'll » *>v l“ r r r r / - r ' * ' - r r / * « Í C . 777e N YSSA GAI VOLUME XXXX11I NO. 46 JOURNAL THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON i rtüittsDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1948 S Beet Harvesting i ^ vLIEBEG0ERs In Nyssa-Nanipa Plans have been completed for the matinee to be held in the District Ending Nyssa theater Friday afternoon From One To Two Per Cent In Ground; Cam paign Third Over kt > T h e beet harvest in the Nyssa- Nampa district o f the Am algamat ed Sugar company had been pract ically completed Tuesday of this week, with one to two per cent of the beets remaining in the ground. District Manager R. O. Larson ol the sugar company said. Harvest of the remaining beets will un doubtedly be completed next week The total number o f tons har vested is nearing the one million mark in the Nyssa-Nampa district, which is somewhat less than the tonnage o f last year, when the rec ord for the district was established The processing period at the fact ory in Nyssa will be approximately the same as last year, as no beet? will be shipped to other factories from this area. Mr. Larson said the quality of the beets is good so far but no def inite statement can be m ade as the factory ‘•campaign’’ is only about one-third finished. Many Hoopsters Seeking Derths *» .1 T h e largest number o f boys to turn out for basketball in the his tory of Nyssa high school appeared for practice with the two squads, but the A and B groups have al ready been reduced to 43 and will be culled still more, Coach Howard Lovejoy reported Tuesday. Starting the season with a group of 60 players, the coaches will re duce each squad to 15 boys for the season. Coach Lovejoy said prospects for the year are fair, with four 1947 lettermen, Kayano, Wilder, Pecks and Chadwick, returning to the fray. In addition to the lettermen. some o f the "good looking boys” are Rahe Williams, Deane Hunter. Richard Pounds and Delwin Hol comb. "Several other boys will be push ing this group later on", Lovejoy said. The Bulldcijs will open the sea son against La Grande here De cember 3 and 4. T h ey will practice over the Thanksgiving week-end in order to get in condition for the contests. MALHEUR CORN IS ENTERED IN SHOW Corn samples to be entered in the 1948 Oregon state hybrid corn growing contest were collected in Malheur county last week by R. E. Fore, professor o f farm crops at Oregon State college. yield samples were obtained froip the following Ontario growers: Dave Rees, M artin Sink. C. I. Lan- ey. Rube Bolles, George Moeller and John Zittercob. All samples entered in the con test will be on display at the an nual state corn show, December 10 to 12 at the Clackamas county fa ir grounds, Canby. Reading Certificates Awarded— T h e P. T . A. room mothers will award the reading certificates this week to all pupils who com pleted their reading circle require ments during the summer. Six certificates will be awarded at the Oregon T ra il school, 13 at Arcadia and 93 at the Nyssa grade school. d a ir y b r e e d e r s The annual meeting of the M al heur County Dairy Breeders associ ation will be held in the parish hall in Nyssa, Monday, November 29, beginning at 1:30 p. m. President Rosel Hunter said the association plans to have outside speakers, including Oben Simonson, manager of the Oregon Dairy Breeders association. The Malheur manager, Royce Roberts, will give his annual report. Motion pictures on dairying will be hown by the county agent. All dairymen and their wives and local business people are in vited to attend the meeting. under the auspices o f the L. D. S. ; econd ward primary association for the benefit o f the Malheur M emorial hospital. A prize w ill be awarded to the boy who furnishes the most wash cloths, to the girl who furnishes the most wash cloths, and the "tiny tot" who gives the most cloths. Prizes will also be given to the first five children who take five or more wash cloths to the show and for the most children from one fam ily with the most wash cloths. Candy bars and gum will be given -o everyone. The feature picture will be ’M ichael O H alloran ". Census Reveals 2014 Children Of School Age