'PiTF \ t c c - a O ATF OTTY JOURNAL. N YS3A. OREGON P ACF T W O The Gate City Journal Editor KLASS V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION RATBS One Year ------ -------------*2 00 Six M on th s ________ __ 11.25 Single Copies..........- --------------- 06 (Strictly In Advance) and Publisher ADVERTISING RATaS Open rate, per Inch ...... 3 V National, per Inch..............40c Classifieds, per word .... 2e Minimum . . 30c Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheu” County, Oregon Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon tm transmission Uirough the United States K.al'« ■»« »'■> « matter, under the ac, ot March 3. 1879. Prevents leaks Avoid squeaks RPM Chassis Grease seals out moisture, forms a tough shock- RPM Wheel Bearing Grease absorbing cushion. w on’t melt onto brakes. protects with a tough film . . . WEATHERPROOF LUBRICATION Protects for weeks These two greases lubricate, reduce wear on vital parts, so trucks run longer. Products of Standard of California Wm. E. SCHIREMAN Phone 61-W Avoid Worry and EXTRA Expense Church Notes ASSEMBLY OF GOD Slerl D. Spies«. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship, M a, m., with sermon theme "The Israel o f G od.” Junior church at 7:30 p. m. with illustrated message. Inspirational song service and sermon. “ God's Plan o f the Ages” at 8 p. m. We invite and welcome you to these services. FAITH • I'THFFAN CHURCH Roland B. W iint, Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school, classes for all age groups. 11 a. m., worship service. Sermon theme. “T h e Flourishing Church," based on Isaiah 54: 1-8. The churoh council will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday evening, November 15 at 8 o'clock In the pastor’s office. The members of Faith Mission society will sponsor a fancy work and cooked food sale at Eder's Hardware store Saturday. Novem ber 13. The sale will begin at 10 o’clo k. Besides fancy work and cooked and baked goods, they will also have on sale Christmas cards with Scripture verses. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1948 Cubs E le c t - day. To contact minister, call 409-J, Ontario for appointment. ■ Sunset VValley Community Hall A. R. Herring. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. A hearty welcome to all. CATHOLIC CHURCH Park Avenue and Third Street Rev. P. J. Galre. Pastor The time o f mass has been hanged to the winter schedule, beginning September 12, it will be at 9:30 a. m. available on BUDGET BUILDING OPEN INVITATION TO OUR TOYLAND 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Take Advantage Of Our Lay-Away FREE Balloons To The Kids While They Last Red Hot Items Push-Em-Up .......................... 63c Roily Pollys ........................... 27c Mechanical Tops ...................... 13c Police S e ts ...................................... 47c Farm Truck (W ith Animals) 79c y fc rf _ _ Clarinettes Xylophone Szad to a baginnar'i Hny a a a Dngar», tha»o pla.tk and | U U matai d o n n a ««» ara vary | f oasy to play. Little musicians love its rich« “grow n-up " ton#! Full oc tave with 2 mallets. 12 'A In. long. m Dial Play Phones I Ton Double 6 Dominoes 2 to 5 yoar» ha va gro a t fun making 1-way convonafions with thh bah- 98c r'M'L > Visits In Ontario— Mrs. Ella Sm ith spent the week end »'1th Mrs. W. J. Roberts in Ontario. 'g g She sl##ps, cries, and has a complet# layette! R u b b e r a rm s, le g s , composition head. Delayed repair of roofs on home, bam s and and labor aro LOT S O O N E R T H A N Y O U T H I N K . . . I other buildings can mean extra expense If put off loo longl A SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Naomi Bucbert, Superintendent American Legion Hall Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. Preaching service, 11 a. m. in Evangelist Hugh Cowles harge of service. I! VIISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURL 11 Sunday school. 10 a. m. !.. D. S. CHURCH Morning service, ’.1 a. m. P ir o Ward Young People, B. Y. P- U., 7 p. m. Dean Fife. Bishop Evening service, 8 p. m. Wednesday prayer service, 8 p. in. Sunday, 9 a. m „ Sunday school Visisting pastors supply. Sunday, 10:30 a. m. priesthood meeting. Suriday, 6:30 p. m , sacrament 4-H AW ARD S ARE or fast meeting. GIVEN TO MEMBERS Tuesday, 2 p. m „ Relief society meeting. Tuesday, 4 p. m „ primary meet ARCADIA, Nov, 11—An achieve ment meeting for the 4-H club ing. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m „ geneologtcal under the leadership of Nell Bow meeting ers and Parley Feik was heid Thursday, 7:30 p. m „ Mutual Thursday evening, November 4 at Improvement association meeting. the Arcadia school house. Guest Sunday, 5:30 p. m.. ward welfare speaker was E. M. Hauser, county meeting. (First and third Sundays) club agent. Musical numbers were given by Shirley Schilling on the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIRT accordian, Margaret Bates and OF Violet Drydale, violins; Maryln LATTER DAY SAINTS Lytle, trumphet; and Kathrine SECOND W A R D Coleman piano. Mr. Hauser pre (M orn yon ) sented first year achievement pins A rv e l C h ild , B is h o p to Helen Ieda and Dorothy Sparks, Sunday, 11:30, Sunaay scnool. third year silver pin to Don Bow 10.30, Priesthood meeting. Stinday. 8 p.m., Sacrament ser ers, second year certificiates to Lorettee Moeler, Annette Strodley, vices. Wednesday, 2 p.m., Relief society Violet Drydale, Margaret Bates and Maryln Lytle and fourth year cer Wednesday, 4 p.m.. Primary. Wednesday, 7'30 p.m.. Mutual tificiates to Francis Pelk. Popcorn Improvement balls and fudge were served. The Arcadia Sunshine club will ST. PAUL’ S EPISCOPAL CHURCH meet November 12 with Mrs. Ellis Warner Instead o f November 5 as Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector stated before. Mrs. Cecil Houston Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. and Mrs. George Hust was chosen Morning prayer, 9 a. m. Hoiy communion, First Sunday to attend an all-day meeting at Evening prayer, 2nd Sunday each Sunset valley hall November 10 for a demonstration o f "newer meth month, 4 p. m. No morning service on end Sun- ods o f cooking vegetables,” given by Mirian Colford, county home agent. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Mr. and Mrs. Tlieo Matherly and George Moeller went to Baker last week elk hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Deward Benedict and family left last week for Ster ling, Colorado, where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brown of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Bob M c- Kenney visited In the George Moel ler home Wednesday evening. Two new drinking fountains were Installed last week in the Arcadia school hall. Other Improvements to the buildings were made. Art Neely is picking c o m for Elmer Stradley with his meohan- icial picker. John Zittercob has also purchased a new picker. Joan Matherly is spending this week In Nyssa with her sister, Mrs. Ronald Schoen, and Mr. Schoen. Mr. and Mrs. Merrleldean Rob bins and daughter o f Emmett vis ited in the L. E. Robbins home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zittercob have moved into Mrs. Anna Dali's house. All Necessary Materials are Easy to GET. . . at Boise Payette! To Boise— Mr. and Mrs. George McKee and their granddaughter, Pamela Schweizer, were guests Sunday at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. John Dugal o f Boise. SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. Joe E. Dodson, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship servloe, 11 a. m. Young people’s meeting. 7 p. m. Evening service, 8 p. m. Bible study, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Return From Nebraska— Mr. and Mrs. George Henneman and Jill returned last week from Sprtngvlew, Nebraska, where they attended the funeral o f Mr. Hen- neman's father. En route back to Nyssa. they made brief visits with Mrs. Henneman's mother at Bas set, Nebraska, and her sister at Casper, Wyoming. Roofing malarial« ing officers were elected: Dale One of^the Cub scout groups met Wertz, denner: Kenneth Toomb, at the home of their leader. Mrs. assistant denner, and Philip Tack- _ , . ,, , er, keeper o f the buckskin. Michael Finley Shuster, Monday evening for j Eastmsn u a . new member o f the their regular meeting. The follow - j group. Do the lob now, before winter sets In. Boise Payette has all the materials you need to repair present roofs or Install entirely new ones. Call on us! Red Cedar Shingles . . . Asphalt Shingles . . . Composition Roofing . . . ALL necessary mbterials F ire I n s u r a n c e Too U illS r --- - , /T/ro/ funntf. a re Easier lo GET . . . at TERMS Ü T hora ■ ■ont.IMng lodici««» a «out w h ich are oasy lo GET . . . at Bole# Payette 1 « » «arrow frying to hatch an o»lri«h o ff- So' 1*’» not at otl fanny whan wa try kn « a k a • I narrow- ii tod B ra Tool Chest Sets Insurance p ro fro « ostrich sited risk. $•• ©• o F i l l an alysis ©f y©vr pr©*#"»* d oy Insurance need*. young corpanfarf Includo» a, 2 9 £2.98 Dump Trucks S trea m lined ste e l Truck with Hand o pera ted dump- tog unit. A real treat for m y yoeng beyf 79 < ■i twangnç O. L. G ALLO W AY, Mgr.. Nyssa NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY RALPH LAW RENCE Western Stores 2.19