Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1948)
PAGE TW O S U N S H IN E C L U B H b j George OF A R C A D IA M E E T S ________ AR C AD IA . Nov. 18—The Arcadia Sunshine club met November 12 at the home of Mrs. Ellis Warner, with 11 members and four visitors. Mrs. Lily Dement and Mrs. Hill 01 Ontario, Mrs. B ill Hipp of Nyssa and Mrs. Jake Oroot present. Mrs. TH E N Y SSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1918 received Hirst the m m m m tm m ttiim xm m um m m aw Talk ADoui Troubles W e ll! You s u r e ly s h o u ld have bu rn ed and a w o u ld bad you car w ere have W e can a c c id e n t not or p ro p e r ly p ro te c t y o u a g a in s t b o th cost is so l it t le . Our if your you hom e covered Imprinted and Stamped by of th e a b o v e . c o m p a n ie s are (Christmas th e b est. Monogrammed f . L . Jamison In su ra n c e Stationery and Leather Goods Our new address is 60 North, 3rd street in the new Heldt building. Phone 276W NMMMMNft Make Beautiful and Practical Do Y ou Have Any Scrap Iron? Why Not Turn It Into Cash? W E B U Y SC R A P , _ _ _ _ ___ - - — along the Westerly shore of spectively.” in the future ln certain portions Snake River to Us intersection A ll persons and parties a ffect- of Zone 3. which is the "Business ly home agent In Ontario for a demonstration on making fancy with the South City Limits line; ed or interested in the said amend- District” . rolls. thence West along the South ment of Ordinance No. 299 who Notice Is also hereby given that Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sparks and C ity limits line to its intersect- have objections to the same shall at Its regular meeting on November ion with the center line of First appear and present their object- fam ily were business visitors in * ,°r , * e” DS 9. 1948 the City Council on its own Street East, extended South; ions to the City Recorder o f the Boise Friday. i U>il° n aUXf 7 ha* plaCed motion resolved to amend the last thence North along the center City of Nyssa, Oregon or in Person Mr. and Mrs. Victor Marostlca of a * ln P.&C paragraph of Section 4 to read as line of First Street East to th e ! at the said meeting of the City Cii f f Colorado visited last week ln Store ior contributlon 01 * lfts tnat follows, to-wit: p ace of beginning.” I Council on the 23rd day of Nov- lhe homes of Mr. and Mrs. Fred wl11 1,6 86111 to the Portland gift “ Also, beginning at the inter and to amend Section 7 of said ember, 1948 at the hour of 8.00 S "hilling and other relatives here, shop and from this selection dis- section o f the center line o f First Ordinance ln such a manner that P M . Mr. Marostlca is a cousin of Mrs. abled veterans will choose gifts for the construction, erection, oper-1 This notice is given pursuant to Street East and the center line atlon and maintenance of any 1 the terms of Ordinance No. -99 Schilling. their wives and children. T h e aux- Mrs. Anna Dail and son, Harold. . ... ,, _ ____ o f the alley in Block 146, Ward additional garages and/or filling governing the procedure to be lo l- spent Sunday ln Boise with Mrs. iliary aU aujullary m im ‘ Addition, extended West; thence stations where gasoline, distillate lowed in amending said Ordinance, Dails daughter, Mrs. Dale Lakey oers or anyone interested place posted East along the center line of the and oils are kept and stored for and the Notice has been and family. I gifts suitable for either women or sale at retail will be prohibited as by law required, alleys ln Block 146, 147, 148 and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zenn of children in this box by November E. K . Burton in that portion of Zone 3, Bus-j Padroni, Colorado have been visit- 149, Ward Addition, extended inass District, within the following City Recorder of Nyssa, Oregon 24th. The gifts should be unbreak- ing Mr. Zenn's cousin, Mrs. Fred East to the center line o f Fifth boundaries, to-wit: "Between the Schilling and family. They have 44,16 and not ff111 wrapped. Street East; thence North along center line of Good Avenue and moved to the Ray Gessmen house ------ ' ” THANKSGIVING TRAVEL TIP< the center line o f F ifth Street the center line of Bower Avenue until their new house is finished | Committee T o Meet East to the North City