T H E N Y S S A G A T E CITY JO U RN AL, N Y S S A , OREGON PAO R SIX T H U R SD A Y , NOVEM BER 11, 1948 Wilson were Mrs. I W JO tJPAL GUILT) MEETS Mrs Graham to the Methodist were oved night visitor last Thur»- Here From Adams HCH’rKBH Guests over the week-end at the Mr. and Mrs William Perry of Mr.s J J harazln entertained 'Lurch Plana were made for the j ay at the home of M r.-. H-*-;: i filmar " \ i î T p c ; M. - ir>- entertained h n j They were en route to home of Mr and Mrs. Richard 1 Adams. Oregon Butler ,fl N b rid a .' c lui. loot Thursday the members of the Episcopal Guild coming Initiation. Monday evening Plans were made Mrs. Harold Hanlgaon gave a re- Ba)ler afternoon Pilze» wrnt to Mrs for the Chrlstnuu bazaar, with port on Prank Davison’s speeoh on (»«•ne Ht m/ tir hi. li wore and M m . Mrs O. L Galloway as chairman. "Men of Destiny" at the Knife and County P T A. .Meeting Saturday— NYHHA MAN MAURI I * A follow-up rummage sale, with Pork club dinner. A social hour OUR STATION niudys Pifrr «f Ontario and 111 iist'.ii Wliton for «eeond high Members of the local P. T. A. On h dd h y evening Mr and Mr* Mrs J L. Church as chairman, with refreshments followed the organizations over the county will ( 1,111 II"; ItllIUril of Ny«M» w ,rr is planned for November 18 to 20. ' business mealing. The next meet- film o entertained tlirlr evening unit'd in um rrUff al h eerrmnnji ()| j, Ktl w ,,r,. was held A (lumbar of contributions for »rst will be at the home of Mrs meet In Ontario Saturday, Novem ber 13, at 2 p. m. for a special lierfniined M»»nday afternoon by „y Mi ilnustnri Wilson and oec- DROP was taken to the meeting. Harold Henkcson, November 18 meeting at the Ontario nigh - hooi -» Juda«' Don Oraliarn Dir empia mil h / h hy I idnn (limer. M u Following trie business meeting, a afetena Following a bu..me.™ BRriXlE CLUB HOHTEBS wr • atlanded l.y Mrs. Don Ora- l ' ii.ny Beckham was a guest «Miai tiour and refreshments were meeting a film will be down, and Mrs Howard Lovejoy was hos enjoyed. I ihmi and llandlum Chaddenlon player tess to the members of her Tuesday panel discussions conducted by the HTUDY CLUB MEET« evening bridge club at her home Nyssa. Vale and Annex associa In Memory of the W ar Dead Mr* H K Collins entertained last week Honor went to Mrs tions ihe lU. Ttioma* study club Mon- Houston Wilson arid Mrs Ron CARD OP THANKS POW ELL SERVICE STATIO N d;iv evening Following the study Whitaker. Guest players for the I sincerely thank residents of period refreshments were served by evening were Mrs Houston Wilson, Malheur county for the support the hosUvts. Mrs. Ward Wleneke and Mrs. War- that they extended in my behalf In _|__ ren Parmer. the recent election. ENTERTAIN AT COUNTY CLUB — _____ Elmo Smith Mr and Mrs Laurence Brown CIVIC CLUB TO MEET were guests of Mr and M rs Olea All women of Nyvui and vicinity Billing-, at a dinner at the country are Invited to attend tfie Novem- . .ub la i Wednesday evening. her meeting of the Nyssa Civic club * * I to be held at the i>arl*h hall on i KNTFRTAINH THURSDAY CLUB Wednesday, November 17 at 2:30 p \ III li o Larson entertained "> The meeting win be under We ¡it»- now ready to cure and smoke your he mein/bers of the Thursday af- auspice* of the Nyssa library | ernoon brldiie club lust week at board Miss Lillian Nlsbet, county meat, render your lard and take care of your he I home Prizes went to Mr*, librarian, will give short reviews of "Panther’s Kd Frost for high score and Mr* Uie following books meat any way you wink. fi 11 r 11 ii11 llrown for traveling Oue*tt Moon” by Canning, "Fire” by for the afternoon were Mr*. Ed Stewart; ’-Pioneer Preacher" by "Bride of Fortune’’ Front, Mr* Keith Halley of Nurnpa. Berryman; LOCKERS A V A IL A B L E — to prove t h a t and Mr*. Bailey’* *t«ter, Mr*. by Kane, and ” 1 Capture the Castle" by Smith. A number of Hkern. book* will be on display. P U R I N A gets M O R E P O R K at L E S S C O S T ! 