Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1948)
THff NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1948 NU-ACRES GRANGE |- taJ about a ELECTS OFFICERS lstlng Sager week. They are a.,- Sunday afternoon guests at the who plan to move away. In topping his beets, home of Mr. and Mrs. Oerrit Stam Mrs. Mary Brumoaek won a Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne visited at Nyssa, prize In a word and word meaning NU-ACRES. Nov. 11—The Nu- a t . the,»h°m eJ0fwMrsUHennes par‘ Jake alld Jahn Smit attended the contest. Julane Lee gave a reading Acres Orange held its regular ents^ Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Flanrey, football game at Boise between U. on "How to Behave” and Jimmy ,^ nPH a Wednesday of I. and Montana State college Pack wood gave a science lesson on meeting Thursday night and elected Jake Smit went to Boise last Saturday afternoon, how wild animals get their food. officers for the new year. week and took his physical exam- Mr. and Mrs. Longhurst of Star The hostess. Miss. Helen Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Boy Mahan and inatlon for the selective service. were Sunday dinner guests at the and assistant hostess, Mrs. Men family are visiting at the home of Jake and John Smit attended the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Smit Lee served pumpkin pie with whip Mr. Mahan's sister, Mr. and Mrs. concert given at Boise by the Cald- Jake Smit has returned to his ped Harley Sager and family. They well and Boise glee clubs and or- job at Stlbnite after spending a of fee. cream, perfection salad and arrived from their home In Hood hestras. two-weeks vacation at the home of Mrs. O. O. Goodenou is ill at River Thursday and will probably Mr. and Mrs. George Smit were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George ner home. --------------------------------------------- - Smit. Mrs. Mary L. Staggs, Mrs. Joe .] ivir. and Mrs. Joe McGrath and Brumbach and Mr. and Mrs. Charl ! son of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. es Witty are taking the audio ! Hugh Ellstone of Fruitland were visual-aid course at Ontario, which oiui-iay afternoon guests at tne •s given by tihe Oregon State col- home of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Boren, ege. 'the afternoon was spent hunting The Wade P. T. A. will spon p,ie..sants. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Riggs sor a farewell dinner Sunday, Nov of Parma were Sunday dinned ember 14 at the school house in guests at the Boren home. honor of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop Mrs. Sid Boren and children and and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mer. Mrs. Alva Riggs of Parma were Lee and family, and the Wade Boise shoppers Tuesday. teachers, Mrs. Morgan and Mi Mrs. L. G. Haw.ey attended the Witty. funeral of a friend, Mrs. E. E. La- The Big .Bend and Wade pupils Turner of Jerome. She left Wed attended the senior class play nesday and returned Saturday. “Room No. Thirteen Tuesday af 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Well and ternoon. family and Mr. and Mrs. Argyle The Big Bend Girls club met at Crane of Boise were Sunday guests Mary Hatch's home Monday af at the home of Mr. Woll's sister, ternoon to organize. Mary Hatch • Indeed, we realize that we can’t buy good Mrs. L. G. Hawley. The day was j was elected president, Donna Clark will. We know we must earn it through sound, spent hunting pheasants. | secretary and treasurer and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Hawley and Hatch club mother. The first pro- ethical business practice. Dick attended a Guernsey breeders ject will be making. handbags, meeting Saturday night at Lance Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ashcraft and oensens home near iNew Plymouth, daughter, Wanda Fae, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grasmick Mrs. Rone Meoham were Sunday • • • • • » » • • • • • • a * and Richard and Mary Lou, Bud dinner guests at the A1 Mecham Shaw and Richard Limbaugh of home. Fruitland attended the Payette Mrs. Fred Rorden returned Meridian football game Friday Thursday from Copperhill, Ten- night at Meridian. nesee, where she visited her sister Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fisher