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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1948)
•àr f .*à< l , >V '“.'“ r r r < * r — — <C. r/ieNYSSA GM VO LU M E X X X X III NO. 45 JOURNAL SECOND SECTION N YSSA , OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , NOVEMBER 18, 1948 oerience at the annual 4-H club lars to the dairy club members summer school held at Corvallis | who had outstanding animals at each year, and Larry Fivecoat told he county fair. The were David of his trip to the Pacific Live Hurst, Jerry Wright and Ronald The annual 4-H achelvement stock exposition held at Portland Peterson, also to Mr. and Mrs. D program for the Kingman Kolony :n October. L. Hurst leaders of the club. district was held at the Adrian Recognition was given those club The announcement was made ol high school Friday evening. members who had won first place the boy and girl, who through Following the opening song th ejin special contests. They were as heir past records were named b\ flag pledges were led by Diana follows: Bread baking contest, Av- he 4-H leaders to be the ones wh< Hardman and Gary Graham. Mem- adna Peterson, who also won third would attend summer school thb bers of the rabbit club, led by Mrs. place in the state: Shirley Sparks, next June, from scholarships pre Leo Thompson, gave an interesting 1 ake baking contest; Ardys Hurst, sented by the 4-H junior council skit on how not to hold a 4-H c lu b ; dollar dinner contest, in demon group here. Their names are Jus meeting, later showing the correct trations; dairy foods, Cora Jean tine 'kreager. with Cora Jean Jen- way a business meeting should be Jensen: home making, Jeneter >en first alternate, and Jenefe; conducted. I Thompson, Shirley Sparks and I Thompson second alternate and Reports were given by club m e m -F d ith Dean: and Adele Hammon j Louis Siam with Dick Sparks as bers who had attended 4-H act- and Charlene Harris, who not only alternate, ivities outside Malheur county, won first place in the county but* Entertainment numbers on the Those reporting were Dick Sparks also won first place in the state1 | program were a reading by Charles and Marcyln McKinley on summer in a clothing demonstration, .... _ , the 1 *dams and a trio sung by Diana camp, which was held at Payette subject being How Do Make a , Hardman. Adele Hammon and lakes. A report on the state fair Good Dam. I Mary Stoker, with Myrna Lane at was given by Molly Connaughy and Ronald Peterson, whose Jersey I thlT piano* 1 Bonita Langlois, who by winning cow was grand champion of the E. M. Hauser, county club agent, first on their cooking demonstrat show at the county fair last fall, ion at the county fair, had gone told about his dairy project. Mrs. summerized the years work and , _ Ed . Knettle, of the First to the state fair, where the same Hope Grider, one of the guests introduced demonstration was presented. Lest of the evening, who is secretary [ National Bank o f Portland, Nyssa er Auker, Shirley Sparks and of the Malheur County Jersey cat branch, who presented bronze, sil Myrna Lane told of their ex tle club, presented Jersey gold dol- ver and .gold pins to the club mem bers, who had completed their 51SSlSlSlSMPi'jl51ialSiSlial5ilSlS151FilSlSlSlifll51SlSlS151S15ii3lSl31SlSMSlSl@lSlSlBlSlal51SlSl5iS work for the year. Mr. Hauser gave the certificates to second, SECOND WARD OF THE | fourth, sixth, seventh and ninth year completions. Four-H leaders, who received their first year leader pins were, Mrs. Leo Thompson, Mrs. Doris Hammon, Mrs. Cliff Wright, Mrs. Harold Fivecoat. Mrs. Charles Harris, Mrs. Reuben G ra ham and Glenn Salter. Others PRESENTS ANNUAL who led clubs this year were Mrs. j George Bessendorfer, Arlene Piercy, Mrs. Threlma Elliot, Mrs. Dick Krelgh, Mrs. H. E. Moore, Mrs. M. L. Judd, Mrs. G eoff Williams, Mrs. Ralph Peterson, D. L. Hurst, with Mrs. Hurst as assistant leader, L. L. Kreager with Mrs. Kreager as sistant leader, Mrs. George De Haven, Mrs. Kenneth Smith and Mary Lou Jensen. SUPPER BEGINS AT 6 P. M.— chili, hot dogs, Mr. Hauser showed a motion cake, ice cream and pie for sale. picture after handing out certifi cates of achievements to the clubs completing 100 per cent. FREE PROGRAM FOLLOWS SUPPER— ACHIEVEMENTS OF 4-H ARE AWARDED | Smith NEWELL HEIGHTS tay. COUPLE MARRIED Mrs. Jessie Creasy left Tuesday for a two weeks visit to St. Joseph, N’F .W ri’ , HEIGHTS. Nov. 18- Mrs. | Missouri. Elva Montague of Nyssa and Chari- , Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kurtz and s Bales exchanged marriage vows daughter visited at the M. T. Kurts Jundav afternoon at 3 o'clock a t ' home over the week-end. lie home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard >mi'h. Mrs. Bales wore an aqua i Several students attended the iftarnoon dress with white ac- Sadie Hawkins dance sponsored In e-sories. Mr. Bales Is employed | Adrian Friday night hy the Adrian high school girls league. oy the highway department The senior class of 194© presented A reception was held nnmediatelv j their senior play, "Room No. 13“ 'allowing the ceremony for about Tuesday nlnht and afternoon. Caro 0 guests. line Sehlemer, Bety Newbill, Arlene Patreda Smith spent Saturday I Piercy, Jayce Kurtz and Shirley night at the home of Mr. and Mrs I Smith ate among the seniors who Job McCullen in Adrian. heloei with the play from this Mrs. Jessie Creasy and Shirley community. J L. D. S. Relief Society THANKSGIVING PROGRAM AND BAZAAR BAZAAR— fancy work for sale. 16 QUILTS TO BE AUCTIONED— pieced, em broidered, taffeta and satin. 1 ram Nyssa residents participating in the dedication of the Malheur Memorial hospital on Armistice day are shown as they stood during the playing of the ‘‘Star Spangled Banner” The uniformed man at the left is Bill Mayden. Others are (left to right) Rev. Roland VVuest, Frank Morgan, Jr., Bishop Arvel Child, behind the post; Glea Billings, Rev. George Whipple be hind the microphone and Dr. J. J. Sararin and Judge Graham behind Rev. Whipple. Dismissed From Nursing Home Carl Hansen is improving from a serious heart attack at his home. Mr. Hansen was released last week from the Nyssa Nursing home, where he was taken after suffer ing the attack. *" I To Jordan Valley— Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Burton were among local persons who hunted in the Jordan Valley section over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bur ton visited at the Zitira home in Jordan Valley. Job’s Daughters Meet The Job's Daughters will meet Thursday evening. November 18, at the Masonic hall for the initiation of three new members. Visit In F'ruitland— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldridge were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bingaman of Fruitland. FREE DANCE W IT H S H A N E ’S OR CH ESTR A F O L L O W IN G TH E B A Z A A R AN D QUILT A U C TIO N PUBLIC INVITED ^tol5igiEHlElGi’sisMtoig®igigiBlioltnitE015MSlS151gl51515®BllS151SlBlS101SiaiSlSlS101HIBIHH Journal Amount Hilda L. Tensen Maude Greeley William Keller Robert Newby $3.00 .30 1.70 6.16 No. Date Issued »819 9975 Dec. 7, Dec. 7. Jan. 13. Mar. 13. 111 359 Al GENERAL RO AD FUND W A R R A N T S Ed Tucker Lawrence Swanson N. A. Campbell 1.00 3.75 1.56 4646 5027 5088 July 11, 1940 Jan. 3, 1941 Feb. 10, 1941 H. S. Sackett, County Clerk. THE STAG E IN PERSO N Our Big Free Family Parly! “ INTERNATIONAL HIT PARADE” ' ' * 1«..MR mm m m m m m RAY REBER PEPPER PRATHER JOHN BOWERS Your master of ceremonies & outstanding rope spinner Thrilling, Sensational routine of acrobatic tricks Will amaze you and enter tain you with magical feats BONGER Cr ADRILLITA JOYCE ANDERSON Musical nonsense presented in an unusual manner Queen of the accordion, dancing while she plays M U S IC - C O M E D Y - M A G I C £ mm Before you decide on any new car, fill out the coupon below and find out easily—and without obli gation— what your present car will bring. Then drive a 1949 KAISER or FRAZER and find out for your self what our 300,000 proud owners already know. The keys are waiting for you. mummm. W o r t h C o m in g M ile s to S e e No Sales Talk & H e a r - D o n ’t M i s s I t Just Entertainment Monday, November 22 Maybe you’ve been missing something! MAIL THIS COUPON TO YOUR KAISER-FRAZER DEALER BEGINNING A T 8 P. M. ///// All Customers and Friends Invited MY CAR 15 « O ' ™ , 0 UK« TO KMOW WHKT _X«or- NYSSA THEATRE • i.... i ... i..r'i...rnwrn ii anni My eor H- MUTCH SALES AND SERVICE _Ioo«- Owyhee Truck & implement Co. _ Slot* - 0*7- “ Your International Harvester Dealer” Ontario, Oregon NO O tU O A TlO H , V # / / / # / / . . » # # OF COURSE / / # Nyssa, Oregon / ! 1940 1940 1941 1941 m O N S%vi< And while you’re about it, see and drive the 1949 KAISER or FRAZER. Power to spare, with many a long mile between gallons. Room for yourself and your five best friends. Style and luxury that make the KAISER and FRAZER the most copied cars in America. A ride that smooths the bumps and hugs the road at any speed. Claimant OREGON m m t 4 - No matter what you’ve been offered for your present car, your nearest Kaiser-Frazer dealer would like to tell you what he thinks it’s worth. It could be much more than you think. GENERAL FUND W A R R A N T S We Guarantee Our Work For One Year Free Estimates— Phone 196-J Advertisers! ARE YOU MISSING SOMETHING? NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fol lowing warrants will be cancelled and the pay ments thereof will be refused unless said war rants are presented to the County Treasurer for payment on or before December 31, 1948. Brower Plumbing Shop The Union Pacific Railroad com pany has graveled its new stock- yards and approaches to the yards north of Nyssa. Another carload of gravel was dumped at the yards last week. The main approach to the stock yards Is from the north end of First street. Gravel was also spread on the parking space for automo biles. Patronize That County Warrants not presented will be cancelled. Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing — Contact— NYSSA, xgggjggy* NO TICE! PLUMBING u. P. LIVESTOCK GRAVELS NEW YARDS stunts and entertainment. shopped in Ontario Satur- mmwmmm