Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1948)
THI-1 N YSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N A L, NYSSA, OREGON PAGE TW O fhe Gate City Journal «CLASS V. POWELL S U B S C R IP T IO N One SU • KATBN Ye*r_____________ Months.-------- ---- 81ngle Copies.......... (Strictly In Advance) Editor and Publisher ADVERTISING RAT b .8 *2.00 $125 .05 Open rate, per Inch..... ...A5c National, per inch_______ 40c Classifieds, per word ____ Jo M.nimu.n ... 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheu» County, Oregon ihitered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States thalls, as second class matte:, under the ac. ol March 3, 1878 stone on the east side of the building near where the front en trance will be located. Following the ceremony, Rev. Roland Wuest gave the benediction. The Armistice day observance was opened with a parade staged bj the veterans and Nyssa high school band. The paraders start ed the march at First and Main and stopped at the " Y ” on the west end of Main street at 11 o' clock for a moment of silence in memory of the world war dead. They then marched to the hospital site for the Armistice and hospital ceremonies. Church Notes realize how badly we need a hos THE M ETHODIST COM M UNITY CHURCH pital. When I came here the Rev. Donald Campbell, Pastor country was a barren waste. I did 9:45 a. m., church school. Classes I not intend to stay here, but I did (Continued from Page 1) j for all a,jes. achievements. May those who We hud only one or two bridges 11 a. m. morning worship. Ser pioneered this valley and toiled here and we sometimes had to mon: "Traveling Light.” Anthem: swim the rivers to reach our pati •Praise Ye The Father" by Gounod through privation and hardship to ents. The .same basic principle 7 p. m.Youth Fellowship. Dis make the barren desert blossom remains— that we must take care as the rose see in the completion of our people when they are sick. cussion: "How Can We Know What i.o Believe.” of this project one of their dreams 'This hospital is not finished; 8 p. m., evening sing and bible come true. Yes, too late to bring we must keep on with the same . relief and assistance to many of spirit of energy and co-operation study. them; too late to relieve the mother that we h tve shown in the past.' THE CHI RCH OF THE of her hours of anxiety and con George Slnffer of the state board NAZARENE cern over loved ones: too late to of health said We are keenly in provide the doctor with the tools terested in hospitals all over the 10 a. m.. Sunday school. and convenience he so much need state. We rejoice with you today 11 a. m„ congregational and ed to give the most efficient ser and congratulate the people of this special singing and sermon. vice to them, but I am confident community. I think you will feel 7:15 p. m. young people, teen fn my own mind they are happy any sa rifice you have made will age and Juniors service. In the thought we are doing it oe worthwhile.” 8 p. m., evangelistic service. for others, their posterity and our’s 8 p. m., Wednesday prayer meet Judge Don M. Graham, repre and 1 am satisfied if we could senting the veterans of the com ing. see and hear them we would see munity, declared that " I could talk 12 noon, FYiday prayer and fast them arise as one and call us to you for hours about patriotism ing service at the parsonage. blessed” . and Americanism, but knowing you Band Opens Program L. D. S. CHURCH friends as I do over a period of 41 Before a large crowd of donors years, there is no need to talk to First Ward and other friends of the hospital you about ]>atriotsm and Ameri Dean Fife, Bishop association, the Nyssa high school canism, for the very tangible evi Sunday, 9 a. m„ Sunday school. band directed by Lynn Lawrence, dence of your patriotism and A- Sunday, 10:30 a. m. priesthood opened the program with two merlcanism is shown In many ways meeting. Sunday, 6:30 p. m , sacrament numbers, Including the “ Star throughout this wonderfully-grow or fas» meeting. Spangled Banner.” After Rev. ing community. Tuesday, 2 p. m.. Relief society Oeon?e Whipple gave the invo- “The things we all enjoy today catlon.Glea Billings, master of cere didn't just happen: they were niaac meeting. Tuesday, 4 p. m., primary meet monies, stated that "This cere possible by i>eople who gave ol mony marks a milestone In the their time and particular ability ing. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., geneologlcal realization of a dream we have and a lot of real hard work, but had for many years. It is with a greatest of all co-operation ol meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m„ Mutual feeling of pride that we have as those who saw the possibility of Improvement association meeting. sembled on this occasion." a bigger and better city and com Sunday, 5:30 p. m.. ward welfare Dr. Barazin, who has practiced munity here In Nyssa. meeting. (First and third Sundays) medicine in the Nyssa section since “On behalf of the almose 600 vet 1901, said completion of the hos erans of the Nyssa community, 1 Sunset VValley pital is "something I know every want to thank you, the workers Community Hall one has in his heart. Some of you the donors and the friends who A. R. Herring, Pastor older ones know what anxiety we have made this worthwhile mem Sunday school, 10 a. m. had to go through when we had orial to our departed comrades and Worship service, 11 a. m. no hospitalization short of Boise. loved ones possible and I am, sure Sermon subject, "Jesus, The Many died for lack of hospital that In looking down from heaven ization. This community has been as I believe they do I can hear Door.” A hearty welcome to all. growing so rapidly it is hard to them sayT Well done Nyssa com munity, we know we are not for CATHOLIC CHURCH gotten' ”, Park Avenue and Third Street Morgan's Memory Honored Rev. P. J. Galre, Pastor N E W — I In presenting a posthumas award The time of mass has been of merit to Frank T. Morgan, Jr USEFUL hanged to the winter schedule. In memory of his father, Judge Graham stated that “ Lost January the members of the Veteran* of Foreign Wars of the United States of America looked around this community in an attempt to select and honor the person whom we considered had been outstanding in the community, not only as a civic, commercial or fraternal lead er, but as a citizen who loved his community, worked for ils advance b -8 ment with the fixed ideal 'I want THI OUT OF A HUNORtb UJIS (o leave this community when I am called to do so, a better and more k O t O hc lovely place titan I found it'. • A Hand S ta p le r “ Yes friends, the veterans found such a person and had intended • A Desk F a ste n e r to bestow tills, the highest honor • ATacker that the veterans can bestow upon For the housewife, student, and a citizen, to Frank T. Morgan dur business or professional man ing the dedication of the veterans or woman. Everyone — even hall here in Nyssa. but on August children— w ill appreciate this 20, 1948 God saw fit to take him to rugged, good looking Uostitch His home on high, leaving a be wildered and sorrowful community B-8 stapler behind him.” Fostons le tte rs, ch eck s, Accepting the award of merit, b i ll s * S e a l s b a g s , w r a p Frank Morgan, Jr. said “I accept p in g s, p a c k a g e s * Tacks the award with the full realization c u r t a in s , pin-ups, n otic es. of where it was ltended to go." Mr Billings then announced that “In view of the admiration that Appropriately Wrapped we all hold for the memory of F’nrtik T Montan, It Is appropriate For Christmas «lifts that his son lay this cornerstone.’^ With the assistance of members Gate City of the board of directors. Con tractor Leslie W. Stoker and work Journal men. Mr. Morgan laid tlie corner- TRIBUTE PAID TO H O SPITA L W ORKERS BOSTITCH Stapler TH U RSD AY, NOVEMBER, 18, 1948 beginning September 12, It will be bncs, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bailee, at 9:30 a. m. over the week-end. Miss Sallee is attending the Eastern Oregon Co- SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST lege of Education at La Orande. CHURCH Naomi Buchert, Superintendent American Legion Hall Too Late To Classify Sabbath school, 9 46 a. m. LOST—Seabag, containing saddle Preacmng service, 11 a. m. Evangelist Hugh Cowles In and articles of clothing, name B. charge of service. J. Babcock on seabag and saddle. Lost between Nyssa and Skinner’s MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH comer. Leave at Herrlman service Sunday school. 10 a. m. station for LaMar Orr and receive Morning service, 11 a m. Young People. B Y P. U.. 7 p.m. reward. lSNlxc Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. m. FOR SALE—Forty acres, no build Visistlng pastors supply, ings, water rights, nine acres of prune orchard, one mile southeast CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of Adrian on Adrian-Wilder high OF LATTER DAY SAINTS way. Charles Van Cleef, Jr., route SECOND WARD 3, Parma. 