THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1943 PAGE THREE FOR SALE | land, prefer good dairy set up. Don Bergam returned Wednesday | party Wednesday evening *t the BUILDING IS DONE ■ | Extra nice basement house w ith 'cllent wlll pay cash. Nyssa In- from an elk hunting trip near O. E. Cheldelen home. IN SUNSET VA LLEY one acre on highway one-half mile suranee Agency, Ralph O. Lawr- Granite. Mrs. U. E. Parker re-j -------------- '' out, modem, good soil and well lo enee. Agent. 210tfc SUNSET VALLEY, Nov 11—Mr. turned Friday after visiting frien d s; ^ hur‘ h Meeting— 1 Several members of the C hrlitU n cated. and Mrs. Scott Pitkin of Grants j and relatives at Harper and West- One acre on Alberta, H mile out, WANTED—To rent about 20 acres, church attended a district meeting Pass, and Mr. and Mrs. Les Dutton one bedroom, modern, full base hay and pasture land with livable of the Vale, Ontario, Nyssa, Pay ment with two bedrooms, $6,000. house. Would also like to have of Olendale. California spent the; iMr ,.a” d , ^ rs' ^ llUai^. GreS« and ette and Weber Christian church vir. and Mrs. Silas Bigelow were past week as house guests at th e' " ***** w lt i acres Alberta, H mile out, RATES. Two cent« per word tor each Issue. Alter one month one | 20 acres row crop land. Reliable home of Mr. and Mis. John Ref- Sunday dinner guests at the Grover es at Ontario Sunday afternoon. full basement, walk-ln locker, good Rev. J. S. Beam of Ontario was cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance. 1« 30c. well with pressure system, fruit tenant will pay good rental. Ralph •fett. Mr. and Mrs. Reffett met Jooper home. the speaker. Frank Parker returned home last both of the couples at Fairbanks. G. Lawrence, Nvssa Insurance rees and berries, $5,300. aturday after visiting the Don Ralph G. Lawrence, Nyssa Ins. Agency. 9Stp Alaska, when all parties were tour Parker family at Roseburg, lus Agency. 23Stfc ing the northern country this sum WANTED-- Capable salesman-buy mer. The visitors left Friday, re- mother at Dallas, and also rela pound leed, gooseneci light, new Interlocking Metal te s at Flood River and Kennewick transmission, 14 H. P. motor, full FOR SALE—12-foot EJversman land er for Malheur county, must be free .u.ning to their homes. For Sale Mrs. E. J. Hobson and Mrs. Jim leveler, special price. Eder Hard Sunday visitors at the John R tl- complement, for unholstering sacks, 210tfc m travel, willing to study full line fett home were Dr. and Mrs. Stew Bangley were Nampa shoppers FOR SALE—Easy washer, slightly auto, light leather, canvas. Ready ware company. W eatherstripping to do effective work, good com art Merrill and two children of Monday. used. In good condition, $37.50. to plug In and start production. V. FOR SALF—At a bargain. Frank- Robert Ditty has been very 1 1 1 Nyssa Furniture Co., phone 149M. "Lete” Sackett, Ontario, Oregon in taffy color ceder chest, like new. mission. Write Watts Seed Co., Wallowa. Dr. Stewart is a cousin with Influenza, running high tem llN tic. llNtfc Phone 146L Parma, collect, or Nyssa, Oregon. 24Jtfc. of John Reffett. Dr. Merrill was peratures. enroute to La Grande to visit his Chester Newell and his daughter, FOR SALE—Red beans, good qual- I FOR SALE -14-foot beet bed, in write box 4, Parma, Idaho. 2106xc WANTED— To buy anything in Wallowa patients in the La Grande tty, $6.75 a bushel, $11 a sack. A .'good condition. Phone 0iaR2, Ira FOR SALE—Used milking machin- hospital. Other Sunday dinner Joann, arrived Saturday at the beef or veal. Also custom killed Mr. D. Moses, near Langton’s corner. I r . ure. 280tf< guests were Mr. and Mrs. Reffett's home of Mrs. Leota Ditty. IlN4xp. I-------------------------------------------------- - es-several makes to choose from- an£j delivered to Polar Cold Stor- oOli and four employes of the Jack- Chester Newell returned Sunday to some nearly new. It will pay you _________ I FARMS FOR SALE her home In Tacoma with her hus tge. Phone 31-M or 0I1-J1. 12FtIc. son Motor company In Ontario. FOR SALE—New John Deere G| 83 acres ol sandy loam soil, 4 o see us first. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper band and daughter, after spend DAVENPORT <& JACOBS tractor. Just used little, ln A -l room, plastered house, 3 miles from ing several weeks visiting her were hosts at a Saturday evening For Rent SURGE DAIRY EQUIPMENT shape. Stanley Hill, route 1 Nyssa, town. $11,000; $6,500 will handle mother, Mrs. Ditty, who has been i I supper in their home. Guests were DEALERS phone 07R3. llN2xp at 5 per cent interest. Ur. FOR RENT—150 acres for row Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Langreth and 60 acres, extra nice modern home 714 River St., Payette, Idaho. 2106xc Robert Reffett, Thurman Hill j FOR SALE—New Easy crops, excellent water right, cash Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Landreth, all of and Loren Hite went elk hunting j Ironer, with bath and basement. This phone 167 or 131J. HN2xp is a very good farm, $15,000; $9,500 FOR SALE—We have a new supply rent. Inquire Tpwn House Motel, Madras, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles near La Grande. They were ex- 1 i Landreth of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. of truck mud flaps, $3 pair. Ed Ontario. llN3xp Burrell Landreth had just returned pected home the first of the week, j j FOR SALE—One good oil heater, down, balance G. I. loan. Mrs. Robert Reffett and daughter | j 80 acres, 4 room house with bath, Case’s Furniture Bargain Center. two years old, see at 635 No. Sec 140tfc FOR RENT—Trailer house, new, from a month's trip to the mid spent the week at the home of Mr. j ond or phone 020J3. 4N2xp small basement, good garage. If west. The Landreths left Sunday and Mrs. Harry gardner. you are looking for a good farm FOR SALE—Very nice three-room tine shape, twin beds, butane heat. for their home fh Madras. Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett went | j F O R S A L E — Apples, Delicious, priced light, better see this one. house with bath and part base J. C. Smith, phone 286J. 4N2xc| John NicCUm, who is w o t * . « in ! to‘ vile Monday Romes, Saps, $1 bushel and up. $10,500. ment, good location, large lawn 40 acres, one of the outstanding and shade, picket fence around FOR RENT Floor Polisher. Pet- I f a t h e u T l a r e n r e V ^ Bring containers, lVi miles east of ^ I MrS’ Stanley Reffett and Gayway. Ed Mess. £N3xp places wilh the best of soil, very yard. $5500. erson-Newsom Furniture Co. 22JtfCl Clarence Ntccum and Elza Nlccum The young people’s Sunday school Best Material level. $21,000. Approximately one acre in Con- lecentlyy returned From attending | class allj their teacher, Mrs. Wil- FOR SALE — Three-burner Mon £8 acres, 414 miles from town on ord grapes. Small two-room lhe, . funeral of Father, who [iam Gregg, enjoyed a party Wed- arch electric range with automatic paved ....... .........._ highway, ________ basement house, house, full basement, pressure Best Equipment ¡esided at Wendall, Idaho. j nesday evening at the O. E. Chel- oven timer; used trash burner; |pressure water system, $17,000. FOR RENT water system, fruit trees, $5000. Cummunity Sunday school clas- delen home. The party was the large air-conditioner; iron bedstead, 100 acres, near town, roomy Some terms. ses and church services were start- result of a contest with the losers priced to sell, call 39-J. 4N2xp house, water pressure system, lots Plus Skilled mechanics, equals Floor We have several good lots on ed Sunday at the Sunset valley hall entertaining. Sixteen were pres I'OR SALE—Registered Guernsey of good land, all seeded to pasture Park avenue for sale. Bernard under the direction of A. R. Her ent. Games were played, and re guaranteed satisfaction to the Sander bull calves, good blood lines. Henry and hay. Only $12,000, easy terms. Eastman Insurance, real estate, ring, pastor. Sunday school time freshments of hamburgers and pop 76 acres of the best land in the phone 64. 2Stfc Home Owner. Reasonable H. Hartley. 