Hospital Affair Nets About $500 Increase In 4-19 Group Listed As 277 In Last Year N et proceeds o f approximately $5C0 were received from the dance and auction sponsored by the M al heur Memorial Hospital association in the Nyssa gymnasium last S a t urday night, according to the com- m During .in'*Intermission in the Th,s d a t i n g a m e r c h ^ d ^ a u c t io n was caUed held with B ill u l of Nyssa as several auctioneer. T h e^n erch ard U a^w as curred contributed by Nyssa merchants. Perhaps the outstanding gift auctioned was a men’s and wo men’s wrist watch set. which was contributed by Jackson’s jewelry. It auctioned for $68. A 31-pound turkey sold for $23 ‘and a goose sold for $15. T h e money w ill be used by the Malheur Memorial Hospital associ ation auxiliary fo r the purchase of supplies for the institution, such as towels, pillow cases and sheets. SENIORS TO GIVE THREE-ACT PLAY The senior three-act play, "Dude Ranch,” will be presented in the Nyssa gymnasium Tuesday evening, November 30 at 8. o’clock. T h e story centers about the visit of a canned soup heiress to a dude ranch, where Aunt Sue McGonigle and her son are having financial difficulties, in the operation o f the place. T o maintain their Income they engage In various activities to keep the rich heiress at the ranch. Western songs add variety to the humorous presentation. ADRIAN WOMAN IS TAKEN BY DEATH A Mrs. Evans died a t the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eastman, four miles south o f Adrian Tues day morning. No details of Mrs. Evans' life were available Wednesday. She had been in this vicinity only a short time. T h e body is in the Nyssa Funeral home. Discussion Groups Started— A series of discussion and study groups, sponsored by the Nyssa Parent Teacher association, were begun last week at the high school. The social hygiene course that is being pursued by many P. T . A. units throughout the state, and using the Dickerson course of study, will be led by Rev. Donald Camp bell. Following the social hygiene course the members o f the group attended sectional meetings where fhe problems dealing with the pre school child, the school-age ohlld, and the adolescent were discussed. The next meeting will be held December 16 at the high school. The first meeting last Thursday was attended by 45 persons. Z'Hie Ordinance TO HOLD MEETING Z a*‘rlal view shows thp *°* lnvo,ved- The Nyssa safety council Dale Garrison corn" " her<M «>»* ~ * e d the state highway de- sfrious » « ‘ dents have oe- < partment to eliminate the iiarard. w,th trains and automobi.es! The picture, look.,,, toward the north, shows the trees blocking the view of motorists on the south side of the highway and on both sides of the railroad track. W. F. JAHN HELPS RESCUE TWO INJURED ADRIAN LIONS CLUB OFFICERS FROM WRECKED HELICOPTER IS ORGANIZED AT FRIDAY MEETING W. F. Jahn of Seattle, who to travel to the plane. When the two reached the plane, spends a considerable part o f his time in Nyssa, has received a let the injured officer, First Lieut. ter of commendation from the com W illiam H. M ajor, indicated that manding general of Elgin field, Florida for his spectacular rescue he could not stand. He could not of two air force officers from a lift his legs out of the cockpit, wrecked helicopter in Florida Oct but the rescuers finally removed ober 22. him and took him to shore. Lieut. Jahn, who had been in M ain and M ajor died two hours after reach other parts of the east, was driving ing the hospital. along the G u lf highway en route W. E. Kepner, major general, home when he saw a helicopter commander of the air base, wrote hurtle from the sky into the gulf. Mr. Jahn as follows: To attract attention he sounded “I wish to express my sincere the horn of his automobile as he appreciation for the assistance you drove toward the airplane, but no '•endered First Lie enant William one '’appeared except Mrs. Donald H. M ajor and M ajor Frank E. A. Kersting, wife of another major Brandeberry when the helicopter stationed at the headquarters air In which they were flying crashed proving ground. Eglin airforce base, near Destin, Florida, October 22, wrhich is located