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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1948)
* * i ,'V 777 e NYS SA VO LljM E XXXXJ11 NO. 47 IS ANNOUNCED FOR ONTARIO DEC. 4-5 A Green Bar program for troop ’ ommitteemen and junior leaders f the Boy Scouts of Malheur ounty will be held in Ontario December 4 and 5. At the big brothers banquet F ri day night each scouter will be host to a junior leader. 1 Allen Frost o f Nyssa will talk i t the luncheon on "W hat I Ex pect of My Scoutmaster’’. W aller McPartland, scoutmaster o f the Nyssa Lions club troop, will have charge o f a discussion on "W h a t Is My Job As Scoutmaster?” John Palmer, as a Nyssa committeeman, Spencer W. Beus, son of Mr. and will lead a discussion on the ad Leo Child, virs. W. J. Beus of Nyssa, left vancement program. November 18 for western Canada scoutmaster of the L. D. S. troop to fill a mission for the L. D. S. of Nyssa, will talk on the duties of the scribes and quartermasters church. Sunday afternoon. Between 100 and 150 men and boys are expected to attend the affair. . - X>jé5^s$8v. SCOUT PROGRAM 2c Santa Claus will arrive in Nyssa December 23 at 1 p. m. for an earls visit to the youngsters of Nyssa and vicinity. Santa Claus will be brought intc town on the fire truck under police escort and will greet the children near a large Christmas tree or M ain street between second and third street. T o each child he will give a stocking containing candy and a favor. A free show for children will be held in the Nyssa theater, be ginning at 2:30 p. m. T h e feature picture will be "T h e Prince and the Pauper” . A t the conclusion o f the show oranges will be distributed to the youngsters. The children’s program is spon sored • by the Nyssa chamber ol commerce, the Eagles lodge and Beet Sugar R efinerary Employes union No. 22818. The chamber o f commerce will erect two large trees on Main street as a part of the city’s decorative scheme for Christmas. As plan ned last year when the first dec orations were purchased, the cham ber of commerce has added to the decorative equipment. T h e pur chases included more lights, so tha seven strings of streamer ligh ts and lights for two trees are now available. The large electric star made last year by C. H. Morrison will be hung over one o f the Christmas trees. ----- -^Æ s-'.v JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON Santa C laus To Visit In Nyssa Thurs., Dec. Children W ill Be Enter tained; Streets to Be Decorated '- '- r - r - f - t - r - - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1948 Officers Named By Chamber At Weekly Meeting Road Improvements and Other Mattel’s Are Discussed Bright Future For Dairying In County Seen TWO MEN FINED ON DISORDERLY CHARGE IN JUSTICE COURT Wayne Kressley and Glen Holmes of Nyssa pleaded guilty in justice court Tuesday to a charge of dis orderly conduct and were fined tlOO each by Judge Don M. G ra- nam. They paid the fines. Claude Davis, who is alleged to have been involved with Kressley afTd Holmes, will appear in Justice court this afternoon. . The three men are alleged to have used their car to force Lem Davis, Ontario fire chief, to drive to the curb on Main street in Nyssa a few days ago in the belief (hat Davis was an Ontario pojice officer for whom they were look ing. Davis said he convinced the men that he was not the police officer and alleged that they told him they would have "beat him up” if he had been. Annual Meeting Of Dairy Breeders is held in Nyssa Henry Hagg, president of the Officers of the Nyssa chamber of Oregon Dairy Breeders association commerce were elected at a lunch ieclared at the annual meeting of eon of the organization in Carl’s he Malheur County Dairy Breed- Doll House Wednesday noon. nrs association ir> the Episcopal The 1949 officers will be Fred Bracken, president; Dennis Patch, parish hall in Nyssa Monday a f- vice president; Harold Henigson. ’ ernoon that Malheur county has secretary and Ormond Thomas. Ed a bright dairy future, especially If Knettle and Edison Child, direct Dr. Gerald Wendt, editorial its provides better balance to its ors. director of "Seience Illustrated”, Ormond Thomas reported on the will speak at a meeting of the agriculture. activities o f the Malheur county Mr. Hagg especially emphasised Malheur County Knife and Fork roads committee that is attempt club in the Moore hotel in Ontario