T H E N Y SSA G ATE CITY JO UR NAL, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE SIX by the Gordon's Bakery and trim ­ med with a dozen pink rose buck .in white icing. By the light ot j the candles on the cake, the friends ---------- I sang happy birthday. Pictures were HONORED A T P A R T Y taken. Mr. and Mrs. W righ t Child o f — $ — Los Angeles were honored guests I G IR L S M E E T at a dinner parly given Monday , T h e N ‘ 'd * clulJ ot evening at the home of Mr. and Oregon T ra il Diet I hursday after Mrs D O. Bybee. Places sere laid noon at the home o f their leader, for 10 Th e centerpiece was an .it- ! M rs- Alfred Adams. O fficers were tractive water lily, on a tri-cin.le e la te d for the com ing year its i lirror with white porcelain swans follows Preside it, S y lvia Jayo, vice on* either side. Pieces of ever- 1 president. Lcla Homes, secretary, green provided the circle of green | Irene Jayo. and reporter, Marzene foliage aroUQd the “ pond". Other Gardner. _______ guests were Mrs. LeR oy Burning- «- H im itm i ham of Salt Lake City. Mr and B A L L IS c tH E D U L E D Mrs. Leo Child, and Mrs. M ary E.l T h e annual gold and green ball Bvbee. Mrs. Bybee played several of the second L. D. S. ward ol of her original composition-s on the Nyssa will be held in the gym- solo-vox and presented Mrs. naaiuin Friday night. Novem ber 26. Wright Child with four o f her Besides dancing, a. floor show will songs, which have been published. be presented. T h e name o f the _. 'queen who will reign over the ball HO N ORFD O N B IR T H D A Y wll> **' announced next week Re- Nannett By bee was honored guest freshments will be served. Ken s at a party given at her home S eren a d es will furnish the music. Tuesday in celebration o f her 14 th i * birthday. Nine tables of bunco D IN N E R C L U B M E E T S were In play, with Joanne Hartley M r and Mi^. G eorge M itchell and David Savage winning hurn entertained last Thursday evening score and K eith R ay and Phyllis for the members o f the Mr. and Bair low. T h e cake was a two Mrs. dinner club. T h e itroup met layer two tone creation designed at the Palisades fo r a dinner, fol- Uncial ’Ñutes '^^EnSlSiiLtTl®tol®IolCRtiRtolPnCRUJiioi[nii^i^Er‘ol5rjriroI!olSISlSiraSl0ilortaTElfcl?! l^itolSMaioiaiSlSn?^ Lay Away For I I 1 | CHRISTMAS $1.00 W IL L H O LD A N Y Doll Buggy | * Sizes. pj ly 1 $7.95 I Roller Bearing Wagons All Steel Construction. Specially Priced For $1.00 W ill Hold Nyssa Furniture Co. 1 Block West of R. R. Depot vaeiioiiii'Tior'effii:. MäißisiaiBUiBMi Phone 106 PROGRAM IIILAI Kt __ William Elliott, John Carroll, Catherine McLeod and Andy Devine In “O LD LOS A N G E L E S ” Here’s the west’s mightiest entertainment spectacle a story that will never die. 2-REEL STO O G E C O M E D Y Mat.. Sat.. 2:30; Adm. 30c-9c Inr. Tax Adm. Evenings 4lc-9c Inc. T a x S U N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 21 SU N D A Y ONLY June Allvson and Peter Lawford In “G O O D N E W S ” In Technicolor Cartoon Sports Mai.» Drive Your car in G arage SPECIA LS Friday - Saturday - Monday DARK STRIPE OUTING FLANNEL Christmas NYSSA Mrs. Bernard Eastman costs o f operation have risen 60 per j G R A N G E G R O U P M E ETS lowed bv bridge at the Mitchell ( I eratlon o f Garden Clubs meeting Buchner, _ _ . I ! m . - es____ — fTVn 41 fTra non Wf cent since 1941 and income from j The Oregon T ra il Grange Home hume. High score was held by j that she attended recently at and Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper. endowments have decreased eight Economics club met with Mrs. W, George Mitchell and second h ig h , Portland, as chairman o f the state H O U S E -W A R M IN G H E LD per cent. A. Fox Thursday afternoon, Nov- by Mrs. Burnall Brown. wayside garden committee. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson en- , W e can't go too far in increasing j ember 4. Mrs. C. H. Bennett was “ Japanese arrangements" was E ASTE R N S T A R MEETS tertained with a house-warming ;uj tion.. the speaker said. “ W e be- j assistant hostess. The regular meeting of Eastern the subject for the program, in at their new residence in theStunz Ueve that when the business people New officers elected Star was held Monday evening at the year's program on flower ar­ addition Saturday evening. Mrs fpaUze lhe sltuation they wUl take r i c e v e ' 7 -* ihe Masonic hall. A social hour rangements. Mrs. Tom Nishltani followed with Mrs. Bud Wilson. explained the principles of Jap­ Demond Jones and Mrs. Houston „are of the