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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1948)
PAG E THREE THE N YSSA GATE CITY JO U R N A L, NYSjgA, OREGON T H U R SD A Y , NOVEM BER 25, 1948 Classified Advertising R ATE S Two cer.ta per word tor each issue. Alter one month one cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. For Sale FOR SALE— Heaters, circulators, white ranges from surplus stocks range, and priced far below actual value. 25Nlxp Ed Case's Furniture Bargain Cen ter, north o f " Y " , Nyssa. 140tfc F O R S A L E — T h ree-a p a rtm en t FOR S A LE —Our services. Electri- house, two lots, garage. 699 No. 6lh, phone 119J 25Ntlc . cal wiring at reasonable figures. | l e t us give you our estimate on Nyssa Electric F O R S A LE — 1931 AN John Deere your new home. tractor with hang-on plows. Also Co., phone 111M, located Just north 25N2xc double front end assembly and of Dessert Seed plant. frame. Good condition. Eleven FAR M S FOR SALE Inch tires, new last year. W alter 76 acres of the best land in the Obendorf, Jr., 7 miles southeast of Parma. 25Nlxp valley, basement house, large mod ern chicken house, other good F O R SA LE —John Deere tractor, buildings, $16,500, easy terms. model B, first class condition. Lee 80 acres, 4 room house with bath, Stoker, R 3, Parm a, phone 15J4. small basement, good garage. If 25N2xP you are looking for a good farm priced right, better see this one, F O R SALE!—O ne new five-room $10,500. house, completely m odem with full i 60 acres, extra nice modern home basement, located on K in g avenue. > with bath and basement, this Is a Stunz Lumber Co. 25Ntfc. I very good farm, $15,000; $9,500 F O R SALE—John Deere model A i down, balance O. I. loan, tractor, used 30 days, and Z model, i 37 V4 acres all good row crop M and M tractor. E. H. Beus, 'ground, nice 5 room house, $12,500. phone 05J5. 25N2xp 120 acres for diversified farming, paid up water right, large home, F O R SA LE —C roft L illy bulblets, $26,250. $3 per pound, field run. D. C. 1000 acre cattle ranch, 90 acres Jaggers, Brookings, Oregon. 25Nlxp irrigable, 7 room house. Handles F O R S A LE — By owner, six room 150 cattle. house in Parma. M odem except HOMES heat. Almost new garage. For in 4 room house in Green addition. formation write Miss Wilhelmina $ 2200 . H offm an, 1705 Dearborn street, House in Parma, 6 rooms close Caldwell, Idaho. 26N2xc in town. $7100. F O R SA I-fi -M odern white, 482 Ennis. coal F O R SALE—Forty acres, no build ings, water rights, nine acres of prune orchard,'one m ile southeast of Adrian on Adrian-W ilder high way. Charles Van Cleef, Jr., route 3, Parma. 18N2xp. F O R SALE;— 325 acres o f land, partly leveled, will sell all or part, $80 an acre and down. Easy terms. W ater right. Oscar Pike, phone 198-J. 4N7xp A home with all the modem conveniences, including automatic coal stoker heat, fine lawn and shade, many expensive flowers and shrubs in rock garden, close In, AN D only $8,500. Very nice home o f over 800 square feet. This place Is new and only partly finished, owner sacri ficing at $6,000. As nice a 5 room, medium priced house as we have had In a long time, hardwood floors, electric dish washer, shade and lawn and many other convenlencies, $7,000, terms. Brand new, large home with oak floors, basement, 2 bedrooms, large living room, large kitchen, $7,000. 5 rooms and bath only $4,500; $1,500 down. Universal traler house, Watson Dollies, sleeping room for 6, this is really nice. $2750. Looking for building lots? We have them from $375 to $550. 2 lots and small house, $1000. W e have listings on a C afe and Confectionery, a Grocery store and a Service Station. E. L. JAM ISO N Real Estate and Insurance Phone 276W F O R SA LE — Alcohol $1 gallon, also with the purohase o f each new tire a tub at half price. Chard’s S er vice station, 1 mile north of Nyssa. HU4xp FO R SALE —N ew F'erguson and 1946 O liver tractor „w ith plows and equipment. Prank Skeen, Vi mile west on Enterprise avenue, phone 0l7Rl. 18N3xp F O R SALE —O il heater, large size Coleman, practically new. Also table model washing machine. R. K. Laracy, inquire Owyhee grocery. 