4N3xp is 10 a. m. and worship hour at were served. valley, basement house, large, mod 11 o’clock. Darlene Steiner, daughter of Mr. FOR SALE— Business building, ^ Rates FOR SALE—Keist beet lifter-load em chicken house, other good Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Field shop and Mrs. Ed Steiner, has been re Main street location, lot size 25x116. er in good condition. For sale buildings, $16,500 easy terms. ped Monday in Caldwell. ceiving treatments in Ontario foi Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance HOMES cheap. Ira Ure, phone 018R2. 4ntfc Pete Wilson ran the foundation a congested lung condition. 22Jtfc. As nice a 5 room, medium priced agency, Nyssa, phone 53. for his new residence. T. Sandy Fred Hewitt and Fred Powell of FOR SALE— Cabbage for kraut house as we have had in a long has been employed as carpenter. Gresham were Tuesday dinner and storage; Romes and Stamen u:ne, hardwood floors, electric dish FOR SALE—O r trade, 1939 Inter Zack Walker, Gabriel Axtoreca, who discontin guests at the Cash Turner home, apples and squash, three miles washer, shade and lawn and many national pick-up. 15JtfC. ued his building efforts last fall, while pheasant hunting in the south of Fruitland, highway 30. other conveniences. $7,000, terms. phone 78-R. has Ed Mortensen continuing the community. C. R. Strawn. 4N3xp Very nice home of over 800 square FOR SALE— Let us measure your building now. Miss Shirley Price of Madras FOR SALE— 325 acres of land, feet. This place is new and only windows for Venetian olinds. No Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk entertained spent last Sunday visiting her par- partly leveled, will sell all or part. partly finished, owner sacrificing harge for this service or estimates. the Sunset auxiliary members atjents. Shirley and Miss Esther May Obtainable In one week. Assorted $80 an acre and down. Easy terms. it $6,000. the Sunset hall Thursday after- of Ontario accompanied Ray Drown STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY 5 rooms and bath only $4,500; colors in steel or aluminum slats. Water right. Oscar Pike, phone The secretary, Mrs. Paul to Nyssa, returning Sunday even- Roofing, Insulated Sidings» Nyssa F'urniture company, phone FOR RENT— Polish your own noon. 198-J. 4N7xp $1,500 down. Bergam, reported that the boxes i Ing. They reported driving through i 20Mtfc. Brand new, large home with oak 149-W. floors. Rent our high-speed pol of Christmas cards had arrived,1 snow between Burns and Madras. New Panel Shakes FOR SALE— One John Deere beet floors, basement, 2 bedrooms, large Those present took theirs. Others; Miss Lois Gowey of Adrian has lifter wind-rower in good condition. living room, large kitchen, $7,000 FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, ishing equipment. Easily handled Weatherstripping Specialists may call for theirs any time. Re- been oaring for little Joel Price the Ira R. Ure, phone 018R2. 4Ntfc We have nice building lots, and chrome table and sink edgings, by women. Nyssa Lumber company. freshments were served. The De-1 last two weeks while Mrs. Ira waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur 3Atfc. business lots in Marsing. Store ember meeting will be held at Price helps In the beet harvest, 6Mtfc. FOR SALE— 80 acres, four-room buildings in New Plymouth. Rest niture Co., phone 149-W. For Free Estimates die home of Mrs. Robb Thompson. | Oscar Anderson, who lives near house, deep well, pressure system, aurants and grocery stores In sur MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE— Small homes, build Phone 3285-J Mrs. William Gregg spent Wed- the Owyhee dam. was a Thursday 1% miles south Lincoln school, On rounding towns. We also have a tario. Owner I. M. Kielhorn, 3026 good grocery store at Cleaver's cor ing lots for home or business. Ralph KINDERGARTEN— For children nesday visiting her sister, Mrs. dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. P. O. Box 1663—Boise, Idaho Lloyd Dibble, In Apple valley. Turner. N. E. 20th Ave., Portland. 4N2xp ner worth the money. 