the need of growing good a lfa lfa ing to secure state highway im Friday night. December 3. hay and pasture under the local provements in the county. The irrigation systems, and the Im committee has protested to the highway commission the proposed portance of conducting dafry hertW use of money for re-construction BOXERS PRACTICE improvement testing in connection of the Snake river bridges at P a y -I ta r i 14 A I I with a sound breeding program. ette and Weiser at the expense of 111 L E . O I G I ' I " A L L He said a community that can grow road improvement in Malheur Tw enty-five boys comprising the county. R. H. Baldock, state ^iigh The 1948 health bond sale to Its feed successfully and can bal way engineer, told the committee Nyssa high school boxing squad are raise money for the Malheur coun ance its agricultural production 750 WASH CLOTHS practicing ‘ d aily in the American no money had been allocated for should be a natural area for dairy An all-star Nyssa team was sel ARE GIVEN AT SHOW the bridges, but added that it prob Legion hall under the direction of ty Tuberculosis and Health associ ing. Coach W alter L. McPartland. The ation program of activities is now ably would be because o f the al ected Wednesday night to play the The Oregon association presi leged liability of the highways com boys are working out at the hall, underway, according to William E. dent has 50 head o f cows producing All-American Basketball Circus because there is no room for them missioners in case of accident Blackaby, treasurer of the associ on his farm in Washington county. outfit on the Nyssa floor December Seven hundred and fifty wash George Aiken, state budget direct In the school buildings. The cows, all from artificial in cloths were contributed for the or, told the committee he did not 10 . McPartland said he has some ation. semination, are daughters o f seven A committee o f the Nyssa Lions Malheur Memorial hospital at a think good boys and if they are willing Chairman of the bond drive for different sires and are extremely Baldock’s argument wa., club, sponsoring the game for the picture show sponsored by the pri to work the school w ill have a Nyssa is Clyde Snider, who reports valid. uniform in type and production. benefit of its activities fund, se- mary association o f the L. D. S. good squad. Mr. Thomas said several eastern The manager of the Oregon lected the following players from second ward in the Nyssa theater Oregon counties are included in the No schedule has been drawn yet. that $310 was contributed by Nyssa Dairy Breeders association, Oben business men last year. he local town teams: Lyle Miner last Friday afternoon. district that would be adversely a f but the Nyssa squad expects to Simonson, reported in connection of the Stunz team, Lloyd Lewis The children paid no money for fected by the construction of the have half a dozen matches. Mr. Snider said 10 men will solicit with the year’s activities that the and Leon Bailey of the Aggies; attending the show “ Michael O'- bridges and will be contacted by funds in the business district of rate of efficiency in service per Dareld Steinke, Pete Timmerman Halloran", but each contributed one the Malheur committee, which docs Nyssa, beginning today. He added calf is up 13 per cent over that o f end Joe W heeler o f Bracken's; or more wash cloths. Donnie Jen not object to construction of the that 75 per cent of the money col last year. He said that Malheur Don Brewer o f the Adrian town sen contributed 29 wash cloths to bridges, but does object to the use lected in Malheur county will be county, with a rate of about 62 win first prize. The wash cloths ream, and Tom Moore, Bob Church, MILITARY SERVICE of money for them that would per cent, leads all of the state in spent here. Mr. Snider stated that Dr. John Kopp, Robert Wilson and will be given to the Malheur M em otherwise be used on road improve (his production efficiency. He at IS CONDUCTED FOR Blair Hendricks o f W ilson’s store, orial hospital auxiliary. chat the purpose of the bond drive ments in Malheur county. tributed this condition to superior JORDAN VALLEY MAN Walter McPartland and Calvin The Nyssa chamber endorsed The Nyssa high school band dir is to give business people an op teed and climate in Malheur coun Wilson were appointed as coaches. Charles Reynolds o f La Grande ected by Lynn J. Lawrence will portunity