18N3xp F O R S A LE —Grocery store and meat market, 80 by 23, low rental eight-year lease, heart of Irrigation district, grossing $150,000 per year. Jeffw ay grocery and Krebs market. Madras, Oregon. 18N2xp F D R S A LE —Or trade for house furniture, model A pick-up, 1930. See at Wilson's Highway market. 18N2xp F O R SATE—Red beans, good qual ity; $6.76 a bushel, 911 a sack. A. D. Moses, near Langton's comer. llN4xp. Professional And Business Directory PH YSICIANS LODGES Nyssa Post No. 79 S A R A ZIN CLINIC American Legion Dr. J. J. Sarazin Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeon* Project Office, 8 p. m. All Veterans Welcome L. A. Maulding. M. D. Gate City Lodge Physician and Surgeon No. 214 Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 11 and 2 to 5 I.O.O.F. D ally except Saturday and Meets every Monday Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 night, 8:30. South First Street C. J. Kopp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon DENTISTS Fry Building O ffice hours DR. C. M. TY L E R 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 D aily except Saturday and Wilson Building Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 E W E LR Y STORES PAULUS JEW ELR Y STORE Union Pacific Tim e Inspector JE W E LR Y — D IAM O ND S W A TC H E S Main Street a . Second W YCKOFF JEW ELR Y STORE O fficial Tim e Inspector lor Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREGON Phone 165-J, Nyssa O ffice hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 12. J. R. CU ND ALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. M C FALL DR. JOHN E A SLY VETER IN AR IAN S DR. H A L D. W H ITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore W A N T E D — 80 acres good farm ober 28. 1948. cranked a tractor and was hit In Sunday morning, November 28. land, prefer good dairy set up. Last publication November 35. the face by the crank. The cheek The O. K. K . club met Thurs .Client will pay cash. Nyssa ln - 1948. rone was broken at the ba-e of his day with Mrs. Jessie Skinner, with ED NA B. C O W L IN G 'suranoe Agency, Ralph G. L a w r - ! nose and his eye was blackened Mrs. Claude Skinner assisting. P riz 1 ence, Agent. 210tfc Adm inistratrix of the Es-oie of rom the blow. es were won oy Mrs. Martha K lln g - Ernest G. Cowling, Deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brown and back, Mrs. Raleigh Chamberlain ¡W A N T E D — Capable salesman-buy- hildren and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mrs. Lynn K ygar and Mrs. Bob ‘ er for Malheur county, must be free K IN G M A N C O U PLE Refreshments of sand Ray of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. Morfitt. to travel, willing to study full line tJon Franklin and sons of Nyssa wiches, olives, pie and coffee wero to do effective work, good com M O VE TO SHEAV1LLE cere dinner guests Sunday in the served. The next meecirvj will be FO R SALE—T w o boy’s used bi mission. W rite Watts Seed Co., K IN G M A N K O L O N Y , Nov. 25— Mr ynn Kygar home. Mr. and Mrs. held at the home o f Mrs. Martha Nyssa, Oregon. 24Jtfc >nd Mrs. W illard H all moved their cycles. Bernard Eastman. 70tfc Keith Kygar and children and Mr. Klingback in the form of a pot- Household furniture to Sheaville A and Mrs. Charley Culbertson call luck luncheon at 1:00 o ’clock. T h ey have rented a FOR SALE—Used office desk In W A N T E D — To buy anything in Saturday. I Christmas gi ft exchange and elect ed in the afternoon. firs t class condition, bargain at beef or veal. Also custom killed large ranch and expect to make Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vanderwsll ion of officers will be held. 539.50 Nvssa Furniture Co., phone and delivered to Polar Cold Stor iheir home at Sheaville for the of Nvssa were Sunday afternoon | Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toyne and son 149-W. 30Stfc age. Phone 31-M or 0U-J1. 12Ftfc. ext. five years. of Welser were Saturday dinner Kenneth Moore and Ralph Rns- callers In the W illiam Peutz home. Kenneth McDonald made a bus guests in the K enneth M cDonald FOR SALE — An excellent selection For Rent ell spent Monday In Letha, Idaho home. of farms of a l l sizes including visit ing Kenneth's sister, Mrs. Ruth iness trip to Caldwell Monday. some unimproved, also small acres FO R REPIT—Four-room house, el Snead. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson ages. Homes of all kinds, several ectricity. phone 07R5. 2SN2xp Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Whitely entertained at their home Thursday new ylth F R A terms. and fam ily of Middleton, Idaho for 19 members of their Sunday One acre on Alberta, H mile out, FX>R R E N T —Courtel one-room a- x ere guests In the D. L. Hurst school class. Refreshments of one bedroom, modern, full base partment, very nice, at Nampa- home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W hit- chilli, pie and ice cream were ser- ment with two bedrooms, $6,000. New Plymouth Junction, rear of >ly are former residents of K ing- ed. FO R SA LE —New home, 2 bed Palisades. 2SN2xp man Kolony. Mrs. Charley Culbertson and rooms, fully modem, In good lo Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hurst a t Betty and Larry were business vis cation. FRA approved. $3,000 F D R R E N T — two-room cabin with itors in Nampa Saturday. down, balance at $42 monthly. bath, partly furnished. 133 Ennis tended a farm sale near New Word has been received by Mr Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur avenue, Nyssa. Oregon, owner D. Plymouth Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A r t Sparks and and Mrs. Charley Culbertson of ance agency. Pamperien, Vale, Oregon, $25 family were in Caldwell Tuesday. the birth of a son, Ronald Lee. to month. 25Nlxp Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Toomb Mr. and Mrs. John Powers of M ar FO R SALE — 12-foot Bversman land Mrs. Powers Is ieveler, special price. Eder Hard F D R R E N T —150 acres for row and Dickie and Mr. and Mrs. James tinez, California. ware company. 210tfc crops, excellent water right, cash Phifer spent Tuesday in Caldwell the former Juanita Culbertson. Land BanL loans can prtv rent. Inquire Town House Motel, and Nampa. Mrs. Donald Brewer and children vide funds immediately T h e Home Economics club met and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Wanda llN 3xp FO R S A LE — Used m ilking machin Ontario. for (hose building and re with Mrs. L. L. K reager Tuesday. were Sunday dinner guests in the es-several makes to choose from - modeling jobs that make some nearly new. It will pay you FD R R E N T —Floor Polisher. Pet- A fter a business meeting the after William Peutz home. erson-Newsom Furniture Co. 22Jtfc noon was spent in doing hand your farm operation more o see us first. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Bowder left work. efficient and more profit last week for T w in Falls, Idaho, D A V E N PO R T & JACOBS Mrs. Dale Ashcraft, Mrs. Wesley where they will spend Thanks SU RG E D A IR Y E Q U IPM E N T able. Piercy and Mrs. W illiam Toomb giving with their son-in-law and DEALERS FO R R E U T attended a card club meeting at daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Puckett. 814 R iver St., Payette, Idaho. 2106xc OWNtO IY FARM!RS FOSJ the home of Mrs. Glen Brown In Floor Mrs. Byrd W alters and Mrs. Ellis Adrian. FDR SALE— We have a nqw supply Walters went to Boise Friday and Sander Miss Margaret Garwood. Thur returned Saturday. of truck mud flaps, $3 pair. Ed On the way See yOi, nw o'tit Notional Form Lou' A man Piercy and Mrs. Ruben G ra home the two ladies stopped in Case’s F’umiture Bargain Center. M lrn f*»' fp«i<?iol loncf Book Sy '« jj Reasonable ham spent Friday in Boise. They Parma and had dinner with Mrs. 140tfc visited Mrs. G raham ’s daughter, Gerald Slippy and Mrs. Ray Frank- Rates H ERBERT J. D A V IS F D R SALE — Very nice three-room Mrs, Harold Byrd. Un at the Franklin home. Secretary -Treaa. house with bath and part base Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst at Rev. Robert K rln er will hold ser ment, good location, large lawn tended to business In Ontario W ed vices at Owyhee Sunday school Payette, Idaho and shade, picket fence around nesday. yard. $5500. Mrs. W iliam Toomb left Sunday Approximately one acre in Con evening for Reubems, Idaho, where cord grapes. Sm all two-room she will spend Monday with her house, full basement, pressure daughter, Mrs. Vincent Scott. Then water system, fruit trees, $5000. she will go to Clarkston, W ashing Some terms. ton to spend a week with her m oth W e have several good lots on er, Mrs. Conrad Martin, who re Park avenue for sale. Bernard S T U N Z LUM BER C O M P A N Y cently returned home from a hos Eastman Insurance, real estate, pital. phone 64. 