Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE THRFB THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1918 READING PROGRAM RESULTS REVEALED Skinner, Earl Wilaon, Dick Winter; Quests besides the honoree were Mrs. Montgomery’s room, Mrs. I cemetery Friday afternoon ertificate with green seal, Jerry Mr. Vanscoy and children, and Mr. Kenneth McDonald and Mrs. Ira „ Mr and Mrs. Davidson j>t Reed; children receiving plain cer- and Mrs. Vic Marshall and Jack. Price lor Mrs Witt’s room and: J & T tw o OWYHEE Nov 18—Mrs Clyde ! cificates; Larry Culbertson, Carlton Rev. R. G. Chandler of Caldwell Mrs. Claude Skinner and Mrs ^blos at play. Prizes went to Hoke and Mrs. Ira Price attended, Morgan Ray Morgan and Gary ^ D D. I^ndaU of Med- Lynn Kygar for Mrs Halt’s room Mr. and Mrs Jake Oroot. _ _ . .. . - . . Wilson children reading some boots I0*a w at <J*ynee Sunday j i n ^ y Connaughy. Larry Five- Mrs. Edward C. Larson was in a P. T. A. meeting at Ontario. out not etluUtfh ior a certificate, * h° ° ‘ Sunday morning and Rev. J™ imr„v „ « . Adrian last week. Results of the summer reading Jimmy chamberlain, Dorthy Hoi- Randall will deliver a message. coat' J y “moeriam and Mr and Mrs Gerrlt Oroot of program were announced by Miss comb. Walan Morgan, Ira Price, Mrs. Frank Raymond and sons Bobby Sr.inner ha\e joined the \ppie valley entertained at tea Lillian Nisbitt. county librarian. Jr.. Denny Reed, Sally Reed. Bobby *^re dinner guests in the Claude Qultar club and are going to take md cards Sunday afternoon for The folowing children from Owyhee Skinner. Helen Winter. ; Skinner home Sunday. lessons from Don Ulmer in Ny&sa. ! :he following friends and relatives’ won certificates with gold seals: Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer and Mrs. Clayton Patton and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clifton have Mr. and Mrs. John Timmerman of Doris Cook. Jeanne Crocker, Joan entertained at dinner In observance family visited in Caldwell Sunday made several calls in this area and Newell Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Crocker, Joanne Dunaway. Maxine \ of the birthday of Mrs. Bud Vans-1 Mr and Mrs. Doyle Hodges, nave signed up adults as well as Oroot, Mrs. Dick Stain of Oregon Kygar, Kay McDonald, Shirley coy of Fruitland Monday evening.' Mrs- Archie Moses attended the children for guitar lessons. Trail, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen -------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ■■ ~ * funeral of Mrs. George McLaf- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fivecoat and Mr. and Mrs. Z Davidson of .ferty in Nyssa Friday. were guests In the Kenneth Me- Parma. | Carl Hite of Drewsey was a vis- Donald home Friday. ! - _____________ — ! l tor 111 the Howard Connaughy Mr. and Mrs. Russ Talbot and Attend C a m e - home Thursday. He took a hay daughter have returned from a trip Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hartley and chopper to Drewsey. to Hastings and Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skeen attend Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon- Nebraska, where they visited for ed the Utah-O. S. C. game at Cor aid went to Caldwell on business. (wo weeks. vallis Saturday. They returned pertaining to the Adrian basket Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer home Sunday by way of Portland. NYSSA GYMNASIUM ball team Monday. Mr. McDon attended a flower show Saturday ald is managing the town team *n Caldwell. The states of Oregon. Visit In Kansas— sponsored by the Adrian merch Washington, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bratton and Idaho, California. ants. Utah and Colorado were represnt- Mrs. R. M. Cochrun and C. C. Sponsored By Owyhee Riding Club The Owyhee P. T. A. met Thurs »d there. The display of hundreds Wyckoff of Baker are visiting day evening at the schoolhouse jt flowers covered the en'ire space friends and relatives at their form W IT H S I M P L O T R I D D I A M O N D S U P E R F H O S P H A T I Music by Ken’s Serenaders A program was presented by the of the Weeks Implement company. er home at LuRay, Kansas. Simplot Red Diamond can double—often pupils of the upper room. Shirley Adm. $1.25, Inc. Tax Ladies Free Mrs. Mildred Hite spent the more than double—alfalfa yields, and In Hoke, Doris Cook, and Joanne week-end here from La Grande. Here From Salt Lake crease quality, too. Jrocker sanij “America the Beauti- Norman Ray of Salt Lake vis- ealSlSlSlSlrtiSiBlSlFi liil5l1Ql5l5l5l5i5L5lQi5l515lS15il5Wl?ol!