nieNYSSA VOLUME XXXXIII NO. 44 > » --- - < JV * ' j ^ r r - t - r - é - r - r - ~ r r ~ > V ABSeev ~ ¡¡a**. . JOURNAL .NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1948 INJURED BY DEPOT ¡MRS. ELLIOT WINS MRS. McLAFFERTY, Plans Outlined BABY Street, Parking TRALWAYS Figures Given WASHING MACHINE FORMER RESIDENT WILL BE ENLARGED STATE 4-H HONORS IN TOWNE BUILDING For Laying Of OF NYSSA, PASSES Problems Aired To Official On Hospital Stone At City Meeting Hospital Needs Jackie Bell, small son of Mr. and Word was received Tuesday night Mrs. Ernest Bell of Sherman, Texas. Mrs. Bertha McLafferty of Salem, Herman Towne is remodeling the from A. J. Allen, state club leader, | caught two of his fingers in the interior of his garage building at s ta tin that Mrs. Threlma Elliot former Nvssa resident, died at her - of Adrian has been selected as the belt of I ucil u i a a a motor-driven i u w j - u n v c u washing w a rn in g ma m a „ Third and Main streets to provide outstandSig club leader in the 1 R e s t r i c t e d P a rk in g A n d State Official To Attend; 1 hine last Thursday at the home | greater space for his parts depart state, and will receive a trip to the Health Leader Is Told of his aunt. Mrs. Afton Cleverley i ! Graveside ° lIV0,matl0n will be v. fi at ! ~ ~ ‘ held Stop Streets Are Bishop Arvel Child 1948 School Census ment and the Trailwavs bus depot. national 4-H club congress to be o! route 2. Nyssa. ,, .. _ . . services „ . Both the index and third fingers U 30 Frlday; November 12 In th e ; Considered Will Speak Entrance to the Tratlways office, held in Chicago. Is 2028 Fun- / ..„„a . Ny-ra Nya cemetery. The Nyssa F un-| .... „„..„..„a *____ Mrs. Elliot will go to Chicago «ere severed from the hand which will be 14 by 30 feet, will be > The program for the laying of Mrs. BoH is the former Carol rc n n e n t0 will be “ in * charge “ of I j The city council, meeting Tues- on the southwest corner of the with a delegation of 20 persons, in The annual school census in Nys i. .. . „ , , „ . . dav night, ordered an estimate building. The offlcce will include cluding state winners in national sa was completed this week by the cornerstone of the Malheur Pair, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Mis. McLafferty left Nyssa about ay « ^ proposed improvement contests. They will leave Nov E. M. Bair of Nyssa. a lunch counter and magazine and 10 years ago after her husband, of King avenue front wiLi Memorial hospital at Nyssa Thurs First street candy stands. Mrs. Tracy Mef- ember 25, with Mrs. Winifred Grant Rinehart in time for present Geoige McLafferty, a Nyssa palnt- to day, November 11 was announced the Nyssa-Adrian highway with ford is manager of the stage office Gillen, state club agent, In charge ation of the figures to a represen er. died. She Is survived by a son, a view Tuesday by Bernard Eastman, of asking for state aid on The new parts department, also of the delegation. tative of the state board of health Lawrence of Cottage Place. Ore chairman of the committee In the street. located in the front of the building, at a meeting with the Malheur gon and a sister living at Eugene. charge. The state has a fund that is used (s 20 'by 26 feet. The Tratlways Memorial Hospital association board Bishop Arvel Child of the second to improve city streets that have 1 concern is now temporarily using of directors in Carl’s Doll House ward of the L. D. S. church will MARVIN JEFFERIES unusually heavy industrial traffic.; the parts department space for an Tuesday night. deliver the principal address. Oita Recommendations of the state office. The Nvssa I tons club banonet BUYS INTEREST IN George Shiffer of Portland, dir Billings,'master of ceremonies, will ' t m»n'bers of fhe h iih school highway department relative to the ( ----------------------- ector of the hospital section of the FIRESTONE STORE proposed establishment of stop M r W P H I A R P D I D ask George Shiffer of the state de football and their coaches will be state board of health under the partment of health and Dr. J. J. held In the home economics room By Dennis W. Patch streets hi Nyssa were considered by IN t’VV r U L A R t U L U state and federal government aid Sarazln, dean of Nyssa physician, of the high school building Tics- Marvin C. Jefferies of . Salt STORAGE CURING Games on schedule for Arm- to hospitals program is here to con the council. The proposed stop , . . Lake . for a few remarks. sti e Day: .1 ” night, November 16 at 7 o’- Clty has Purchased an interest in streets are Third from King ave PLANT IS OPENED Vale at Ontario: Weiser at Em duct a survey to determine the stole, which was established in nue to Chestnut, Park avenue from At the close of the principal possibility of the local association address, Frank T. Morgan, Jr., son mett; Payette at Nyssa; Fruitland securing federal aid for the new The principal speaker will be Don B Mass Firestone Dealer highway 20 to the railroad and Operators of the Polar Cold Stor of the first president of the hospital Lyle Smith, head coach of the Nyssa In 1346. at New Plymouth: Mountain Home King avenue from Third street to hospital, which is now under con association, will lay the cornerstone. Boise Junior college football team, Mr. Jefferies was formerly dis the highway. No action was taken age plant have completed an ad at Parma; Adrian at Homedale. struction. Mr. Shiffer did not say