to give more toward the ty. Members o f the Nyssa lio n s club Four carloads o f Nyss^t Veterans for eastern Oregon's representative present a concert In the gymnasium The report o f the local tech program of the association than at 8 p. m „ December 7. of Foreign Wars and Mrs. Don reported that "anyone desiring to on the highway commission. nician, Royce Roberts, indicated Graham and Mrs. E. K . Burton of see a good fa=t ball game should In addition to the group numbers, those who receive Christmas seals that the membership has increased The chamber voted to support the auxiliary motored to Jordan come out to see this contest, which any organization sponsoring a solos and duets will be presented. through the mails. 75 per cent since August 1, 1947. Valley Saturday to assist with will be one o f the highlights of The program will be given as Nyssa team in the proposed Snak^ Nyssa solicitors besides Mr. Snid The August 1, 1947 membership Private funeral services were held River Valley Basketball league, at follows: March, "T h e League of graveside services for Pvt. James the basketball season." er will be Calvin Wilson. Jack G all was 100 and the membership Sep Cm-ta, who was killed in France. The novelty white team consists in the Nyssa Funeral home chapel least to the extent Mi paying the Composers" by Edwin Franko G old oway, Ralph Lawrence, Edison tember 31, 194« was 176. Mr. R ob Legionnaires of Nyssa. Adrian o f Bob Karstens, 6 feet, 3 inches: last Thursday morning for Mrs. $15 entrance fee and other inci- man; tone poem, “ Finlandia” by Child, Olean Wells, Orin Sum erts praised the dairymen for MMr and Homedale also attended the ’B iff” le e , 6 feet, 4 inches; Tom m y Julla A. Evans, who died at the dentai expenses. Suggested entries Jean Sibelius; baritone solo, Miss ner, Kenneth Renstrom, Bernard co-operation in the local project. league are Weiser, Payette, Joye Gann; waltz, "G old and Sil services, which were held at 10 a Lee, 6 feet, 1 inch; “ Moose" Lapp, home o f her daughter, Mrs. E. is. j He said that expansion of the pro Eastman and E. L. Jamison. m. following funeral services held ¡8 feet, 8 inches; George Stapley, Eastman, near Adrian November 22. | Ontario Lions, Ontario V. F. W., ver" by Franz Lehar; "G randpa’s All business houses in the county, gram this coming jrear is certain in the Catholic church in Jordan 6 feet. 7% inches, and “ Sky" Sie- Rev. Henry Moore o f Adrian con Vale, New Plymouth and Nyssa. Clock” , a novelty arranged by Paul as well as clubs and certain in co come, not only in the area now ducted the services. Interm ent was Valley. M ilitary services were held wert, 7 feet, 3 inches. Yoder; piano solo, Miss Carlene dividuals are being asked to pur oeing served, but in additional at the grave, with full firing squad Jones: fantasy, “Kindergarten Tickets are on sale at the Nyssa in the Owyhee cemetery. Students Return For Holidays— chase health bonds, according to communities in the county. Mrs. Evans was born a t Mound and color guard. Robert Talbot, | pharmacy, M iner’s barber shop, by Goldman; overture, A number o f Nyssa young people, M arch” At the business meeting, presided Blackaby. After the bond sale, Jr. acted as commander and Don Wilson Brothers department store Prairie, Minnesota July 30, 1859. who are attending college return “ Bagdad” by Forrest L. Buchtel; the mail sale of Christmas seals over by President Rosel Hunter, She lived at Gooding, Idaho for ed to their homes for the Thanks clarinet duet, Lola Weeks and Viva Graham as chaplain. and Carl’s Doll House. (hree members of the board o f will be started. many years, but after the death giving T h e veterans were guests of the holidays. Fram Eastern Mary Leseberg; "A Gay 90 Revue” , Bond and Christmas seal money directors whose terms expired were of her husband in 1923 she made Oregon College of Education at La Gerald R. Prescott, Ralph H. Prink was used last year to X-ray about re-elected. Corta fam ily at a dinner served They are Qlen W. her home with a sister at A ta Grande, were Mardl Sallee, Eva- and Harry J. Wenger; “ Round the 4,000 persons in an all-out cam Peterson and Elver Nielsen o f in the Madagara hotel. scadero, California and w ith a lene Towne, Shirley W hitley, Ruth Band” , novelty, arranged by Paul paign to find T B cases early. Nyssa rural route and Wendell daughter in Pocatello. A short Toombs Osako