m atter I t u important J jn 4e Stam. secretary. Mrs. Bob Brown and Mrs. K e n ­ anese flower arrangements, and Wilson assisted the hostess in serv­ that we preserve both private and Mrs. H arry Kingrev. Mrs. W yatt neth Tucker serving as hostesses oresented several special bouquets ing. The dessert was followed by oublic schools" ¡Sm ith and Mrs. W illiam Smiley puailc schools . | The door prize was hat she had arranged. The his­ E N T E R T A IN S F O R F A T H E R tory o f Japanese flower arrange­ seven tables of tJhdge and two of Mr. Schwetbert closed his talk! ” Mrs ^ m a P arr. Re- Miss K athrine Peterson enter­ ments was given by Mrs. Dennis pinochle. Mr. and Mrs. Houston with an explanation of the various ! f reshments were served by the hos- tained at a dinner last Thursday Patch. Wilson held high score at onage types Q{ contributions to the col- j tess. evening at her apartment honoring Th e December meeting will be and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson lege I The Christmas party with the her father on his birthday. Miss held at the home of Mrs. O. L ’ . . , _ . ____ . , usual g ift exchange will be held Peterson, whose birthday follows Galloway. Bach member is to low score. Prize winners at p in ­ K ay Johnson of Boise îeported a[ David Beers home Decem- the day after that of her father's furnish a g ift for the gift ex- ochle were Mr. and Mrs. Tom S ep - for the committee that has been ^ 2 pich for h *h score and Mr. and and- Mr. Peterson have made it a hange. working for a proposed federal fish custom to observe their birthdays Following the meeting refresh­ Mrs. Lloyd Lewis for low score. hatchery at Cascade and tendered Married By Judge— together. The dinner table was ments were served by Mrs. Bennett Gilbert L. Horner o f Ontario and his resignation as chairman. The centered with an arrangement ol and Mrs. W alter McPartland. as­ H O LD P IN O C H liE P A R T Y bronze and yellow chrysanthemums sistant hostess. The Nyssa Teachers association group voted to retain the committee Teona M ay Watts o f Nvssa were Places were laid for the following entertained with a pinochle party ad increase it by two members, married by Justice o f the Peace -5 - __ R. G. Larson of Nyssa, president I Don M. Graham Tuesday after- guests, Mr. and Mrs. V. BStaples, at the high school Wednesday ev- B IR T H D A Y OBSERVED Mr and Mrs. D. W Powers. M r ____ John Ostrom was honor ening. The affair was arranged by of the associated chambers, who! noon. The couple was accompanied Mrs. and Mrs. W. H. Brooks and Mr guest at a birthday dinner held at Mrs. Don Engstrom and Miss M ar- presided at the meeting introduced by Mrs. Doris Maze and Mrs. Nora and Mrs. H. L. Peterson, all of the Lodge in Boise Saturday eve- | very Nihart. Prizes for high score Dyre Bennett, mayor of Ontario, b . Graham. ------------------------- Ontario. T h e dinner was followed ning. Those attending the dinner j went to Mrs. G. Stanger and Don who delivered the address of we*- hrtrive with Drizes going to Mr were Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom. Engstrom, and for low score to come. The response was given by I Visits In Idaho— Mrs Powers and Mrs. Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ostrom, Mr. and Mrs. Henry H artley and R. V. Earl Reynolds, secretary of the | Mrs. Carroll Tucker spent last ana Mrs- Boise chamber. Mr. Reynolds’ in- j week in Pocatello, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bartil Ostrom. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Traveling prizes went to —5 - citation to the chambers to meet | Mrs. Afton C. Paris. She return- W E D N E SD A Y C LU B MEETS Halmer Ostrom and Mr. and Mrs Mrs. George Sallee and Louis in Boise in January was accepted, id home Sunday evening. Mrs. Tom Burnirggham entertain­ Adolph Boe of Bouse. Schrag. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haw­ ed her Wednesday evening bridge orth of Corvallis were out-of-town m m m m m m m i H M i . 'H J M club last week. Mrs. Tom Eldridge guests. The Thanksgiving m oif pro­ E N T E R T A IN FO R V IS IT O R won the prize for high score and pleasing seasonal decora­ Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Laurence en­ vided Mrs. Ray Russell the traveling tertained at their home Sunday tions. prize. Guest players were Mrs. E. evening for Mrs. Jennie Holt, aunt H. Brandt, Mrs. Ray Russell and of Mrs. Laurence, who was a week­ NYSSA GRIDM EN Mrs. Tom Eldridge. end guest at the Laurence home. AR E GIVEN HONOR — s— Mrs. Holt, of Los Aiveles, recent­ E N T E R T A IN S A T D IN N E R ly returned from the Hawaian and put it in the hands of our expert Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powel enter­ Islands, where she appeared dur­ (Continued From Page 1) tained at dinner at their home ing the past year giving reading termen next year. This bespeaks mechanics. They’ll make a thorough in­ last Thursday evening. Guests were and monologues for the House of successful teams in the future". Mr. and Mrs. Marco Murolo and Sherlock. Mrs. Holt delighted the Kinsey Keveren said he usually spection, replace worn or broken parts and Dr. and Mrs. K . E. Kerby. guests with sdme of her original explains at football banquets that readings and some humorous mon­ there would be no A squad if it make the delicate adjustments which A M IT Y C LU B MEETS were not for the B squad, but ologues. Mrs. Robert Wilson entertained Tuesday night he merely said - 5 - the members of the Junior W o­ •Really the reserves are just to mean so much to auto performance. TE ACH E R S HONORED men's Am ity club at her home last A large number of friends gather­ wear out the oJd equipment". He Friday evening. Mrs. Sherman ed at Wade school house Sunday added, however, that successful Bybee told r>f the trip which she to honor the the teachers, Mrs. teams are developed by the boys and Mr. Bybee recently made Vic Morgan and Charles W itty and starting to play early. hrough the east. A social hour for a farewell visit with Mr. and G lea Billings reminded the boys followed the program. Mrs. Cal Mrs. V erl Bishop and children, who that "th e coaohes are working just vin Wilson was a guest for the eve- will leave soon for Wichita. K a n ­ as hard as you arg and have your sas and Mr. and Mrs. Lee and interest and interest of the com­ i mmmmmmmmmmsm a ln i- daughters who will move to Em­ munity at heart. D ie Lions are T F A H E LD A T " B RO W N HOME m ett in January. An elaborate indeed proud to have two coaches A pink and blue tea for Mrs dinner was enjoyed followed by such as Lovejoy and Keveren in Ralph Young was held at the home social visiting and later a program our community” . Coach Lovejoy said “ W e had 67 of Mrs. Burnall Brown Saturday presented by Muss Helen Hatch, afternoon. Assisting Mrs. Brown program chairman of W ade P. T. boys out for football. It was one as hostesses were Mrs. Kenneth A. of the best squads I ever had to Cottle and Mrs. Frell Blair. T h e program was given as fol­ handle. They are probably not the lows: Community singing led by the best, but I like their attitude F A M IL Y D IN N E R SERVED Mrs. Boyce Van de Water with Mrs. We had 60 players at the end of The fam ily dinner held Friday Vert Bishop as accompanist; piano the season. T h e boys had just as evening by the Eastern Star for solos by Joyce Maginnis of Adrian, much figh t at the end of the sea­ members of the Eastern Star and reading by Leroy Bishop and Jim­ son as they did at firs t” . Masonic lodge was well attended mie Packwood, duet by Ladonna The coach thanks the Lions club Bingo was played following the and Julane Lee, duet, Mr. and Mrs. and the home economics depart­ dinner. Mrs. Ed Frost. Mrs. Jesse Charles W itty, short talks by Mrs. ment for the banquet. Rigney and W illiam Schlreman ar­ Morgan and Mr. W itty and a duet Lyle Smith, head coach at the ranged the program. Committee by Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Van de Water. Boise Junior college, told the play­ lonslsting of Mrs. Bert Lienkaem- ers “Th is is the best time of your - 8 - per, Mrs. Grant Rinehart, Mrs. Sid C LU B H E A R S B O O K R E V IE W S lives. Regardless o f the season 800 Yards,. Blue, Brown, Red, Burbldge, Mrs. Kenneth Renstrom Miss Lillian Nisbet. county libra you don’t have any regrets. The Green. 36 Inches Wide. Just and Mrs. Edward Boydell were in rlan, was guest speaker at the big value you are getting is . from charge o f the dinner arrangements. meeting o f the Nyssa Civic club association with your teammates. Right For Quilts, Shirts and Wednesday afternoon. Miss Nis­ That is the thing that is going to —5 - Many Other Uses. D EL P H IA N S M EET bet reviewed briefly, "F ire " by give you the most pleasure. The The Delphian society met last Stewart, "Panther's M oon" by can­ downtown quarterbacks wil soon R E G U LA R PRICE 45c yd. Friday morning at the home of ning "Pioneer Preacher" by Ber forget the '48 season. You must Mrs. Harry Miner. Mrs. Dale Oer- ryman. "Bride o f Fortune” by Kane prepare yourselves to study as well rison was program leader on the and “ I Capture the C astle" by as play football in college". topic, “ Farm Versus Labor Versus Smith. Other speakers were Leo Long Business." being discussed by Mrs A book display, showing new and Royce Chadwick, students, and Bernard Eastman. Mrs. Llenkaem- books for both adults and child­ George Blankley, assistant to Foot­ per. Mrs. G lea Billings, and Mrs ren was shown. Mrs. Donald ball Coach Lyle Smith and head Harold Henlngson. Th e next meet­ Campbell sang tw o numbers, basketball coach at Boise Junior Around the Neck Tie Back. ing will be held at the home of D aw n " and " I Love L ife ” . Mrs college. Mrs. Clyde Snider. Following the program films of Campbell was accompanied by the 1947 Washington-Oregon State Mrs. Carlos Buchner. Fine 80 Square Percale. F LO W E R S S T U D IE D During the business meeting the college football game were shown T h e A . N. K. Garden club met cjub voted to make a contribution Tuesday afternoon o f last week at to the Leonard W ood Memorial Fast Color G R O U P EXPLAINS the home of Mrs. C. H. Bennett. fund for leprosy control. Plans G O VER NM ENT AID During the business meeting, Mrs were made to have a member of Charles Newbill resigned as garden the Ontario Women's club discuss club president, as she has accepted federated club organization at the (Continued From Page 1) a teaching position. Mrs. Phlier next meeting. to live. More persons are encour-l gave a report on the State Ped- Mrs. H. R. Sherwood presided at aged to attend college and they the tea table, which was attract­ graduate with enlarged desires— D R Y G O O D S — SHOES — C LO TH IN G ive with a centerpiece o f white mean in,» more business for the bus­ X-Ray Shoe Fitting and yellow chrysanthemeums. As­ iness people. sisting during the tea hour were Privatel y -financed educational N YSSA OREGON the members o f the library board. institutions are facing a financial, Mrs. Luray Trabert. Mrs. Carlos crisis. Mr. Schweibert said. The nsiEigisiaisiBHiaisiBiFSiBii T ow nes Four Different Patterns and Dandy Value at TH U R SD A Y, NOVEM BER, 18, 1918 Sun., 2:30, Adm. S0c-9f. Inr. Tax. Adm. Evenings 44r-9c Inr. T ax M O N D A Y , N O V E M B E R 22 NO S H O W TH IS E V E N IN G Theatre Rented To Owyhee Truck and Imple­ ment Co. for family party, commencing at 8:00 p. in._________________ %______________ _______ T U E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 23 B A R G A IN N IG H T Roy Rogers and Lvnne Roberts In "E Y E S OF T E X A S ” In Color 2-REEL F E A T U R E T T E Cartoon and Sports Adm. 30c-9c Inc. Tax W E D N E S D A Y , N O VEM BER 24 W EDNESDAY ONLY I). Lamour, Charles Laughton, G. Montgomery In "G IR L FROM M A N H A T T A N " 2-Reel Special Cartoon .Adm. Evening* 4le-9o Inc. Tax T H U R S D A Y . N O VEM BER 25 T H A N G S G IV IN G Margaret O ’Brien. George Murphy In "T E N T H A V E N U E A N G E L ” Cartoon Specials Continuous showing from 6:00 p. m. Adm. Evening« 44c 9c Inc. T a x c Yd 32 Ladies Aprons 69 Bracken’s llv Lew Herrlman W ith bumper crops bulging gran ­ aries and more people working than at any other time in our history we have a full quota of things to be thankful for come this Thanksgiving Day. Like a short-armed boarder at dinner time we still have a few problems to con sider., but a quick glance a- round the itlobe should convince us that when the troubles were passed out we were carrying a small basket Somehow, we seem to be so much better o ff than the : set of the world ... and since we are. let's be glad of it. And if there are any complaints from the nation's turkeys, let them remem­ ber they're getting top billing on the menu. W ife (tryin g on a new fur coat' —••Really, one cannot help feeling sorry for the poor thing that was skinned for this." Husband < fe elin gly '—"Thanks." A fellow In London was fined 94.00 for keeping a horse in his I boarding house room. He explain-1 ed, "I was lonely". The horse made no comment. Customers often com­ ment on the friendliness with which they're served at H E R R I- M AN MOT\>R CO. and If you want people to comment on how smooth your car runs when you take that Thanksgiving Day trip, better stop In now for a motor check Play j It safe and you won t be sorry ¡Phone: 77. H E R R IM A N M O T O R CO. HOSPITAL DANCE mmm SPONSORED BY THE MALHEUR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASS’N. MRM Saturday, Ny¡ Merchandise Auction ovember 2 0 mnasium Given to Raise Funds For Hospital Equipment ADMISSION $1 PER COUPLE, INC. TA X