dition to the building for the cur The late Frank T. Morgan was el according to Edison Child, chair trict manager of the Monroe Dairy Championship hopes of three S. so. but appaiyntly prospects of the ected president of the association man of the Lions club arrange- upply company at Salt Lake City. ^The* council' passed a resolution \ ,n_* R. V. football teams ride on the association securing immediate help following the culmination of the "•■"its committee, who stated that, Haiing vacationed here during to vacate an alley in block 86, snd have opened the new section results of coming Armistice day Is remote. A previous application for business. Lloyd Marshall, own s u c c e s s f u l financial campaign, films of the Oregon-Washington hunting seasons. Mr. Jefferies has Westfield addition east of the clashes. Emmett and Ontario, at of the local board for help was re which he directed. A box contain game of last year will be shown already become acquainted with the highway, and 'Ennis avenue be er of the establishment, announc present tied for league leadership jected by the state board. ed today. The concern, in addition ing historical data will be placed in Special music will be provided eiritory and has made many tween Fifth and Sixth streets be with three wins and a tie, and to its locker business, will also Vale with three wins and one loss, The local group presented figure« the cornerstone. Rev. George for the 100 persons expected to friends, Mr. Moss said. tween the new park property and render on the school census, the number lard, pick chickens and en Whipple will give the invocation re In attendance. The program Mr. and Mrs. Jefferies and two the present park. are each within striking distance of natrons of the Nyssa post office gage in other processing activ children moved to Nyssa last week. and Rev. Roland Wuest will deliver «"11 include a vocal solo by Charles of the S. R. V. crown. The officials ordered instalation and those living on the rural rout the benediction. Vale and Ontario square off in es out of Parma and Fruitland of a street light at East First and ities. Taylor, Jr. The cement block addition is 34 The Nyssa wgr veterans will hold an Armistice day clash at Ontario and the total number of car« of Ehrgood avenue. 40 feet. an Armistice day service in con with dope about even as to the ornduce shipped from Nyssa. The The council appointed a commit by The VETERANS FL'AN TO company has installed ail junction with the ceremony. probable winner. At Emmett the figures showed that Nyssa was the tee, consisting of Harry Miner, new equipment In the addition and FINISH BASEMENT George Sallee and E. K. Burton will employ an expert to operate Huskies battle with a fast improv- largest shipping point in 19417 be mg Wolverine team in a tradit tween Pocatello and Pendleton. to make recommendations for lim CHILDREN GIVE OF NEW BUILDING ional clash in which the dope buck its to one-hour parking area on the Mr. business. Mr. Shiffer pointed out that fig The Nyssa Veterans association Marshell invites the public MUCH TO CROP et may be spilled. In the event ures must be considered on a state The first games in the city bask Main street and limits for a short Is making definite plans to com etball to visit the new plant. ¡hat Ontario and Emmett are win wide basis. Before the official» can league were played in the er parking period in the vicinity Nyssa school children contributed plete the basement of the new Nyssa gymnasium Monday night. of the post office. To be effective, ners in their respective clashes, the consider the increase In population veterans building at Second street approximately 2365 pounds of sugar The Owyhee ward defeated Stunz the recommendations would have S. R. V. championship will have to in the Nyssa area they must se and approximately 1013 cans of and Fhngood avenue, at least to | Lumber company 18 to 14 in a dose to be established by city ordinance. te decided by a play-off game. cure a similar set of figures from milk to the Christian rural over the extent that the V. F. W. and I contest. Keith Stoker was high ?hould Emmett and Vale win, the all areas of the state so as to place The councilmen passed an ar- American Legion can hold their \ for Owyhee with 9 points and Lyle seas program Tuesday. championship goes to the Huskies, the survey on a state-wide basis. dlnance at the first reading chang Approximate figures were as fol regular meeting there. Miner was high for Stunz with 8 ing the boundry of the present fire and should Welser and Vale win, Mr. Shiffer explained the rules lows: Elementary school of Nyssa. The roofing material was' recent points. the Vikins would win the champ and regulations governing the gov limits so as to include all of blocks ly applied and the heating plant 515 pounds of sugar and 800 cans ernment expenditures of money Wilson Brothers trounced the Ag 1 and 2 and from 15 to 20 in Graveside services for Glendon ionship. will be installed soon by the Irinal of milk; high school 1745 pound' gies of Adrian 49 to 19, with Bob Teutsch’s addition instead of halt W\ Hillis, who was killed in action In non-lea,;ue games this week, for hospital aid. Such aid is based Gas and Appliance. John Qstrom «•hiie fighting with the infantry in the favored Fruitland Grizzlies strlctlv on population and the avail of sugar; Oregon Trail school, 98 Church of Wilson’s taking scoring of the blocks. Holland November 29. 