about 20 miles 1948. from the scene of the accident. “ Without concern for your per A fter viewing the situation at sonal safety, you and Mrs. Don the scene. Jahn saw one of the ald A. Kersting brought the two men, M ajor E. Brandeberry, in the men who were critically Injured water near the plane. W ith the and suffering from shock, out of waves whipping over the m ajor’s the wreckage and the water to the head during an unusually cold and beach. In addition you made them windy period, Mr. Jahn removed comfortable and cared for them his outer clothing and started edg- until competent medical aid arriv ing his way into the rough water, ed. Your willingness to render With a great deal o f difficulty, aid, your courage and clear think- Jahn succeeded in carrying the of- ing are highly commendable, ficer to shore. He asked M ajor | “ I reget to inform you that Lieu- Brandeberry if there were others |tenant M ajor died two hours aftei In the plane and the injured man j arrival at the hospital. The medi- held up one finger. cal diagnosis proved that M ajor By that time Mrs. Kersting ar-1 Brandeberry has a severe back in- rived on the* scene and she and Jury and will be hospitalized for Jahn started for the plane to res-1 several months. I wish to apprise cue the other man. W hen they you again of my gratitude and add started wading into the water. Mrs. I the thankfulness o f their families Kersting said there was no danger | and all members o f this command from undertoe when the tide was ) tor your kindness and prompt act- out, but the rescue o f the second ion in ministering to the two of- man was more hazardous than the ficers in their initial stages of first because of the greater distance shock and injury." County Deciding On Road Plans A Lions club was organized at a meeting held In Adrian last Friday night under the sponsorship of the Nyssa Lions club. The new officers are R. P. M c Cullough, president; Raymond H ol ly, vie president; Gene Pratt, sec- tetary-treasurer, and Vern Parker, 'ailtwlster. T h e other officers will be elected at the first meeting. The club was organized by Lyle Ormsby of the Lions International, who also organized a club in Hun tington reçently. The new club will meèt at 6:30 p. m. the first and third Thursdays of each month. The charter night program will be held February 5. CITY BASKETBALL GAMES POSTPONED Next week’s games in the city basketball league will be played Wednesday, December 1 Instead of Monday. The games are scheduled as fol lows: 7:15, Wilson Brothers versus Owyhee ward: 8:30, Aggies versus Stunz Lumber company, and 9:45. Bracken's versus Adrian. Bracken's nosed out the Aggies Monday night by a score of 29 to ?8. Pete Timmerman and Leon Bailey tied for scoring honors with 11 points each. Other scores and high-point men were Adrian 29 and Stunz Lumber company 13, Don ald Brewer 7 and Chuck Landretli 7: Wilson's 37 and M. I. A. 23. Tom Moore 14 and Roy Meeham 7. Attends Funeral— Mrs. Lawrence M cLafferty of Colleije Place. Washington was a Birth Announced— guest at the H. R. Sherwood home The Holy Rosary hospital In O n while in Nyssa for the funeral of tario reports the following babies Mrs. Bertha M cLafferty. bom to parents residing in Nyssa: S T A T E O FFIC E R S V IS IT November 11, born to Mr. and Mrs. At a special meeting of the wo Carl Bumingham, a boy; Novem ber 13. born to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- men’s auxiliary of the Veterans of dan Williams, a boy; November 15, Foreign Wars, held Monday even born to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Shively, ing, Dorothy H ill of Springfield, de a boy; November 17, born to Mr. partment president of Or «ton, and and Mrs. W alter Ashley, a boy. M yrtle Tripp of Corvallis, senior and November 19, to Mr. and Mrs. vice president, made their annual visit to the Owyhee post 3506. A. J. White, a boy. Three new members were taken in to the auxiliary. Lunch was served Here From Boise— Mr. and Mrs Boyd Brown and at the close of the evening by Mrs. children of Boise spent several days George Bear, president of the local last week visiting at the home of group. Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown. Revised figures on the annual school census, released this week, revealed a population in the dis trict of 2014 children between the ages of four and 19, inclusive. The figures, completed by Grant Rine hart. were released by Superintend ent Henry H. Hartley. The figures show an Increase In population in that age group of 277. They include the names of 1074 boys and 940 girls. The num ber Includes 1118 in the eight up per grades and 899 in the lower eight grades and the pre-school group. The school population In 1939 totaled 768, so that the present figure shows a gain of 1246 in 10 years. School officials estimate that approximately 30 per cent of the population falls in the 4-19 group. That would mean an in crease of between 900 and 1000 persons in the population of the Nyssa school district in the* last year. JURY DISAGREES IN SUITER TRIAL The Jury hearing the case of state o f Oregon versus Marion D Suiter, charged with speeding in a truck, disagreed in Justice court last Wednesday afternoon and was discharged by Judge Don M. G ra ham, who set 2 p. m., November ’6 as the time for a new trial, fudge Graham said that in the meantime Suiter had asked per mission to enter a plea of guilty. Tile Jury received the case at 2:25 and at 3:55 p. m. informed the court that there was little probabil ity of arriving at a unanimous ver dict. The judge then dismissed the Jury. Members of the Jury were Carlos Buchner, Harry Miner. J. E. Brow er, Henry Field and Charles Mc Connell, with G. M. Sallee as al ternate. A U T H O R S BOOK R E VIE W Mrs. Ella Sm ith reviewed the new book "S o Th is Is Ranching" by Inez Puckett McEwin, Idaho auth or, at the meeting of the Kingman Kolony book club last Saturday at the home o f Mrs. E. H. Brumbach of Big Bend. Th e hostess was as sisted by Mrs. Joe Brumbach dur ing the refreshment hour. The group will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Fry, December 18 for Its annual Christmas party. Is Approved By Nyssa Council Amendment Foi'bids Gar ages, Gas Stations In Certain Areas The city council, holding a spec ial meeting Wednesday noon, pas sed at its third reading an amend ment to the Nyssa zoning ordinan a prohibiting the establishment o f garages and service stations in cer tain sections of the business dis- rict. As there was no opposition to the proposed amendment at a hearing held Tuesday night, the city council passed the amend ment at Its first and second read ings. Several persons appeared In support of the proposal. T h e Nyssa chamber of commerce presented a resolution endorsing the amend ment. The amendment prohibits the re tail sale of gasoline, distillate and oils in zone 3 between the center line of Good avenue and the cen» ter line of Bower avenue and be tween the center line of First street and the center line o f the state highways leading toward Adrian and Ontario. Stockmen Seek Unified Laws Don Hotchkiss, president o f the Oregon State Cattlemen's associ ation commended the county as sociations on their cp-ope ration in the brand and health inspection laws in one of the principal ad dresses at the annual meeting o f the Malheur County Livestock as sociation in Vale last week-end. He pointed out that a tri-state meeting of Oregon, Washington and Idaho stockmen will be held next month to adopt uniform law». W ith 100 persons in attendance, a junior association with 2» char ier members was formed. Th e o f ficers of the Junior association are George Ferguson of Wiliowcreek. president: Kenneth Romans o f Wiliowcreek, vice president, and Bob Fulwyler of Wiliowcreek, sec retary. The directors are Gary Seale of Rome, Hubert Parker o f Nyssa, Ray Andrews of W illow - creek, W ilm a Purvis of Harper, Virginia M allett of W hite S ettle ment, Charley Glenn of K in g - man Kolony, Raymond Dillon of Vale and David Chaney of Lower Bend. Folowtng a talk by R ay Williams of Burns, the association adopted a resolution asking for legislation appropriating money for greater predatory animal control. The officers of the association, elected last year, were re-named as follows: W. W. Scott of W illow- creek, president; Carrol Locey of Ironside, vice