Hido and Marjorie Yoder, and “Star Spangled Ban Health literature was also provided Richmond ( ! To McCall— ‘ ario. At the next Mr. and Mrs. Houston Wilson ana time ago she moved to Wendell, Merrick; from Oregon State college ner” by Key. to all schooLs in the county. A meeting of t c V;ard of directors Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stunz spent Idaho to live with her daughter, at Corvallis, Reid Cottle and Marie successful educational campaign to the directors win select a president Sunday at the Emil Stunz cabin The Nyssa Bulldogs w ill open Mrs. Phyllis M. Sharp. She had SeburTl; from University of Oregon mtrest the county court in ob and secretary. been In failing health for some at McCall. at Eugene, Greta Stunz, Beth M it their basketball season this week A motion picture, “ Inside Story taining a full-tim e health unit for time. A fter leaving the hospital, chell, Beverly Ure, and two guests end against stiff competition, the the county was completed. Some of Modern M ilking” , shown by Rebekahs To Meet— where she received treatment for of Beverly Ure, from Portland, veteran T iger outfit of La Grande. Bailey, assistant county I of the money also went toward Leeds The Rebekah Sunshine club will The Bulldogs and Tigers will tangle a broken hip, Mrs. Evans was David Sarazin and John Bathal- research for a specific cure for agent was viewed by 109 persons. meet Friday afternoon, December Friday and Saturday nights, begin taken to Adrian. oma; from Brigham Young univer tuberculsosis, and toward the sal 3 at 2:30 p. m. at the I. O. O. F. ning at 8:15. Several matters of interest to Other surviving children are sity, Farrell Peterson. Mary Lou ary of a medical-social worker at Son Born To Nyssa Couple— hall. A ll members are asked to farmers were discussed at the reg A B squad preliminary will be Hubert Evans o f Hagerman, Idaho Schenk, Marjorie Bishop, Joyce Private and Mrs. William Prater The Dalles tuberculosis hospital. A hand In their articles for the ba held at 7 p. m. Friday night. Hunt and Ralph Evans of Arcadia, Cali Stoker, and Reid Ray; from the ular meeting of the Oregon Trail social hygiene guidance program of Nyssa are the parents o f a sou Grange last week. zaar to be held December 10 and 11. ington will play in a preliminary fornia. University of Idaho at Moscow, is also sponsored by health groups. born November 27 at the Holy Ros A lengthy discussion was held June Serage; from the Idaho State ary hospital in Ontario. Saturday night. on the oleomargine tax bill. Alva Receives Injuries— Collage at Pocatello, Jerry Bellou, The A squad, which will be later Goes To Washington— Firemen Called—■ Goodell gave a report on the state Joye Gann and Don Chesney are reduced, now consists of Royce Mrs. Dale Garrison planned to and from Whitman collage at Walla Firemen were called to the Farm Visits At Twin Falls— meeting of the county commission recovering from minor injuries they Chadwick, Alvin Pecka, Bob Wilder, leave today by plane for Pullman Walla, Lee Snider. Mrs. Grant Lewis and Sandra ers Supply Co-op plant at Second ers which he attended in Portland received in a motorcycle accident Bob Wilson, Floyd Hale, Deane and Spokane. She expects to visit street and Bower avenue Wednes left Sunday for Twin Falls, where and also discussed state legislation. last Thursday. T h e motorcycle Hunter, Sat Kayano. Ronald Low, her grandmother, who will be 90 Idaho Falls Visitor Here— day afternoon as a precautionary they are visiting relatives this overturned when Chesney attempt Albert Pecka, Rae Williams, Jack years old December 3. A guest for the holidays at the Frank Parr spoke on the situation measure after a quanity o f gas week. in China and Mrs. Fern Cuncorn. ed to avoid hitting a dog that had Bowen, Delwin Holcomb, Melvin home o f Mr and Mrs. Don Eng- oline had been spilled when a strom was Mrs. FJigstrom’s sister. newly elected lecturer, gave a paper run into the treet. Marcum, Dick Pounds, Richard Here From Kansas— workman was filling a tank. The Returns To Wallace— Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown of Miss Helen Bartholomew of Idaho on Oregon. Wilson and Joe Mitchell. John J. Sm ith returned to W a l firemen washed the gasoline into Announcement was made that Dance Scheduled— Nys«a will play Parma on the Lucas, Kansas and Mr. and Mrs. Palls. Mrs. Pearl Bartholomew re a drain. Firemen