Limits and between the center line of First on the K. S. and D. ranch near | The committee appointed by the line; thence East along the North Street and the center line of the the river, where they will farm Nyssa P. T. A. to select pictures City limits line to the West Shore State Highways leading toward this year. ¡for the room prizes met Tuesday o f Snake R iver; thence Southerly Adrian and Ontario, Oregon, re- Nell Bowers’ 4-H club met at her afternoon at the home of Mrs. home November 13 to organize for Bud Wilson to make selections, the coming year. | T h e committee consists o f M rs.; Most of the farmers here have Bud Wilson, Mrs. Durlin Hammond, Mrs. Charles Schweizer, Mrs. Eva i completed their beet harvest. There was no school Monday and Boydell and Miss Marjory Nihart. Tuesday at Arcadia. The teachers attended the physical education Auxiliary T o Meet— The regular monthly meeting of classes ln Nyssa. Malheur Memorial hospital A large cg>wd gathered Wednes the day evening at the home of Mr. auxiliary will be held at the par ish hall Monday, November 22 at and Mrs. Charles Bullard who were A program will be pre married recently, for an old fash 2:30 p. m. sented by the program chairman, ioned charivari. Mr. aqd Mrs. George Moeller and Mrs. Fife. family were business visitors in Here From W hittier— Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Newsom and children of Whittier, California M ER R Y M A T R O N S Wherever you’re going—visiting, were guests last week at the home home for the holiday, off to the big M E E T IN G P O S T P O N E D of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle. game — you'll see more, save more, Mr. Newsom was formerly owner enjoy more by Greyhound. No traf OREGON T R A IL . Nov. 18—The of the Newsom Furniture store fic troubles, no weather worries. Merry Matrons club met at the here. Frequent schedules fit your travel home of Alice Holmes Wednesday plans — the low cost fits your | afternoon, November 10. Eight To Klamath Falls— pocketbook. Ask your Greyhound members and one guest, Alva Agent about departure times, com Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wilson, plete travel information. Hohnes, were present. The club former Kingman Kolony residents j meeting has been posponed until left Tuesday for Klamath Falls, | December 1 when Marie Holmes where they plan to remain fo r the FOR EXTRA FUN will be hostess. Roll call will be winter. . . la te a winter vacation under a tea towel exchange. In a qulzz j a summer sun! Let your Grey• game A lta Fry and Alva Holmes Attend. Reclamation Meeting— bound Agent help plan your trip. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Flanagan left i { received prizes. Refreshments were Transportation, hotels, sightseeing Saturday for Oklahoma City to at- j served by the hostess. — all pre-arranged fo r one L O W Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holmes of tend the annual meeting of the tost. Ask for FREE folders! ! Pasadena visited last week with National Reclamation association, [ his brother, F. G. Holmes a n d , Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd of TYPICAL LOW FARES 1 I Newell Heights, who have been vis- , family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank F ry left F rl- I iting In the east, plan to attend ' | Nyssa to Portland ............. $ 7.70 day for The Dalles to visit Mr. this meeting. 1 Nyssa to Salt Lake City .... $ 8.10 Ready in plenty of time for Christmas Fry’s sister. Nyssa to Los Angeles ...... $16.75 Mrs. F. G. Holmes left Monday Daughter’s Attend Church— ......... Nyssa to Denver ............... . $17.05 for Colorado to visit relatives and The members of the Job’s Daugh Nyssa to Phoenix ... - ......... . $20.45 friends In Johnstown, Plattevllle, ters attended the Nazarene church ln a group Sunday morning ln Greeley and Denver. (On# way — add tax) observance o f tihelr go-to-church G R E Y H O U N D L E ADS IN C O U R T E S Y f j Participates In Play— Sunday held twice each year. Lee Snider, son o f Mr. and Mrs. i - j Clyde H. Snider of Nyssa, is a Here From California— G R E YH O U N D DEPOT Printers and Stationers | member of the W hitman college ^ Mrs. Wright Childs of Carl’s Doll House I student cast which will present p 0mona, California