8 MONDAY 01.1)B PLAYS -8 Yes, we’ve started a pi" growing ra ce-a race o f growth and O m t.3 HOLD MEETTNO Mi i Grant lew is entertained her cost! Mike and Ike are pigs about the same size-but Mike The Thunble Bell* 4-H club h d ' M.inrlay afteniiMin bridge club tht* is eating a Purina balanced ration. . . Ike —just straight grain. week lllkh score was held by Mr*. a regular meeting ’ ecently at the So drop in and see how much faster Mike grows than Ike. Kd K net lei and low by Mr*. Gene home o f Mrs. C. M Pound*. The The difference in cost per pound o f gain will amaze you! HI tin/, Mr* Ron Campbell wa.s a girl* spent their time sewing. Re freshments were served by Jean gui-Nl pluver. {fam e W jcc c m / Walker The next regular meeting - I - will be held at Erma Orris’ home JOM’H DAIKlirn-.lt MEET The Job’* Daughter* held their November 19. regular meeting last Thursday eve - 8 - ning lit the Masonic hall Plan* C’ub Pack To M e e t- All Cub pack member*, or boys' were made for the cake walk to O W Y H E E DRUG CO. wlio wish to become Cub members hr held till* Saltirdiiy evening. P G. H. Peirsol and their parent* are asked to at - 8 ■* di i Su B a ii 1 I ja IB a tend an organization meeting to be SCOUT TROOP MEETS L. u u t a a u f f i t t E a i S f i i i i f l i a B ü i f i ä iPhone 29-VV The mrinberi of the Olrl Scout held at the high school gymnasium troop No A met la*t week ait the Friday evening, November 13 at home of their lender, Mr*. Orant 7:30. Leon Myers, »cout executive Rinehart. The girl* gathered dried for this district, will be present to weed* and jilant* for winter aid wlt)i the organization plans. Mr Myers met with some of the bouquet*. While local Cub leaders last Friday morn ing at the grade school. is proud of the tremendous BRIDGE Cl/UB MEETS They Mr and Mr*. Bernard KanUnan acceptance of the lines ol Insurance Last entertained the memtrer* of their Here From Burns— Per Yd. that we represent and sell. Mr and Mrs. Rex Bosch of Burns Sunday evening hrldge club at their 3(5 Inches W ide— Guaranteed Fast to Washing home till* week Prize* for high May we again call them to your attention, I ru- scores went, to Hurry Miner and Reg. Price 45e per yard. 30 Patterns and Colors vident Eire Insurance company, the second Mr. George Sallee. C . • I 'X T I Closed Day Will Be Armistice New Curing Plant - OPENED K Ct fc Al tt ir of df POLAR COLD STORAGE Tobler s fr eed and E. L. JAMISON Insurance Agency £ mighty oldest in the world, Standard Accident ( omp- any, with main offices everywhere that you might drive your ear in the entire United State», the Saint J’liul and Marine Insurance Company and Aetna, also one of the Lest Companies as e you all know. E. L. JAM ISON. Insurance Our new address is tit) North, 3rd Street in the new llcldt building. IMione 276 W NVSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM I III. AIKL FR ID A Y, NOVEMBER 12 “ V A L LE Y OE THE. G IA N TS” With Wavin' Morris Kc-issucd in its thrilling and scenic Beauty! CAR TOO N Ailm K venini* l l r *•«• lu r. T n _________________ S A T U R D A Y . NOVEMBER 13 DOUBLE KKA IT UK Richard IVnning “ CAG ED F U R Y " Allan “ R w k v " Lam' “OKLAH OM A BADLANDS" m * i „ Hat. t w \iiw » b •». in« %4m K trnlit|H 44« •*« ln«\ Tt»\ r.»\ ___________ SU N D AY AND M O N D A Y . NOVEMBER 14 15 Cecil B. IVM illc’s spectacular film dranm of the titantic struggle for the Holy I and. “ TH E C R U S A D E S " With Loretta Young. Henry Wilcoxon. Ian Keith ami Katherine IV Millc A pnniuction of epic proportions and ma- jectic pageantry. Mat Su n. » m. Aitm W. 'V « 8 m l i r n l n i , tt, 4 » lix In«' T ax la v T U E S D A Y , NOVEMBER 16 B A R G A IN NIGH r DOUBLE FEATUR E Jackie Cooper and Jackie Uoogun In "FR E N C H L E A V E " Eddie Doan. Jennifer Holt In "H A W K OF POW DER R IVE R " «dm Mk *r Inc T »\ W E D N E S D A Y AND T H U R SD A Y . NOV. 17-18 | The sunniest, stingiest, girliest, happiest I online in history. "R O M A N C E ON TH E HIGH S E A S " IN TECHNICOLOR With Jack Carson, Janis Paiev. Don lV foiv and IV'i is Day A lush, lithsome. laugh-laden package of pure entertainment M aim er M ed f .tg. «dm kk -V «d m K venlni» U r Sr In. Tax NEWS VIEWS 5 ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mr*. Hugh Tobler and family were Sunday dinner guest* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I )n rid Beer*. 