were called to lace, Idaho, where he Is employed A 600-pound baby beef will be Panthers' floor Friday, December E. Parker, formerly of Luray, K a n turned with her daughter to Idaho Joint installation o f officers will be the gymnasium Sunday because of on construction work, after spend held in the Oregon Slope Grange given away at a dance to be held 10 . sas, were week-end guests o f Mr. Palls. a smoke scare. The stoker ran ing the holidays with his fam ily hall December 15. >n the Nyssa gymnasium Saturday and Mrs. O. E. Dorman. out of coal and began smoking so in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson, night, December 11 by the Nyssa Visit Here— Holidav G u e s t- students practicing for a play at Jack Williams of Tw in Palls was Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertram and the gymnasium called firemen in To Baker— Veterans association. Music will be Guests at the Owen Gann home Hfcre From Wyoming— Arthur Rouse served refreshments. a guest of Lee Snider at the Clyde furnished by Savage's orchestra Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson and Mrs. Merrill O ’Neil of Saratoga, for Thanksgiving were Mr. and A Christmas party .w ill be held the belief that fire had broken Richard and Phillip, and Mr. and ----------- :----------- ¡Mrs. H u b ert E. Cox o f Monta Wyoming, accompanied by her son, Snider home for Thanksgiving va out. Mrs. Houston Wilson spent Visit Here— Vesta, Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. Paul K erry Lee, was here over the cation. On Saturday, the Snider at the December 14 meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Don Sherwood and antj children o f Caldwell. Thanksgiving holidays to visit her fam ily accompanied by their guest, Oregon T rail Grange. An exchange Turkey Dinner Planned— Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. of gifts costing not more than 50 small sons o f Hermiston spen’ Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Findley o f parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Thom visited in Boise. The Owyhee Riding club will and Mrs Dwight W yckoff in Baker. cents will be held. Each family serve its annual turkey dinner for Thanksgiving day and the week Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Bow ason. is to provide one pie and enough members and friends Friday, De Here From Eugene— end at the H. R. Sherwood home. man of Pasadena and Mr. and Mrs. To New Location- Rev and Mrs Rolland Wuest and sandwiches for themselves. cember 3 at 7 p. m. in the home Guests at the home o f Mr. and Walter Looney of Nyssa. Visiting Visit In Caldwell— economics room o f the high scchooi Mrs. R. G. Larson over the week Guests At Dinner— over the week-end at the Gann Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Buchner and daughter left Nyssa last week for location at Wilbur, Cub Scout l eader Chosen— Mrs. J. C. Beam. Mrs. C. C home, were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bus fam ily spent Thanksgiving at the their new building. The dinner will be fol end were Mr. and Mrs. R. M. W ray Orville Maze has been selected to lowed by a regular meeting. Mem and Mrs. Robert W ray and small Pounds and Glenn bounds were ier and their son and daughter. Bob Pasley home in Caldwell. Washington. Rev. Wuest. who has dinner guests at the R oy Pounds George and Jennie Busier, o f Her- Guests at the Buchner home F ri been pastor of the Nyssa Faith act as cub scout leader for Nyssa. bers o f the dinner committee are ton of Eugene. Mrs. R. M. W ray The appointment was made this Mrs. Loyd Adams, chairman. Mrs. is a sister of Mrs. Larson. home Thanksgiving day. miston. Mrs. Busier is a sister of day and Saturday were Mr. and Lutheran church, has accepted the week at a meeting of the cub scout O. Schweizer, Mrs. Rolland Holmes. Owen Gann and Mrs. V. V. Grider. Mrs. Paul Scheuerman and daugh pastorage at Wilbur. committeemen. Finley Shuster is Mrs. Charles Culbertson and Mrs. Non-Support Charged— During the night o f November ters o f Portland and John and Bill the assistant cub scout leader. Here From Twin $»•■*— 39-30 the temperature dropped In . Paul Estel Pryor o f Nyssa was Guests Depart Phil Mitchell. Pasley of Caldwell. Mrs. Solon Lewis of Tw in Falls remanded to the county jail in [ M r and Mrs j . w . McDowell Nyssa to 10 degrees above aero, Nursing Home Notes— has been visiting the past week at Purchase Car— lieu o f $250 bail by Judge Don M.