visited last Phone 112 six performances, beginning N ov- weeg at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ember 11., o f “ Joan of Lorraine” , Le0 child. The guests left Tues- Maxwell Andejiion’s widely praised <jay to return to Pomona after vis- |1 play. Snider takes two roles in the m ng with friends and relatives in Whitman presentation. During the this vicinity, Interludes he Is a shepherd and ln ‘ ; the play itself takes the part of Legal Advertising i Chart ier, a typical member o f the LE G AL N O T IC E OF PU B LIC ] royal court ln Joan's time. • Sharp trading! Yes, there are some sharp traders in H E AR IN G T O H E AR PR O TE STS AN D OBJECTIONS AM E N D IN G | Ward Conference Held— the used car business these days. But you’ll NO T find A conference o f 1st and 2nd OF Z O N IN G O R D IN A N C E NO.299 N O TIC E IS H E R EB Y G IV EN 1 wards was held at the L. D. S. it here. As a factory-authorized Ford dealer, we assure ' church Sunday evening. T h e theme that on the 23rd day o f Novembei of the meeting was "Compassionate A. D. 1948 at the hour of 8 00 o’- you of full value for your money. Service” with Mrs. Lloyd Lewis as cock P. M. the C ity Council of the the reader, and talks given by Mrs. City of Nyssa, Malheur County, John Turner, Mrs. Melvin Beck and Oregon at an adjourned session of Mrs. Blake. .M rs. Ersel Hues and a regular meeting, will meet and ! Mrs. John Schenk gave reports. hold a public hearing to hear and The singing mothers chorus, under consider any objections and pro the direction of Mrs. Arvel Child, tests, if any. to the proposed action accompanied by Mrs. Burgess sang o f the City Council to amend Sec , three numbers. Mrs. Bessie Alder tion 4 and Section 7 o f Ordinance and Mrs. John Leisch o f Wetser No. 299 ln such a manner that , were stake officers present for certain businesses will be prohibited the conference. See/tfo* t r o u b le s In s u ra n c e . The local news door the home of Miriam Calford, coon- | 0,1 F A f' er the busln6ss meeting, Nell Bowe: s, Vera Schilling and Norma Jameson gave a demon- stration on tex lie painting. The next meeting will be held December 1 with Norrna Jameson. Mrs. L. E R otbins and Mrs. Otis Bullard were chosen by the club to 1 attend a meeting November 19 at IR O N , BRASS, Christmas Gifts Gate City Journal Styes COPPER, B A T T E R IE S , R A D IA T O R S , E T C . See M ac O r W a y n e At The Nyssa Auto Body Shop Phone 107W Herriman Motor Co. 100 ON SALE! wœmam mæ mmmm iwjBWWinwrTiwgr*' Your Ford Dealer ¡WWBHMlBihliaM5HijflaiBiB151glSli¡flBliiBBIim A R M STR O N G QUAKER RUGS W orry-proof BEGINNING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 S iz e s 6 x 9 , P r ic e s 7 Vi b y 9 , 9 x 1 0 * th a t w ill am aze your home There are lots of things that Can happen to a house which can cost 2 . 9 x 12 , 9 y o u — P a tte rn s x 1 5 , 1 2 x 1 2 , 1 2 x 15 . th at w ill p le a s e you. you plenty, unless you’ve been smart and protected yourself against loss with the right kinds and right amounts of insurance. G et Y o u r P ic k E a r ly . Christmas goods arc coming in; many items will be especial ly priced for quick sale Occasional tables, smokers, rockers, That is where your local agent fits in—he is on the spot and fa miliar with conditions and values in your community. will be made to midnight, Christmas eve. North of Y, Nyssa own clear highway when you travel sands of dollars. H e can save you relaxed in a spacious Coach or Pullman lot of worry. on one of Union Pacific's many fine trains. W e represent the strongest in surance companies in America. C an we help you worry proof your home—or your business? ED CASE’S FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER worry or strain. It's like having your over the smooth steel rails . . . comfortably a Make your selection now for Christmas lay-away. Deliveries no His advice m ight save you thou electric appliances, some very new numbers in daveno, bedroom and chrome sets. No traffic to bother you . . . B e rn a rd E a stm a n Insurance w d jjfe For Comfort, Convenience Go By Train ond RENT A N EW CAR on arrival. Ask for details. Real B rt*U Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon ÜN.OM PA C.H C RAILROAD spoeta ctf /Ave Z iu /y SSéa+nÁ+ten