president; Art Seale, Rome, secretary-treasurer; Oeorge Baine, Ontario, assistant secretary- treasurer, and Fred Walters of Westfall, George Russell o f Vale, Sam Ross o f Jordan Valley and Joe Bankofler of McDermitt, direc tors. Other speakers at the two-day session Included E. R. Jackman, soils specialist of Oregon State college; Dorman Turner, secre tary-treasurer of the state live stock association; W alter Shrock, president of the Washington C at tlemen's association; Dr. J. O. Shaw. Idaho state brand inspector; F E. Mollln, executive secretary of the American National Livestock association, and Herman O liver o f John Day, prominent Oregon stock- man. The Malheur county road com m ittee will decide at its December 13 meeting on the program to be A U X IL IA R Y MEETS followed in spending the road im Clyde Snider, local attorney, told provement money that was appro of some of his experiences in the priated by vote o f the people in legal profession at the November the spring. meeting of the Malheur hospital The county will decide whether auxiliary Monday afternoon at the Women's Council Meets— parish hall. to contract the road work or The members o f the women's Nursing Home Arrivals— Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. M or whether to buy equipment and do An added attraction for the Mon council o f the Christian church day meeting was the performance HEARS O F P A N -A M E R IC A N IS M met Tuesday at the church, and rison o f Nvssa November 3, a son, the work itself. It w ill also decide of Mrs. D. O. Bybee on her solovox. At the regular meeting o f the in place of the regular meeting, weighing 12 pounds: B om to Mr. other matters o f importance in the Mrs. Bybee played a number of American Legion auxiliary at the spent the afternoon painting win and Mrs. F. C. Fry of Parma, N ov program. The county engineer will super requests from the audience, and home of Mrs. Harold Henigson last dow casings for the new church. ember 8. a daughter, weighing 9 REPORT IS GIVEN also some of her original compo Thursday evening. Mrs. E. K. Bur pounds: B om to Mr. and Mrs. vise the program in the county. Visite Parents— ON CHEST X-RAYS sitions and songs. Her song, "T h e ton discussed the topic o f Pan- Takes Boise Position— Floyd Cooper o f Nyssa, Novembet which has been divided Into 111 Mrs. Earl Deimer o f Nampa vis- Sweetest Person on Earth" was Americanism, and showed that James E. Cook, son o f Mr. and j 9. a daughter, weighing 9 pounds, districts. Bernard Frost represents lted Monday at the home of her A summary report o f the M al played and dedicated to Mrs. H. more friendliness was necessary Mrs. A. V. Cook, whe recently re- 2 ounces: B om to Mr. and Mrs. the city o f Nyssa on the committee. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell heur county chest X -ra y survey R. Sherwood. If the peoples o f the Americas were ceived his army discharge, has Irvin W olfe o f Nyssa, November 10, The committee will map the en Baer. conducted from October 19 to Nov Mrs. Bybee was accompanied on to live together as neighbors. The taken a position with S w ift and twins, a boy weighing 5 pounds, tire road system, identify ail roads ember 5 has been Issued. some of her numbers by her can members of the auxiliary mads company at Boise. 1 9 ounces, and a girl weighing, 6 and structures by numbering system Taken On T raffic Count— There were 3693 miniature chest ary which has been trained to sing plans for the distribution ot Erwin A. Wymer o f Notus. ar classify all roads and structures as ------------------------ pounds: B om to Mr. and Mrs. M el- X -rays taken, o f which 3573 were with the piano while Mrs. Bybee thanksgiving baskets. Mrs. Henig T o Have Food Sale— irin Feik, Ontario, November 15, a to present condition, locate and rested by city police officers, was read as negative for pulmonary plays. son was assisted In serving re T h e St. Anne's A lter society will daughter, weighing, 6 pounds, 11 determine ownership o f all gravel arraigned in the Nyssa Justice During the business meeting, re- freshments at the close of the hold its annual bazaar and cooked ounces: B om to Mr. and Mrs. Jer- pits, determine geographical lo court Tuesday on a charge of vio- tuberculosis, 90 were read as ques- food sale Saturday, November 27 ry Sinclair o f Nyssa. November 20, cation and ownership status of all latton of the basic rule. After he ionable or positive and required1 ports were made on the hospital social hour by Mrs. E. D. Micn- at the Nyssa Insurance office. M rs J a son. weighing 8 pounds. 