of New Plymouth and Mr. and Mrs. How Too Late To Classify ard Fisher were Sunday guests at WANTED—Odd jobs, between 9 a the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. m. and 3 p. m. Orien Moyes, six Grasmick. blocks nerth on Second St., red 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grasmick Imitation brick house. llN2xp and Richard and Mary Lou were Sunday dinner guests at the home LOST—Small boy's red and white NOW IS THE TIME of Mr. Grasmlck’s mother, Mrs. H. ski sweater, size 6, if found, please, call 130M evenings or 276W from P. Ostermiller of Fruitland. TO START USING THAT llN lxp Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Seuell and 9 to 5. Darryl and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow joeuell and daughters were Sunday MISC E L L A N E O U S-Moin THE GUITAR CLUB! Enroll now and i sinner guests at the home of the men’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. learn to play the' guitar. Hono lulu Conservatory of Music will ocuelL I Mrs. Frank Preston and Jerry open Wednesday, November 24 from were Thursday dinner guests at the 4 to 9 p. m. at the I. O. O. F. hall. home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell. south First street. Classes for ad- Frank "preston** was * helping fcTfche J1* “ J* children Call Owyhee llN2xp ! beets at the Seuell farm. 1 hotel for information. ., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook and fam- FOUND—Female English pointer. Uy of Fairbanks, Alaska visited at phone HIM. 10N2xp See Our B and B the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil I ________ -____ Evans Friday morning. The two ¡FOR SALE—1936 Pontiac sedan, or ¡women attended high school and will trade for dairy stock, hay or business school together. The trip grain. Phone 005-F12. Earl lOnlxp is the first trip Mr. and Mrs. Cook Schweizer. nave made to the states in 10 years. They continued on to Boise, but MISCELLANEOUS—S. L. Wimmer will possibly return to the Evans Radio and Electrical Appliance We Also Have __ for _ a more extended visit. shop, 450 U. S. highway 20, Nyssa, home Mr. and Mr* C ecil’ EvanT'and, ° re&on- has heater wire for stoves, family visited at the home of Mrs. Ihot plates- rubber Insulated cords. Evans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira >any de-slred length._____ llN2xp Tish, at Greenleaf Thursday. j FOR RENT—88-acre farm. Chard's Oliver 70’s Mr^ and Mrs. Thomas Evans and service station, 1 mile north of Jamce visited at the home of Mrs. .Nyssa. Phone 011J4. llN lxp FULLY GUARANTEED Palmer Ross in Nampa Friday. ______________________________ Roger Jenkins attended the P. T. j FOR SALE—Alcohol $1 gallon, also A. dance sponsored at Fruitland; with the purchase of each new tire Saturday night, ja tub ait half price. Chard's Ser- “The House of Oliver” j Jim McDroe has purchased a i vice station, 1 mile north of Nvssa. new pick-up truck. HU4xp PAGE. FIVE Now! two big ovens in this now Frigidaire a u to m a tic electric r a n g « ßoodW l is * . / Herriman Motor Co. Two large ovens plus all these features • Automatic Cook-Mester Oven Clock Control • Fluorescent Cooking- Top Lamp • Automatic Timo-SIgnel • Automatic Surfaco Unit Signal-light M odel Show n Is R K -70 O th e rs From $169.75 • 2 electric appliance outlets « 'I r i Q 7 e *-><4» . / O Now, Bake— Roast— Broil . . . Faster-Easier— Better Now, with two, all-purpose, Even-Heat Ovens, you can bake In one oven . . . roast or broil In the other, all at once — faster, easier, better/ Ideal for large families. The finest electric range that money can buy. See this new Frlgldalre Automatic Electric Range today! • All-porcelain cabinet • Acid-resisting porcelain cooking-top a n d m a n y others y o u sh o u ld seel These features bring S a fe . . . Clean ... C o o l. . . Cooking Land Leveling Equipment LJ Radiantube 5-Speed Surface Units These exclusive units give you steady, instant heat every timel Only Frigidaire has them! Levelers And Scrapers Two Used Tractors Nyssa Implement Co. * ■ v- ■« .. , . « xj - « , ' ~~ sc ' SHOWER IS GIVEN BY BIG BEND P. T. A. FOR SALE—1942 Chevrolet 4-door sedan, $1075, Chard’s Service sta tion, 1 mile north Nyssa. llN lxp Thermizer Deep-well Cooker It's a 6-quart deep-well cooker with