6Mtfc. four and five years old, being or Mrs. Fred Mitchell accompanied Election of officers was held by ganized by experienced primary E. L. JAMISON FOR SALE— Model A pick-up, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee and the Chalk Butte grange at a meet- Convenient Monthly FOR SALE—Have farms and homes teacher. Phone 243W. 4N2xc Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bishop to On- ing held November 2. Real Estate and Insurance 1930. See at Wilson’s Highway mar for sale. Need more, list with Ken Phone 276W ket. 4N2xp Payments tario to attend the L. D. S. Mut- Mrs. William Gregg, and Miss Jo Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. TANNING ual class party Friday evening. Ann and Marian Price were among prop sat .FI— so nr-rcs nf the very L’O R SA L E — New, two-bedroom Custom Tanning and Manufactur U. E. Parker and son, Hubert and those attending the Sunday school best row crop land, 314 miles north,; home, full basement, double FOR SALE— Electric wiring and ing of of all kinds at your Wes fully equipped. Owner will give1 garage, one acre of ground, ex- supplies tinghouse dealer's. Ostrom Bros. JACKETS, GLOVES, MOCCASINS, immedlate possession. Ralph G. cellent location. SHOWN BY AP- Appliance Co., phone lltf-W 15Jtfc. ETC. Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. POINTMENT. Priced for quick Write for Illustrated Price List ---------------------------— ------------------ ‘sale, three room house with bath. FOR SAI j E— Imperial wallpaper MYERS GLOVE & TANNING CO. FOR SALE—Or lease, store and Completely furnished, 50x153 lot, Guaranteed to be washable ant. 1490 South 12th Salem, Oregon small variety. Malone and Wurl, nice yard. BERNARD EASTMAN, non-fading tor three years. Good 2805xp Quincy, Washington. 2104xp NYSSA. PHONE 64. 30Stfc stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com 26Jtfc. MISCELLANEOUS—General truck FOR SALF.—Heaters, circulators, FOR SALF.—Two boy’s used bi pany. ing. John Barnett and Kenneth white ranges from surplus stocks cycles. Bernard Eastman. 70tfc FOR SALE— New Westinghouse el Reece, phone 123-R. lJtfc. and priced far be vow actual value. ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom Ed Case’s Furniture Bargain Cen FOR SALE—Used office desk in Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. MISCELLANEOUS— Available now ter, north of “Y ”, Nyssa. 140tfc first class condition, bargain at 15Jtfc. Electrolux cleaners ana air puri $39.50 Nyssa Furniture Co., phone fiers. and service. Ed A. An FOR SALE—Singer power com- 149-W. 30Stfc FOR SALE— Basement house with derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. bath, nice lawn, trees, pressure Phone 087-J4. 26J tfc. water system, 160-foot well, app MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and roximately one acre ground with 25-foot irrigation well, chicken free pick-up or your dead, crlppied house and pen. Edge of town or sick livestock. Calls received be fore 9 o crock are picked up by Priced right. Terms. One of the nicest two-bedroom noon. Efficient drivers. Call col homes in Ny«sa. Full oasement, lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys furnace, stoker, water softener, gar sa 102-W. xuano Animal Products SJtfc. age. fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav Company. ing and curbing paid. Shown by MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? appointment. Loans on farms Tot refinancing, BERNARD EASTMAN building, Improvements, b u y i n g . Real Estate—Insurance Long term, low Interest, see Ber Phone 64 nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. 