15 ounc- i rights-of-way. establish construct-1 had posted bail of $150 his trial 14 inch by 17 inch films, 24 showed dance, and Mrs. El wood Flinders aeison. T h e next meeting will be Jim William s and M i*. J. O root'es. Several babies under one yea r! ion priorities for roads and struct-j was set for Wednesday afternoon. pathology other than tuberculosis, told o f the plans for the show to held at the home of Mrs. Hugh are in charge o f the sale. of age have been treated at the I ures using present condition and | Wymer was arrested on a charge of and six were unsatisfactory for be held Friday afternoon with wash Tobler December 2. nursing home for pneumonia the traffic volume as determining fa c - ; drunken driving, but on evidence reading. O f the 90 individuals who loths for admission. Boisf Visitors Here— There will be no meeting of the Club T o Meet— past 10 days. tors, prepare cost estimates for all | presented at the hearing. Judge required a 14 Inch by 17 Inch X - Arriving in Nyssa Wednesday for types of work and m aterials'Don Graham reduced the charge to ray film, 64 have had them taken auxiliary during December because The Oragon Trail Home Eco The remaining 28 will have their of the holidays. The next meeting nomics club will meet Thursday, the Thanksgiving holidays are Mr Two Arrested— through observation and a study o l ! violation of the basic rule, X -rays as soon as arrangements «'ill be held on the fourth Monday December 2 at 2 p. m at the home and Mrs. Ralph W o lf o f Boise, who Sam Gallegos and Lenord Good cost records o f comparable counties. can be completed. of January. of Mrs. David Belrs. Mrs. C. H. will visit at the home o f Rev. and ing were arrested by state police j Attend Dinner— T h e units operated 10*4 days In At the invitation o f the office Mrs. Donald Campbell. officers November 20 on a charge j M ore T o Culver— Merrick will be the assisting host- ------------------------ i of disorderly conduct in connect - Mrs. W. H. Bunch and children, force o f the Amalgamated Sugar | Malheur county. In a letter to the To Select Team— T o Enter Army— ion with a figh t occurring in the left Saturday with Mr Bunch fo: company in Nampa, the member? Malheur County health department | Olea Billings, president of the Perry B. Moss o f Vale will be In- | Ace Pastime Oooding pleaded Culver, where they will make their of the company’s office force In | the Oregon Tuberculosis and Health Nyssa Lions club, appointed Walter.1 Return To Corvallis— ducted Into the army November 29 guilty and Gallegos pleaded n o t:home Mrs. Bunch has been em- Nyssa attended a dinner In the! association congratulated the M a i-; McPartland, Edward Boydell and) Mr and Mrs. Ralph Haworth re- as the first draftee from Malheur guilty, but was found guilty in I ployed at the Nyssa Nursing home Owyhee hotel blue room In Boise heur County Tuberculosis and Everett Heldt at a Lions luncheon turned to Corvallis last week af- county under the present selective Nyssa justice court. Each man | for the past year. Mr. Bunch is Monday night. Members o f thej Health association and the county Monday to select an all-star Nyssa ter visiting friends in this vicinity, service program. Others examined! was fined $25 and m m s c i ! court a member o f the school faculty at ¡Nyssa o ff and their es- public health deoartment on the earn to play a>(alnst the AU-Amer- Mrs. Haworth was formerly a mem- and found acceptable Include L e s -1 costs o f »450 by Judge Don Ora-1 Culver. Oregon, where he owns a corts, numbering 20, attended the fine average of 377 miniature films ¡can Basketball Circus team in the ber of the Nyssa high school fac- lie B Turner o f Nyssa. aged 25. ham. per day. 'Nyssa gymnasium December 10. |ulty. dinner and program. farm