Thrifto-Matic switch. Can be changed to surface unit in a jiffy. Cook-Master Oven Clock Control Put in a meal, set for start ing and finishing time . . . and forget it. Cooks a meal while you're away. Two High-Speed Broilers, Waist-High Just waist high for added convenience. Fast, sure» even heat broils meats per fectly. Smokeless type. G O LD EN RULE ST O R E YEAR 1948 CUSTOMERS 100,949 96,480 88,551 77,474 With Snake River Valley ___ _ FOR SALE—New home. 2 bed- BIG BEND, Nov. 11 The Wade P. rooms, fully modem, in good lo- T. A met Friday afternoon with catlon pjIA approve<li $3,000 Miss Helen Hatch, with 20 mem-j dowrli balance at $42 monthly, bers present. The P. T. A. gave Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insur- a handkerchief shower to Mrs. i ance ¡¡venev Helen Bishop and Mrs. Merl L e e , __________ ' :R rr. ul T ready for winter rr. o 'p o ù * ^ .r M A R C H There's still room for .. $ fi ü ...- ti DUTCH B O Y " EXTERIOR UTILITY PASTE Used as paint or stain, it gives you economical protection for fences, roofs, barns, cabins, sheds ... and other rough lumber surfaces. Comes in goo'd range of i (p -n r popular colors. (J01* " D U T C H B O Y " INTERIOR GLOSS EN AM Ei Ideal for bathroom and kitchen walls, you can wash it as often as you wish. Comes in light, modem wall color» and dries to a I F —F hard, durable, 9 ° '* 5 .7 5 ysl s glossy finish. nt _ 1 .6 0 F R E E . . . 6 4 - P A G E PAINT BOOKLET r5 5 Stop in for your copy of "Duich Boy’s " booklet, "It’s Time to Paint." Packed with how-to-do-it informa tion, do’s and don’t’s, color-schemes. Completely indexed for easy ref erence. EDER HARDWARE COMPANY Your Dutch Boy Paint Dealer CCPPIIARY JANUARY S M T W T YOUR 7 8 F S 9 (T o > I4U 5)16 17 ^TRACTOR name on 21 22 25 24 rôS)29 50 31 this 23,475 New Customers Added COMI«* to Our Lines in Past Three Years V d r il l Idaho Power C om pa n y'i Hit of cut- lomeri hai been growing by leapt and bound». During the p ail Ih r *. year» we have been called upon to »«rve 23,473 new cuitomeri, 4,059 of which were con nected to our lines In the year ending July 31, 1948. population, agriculture, business and In dustry. And we began just at fast a» materials and manpower were available to provide all required facilities to serve into the fields next season. I You see, this calendar is our Early Bird Service Schedule. And by getting a date on it now, we can both be sure that anything from a checkup to a com plete overhaul w ill be done during the months O f the above number, 14,484 were new residential customers, 5,928 new farm customers and the balance divided among commercial. Industrial, municipal and Irrigation consumers. your machines are idle. T h at’s the best way for both parties concerned. W e’ll have plenty o f time to do a satisfactory, Blue Ribbon Service job. You’ll be insured against break dow ns or lost time during busy weeks ahead. See how it pays to be an "Early Bird”? Line up necessary It takes a lot of power, about 2,000 miles of lines and a score of other facili ties to serve this increase in customers. W e have done our level best to deliver electric service to everyone who wanted It. If it hat teemed slow in tome In stances It hat been due to the fact that we have had a tremendous job on our hands building power plants, transmission lines and distribution lines and that ma terials were hard to get. calendar • N ot only in one place, b u t several. Actually, we mean your name along w ith your farm machines that need checking over and repair w ork before they g o service w ork w ith us now! Owyhee Truck & Imp. Co. Phone 83J BE AN EARLY BIRD! D o n t Be Lott m * 8 ! This very large demand for new cus tomer service it one reoson why we stori ed right after V-J Day on a 55 million dollar construction program. W e realized then that the Snake river valley was on the verge of a substantial increase in ID A H O V the anticipated increases at they came along and be prepared to meet future demands. Idaho Power Com pany alw ays hat met every demand made upon it for electric service. The new power plants and other facilities for the distribution of electric service assures ample power to meet fu ture requirmentt for low cost electricity In the Snake river valley. POW ER A CITIZEN WHEREVER IT SERVES