3Atfc. W ANTED PHYSICIANS Classified Advertising Fuel Conservation Company Professional aim B usiness Directory LODGES SARAZIN CLINIC Nyssa Post No. 79 American Legion Dr. J. J. Sarazln Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons Project Office, 8 p. m. All Veterans Welcome L. A. Maulding, M. D. Gate City Lodge Physician and Surgeon No. 214 Phone 37 Hours: 10 to V. and 2 to 5 I.O.O.F. Daily except Saturday and Meets every Monday Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 night, 8:30. South First Street C. J. Kopp, M. D. Physician and Surgeon DENTISTS Fry Building Office hours DR. C. M. TYLER 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Dally except Saturday and Wilson Building Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 JEWELRY STORES Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office hours from 9 to 5 except Saturdays, 9 to 13. PAULUS JEW ELRY STORE J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Union Pacific Time inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street a. Second Phone 56-J Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON W YCKOFF JEWELRY STORE OPTOMETRISTS Official Time Inspector lor Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON DR. J. A. MCFALL DR. JOHN EASLY VETERINARIANS DR. HAL D. WHITE Veterinarian Phone Nyssa 275-W Phone 21, Ontario, Ore WANTED—Lady to make calls for MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car appointments. Use own phone in and cylinder lock keys made. Hen- 250tfc Nyssa. Write Lawrence Miller, neman’s. Parma, Idaho. llN lxp CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stock received Monday, Tuesday, WANTED—Man with car for full time business In Malheur county. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. Run your own permanent business to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. No stock received on Sunday. Household medicines, food pro ducts, extracts, farmers’ supplies. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery Big line. Good profits. Write for to Polar locker plant. particulars. Rawleigh's, dept. ORK - One mile west on Alberta avenue Phone 05R1 331-194, Oakland, Califomia.llNlxp JAKE FISCHER WANTED—To rent good row crop land. Phone 897J, Ontario. UNtfc Legal Advertising WANTED—Someone to do custom IN THE COUNTY COURT OF beet top beating. Prefer motor THE STATE OF OREGON TOR mounted beater, Ira Ure, phone THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR 018R2. 4ntfc In the Matter of the Estate of ERNEST O. COWLING, also WANTED—To rent good row crop known as Earnest Cowling and land for cash, plenty of equipment, E. O. Cowling, deceased phone 2024 New Plymouth, even Notice to Creditors ings. 23Stfc NOTICE IS HEREBY OTVEN WANTED—80 acres good farm that the undersigned, Edna B. Cowling, has been appointed ad ministratrix of the estate of Ernest G. Cowling, also known as Earnest Cowling and E. G. Cowling, deceas Free Pick Up ed, by the County Court of Malheur County. Oregon, and has qualified. Of Your NOW THEREFORE all persons having claims against the estate of Dead and Worthless Ernest O. Cowling, deceased, are hereby notified and required to present the same, with proper Animals vouchers, duly verified, within six <6i months from the date of this Call Collect Notice to the undersigned. Edna B Cowling, at the law office of Har There U a Phone Near You old Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, Nyssa 100 Parma 20 which place the undersigned selects | her place of business In all mat Ontario 53 ters connected with said estate. Dated and first published Oct ‘ We Haul the Day You Call’ ober 28. 1948 Last publication November 25, Ida-Ore Rendering Co. 1948 EDNA B COWLING Nyasa, Oregon Administratrix of the Estate of Ernest O. Cowling, Deceased. SAVED ON FIRE INSURANCE Many homes or* in th« “ pre ferred circle” and have qual ified for a 1 5 % dividend on their fire insurance premiums. The General Insurance Com pany of America will not ac cept bad risks; therefore losses are below average and “ pre ferred" property owners have shared in the savings. T h e General Insurance Company’s “ preferred risk’’ coverage on fire insurance has saved thousands of families 15% on insurance costs. T h i s G eneral plan is fo r ca refu l people, who build solidly, plan for the future and take care of what they have. “ P referred R is k ” isn’t limited to modem homes. It means “ eliminate the bad risks.’* Does YOUR property qualify for this selective insurancer Ask us. W e will tell you promptly — and without obligation. KEN RENSTROM “ The Capital Storte Company of Preferred Ritts" GENERAL B B S OF AMERICA