^1515l515l5l5lSlbil515i5lSlSl3®SlfflB Mrs. Omar Hite and daughter. ul,” accompanied by Mrs. Bill Louise, made a trip to Baker Fri- ¡ted his grandmother, Mrs. Stella ★ Gives faster start, better root develop»! Cook. A reading, “Flinders Field” day and purchased glasses for ¡Butler, last week. ment was given by Roberta Morfitt. Louise. I ------------- ★ Stimulates stem and leaf qrowth Fred Raymond gave “Bobby En Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar and To Live In Nyssa tertains the Minister.” Keith R ay Maxine visited In Boise Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Jess Thompson ar ★ Increases protein and phosphorus OOP* mond and Bobby Skinner gave in the Dick Brown home. SHARP, WITHERS rived last week at the home of te n t ‘The Day After Thanksgiving.” • Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow were Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell. They Shirley Skinner played “Tripping Sunday dinner guests in the Flank plan to make their home in Nyssa For bigger, better quality alfalfa yields,' Along” on the piano. Joanne and Zimdar home in Parma. use Simplot Red Diamond Superphosphate. Jeannie Crocker and Doris Cook Mrs. Martha Klingback was a FREE ALFALFA FOLDER sang “My Happiness” and “If I dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Full of tact« about growing mow and bettor alfalfa— Had My Life To Live Over.” Mrs. Jesse Gregg in Sunset valley application recommendation»! Get youH*KEE copy from Room Mothers were chosen for Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer the year. They arc Mrs. Fred were Sunday dinner guests In the Babcock and Mrs. Clyde Hoke for Earl Schweizer home in Marsing. Pupils of Owyhee grade school enjoyed a two-day vacation Mom " Ontario, Nyssa and Adrian day and Tuesday while the teachers Mrs. Mary Hatt, Mrs. Charles Witty, and Mrs. Lottie Montgomery attended physical education clas ses in Nyssa. JZ Mrs. Lela Nicholson left S at ^ .... M A fii~ H urday evening by train to return Land Bank loans can pro to her home in Coffeville, Kansas PFRPIIARY vide funds immediately after spending several weeks here for those building and re J A N U A RY with her son, Neal Nicholson and modeling jobs that make family. M~T W T F S j your farm operation more Mrs. Harold Fivecoat organized efficient and more profit a cooking class last week. Seven RAISE BIG CALVES WITH D A IR Y Q U A L I T Y O N ‘ I & ? a b le . members have joined the class. They are Molly and Geneva Con 8 9 (ío ) naughy, Jackie and Darlene Smith OWNED S r FARMERS FOR FARMERS COMBUfl and Fern and Bernadine Price ' 13 M (l5)l6 17 The girls (have not decided on a and rugged fram es ... A big-framed, quality, 4- • ^TR A C TO R name for their club. The group c a lv e s th a t are ca pa ble m onth-old heifer a lm o st 0 21 22 23 24 will meet every two weeks on Wed of developing into stro n g a lw a y s m a k e s you a re a l nesday. b odied, h e a v y -m ilk in g m ilk c o w . . . t h a t ’s w h y Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald 27/28)19 30 31 HERBERT J. DAVIS d a i r y c o w s. it’s so im p o rta n t to you and children were dinner guests V-ORILL Secretary-Treas. to g r o w a s tr o n g , d e e p - in the William Wegman home T h i s year, ra ise a couple Payette, Idaho ribbed calf, in s te a d of one Thursday in Homedale and in the of c a lv e s o n C alf S ta rte n a , tha t is p a u n c h y , a n d soft afternoon they attended the foot a n d se e for yourself the ball game between Adrian