|of Tw - „ Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Return From Utah— according to U. S. bureau o f rec Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz, Sr. are M r and Mrs. Leland Carlson oi the Burnall Brown and Waynard lamation thermometers. Moisture, Graham In Justice court last week - 1 John Wagner of Grangeville left Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bumingham parents of a son born amounting to .16 of an Inch, fell Mrs. Lewis is a driving a new Mercury they re- p arma are end on a charge o f non-support {or their homes Sunday after and daughter returned Sunday Talbot homes cently purchased. November 26. He weighed 8 sister of Mr Brown and Mrs. T a l luring the same period. The pre of his wife and children. ¡spending several days at the B em - from Bountiful. Utah, where they ------------------------ pounds, t i ounce. A son weigh- cipitation was in the form o f snow, spent several days visiting rela bot. ------------------------ lard Frost home. * Here From Reno— mg 7 pounds, 3 ounces, was born amounting to two Inches. tives. Joint Event Held— Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Favre of i November 2 7 to Mr and Mrs. Avery Return From Richland- M r and Mrs. Emil Stunz were Here From Walla W a l l a - Reno, Nevada were guests last week Larkin o f Parma. Mr and Mrs. Oeorge M cKee re C A R D P A R T Y B E N E FIT HELD hosts at dinner Thursday in ob- Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Fergusen! t o Nampa— ------------------------ turned last Monday from Richland at the C. A M ally home. tervance of Thanksgiving day ana 3f w alla Walla spent the Thanks- Mr. and Mrs Lynn Lawrence and The Rebekah lodge will sponsor Washington where they v ta 'fd » -------------------------- Here From Ogden— also the 20th birthday o f theis J giving holidays at the home o f Dugan spent the holidays at the the second o f a series of card part Visit In Nyssa— Mrs. Harvey Hagstrom of Ogden • he home of Mr. and Mrs. Max daughter. Greta, a student at the Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Galloway. M P Lawrence home in Nampa Mr and Mrs S ta tu o f Salem ( arrlved prklay at the C. H Steph- ies at the I. O O. F. hall Saturday Their ^ anddaUg^ [ 1 University o f Oregon. Other guests j ---- ------- ------------ On Thanksgiving day, the birthday Schweizer The dooe were recent visitors at the home aIlgen home, to be with her motli- evening. December 4. Pamela Schweizer. who had bee« anniversaries of Mr Lawrence and were M r and Mrs. Oene Stun/ visit In Baker-* prize will be an electric knife t>f Mr. and Mrs. C. C. I » y . Mr. |#r Mrs Stephensen is recovering visiting them remained at Rich and daughter, Suzanne. I Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Burton were his mother and father, were ob The public Is Invited and Mrs Statts also visited Mr I [ rom a g nr r injury received in a sharpener. ________ _________ _ j visitors Thursday and Friday at served. land. __________ and Mrs. C L. Hawkins. jfaU to attend. Teachers T o Portland— the home o f Mr. and Mrs John Sale Of Health Bonds Started All-Star Team Named By Lions Nyssa Band Will Present Concert Services Held For Mrs. Evans »> I t Nyssa To Play LaGrande Five Oleo And Other Topics Covered / Mrs. Joe Brum bach and Miss Burton of Baker. W hile there they Clarice Northeis of the Nyssa *ttended the baptismal services for Teachers association will attend a their granddaughter. Marjorie Sue. meeUng of the Oregon Education Mrs Burton's parents from Btlver- aasociation in K trtland this week- ton were also present for the ser- end. ' 1 rice. Breaks Arm— Mrs. Andrew McGinnis is re covering from a broken arm injur- ied in her home Saturday. Ruth Petty o f Kingman Kolony is caring for Mrs M cQinnu attend Purina Convention Hugh Tobler and C liff W right left Friday night for St Louis to attend a Purina convention. Mr. Tobler will visit In Chicago an rout« home Hunting Elk— |To C aldwell— Dale Garrison. Emerson Binga-j M r and Mrs. George Mitcchell man, Charles NewbiH and Clifford were Thanksgiving day visitors a t ___ _____ _____ _________ ________ ______ Nielson will hunt ilk in the Baker • he home of Mr and Mrs. Dorsey j Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and area this week-end. Donnelly of Caldwell. I Mrs. Cheater Ooodell o f Payette.