18N2xp. (Mormon) Arvel Child. Bishop FOR SALE—Four tons of straw, $14 Sunday, 11:30, Sunday, scnool. a ton. Third house south of Apple 10:30, Priesthood meeting. Valley schoolhouse. J. Moran. Sunday, 8 p in.? Sacrament ser 18Nlxp vices. Wednesday, 2 p.m., Relief society. FOR SALE—New Ferguson and Wednesday, 4 p.m., Primary. 1946 Oliver tractor with plows and Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., Mutual equipment. F*rank Skeen, % mile Improvement west on Enterprise avenue, phone 017R1. 18N3xp ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH FOR SALE—Late model A C 60 Rev. U. L. Callahan, Rzctor combine. Also heavy duty trailer, Sunday school. 10:30 a. m. 8 x 22 feet. Will sell at sacrifice. Morning prayer, 9 a. m. Holy communion First Sunday Grant Cluff, 1 mile east and 2 Evening prayer, 2nd Sunday each miles north of Meridian, phone 2728. Meridian. 18(Nlxp month, 4 p. m. No morning aervtce on and Sun-1 FOR RENT—Two room furnished day. To contact minister, call 409-J, cabins at Kressley cabins, phone 122-J. 18Nlxc Ontario for appointment. SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. Young people’s meeting, 7 p. m. i Evening service, 8 p. m. Bible study, Wednesday, 8 p. m. ( Here From Caldwell— Guests Sunday at the home o f ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steffens were I Mrs. Steffens’ parents, Mr. and M rs.1 C. M. Van Slyke of Caldwell, and her great aunt, Mrs. Ruth Al bright of Pasadena. Visit In Sunset Valley— Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams and children of Eagle were guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner of Sunset valley. Here From Twin Falb— Mrs. F. E. Haynes of Twin Fa Us left Thursday morning after vis iting for several days at the home j of her daughter, Mrs. Grant Lewis. She was accompanied to Nyssa by Mable Gourley, an aunt of Mrs. Lewis. ' the funeral serviced for Olendon CARD OF TH AN K S Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young wish W. Hi Ills. to express their deep appreciation , Mr. and Mrs. Walter HilUs. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. to the many friends who helped Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvis them after their house and pos sessions had been destroyed by fire and Diana. October 29. CARD OF TH ANKS We wish to extend sincere thanks CARD OF TH AN K S We wish to thank our friends, to all who helped save our baled members of the V. F. W., and ladies hay near the stack that burned auxiliary and the American Legion November 5. Mr. and Mrs. Russell F»aUon. for their kindness in assisting with HAVE YOU EVER HEARD of a dissatisfied user of a Myers Pump? W e sell, install and service. ' IBISMQISISMSISISISMSISISISISISIS1! “ The House of Oliver” NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! FO R Thanksgiving Poultry ROASTING HENS STEWING HENS FRYERS TURKEYS GEESE DUCKS Curry Produce PHONE 5R, NYSSA Visits Parents— Miss Mardi Sallee visited her par- ONE STOP SERVICE! . . . For . . . SU PER D ELU X E HOME H EA T ER S b rin g y o u c le a n , co m fo rtab le h eat T A K E NO CHANCES! ORDER C O A L COAL HEATINC! I t ’s a wise home owner that fills his coal bin NOW. Al though the supply Is ample at this time, indications are that civil may be in short suppiy during the height of the heat ing season, due to transporta tion and limited delivery facil ities Be Wise! Order Coal ........... while It’s Easy to G E T ........... at wmounvoRK! O N L Y [ V A N S G IV E S Y O U H E A T IN G B EN EFIT S L IK E TH ES E: Printing Stationery onice supplies e Exclusive fireplace w indow provides cheery g lo w o f an open lire. • Kan-forced heat provides a carpet of warmth at Hoot level w here you need it. • H orizontal heat chamber has 48% m ore heating surface fo r greater heat transfer. • Heatwave b low er pulls wast ed warm air dow n from c e il in g an d d is t r ib u t e s it a ll through the house. A few cents a dav w ill put one of these beautiful Evans Heaters in vour home. W e guarantee satisfaction with all of our services and materials and are attempting to build our business on that policy. You should not overlook printing as a possibility in your Christmas shopping. of W & M ß fS B R IN G S Y O U A CARPET OF W A R M T H FR O M WALL-TO-W ALL Lower Snake River Vallry O. L. GALLOW AY M anager NYSSA. OREGON r t o p u e r s CO* E d e r H ardw are C o m p an y Gale Cily Journal Printers and Stationers i