2Stfc FO R REN T— Polish your own floors. Rent our high-speed pol That County Warrants not presented will be FO R SA LE — Business building. ishing equipment. Easily handled O W Y H E E RESIDENT Main street location, lot size 25x116. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. cancelled. IS HIT B Y C R A N K Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance 3Atfc. agency, Nyssa, phone 53. 22Jtfc. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the»fol- O W YH E T, Nov. 25—H arold Five- Found coat made a business trip to F D R SALE— Let us measure your lowing warrants will be cancelled and the pay windows for Venetian Dlinds. No P O U N D — Two white-face cows Madras last week. H e spent two charge for this service or estimates. with calves. Owner may have them days there. ments thereof will be refused unless said war M e and Mrs. Houston Dunaway Obtainable in one week. Assorted by paying for keep and this ad rants are presented to the County Treasurer for colors in steel or aluminum slats. vertisement. Stephenson, 5 and daughters, Jacqueline and Jo Nyssa F'urnlture company, phone miles west and H mile south on anne. spent Monday and Tuesday payment on or before December 31, 1948. 149-W. 20Mtfc. Alberta avenue. 18N4xp In Boise shopping. Danny stayed with his grand-parents, Mr. and F O R S A LE — T ile wall coverings, GENERAL FUND W A R R A N TS Mrs. J. P. Dunaway. M ISCELLANEOUS chrome table and sink edgings, Mrs. W erner Peutz entertained a waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur Date Issued No. Claimant Amount group - of ladles Wednesday after- i niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. Miscellaneous— Lawrt leveling, horse shoeing. W ill buy chicken feed noon in the W illiam Peutz home ‘ $3.00 Dec. 7, 1940 9819 Hilda L. Tensen FO R SALE—Have farms and homes horses. Dixie Ktnkade, route 2, in honor of Mrs. Peutz’s wedding Dec. 7, 1940 Maude Greeley .30 9975 T h e afternoon was for sate. Need more, list with Ken Nyssa. 25N2xp anniversary. Jan. 13. 1941 1 70^ 111 W illiam Keller spent ’ playing pinochle, with Mrs Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. Byrd W alters winning high, Mrs. Mar. 13, 1941 359 6.16* Robert Newby TANNING FDR SALE— Electric wiring and Wilson W inter low, and Mrs. C lay supplies of all kinds at your Wes Custom Tanning and. Manufactur ton Patton and Mrsj K enneth M c GENERAL ROAD FUND W A R R A N TS in g of tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Bros. Donald traveling. Appliance Co., phone 11B-W 15Jtfc. JAC KETS, GLOVES. M OCCASINS, July 11. 1940 1.00 4646 Ed Tucker Rev. D. D. Randall of Medford ETC. delivered a message after Sunday Jan. 3. 1941 5027 3.75 Lawrence Swanson FDR SALE— Im perial wallpaper Write for Illustrated Price List Guaranteed to be washable anc MYERS GLOVE & T A N N IN G CO. school Sunday to the members of Feb. 10, 1941 5088 N. A. Campbell 1.56 non-lading Tor three years. Good 1496 South lîth Salem. Oregon Owyhee Sunday school. Rev. R an stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com 2805xp dall was accompanied by Rev. R. H. S. Sackett, G. Chandler o f Caldwell. pany. 26Jtlc. Lawrence Peutz broke his nose County Clerk. M ISCELLANEO US— General truck FO R SALE— New Westlnghouse el ing. John Barnett and Kenneth Wednesday afternoon when he ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc. i -■ Bros. Appliance. Oo., phone 118-W. 15JtfC. M ISCELLANEO US— Available now 6LBil0BlS®®!dlSltA“H l i l ^ l S M ® ^ ^ ® ,inB M ^''ala®?lE15)1510iaUilb|l‘ Electrolux cleaners and air puri Interlocking Metal F D R SALE— Basement house with fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. A n bath, nice lawn, trees, pressure derson, route 3, Welser, Idaho. water system. 