and with ‘‘milk-fat.’ d i f f e r e n c e it m a k e s in You’ll be amazed at the startling size a n d dairy q u ality . Y o u ’ll f i n d t h a t P u r i n a three-dimensional realism of stereo- Homedale. Sunset Valley extension unit met Y o u ’ll s a v e a b o u t o n e - C alf S ta r te n a grow s good scopic, full-color Kodachrome View- Wednesday at Sunset hall. Mrs. • Not only in one place, but several. Actually, we half the cost of milk feed c a l v e s : b i g a n d lo o se - Master pictures. Over 2100 full-color Miriam Colford gave a demonstra ing, too. mean your name along with your farm machines that h i d e d w ith s t r o n g b o n e s tion on preparing vegetables. Sev pictures available on 7-scene Reels eral project leaders from other interchangeable for either Stereo need checking over and repair work before they g o clubs were present. A potluck scope or View-Master Projector. into the fields next season. lunch was served at noon. Educational and entertaining. See You see, this calendar is our Early Bird Service world-famous attractions, Switzer COLUMBIA AVENUE land, England, Hawaii, North, Cen Schedule. And by getting a date on it now, we can tral, and South America, Flowers, Boise visitors last week, were both be sure that anything from a checkup to a Animals, Fairy Tales. You’ll never Mrs. Peter Tensen, Mrs. Dick Groot complete overhaul will be done during the months and Mrs. John Broad. tire of View-Master pictures. James Kakebeeke of Ontario call your machines are idle. ed on relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt Stam were That’s the best way for both parties concerned. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and We’ll have plenty of time to do a satisfactory, Blue Mrs. George Smit of Nu-Acres. C. M. Tensen was a business vis R A o s t time* a suit that f il ui Ribbon Service job. You’ll be insured against break STEREOSCOPE .....................$2.00 itor in Ontario last week. several years ago just won't Mrs. Pete Van Oord and Betty downs or lost time during busy weeks ahead. See how cover vs today. Sam e with Fire REELS, 35c each — 3 for . $1.00 ty& u x S f a t e and Mrs. Dick Stam of Oregon Insurance. A program started it pays to be an "Early Bird”? Line up necessary PLASTIC LIBRARY BOX . $1.85 Trail called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe years ag o might have been a Stain of Nyssa Saturday after service work with us now! perfect fit for your Insurance noon. OWYHEE DRUG needs then. But it may Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen en N OT give you full protection COMPANY tertained several friends at a card to d a y . S e e us fo r a FREE party Sunday afternoon, November G. H. Peirsol analysis of your present day 7, Insurance needs. MRs Kathryn Van Twisk spent Saturday in Caldwell. Phone 245 Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Sherwood. Mrs. Gerrlt Stam and Mr. and NYSSA INSURANCE Mrs. Dick Groot attended the AGENCY 8 E AN EARLY BIRO* D ont Lote in Graveside services for Mrs. Bertha Ralph Lawrence I McLafferty of Salem in Nyssa Î DANCE! 25 Free Dressed Turkeys SEE YOUR SIMPLOT WESTERN PRODUCE 'Putu.-ie ¿ W AT 4 M O NTH S Ì SEE FOR YOURSELF T h e r e 's s t i l l ro o m f o r YOUR PURINA CALF STARTENA n a m e on t h is c a le n d a r MMÊM cuitá tAc ßfactotfow td S iç* Owyhee Truck & Imp. Co. Be Tobler's Feed and Fuel 48! CHRISTMAS ELECTRIC MIXERS ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKERS ELECTRIC COMFORTS (W estinghouse) ELECTRIC HEAT PADS ELECTRIC HOT PLATES ELECTRIC IRONS ELECTRIC OVEN ROASTERS ELECTRIC WAFFLE IRONS khhhhhhmk GIFT SUGGESTIONS OCCASIONAL LIVING ROOM PIECES SAMPSON CARD TABLE SETS KITCHEN STEP STOOLS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS KIDDY WALKIE BIKES RADIOS CARPET SWEEPERS POP-UP TOASTERS KIDDY TABLE SETS SMOKERS MAGAZINE RACKS CLOTHES HAMPERS TABLE LAMPS KITCHEN STOOLS PICTURES CEDAR CHEST MIRRORS SHAG RUGS Charge Lay-Away Or Budget IN T E R H O U N T A IN F U R N IT U R E FREE D ELIV ERY - P H O N E 176W