, young man, neman's. 250tfc. phone 110W. 2Dtfc CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING WANTED—For Nyssa. service rep Stock received Monday, Tuesday. resentative for the White House Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m to 6 p m and Friday 8 a m. to 12 No stock received on Sunday. Beef, sheep and pork. Free deliver} to Polar locker plant. Free Pick Up One mile west cn Alberts avenue Phone 05R1 O f Your JAKE FISCHER Dead and Worthless Animals DR. J. A. M CFALL Call Collect DR. JOHN E A S L Y There Is a Phone Near You Nyssa 100 Parma 26 Ontario S3 ‘ We Haul the Day You Call' Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Does he mean roof or fire insurance? 3Atfc. W ANTED OPTOM ETRISTS VETERINARIANS " DR. H A L D. W H IT E Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W TOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, chrome table and sink edgings, waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. Nyssa, Oregon FAM ILY DINNERS HELD A T NU-ACRES If he means roof, he is ob viously crazy. Yet many otherwise sane people carry only 40% enough fire insurance coverage. Espe cially nowadays, when property values are up. How much would it cost you to rebuild your house today in case of fire? How far would your present insurance go? Face these facts, and then call us and leam how inexpensive it is to protect your house FULLY with an America Fore policy. NU-ACRES, Dec. 2—Richard Jen kins was a Thanksgiving guest at the home o f Miss Ruthelee SLssle at Ontario. Mr and Mrs. F. C. Fry made a business trip to New Plymouth and Parma Saturday. Lei» Fry has a bad cold and has been under the doctor's care this Real Efetat* Insurance past week Mr and Mrs.. H. P Ostermiller. Mary Ramer and Wanda Shaw of Phone 64 Fruitland were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Nyssa. Oregon Bernard Eastman er and seat covers. This is a steal at $1045 1941 Pontiac 8, five-passenger coupe, comes in dark blue with heater and seat covers, Rarin’ to go at $1295 1940 Plymouth four-door sedan, with heater, white sidewall rims, just had my face lifted to a dark tan $1045 1940 W illys fordor sedan, equipped with heater, new red paint job $750 1947 International pick-up, V js ton $1665 1946 Ford ton pick-up, four-speed transmission, 8 0 % rubber, dark green $1676 1939 Ford pick-up, light blue, excellent rubber, three speed transmission $750 1938 % ton G. M. C. pick-up 9 5 % rubber $675 1941 Ford truck, l ' - j ton capacity, excellent shape all around, beat this price $795 1942 U /2 ton Chevrolet truck, flat bed $895 1947 Two ton Studebaker truck, two-speed with radio and heater, see this before you buy $1575 1939 Ford tudor with heater, seat covers, excellent tires, all I need is a driver $860 1948 Ford panel, heater, 13,000 miles, new car guarantee, oversize rear tires $1800 Older models to choose from, also, ranging in price from $75 to $175. Come in and get a square deal from “ Smithy” . Most of these carry a guarantee. H anser , I nc . Phone 49 Payette, Idaho %