8- BRiIDCHC CLUB HNTERTAINKP The members of the Tuesday eve ning bridge club were guests of Vilas Evu Itovdell at her home last week. High score was held by Mrs. Bernard Frost and second high by Mrs Artie Robertson. Mrs. George Mlli-hell was a truest player. ENTERTAINS BRIDG E CLUB Mrs NU-k Rudellck was hostess to her bridge club at her home last rhursday evening. High score was drill by M n M m WUaon and rrood high by Mm. SU1 Burbldge 1'he traveling prise went to Mr*. Lloyd Marshall. Guest players were Mrs. Ray Hassell. Mrs. E. Brandt and Mrs Jlert Llenksem per. 1 - a u x u . i a r y m o t t o Mrs K. K Burton was hostess to he member* at Uie American lr g - loll auxiliary nt her home last Friday evening. During the bus- mtvui meeting Mrs H. O. Hopkins u ts appointed representative of the lUixllhtry for the county health nganleatlon. Mrs R. K Burton u is appointed Ban-American chair man, Mrs. Ed Jamison chairman of lie ,-»«nls and flowers committee tint Mrs Joe Maughan. chairman >f the Junior auxiliary Mrs. Don Graham reported title sale of eight tlag.s to local merchants, and pre sentation of a flag by Mr and By lew llrrrlman The old days, when a Thanksgiv ing turkey made so nr.ny post- Thanksglvlng return appearances to the family table that the mere mention of turkey-hash was en ough to make most of us turn a dull green, are no more, according to covernment reports. Since 1934, the U. 8. experimental farm In Maryland has been crossing turkeys more ways than a sailor wears a hat. Result . . a 10 pound tur key dMigned for smaller famllie.-, The new bird Is now being raised in every state. Tills should be great news to refugees from tur key-hash. And whether you want a small bird or not. It’s good to live In a land where the government sometimes talks turkey! London doctors say. “The ad option o f the French mode of kis sing »Mi both cheeks would diminish the prevalence o f colds.” It would »Leo diminish tile prevalence of kis sing. And to diminish the pre valence of purse-punishment make a luvblt of patronizing KERRI- MAN MOTOR OO. When We overhaul your motor you'll get fuller, faster power and greater driving satisfaction. We have the men. the experience and the equip ment to put new life Into your tired motor. Come In for a free estimate, or phone 77. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. JS< as gr m at Fuel tt m B a tt! Of CM be te fo se ur St 29c Fast Color Prints WOMEN’S SOCIETY 7 0 MEET The woman’* society of the Methodist church will meet Thurs day, November 18 at the home of Mr Wlllmr llolcomb. Mrs. Carlo* Buchner will have c.lutrge of the program on “ Alaska, Among the Northern Light*." tc dt Ri gi of K; be W yo sh 2.49 2.79 Indian Blankets 2-98 Mens Flannel Plaid Shirts 2-98 Printed f lowered Flannel 49c Foxcroft Sheets W an ba St Size 81x99 giJ Guaranteed To Exceed Specifications Set bv U. S. Government For Type 12S Size 81x108 66x80 es K< foi th an go th. of 28 fO< Of Friday Saturday Monday Regular $4.19 M Sanforized Shrunk— Sizes 14 to 17 Reg. $3.79 by ga ett Ad pie A g M ( Ad Br 4 ! an an po: 1 Jn nig St I Ad A. en Nursery And Flowered Designs— 36 Inches Wide Per Yd. 29c Unbleached Sheeting 3S Inches Wide Per Yd. SO Square White Bleach Finished Soft F 1'he Needle JQ/» 36 Inch W ide ■ Per Yd. 1 Clean Floor», Le»» Work With Linoleum S' es 14 to IS spot. Price $13.95 to $14.95 Shantunge. I.iiu ■ Wool TEG G T. . . You can have mirror- smooth floors that can’t 5-95 Oilcloth a x Regular Dresse V \ Just P-eautiful Hat* Cover your floors Complete with linoleum. Monday 15 Patterns and C old ’s Line Of Ladies Hats <i SPECIAL Reasonably Priced Baked on and sealed to a sturdy felt base, Regular 65c 49c Per Yard linoleum gives longer wear, less work and adds color harmony and beauty to your home. Sold in roll and »quare yard. BRACKEN'S DRY GOODS SHOES coi sec he ir 1 Is li Vi an. coi fir ste ha US 62. tat fre lev me dei sex Ca ha IO! Ra pi* cui an Ad 7. 6 CLOTH ING Ad Ny N y ssa Furniture Co. X-Ray Shoi Fitting da 1 Block W « t of R. R. Depot Xvssa, Oregon In 1 we Fn «y Jet