160-foot well, app Phone 087-J4. 26Jtfc. Weatherstripping roximately one acre ground with M ISCELLANEO US— Prompt and 25-foot irrigation well, chicken house and pen. Edge of town free pick-up <# your dead, crlppied or sick livestock. Calls received be Priced right. Terms. One of the nicest two-bedroom fore 9 o’clock are picked up by homes in Nyssa. Flill basement, noon. Eftictent drivers Call col furnace, stoker, water softener, gar- lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys aga, fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav sa 102-W. iaano Anim al Products SJtfc. ing and curbing paid. Shown by Company. appointment. M ISCELLANEO US— Need money? B E R N AR D E ASTM AN Loans on farms for refinancing, Real Estate—Insurance building. Improvements, b u y i n g . Phone 64 Long term, low Interest, see Ber nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. W ANTED 3Atfc. W A N T E D — Washing, see Mrs. M ISCELLANEO US— Duplicate car Moyes, six blocks No. Second street, red im itation brick house. 18N2xp and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- neman’s. 250tfc. W A N TE D — T o rent good row crop CUSTOM S L A U G H T E R IN G land. Phone 897J, Ontario. llN t fc Stock received Monday, Tuesday, WANTF1D—Man for Rawleigh bus Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. iness In Malheur county. No ex to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Best Material perience needed to start. Sales N o stock received on Sunday. easy to make and profits large. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery Start immediately. W rite Raw- to Pclar locker plant. Best Equipment leigh’s Dept. ORK-331-190, Oak One mile west on Alberta avenue land, California. 25Nlxp Phone 05R1 Plus Skilled mechanics, equals JAKE FISCH E R W A N T E D —House work. Mrs. Etta guaranteed satisfaction to the Castleberry. Crismon's basement Legal Advertising apartment. Fourth .street. 18N2xp Any name changes or corrections must be Home Owner. W A N T E D —T o rent good row crop IN TH E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF received at the Ny$»a office. Telephone 174, land for cash, plenty o f equipment, T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N F O R TH E CO UNTY O F M ALHEUR phone 2024 N ew Plymouth, even NOT LATER T H A N ings. 23Stfc In the Matter o f the Estate of ERNEST O. O O W LIN O , also known as Earnest Cowling and E. O. Cowling, deceased Notice to Creditors Free Pick Up N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that the undersigned, Fklna B. O f Your Cowling, has been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Ernest Dead and Worthless O. Cowling, also known as Earnest Cowling and E. O Cowling, deceas Roofing. Insulated Sidings, ed. by the County Court of Malheur Animals New Panel Shakes County, Oregon, and has qualified. NO W T’lrFTtEF'ORE, all persons Call Collect Wcathrrstrlpping Specialists having claims against the estate of EYnest O. Cowling, deceased, are There Is a Phone Near You herdby notified and required to For Free Estimates Nymsa 100 Parma 38 present the same, with proper Phone 3285-J vouchers, duly verified, within six Ontario 53 <t i months from the date o f this P. O. Box 1663— Boise. Idaho Notice to the undersigned, EMna B. -W e Haul the Day You C a ir Cowling, at the law office of H ar Convenient Monthly Ida-Ore Rendering Co. old Hetiigson at Nyssa, Oregon, which place the undersigned selects Payments as her place of business In «11 mat Nyssa, Oregon ters connected with said estate. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M l i-snontflgtsngtonq Dated and first published Oct- FOR S A L E — New. tVo-bedroom home. full basement, double I garage, one acre of ground, ex cellent location. SHOW N B Y A P P O IN T M E N T Priced fog quick sale, three room house with bath. Completely furnished, 50x153 lot, nice yard B E R N AR D E ASTM AN , NYSSA. PH O NE 64. 30Stfi I nil B tu IIIIU NOTICE! The New Telephone Directory WILL BE CLOSED MONDA Y, DEC. 6 Fuel Conservation Company DECEMBER 6 MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY