Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1948)
Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1948 PAGE THREE NEWS OF RECORD Completely furnished, 50x153 lot, hand. Phone 897J, Ontario. llNtfc CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING home after visiting a week In nice yard. BERNARD EASTMAN, WANTF-D A good reliable man to Stock received Monday. Tuesday. Seattle, as house-guests of Mr. and and Thursday, 8 a. m. Toni Oomes. Mrs. Gomes is MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED ¡NYSSA. PHONE 64. 30Stfj !>upply customers with Rawleighs Wednesday .o 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. Mrs. a sister of Nishitani. During the Masateru M. Jio of Wapato, and FOR SALE—Two boy’s used bi I Products in Malheur county. Write No stock received on Sunday, sheep and pork. Free delivery week there were dinner guests at Orace Ehiraiahl of Ontario. cycles. Bernard Eastman. 70tfc ' Rawleigh’s, Dept. ORK-331-T27. deef. the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Keith James Clayson and LaRus o Pciar plant. 18Nlxp One mile locker west on Alberta avenue Sakamoto, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Andreason. both of Twin Falla, FOR SALE—Used office desk In 'Oakland, Calif. Phone 05R1 class condition, bargain at WANTEJD—Someone to do custom Curry, Mrs. S. Abe, and also Mrs. i Val Dare Sloper and Christine RATES. Two cent* per word tor each Issue. Alter ohe month one first JAKE FISCHER $39.50 Nyssa Furniture Co., phone beet top beating. Prefer motor Jin D. Nishitani who became ac Larsen, both of Ontario. cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. 149-W. 30Stfc noun ted beater, Ira Ure, phone quainted with her new 6 montlis | Charles Elarl Maher of Cliffs. < epal Advertising 018R2. 4ntfc old grandson, David Nishitani. Idaho and Mary Catherine EYn- FOR SALE They attended the concert Wick of Jordan Valley, N THE COUNTY COURT OF ENtra nice basement house with WANTI5D—Odd jobs, between 9 a THE STATE OF OREGON TOR given by also Mariko Mukai, who was j Charles Richard Bale and Elva one acre on highway one-half mile m. and 3 p. m. Orien Moyes, six THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR a student under Paul Engbervj for Montague, both of Parma. FOR SALE—Heaters, circulators, For Sale north on Second St„ red n the Matter of the Estate of -lx years prior to winning the John SantULuies and EUaine Gal- white ranges from surplus stocks out, modern, good soli and well lo blocks fe'low-hip In New York. I legos, both of Nyssa. imitation brick house. llN’Jxp BRNBST O. COWLING, also Julllard FOR SALE—Oil heater, large size ; and priced far below actual value. cated. Mrs. Nishitani especilly enjoyed Joe C. Allison of Payette and mown as Earnest Cowling and One acre on Alberta, 44 mile out, ! Ed Case's Furniture Barg Coleman, practically new. Also | M Case’s Furmture Bargain Cen- attending the dress rehearsal of Flrma Helen Frltts of Ontario. WANTED—House work. Mrs. Etta E. G. Cowling, deceased one bedroom, modern, full base ter, north of “Y”, Nyssa. 140tfc the ultra-modern dance, "She", In Gerald Dempsey Cain and Mary table model washing machine. R. Notice to Creditors Castleberry. Crismon's basement ment with two bedrooms, $6,000. her sister-in-law, Martha Lou Baker, both of Ontario. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN which FARMS FOR SALE K. Laracy, inquire Owyhee grocery. acres Alberta, Vi mile out, apartment. Fourth street. 18N2xp that Nishitani, was one of the dance ! COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT Eklna B. group. 18N3xp 76 acres of the best land in the full 1VI basement, walk-ln locker, good WANTE1D—To rent good row crop Cowling, the has undersigned, performance which Ruby Sanders vs. Jesse A. Sand been appointed ad was listed The well with pressure system, fruit as one of Seattle's major ers, divorce. FOR SALE—Grocery store a n d |l'alle>-' basement house, large mod- trees ministratrix of the estate of Ernest dance land for cash, plenty of equipment, and berries. $5,300. of the season, was j Maxine Winder vs. Clarence Win meat market. 80 by 23, low rental |*m, _ilouse’ ot*ler 8ood Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Ins. phone 2024 New Plymouth, even 3. Cowling, also known as Earnest presented events by the nationally known der, divorce. eight-year lease, heart of irrigation i buildings. $16,500, easy terms, Cowling and E. G. Cowling, deceas Agency. 23Stfc ings. 23Stfc by the County Court of Malheur dancer, Eleanor King with Lock- | Edward Case vs. Lillie D. Laur district, grossing $150,000 per year.! ,acr5S' ^ J mt'es from town on highway, bqsement house, FOR SALE—-12-foot Eversman land WANTED—SO acres good farm ed, Johnson’s new score, and con ence, damages, $246.80. Jeffway grocery and Krebs market, paved County. Oregon, and has qualified. rem water system, $17,000. tralto soloist Annemarie Liebly. leveler, special price. Eder Hard Madras, Oregon. 18N2xp pressure NOW THEREFORE, all persons 40 acres, one of the outstanding Thomas Nishitani especially en 210tfc and, prefer good dairy set up. having claims against the estate of joyed FOR SALE!—Or trade for house places with the best of soil, very ware company. a trip with his friends hunt Client will pay cash. Nyssa In Ernest O. Cowling, deceased, are furniture, model A pick-up, 1930. level, $21,000. TOR SALE—Used milking machin- surance Agency, Ralph O. Lawr hereby notified and required to ing pine mushrooms. Don't ask Interlocking Metal where they went; that Is one item See at Wilson’s Highway market. 80 acres, 4 room house with bath, as-several makes to choose from- ence, Agent. present the same, with proper 210tfc information they never give. 18N’2xp small basement, good garage. If some nearly new. It will pay you vouchers, duly verified, within six of Weatherstripping you are looking for a good farm Mushroom hunters seem to know us first. t6) months from the date of this TOR SALE—An excellent selection FOR SALE—DeLaval Sterling two- priced right, better see this one, o see DAVENPORT of secret places where they can be & JACOBS ' to the undersigned, Eklna B. of farms of all sizes including Notice unit milking machine, price $200; $10,500. They are generous in shar EQUIPMENT some Cowling, at the law office of Har found. Co-op power separator, price $30. 60 acresextra modern home with SURGE DAIRY unimproved, also small acre old ing their find, even telling the var DEALERS at Nyssa, Oregon, ious John Sebum, Ge$i avenue 18Nlxp bath and basement. This is a very 814 River St„ Payette, Idaho. 2106xc ages. Homes of all kinds, several v.-hich Hefligson ways of serving the delicacies; place Che undersigned selects but don’t farm, $15,000; $9,500 down ask them where to find new yith FHA terms, Nyssa In as her place of business in all mat TOR SALE—Red beans, good qual good FOR SALE—We have a new supply surance Agency. Ralph G. Lawrence, ters connected with said estate. them. In this instance, they took G. I. loan. ity, $6.75 a bushel, $11 a sack. A. balance a panel truck and were gone all 83 acres of sandy loam soil, 4 of truck mud flaps, $3 pair. Ed Dated and first published Oct day, D. Moses, near Langton’s corner, room, coming home loaded with • house, 3 miles from Case's Furniture Bargain Center. WANTED— Capable salesman-buy ober 28, 1948. llN4xp. town, plastered er for Malheur county, must be free plenty for their families and $11,000; $6,500 will handle at 140 tic Last publication November 25, to travel, willing to study full line friends. FOR SALE—New John Deere G 6 per cent interest. FOR SALE—Very nice three-room to do effective work, good com 1948 HOMES tractor, Just used little, in A-l Attractive, new EDNA B. COWLING house with bath and part base mission. Write Watts Seed Co., home with large ment, > good location, large lawn Nyssa, Oregon. shape. Stanley Hill, route 1 Nyssa, grounds, extra large Administratrix of the Estate of FAMILY LEAVES ON 24Jtfc. Ernest This and shade, picket fence around) phone 07R3. llN2xp is a good place for a rooms. O. Cowling, Deceased. EXTENDED VISIT veteran, eli WANTED— To buy anything in $5500. FOR SALE—New Easy ironer gible for an Oregon state loan, yard. beef or veal. Also custom killed Approximately one acre In Con-) and delivered to Polar Cold Stor HOMER BREWER IS BUENA VISTA, Nov. 18—Mr. and phone 167 or 131J. llN2xp only $£?,000. cord grapes. Small two-room' age. Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary and A home with all the modem con HURT IN ACCIDENT Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. full basement, pressure FO R S A L E — Apples, Delicious, veniences, including automatic coal house, Alvin Cleaver left for an extended water system, fruit trees, $5000. Romes, Saps, $1 bushel and up._____ trip to Colorado, Nebraska and stoker _______ heat, fine ______ lawn _________ and shade, Some For Rent SUNSET VALLEY, Nov. 18—Hom terms. Kansas and Missouri. They ex Bring containers. It« miles east of many expensive flowers and shrubs We have several good lots on TOR RENT—150 acres for row i er Brewer, Sunset Valley fanner, pected to be gone Gayway. EM Mess. 4N3xp in rock garden, close In, AND, only Park a month. avenue for sale. Bernard crops, excellent water right, cash received a broken arm Friday af Those who attended FOR SALE—Registered Guernsey $8,500. Insurance, real estate, rent, inquire Town House Motel, ternoon at the Overstreet beet- Economic club meeting at the the Home Wal Very nice home of over 800 Eastman bull calves, good blood lines. Henry square 2Stfc Ontario. ter Fox home from this district feet. This place Is new and phone 64. Best Material llN3xp dump. While the trucks were In Thursday H. Hartley. 4N3xp only partly were Mrs, Glen Hoffman, finished, owner sac TOR SALE— Business building, line for dumping and the men Mrs. George Cleaver and Mrs. Alva FOR RENT—Floor Polisher. Pet- TOR SALE—Kelst beet lifter-load rificing at $6,000. Main street location, lot size 25x116. their turn, a truck rolled Goodell. Best Equipment er in good condition. For sale As nice a 5 room, medium priced Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance erson-Newsom Furniture Co. 22Jtfc waiting backwards into the next one, Everyone in this neighborhood is cheap. Ira Ure, phone 018R2. 4ntfc house as we have had in a long agency, Nyssa, phone 53. 22Jtfc. catching Brewer’s right arm above through harvesting beets. time, hardwood floors, electric dish FOR SALE— Let us measure your his wrist. Brewer spent Friday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Plus Skilled mechanics, equals TOR SALE!— Cabbage for kraut washer, shade and lawn and many night at he Nyssa nursing home. Glendia called at the Ray Griffitts guaranteed satisfaction to (he windows for Venetian olinds. No and storage; Romes and Stamen conveniencles, $7,000, terms. charge Keith Tallman and Donald and home to see Mrs. Griffitts, who re- for this service or estimates. apples and squash, three miles other Brand new, large home with oak Obtainable in one week. Assorted Roy Brewer finished harvesting cenly fractured her leg. Home Owner. south of Fruitland, highway 30. floors, basement, 2 bedrooms, large colors In steel or aluminum slats. Homer Brewer's beets. C. R. Strawn. 4N3xp living room, Mrs. Howard Day was hostess to large kitchen, $7,000. Kathryn Langley, little daughter the Out Our Way club at her home Furniture company, phone 5 rooms and bath, only $4,500; Nyssa of Mr. and Mrs. James Langley, Thursday afternoon, with nine FOR SALE— 325 acres of land, $1,500 149-W. 20Mtfc. has been ill with pneumonia this members attending. The following partly leveled, will sell all or part, We down. to announce that the TOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, $80 an acre and down. Easy terms. grocery wish past week. officers were elected: President, Cleaver’s comer is no chrome table and sink edgings, Water right. Oscar Pike, phone longer for at sale. The Worthwhile club will meet Mrs. James Ritchie; vice president, waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur 198-J. 4N7xp Thursday afternoon, November 18 Mrs, Olen Hoffman; secretary, Mrs. E. L. JAMISON niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. at the home of Mrs. Claude Wilson, Day; treasurer, Mrs. FOR SATE— One John Deere beet Real Estate and Insurance with Mrs. Clarence Reed assisting. Howard George Cleaver and news reporter, FOR SALE1— Small Homes, build lifter wind-rower in good condition. Phone 276W A warning lias been Issued to Mrs. Alva Goodell. Refreshments of ing lots for home or business. Ralph Ira R. Ure, pihone 018R2. 4Ntfc Sunset Valley poultry men. A sandwiches, salad and coffee were TOR SALE—Singer power com Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. chicken thief is in the neighbor TOR SALE—New home, 2 bed pound feed, gooseneck light, new served. BMtfc. hood. One party lost 150 young rooms, fully modem, in good lo transmission, % H. P. motor, full The next meeting will be the chickens.. The thief was discovered, Christmas SALE—Have farms and homes meeting to be held at cation. FHA approved, $3,000!complement, for unholsterlng sacks,, FOR Roofing, Insulated Sidings, but was not caught. for sale. Need more, list with Ken Mrs. Mausell Bishop’s home. A gift down, balance at $42 monthly, auto, light leather, canvas. Ready Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. Olenn Knottlngham has been re New Panel Shakes Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur-1 to plug in and start production. ¥*. will be held. training in Boise the past exchange Alva Goodell, Jr„ spent Saturday ance agency. |"Lete” Sackett, Ontario, Oregon. FOR SALE— Electric wiring and STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY ceiving three months on the servicing of Weatherstripping Specialists RE1NT-- Polish your own Burroughs adding machines. He night at the Henry EMrick home at ol all kinds at your Wes- FOR FOR SALE—40 acres of the very llNtfc supplies Meridian. floors. Rent our high-speed pol best row crop land, 3 >4 miles north, FOR SALE—14-foot beet bed, in tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Bros. ishing equipment. Ekislly handled is now employed as a serviceman For Free Estimates the Burroughs company. Tills R elative W ins Second C ar— fully equipped. Owner will give good condition. Phone 018R2, Ira Appliance Co., phone lltt-W 15Jtfc. by women. Nyssa Lumper company. for Wednesday, he and George Ton immediate possession. Ralph G. R. Ure. 280cfc TOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper Phone 3285-J 3Atfc. kins, service manager, worked at Last fall Mrs. H. O. Holmes re Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. TOR SALE — New, two-bedroom Guaranteed to be washable ant. ceived word that her sister's hus Notus and Parma. Knottlngham band, Robert Colgate of Napa, Cali P. O. Box 1663—Boise, Idaho non-fading tor three years. Good Found FOR SALE—Alcohol $1 gallon, also home, full basement, double stock who serviced the Burroughs ma fornia, had won a Plymouth car com F O U l D — Two white-face cows chines with the purchase of each new tire garage, one acre of ground, ex pany. on hand. Stunz Lumber 26Jtfc. in Nyssa the latter part of in a drawing on a one dollar Convenient Monthly a tub ait half price. Chard’s Ser cellent location. SHOWN BY AP week, likes his work very much. ticket. calves. Owner may have them the Mrs. This week, Mrs. Holmes had vice station, 1 mile north of Nyssa POINTMENT. Priced for quick FOR SALE— New Westinghouse el with Walter Pelrris arrived home Payments by paying for keep and this ad Wednesday with her baby daughter. word that Mr. Colgate had won llU4xp sale, three room house with bath. ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom vertisement. Ernest Stephenson, 5 D. W. Randolph of Atlantic, a Pontiac car in a drawing on a Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. miles west and 14 mile south on Iowa arrived Friday at the Lew two dollar ticket. 15Jtfc. Alberta avenue. 18N4xp McCoy home. Mr. Randolph plans ¡lBUflffll510l0l0161S TOR SALE— Basement house with on visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mc LOST bath, nice lawn, trees, pressure for two weeks. water system, 160-foot well, app LOST—or strayed from the Ralph Coy B. Sill, Art Rogers, Clarence Cur roximately one acre ground with Jones ranch, small brown mare, ry, and Ben Cichy. all of Seattle, 25-foot Irrigation well, chicken child's pony. Branded OH were Thursday dinner quests at the house and pen. Edge of town. on front riding shoulder. Phone 018J3. home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Priced right. Terms. 18Nlxp Nishitani. One of the nicest two-bedroom Mrs. T. H. Brewer spent Tuesday homes in Nyssa. Full basement, FOUND—Female English pointer, visiting her mother, Mrs. Leota furnace, stoker, water softener, gar phone 111M. 10N2xp Ditty, who has been 111 for many age. fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav Mrs. Ditty Is now able to ing and curbing paid. Shown by MISCELLANEOUS weeks. be up again. appointment. Thomas Nishitani. as guest BERNARD EASTMAN MTSC E L L A N E OU S-^Join THE Mrs. PHYSICIANS the Garden club Tuesday af LODGES Real Estate—Insurance GUITAR CLUB! Elnroll now and of in Nyssa, gave a talk on Phone 64 learn to play the guitar. Hono ternoon arrangements. In her ar SARAZIN CLINIC Nyssa Post No. 79 lulu Conservatory of Music will floral rangements, Mrs. Nishitani used Dr. J. J. Sarazln open Wednesday. November 24 from chrysanthemums, WANTED American Legion holly, pine and 4 to 9 p. m. at the I. O. O. F. hall, furnished by her brother- Dr. K E. Kerby Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. W A N T E D — Washing, see Mrs, south First street. Classes for ad greens in-law, H. Nishitani, florist and six blocks No. Second street, ults and children. Call Owyhee nurseryman Project Office, 8 p. m. Moyes. Physician and l Surgeons in 8eattle, Washington. red Imitation brick house. 18N2xp hotel for information. llN2xp --- =11 ------ ! __ A group of eight young people All Veterans Welcome WANTED—To rent good row crop Sunday dinner at the home MISCELLANEOUS—S. L. Wimmer enjoyed L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil. Radio and Electrical Appliance of Physician and 9urgeon Counsil, son of O. P. Counsil, shop, 450 U. S. highway 20, Nyssa, Harry No. 214 QUICK RELIEF FROM Oregon, was an over-night guest at the Phone 37 has heater wire for stoves, Sym ptoim of Distress Arising from hot plates, rubber insulated cords, home of Robert Smith, Jr. Saturday Hours: 10 to V. and 2 to 5 and Sunday at the Counsil Daily except Saturday and Meets I.O.O.F. llN2xp night, every Monday STOMACH ULCERS any desired length. home. Harry Is attending college Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 classes at La Grande. dueto EXCESS ACID night, 8:30. TANNING Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carlscn of FrooBookTollsofHomoTrMtiiieiitthat Custom Tanning and Manufactur C. J. Kopp, M. D. South First Street La Orande visited Thursday at ing of Must Hslp or It Will Cost You Nothing the home of Mrs. Leota Ditty. Physician and Surgeon Over three million bottles of the W illard JACKETS, GLOVES, MOCCASINS, Naomi Hawk and Jacqueline DENTISTS T r e a t m e n t h are been sold for relief ol ETC. spent the week-end In La Fry Building symptoms of distress arising from S to m a ch Write for Illustrated Price List Wilson and D u o d e n a l U lce rs due to Cicsst A c id — Grande visiting at the home of Office hours MYERS GLOVE A TANNING CO. Any name changes or corrections must be P oor D ig e stio n. S o u r or U p u t S to m a ch . DR. C. M. TYLER Miss Wilson’s aunt, Mrs. Ray Tum- 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Qosalnass, H a a r t b u r n , SloopiosanaM, ate., 1490 South 12th Salem, Oregon mons. Daily except Saturday and due to Cicass A d d . Sold on 15 days' tria l' Wilson Building 2805xp The Brown family and the Ford received at the Nyssa office. Telephone 174, Ask for “ W illa rd 's Message“ wiiich fully Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Phone 165-J, Nyssa explains this treatm ent—free—a t family of Grand View, Washington MISCELLANEOUS—General truck hours from 9 to 5 except NOT LATER THAN NYSSA PHARMACY several days at the T5d Price JEWELRY STORES Office Saturdays, ing. John Barnett and Kenneth visited 9 to 12. home. Mrs. Brown Is Mrs. Price’s Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc. sister. PAULUS MISCELLANEOUS— Available now Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins of J. R. CUNDALL Electrolux cleaners and air purl Nampa visited at the E. J. Hob Free Pick Up JEWELRY STORE Dentist fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An son home Saturday. Mrs. Hobson Union Pacific Time Inspector derson. route 3, Welser, Idaho. is making plans to accompany Mr. Phone 56-J Of Your JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Phone 087-J4. 26Jtfc andMrs. Perkins to Portland for Sarazln Clinic WAT-HE8 and to Richfield, NYSSA OREGON Prompt and Thanksgiving Dead and Worthless MISCELLANEOUS— Main Street a. Second Washington to visit her mother, ------ - ------------------s free pick-up or your dead, crtppied Mrs. F. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. or sick livestock. Calls received be Hobson E. were Sunday dinner guests OPTOMETRISTS Animals WYCKOFF fore 9 o'clock are picked up by at the Russell Smith home in noon. Efficient drivers. Call col JEWELRY STORE Nyssa. DR. J. A. MCFALL Call Collect lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Official Time Inspector tor Ransom is now employed 102-W ruano Animal Products for Doris Union Pacific the Nordllng Parts company In There Is a Phone Near You sa DR. JOHN EASLY Company. SJtfc. Botse. ONTARIO OREGON Nyssa 100 Parma 25 MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and visited at the James Lang Loans on farms for refinancing, family Ontario 53 VETERINARIANS home Sunday evening. building, improvements, b u y i n g . ley Mrs. Hobson, Mrs. A. R. Her “We Haul the Day You Call’ Long term, low Interest, see Ber ring and Joe Mrs. E. J. Hobson made DR. HAL D. WHITE nard Elastm&n, phone 04. Nyssa. a trip to Boise. visited 3Atfc. Estelle Herring, who Is They Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Veterinarian doing very MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car well In the polio ward. Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Nyssa, Oregon and cylinder lock keys made. H>n- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani neman's. 250tfc. and son, David recently returned i — -------------------------- ---------------------------------------- — -------------------------------------- Advertising Fuel Conservation Company Professional And The New Telephone Directory Business D ire c to ry WILL BE CLOSED MONO A Y, DEC. 6 DECEMBER $ MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY ✓