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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1948)
THF. NYy FA CATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON PAGE FOUR 'IHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1048 in the little polio victim who Is Wanda, and Mrs. Bob Morfitt vis ior the dealers in the evening. ¡B oise Thursday evening and were nounced. ited Sunday In Meridian with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton. Jr., walking a little and seems to be j Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hauser an and son, Dell, made a trip to Boise muoh better. Mrs. Earl and Mrs. Leo Huber and son. a Bruce were dinner guests of Mr: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Randall Statho- Sunday to visit their daughter, Walters benefit card party and bazaar at Threlma Elliot Monday evenlnng. pulos attended the open nouse at Paulette, who is In the Elks con and son, Butch, were callers In tne Rev. Moore left Sunday afternoon made a trip to Boise Wednesday. ! the Lev?Ion hall Saturday night. Eddy’s bakery in Boise Thursday. valescent home. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Keith Tallman home In Homedale Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz vis A dinner and program was given ton report a marked improvement Wednesday. end In Nyssa where Bobble was | There were six tables of players, to conduct a funeral for a friend at ited in Payette Sunday with Henry doctored for blood poisoning in his High for the ladles was held by Prosser, Washington. hand. Mrs. Charley Newblll and high for Howard and Elbert Hatch and' Peutz, who recently returned to ne from a Boise hospital Adrian was defeated Friday a f- men by Charley Newblll. The door Bill Willis hunted elk over the tem oon In a football gam e with prize went to Jim Phifer and t h e , week-end near Unity. after an operation. Nyssa. Adrian will play at H om e- traveling prize to Mrs. Stanley Hill. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Willey of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Williams Optometrist dale Armistice day. j T he 4-H leaders of the K ingm an Portland spent from Wednesday Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Baker and K olony district met Wednesday at until S u n d ay at the Rev. Moore and family o f Amity, and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Williams and family of — Contact— family o f Vale and M r. and Mrs. the home of Mrs Threlm a Elliot, home. Eyes Examined Portland are visiting this week Henry Lane o f Sllverdale, W ash - j with E. M. Hauser of Ontario. P l a n s ---------------------------- in the Darrell Williams home. The lngton were Saturday even ing d i n - ; were made for the achievement OWYHEE HEALTH ner guests at the Bell W ebb home, program to be held at the high r t D h A N 1 7 r r i three men are brothers. Phone 720 Mr and Mrs. H. M Johnson and Mr and Mrs. G len n Brow n and school Friday evening. November 2. C L U B fJ K U A fN lZ ,L U daughters, Marjorie and Rosa of Mr and Mrs. B ob Brow n attended At that time the boy and girl to i ------------ NYSSA, OREGON 718 Arthur St. OWYHEE, Nov. 11—Mr. and Mrs Modesto, California visited last W e Guarantee Our Work For One Year Earl Patterson and son of Seattle (isisnr1 spent a few days last week visit Caldwell, Idaho Free Estimates— Phone 196-J in g in the home of Mrs. Patterson’s MEDICAL PAYMENTS sister, Mrs. Lynn Kygar. Mrs. Neal Nicholson and Infant ONLY $4 PREMIUM son. Allen Bruce, arrived home Wednesday from the Nyssa nurs ing home. Added to your car policy, Medical l A 4-H health club was organized / by the pupils of Mrs. Witty’s room Payments cover doctor and hospital Friday. Officers are as follows: president, Irvin Herring; vice pres bills, and other medical attention ident, Robert Morrison, and sec- letary, Lorraine Teicr needed when an occupant of your car The O. K. K. club will meet with Mrs. Jessie Skinner, with Mrs. is injured up to a total of $500 per Claude Skinner Assisting, Novem ber J8. | D o u j Benton and Crarley Lewis person. 'o f Baker spent a few days last week ¡hunting in this vicinity. They Let Us Tell You About It. : were callers in the Kenneth Mc- ! Donald home. I Mrs. Houston Dunaway er.ter- ' talned at a birthday party for her ¡daughter, Joanne, Thursday after noon after school. Ten classmates ■ enjoyed games and refreshments. Mrs. Don Franklin and infant Ison, Gary Lee, arrived from the BETTER Nyssa nursing home Wednesday to | spend a few days in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn SELECTION Kygar. Wesley Franklin has been staying with his grandparents for the last week. Bought From Leading Manufacturers for finer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toyne and son 1 of Welser were guests in the Ken construction and better styling EARLY neth McDonald home Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Kriner and SHOPPER family were dinner guests in the 3. D. Bigelow home Tuesday even ing. The Owyhee P. T. A. will meet at the schoolhouse Thursday, eve ning November 11. E very Girl Mr. and Mrs. Barton McKinney A L W A Y S BELOW THE MARKET FAMOUS FIRESTONE of Wheeler, Oregon were Saturday Should Have One evening dinner guests in the SERVICE STATION It is our desire to supply you with furniture Houston Dunaway home. Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer S itlt e M l that will give years of satisfactory service and took their grandson, Eddie Ahrens, to his home in Caldwell Saturday Toy cars can b« serv- :,rti.ll li] "IP.'] comfort at prices you can afford to pay. We and did some shopping while there. iced fo r gas from y 4 H B S/ Eddie had spent a week visiting “ l i g h t e d " g a s o lin e ¡ m W C ' do not sacrifice quality for price. We own our his grandparents. pumps. There’s a lnbrl- Hugh Glenn arrived home last cation rack and the ~ — ~J/ Body and hood are covered with week from the hospital in Ontario, salesroom ofTers real rubber tires f'-r sale. The elevator runs building and stock and we do our own work; simulated leather. Has fo o t brake, and the auto laundry hold! water for car washing. Many where he had undergone an emerg rubber tires and plated hub caps. other features! ency operation because of perfor over head at its lowest. ated ulcers the week before. A large stack of bailed hay be You are cordially invited to shop at any time. longing to R. L. Patton across from the Norman Douglas place It Actually Playsl caught fire and burned Friday n earest th in g to a r ea l , liv e ba by nljht. A large group gathered at the scene after Douglas had noticed The M arvelous the blaze and spread an alarm. The group worked frantically and were able to move to safety the bales m a g ic s k in d o l l of a second stack which was near the burning hay. M ECH A N ICA L 17 -K EY IP Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Williams and family o f Newberg visited for H A N D CAR PLASTIC PIANO a few days last week In the Darrell Wind ’er up and the two A beautiful plastic repro Williams home. Marvin Is a nep gay clowns move the pump duction o f a modern Baby hew of Darnell Williams. ing lever up and down as Grand Has 17 keys and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKee and the car moves across the plays sharps and flats. son. Terry o f yssa were week floor. end guests In the Clayton Patton home. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz and Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters were Schilling I guests in the Glenn McGinnis BATTERY TRAIN SET home in Nyssa last Saturday. The evening was spent In playing pi nochle. i Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walters and sons, Darrell and Raymond, are WASHING S t a r t s — S to p s ' here from Walla Walla for a visit AUTO TRANSPORT R e v e r s e s B y R e m o te C o n tro l with Mr. Walters’ brother, Ellis MACHINE Complete with engine, coal Walters. tender and two coaches. J. T. Burtchaell and son, Jim Has 12 sections o f track Wash dolly’s clothes. Move of Portland ■•yrent the week-end and remote control box Looks just like the big ones! the lever back and forth hunting here. They were guests in that holds 4 flashlight bat Has 2 passenger car models a n d th e w a t e r s t a r t s the William Peutz home. teries swishing. and 2 metal ramps. . Mr. and Mrs. Randall Stathopulos and son made a trip to Kennewick. Washington, Saturday to see his mother. Mrs. N. A. Stathopulos. and other relatives. Returning Sunday they reported lots o f snow over the Give Him a ¡mountains and several cars off the Give the Finest! Dormeyei M atched Set of | road because of the slick condition "Power Chert of the highway. DON M acD O U G A LL Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and sons went to JHirma Sunday. Mrs. IRONS a u „ . Slippy and boys will stay In the Ray Franklin home while Mr. Slip py works for a time at Anderson dam on a painting job. MIXER AND CA Mr. and Mrs Kenneth McDon ald and children were Sunday JUICER 3 8 , 5 0 Classic Sheraton design in Imported changes or corrections must be Takes over every whipr’" ? mahogany. 11 tubes plus rectifier. and beating Job, does It Twin speakers. Plays 10 and 12-inch the Nyssa office. Telephone 174, faster, does It better! A a W eek records. Intermixed— any sequence. g ift w ith a life tim e o f NOT LATER THAN service. ADRIAN BOY HAS dinner gue:ts o f Eddy's bakery. BLOOD POISONING I T h e H >me Economics club held PLUMBING OR. G.W. GRAVES Brower Plumbing Shop Priced FOLDING DO L L C A R R I A G E Ed. Case’s Furniture Bargain Center U>) 2.39 Telephone Directory LL BE CLOSED MONDA F, FIRESTONE SHERATON GRAND APR 314.50 APRIL 26 Actually Operaits Toy*I te n d Bank loans can pro vide funds immediately for those building and re modeling fobs that nuike your farm operation more efficient and more profit able. \ Getterei * « » * e l e c t r ic ir o i ThTTourist 3 -W oy 12.5° )0** '« « »«. 31.50 )0bsckn « Lai Th« io you e" » „ i P la y * on A ® -* " Payette. Idaho Electric J STEAM ENGINE w ith W histle ovet Brown plastic. H K R R E R T I . D A V IS S e er i t a r y - T r esa leM -i Has big boiler, water ta n g , and is fe ty valval Don B. Moss Firestone Dealer Store NYSSA, OREGON