1944, will be dropped a 7-0 decision to Homedale. able hospital beds In the area. cans of milk and 45 pounds of of the Nvssa Lumber company do honors with 13 points. Leon Bail nated half of the roofing material. held at 2 p. m. Sunday in the Nyssa The Nyssa Bulldogs, after trailing The number of births in Ontario sugar, and Arcadia school, 115 cans ey was high for the Aggies. Arthur and Delbert Rouse, wno PARENTS INVITED cemetery, with the Nyssa Veterans Adrian until the final three and Nyssa during the first 10 of milk and 60 pounds of sugar. The M. I. A. first ward nosed In addition the high school stud attended an area conference at cut Bracken’s 38 to 30. Don Herren TO VISIT SCHOOLS association in charge. The body is minutes of the game, exploded for months of 1948 was reported as 858. Prineville, reported on several pro ent body will buy enough sugar to of the M. I. A. made 13 points and two quick touchdowns to win 27- Henry H. Hartley, superintendent The Oregon Parent Teachers or expected to arrive here today. jects that are designed to benefit Dareid of schools, reported that the school mal;e a contribution c? one ton. Steinke and Pete Timmer ganization is joining this week Pvt. Hillis, who was born Aug 14. Churches of the city collected; the veterans. ust 14, 1923, attended Adrian high man of Bracken’s made 10 points with the Oregon E duction associ The Vale Vikings were pushed to census figure this year Is 2028, an produce and money last Sunday, each. ation, the American Legion and school. He was Inducted into the the limit to earn a 13-7 victory Increase of nearly 300 over the 1947 figure of 1737 TTie census figure but the total had not been ealeu- j ADVENTISTS PLAN Next Monday night’s games will the U. S. department of education army February 2, 1944. from Parma Panthers. lated Tuesday afternoon. be played as follows: Aggies versus In the observance of American Ed Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. The Payette Pirates demonstrat Includes children between the ages WEEK OF PRAYER County Agent Harry Sandqulstj M. I. A., Owyhee ward versus ucation week. This week is an Walter Hillis of Nyssa. Pvt. Hillis ed increasing offensive strength in of 4 nd 19, Inclusive. was in Nyssa with a truck Tuesday 1 A week of prayer and sacrifice Adrian and Wilson’s versus Brack annual nation-wide observance. In survived by two sisters, Margery dropping a 20-13 decision to the Mr. Hartley also presented other figures to show the likely popula collecting the food, which will be «rill be observed by the Nyssa sev- en's. Stunz Lumber company drew order that people will become a- and Georgia and his grandparents, strong Meridian club. sent to Europe for the relief of enth-dav ware of their dependence upon, Mr.. and Mrs. Dee Hillis and Mr. In the Adrian-Nyssa contest, the tion of the hospital district. He Adventist church. Nov a bye. estimated population a t 15.468 suffering this winter. and their responsibility to the and Mrs. William Satterly. Antelopes scored in the first quart “We feel the 13-20, Elder L. E. Tucker, that the population of The money collected for CROP ember schools. This year’ s theme. er as a result of recovering a fum district pastor, announced last FIRST SIX GRADES 'his area is increasing rapidly and was to have been turned in at a week. “Strengthening the Foundation of JUNIOR HIGH GRID bled kick On the 12-yard line. In that the increase will continue for meeting of the committee Wednes Climax of the week will be the TO HAVE VACATION Freedom”, stresses the part of the SQUAD WINS GAMES five plays Asumendl bucked over some four or five years at least”, day night. the goal line for a touchdown and Mr, Hartley said. "The school dis receiving of a sacrificial offering The first six grades of the Nyssa schools in promoting the demo also converted for the extra point. trict is predicating its building and Saturday, November 20, when many schools will be dismissed Monday cratic way of life. The Nyssa school, as well as The Nyssa Junior high school Wilder ran 52 yards off tackle other plans upon a itross popula men" ers will, donate a large por- 1ld Tuesday of next week to per FUTURE FARMERS football team- won all of its four to score tor Nyssa in the third tion rise for the school dltrict of of a week’s Income to the mit e.ementary teachers to attend schooLs In other Oregoh commun WILL GIVE SOCIAL son games played during the 1948 sea quarter, but failed to convert. In 1500 to 2000 within the next five work of the church. The offering, a Physical education workshop In ities, is observing this week by In viting the’ parents to visit school, son. the third period Adrian gained the years”. ;he pastor said, is used largely to ; Nyffa grade school building, The juniors defeated Parma by The Nyssa F. F. A. chapter will support In order that they may become lead when Assumetadl recovered a the denomination’s mission **3le course wld be conducted by scores of 26 to 6 and 18 to 7 and Nyssa fumble on the 14-yard line Mr. Shiffer told members of the sponsor a box social in the high George Slrnlo and Katherine Rahl. better acquainted with the teach schools, hospitals and other over- Nyssa chamber of commerce Wed school gymnasium Friday evening, seas institutions. supervisors of health and physical ers and the needs and problems defeated Welser 13 to 7 and 18 to and ran 14 yards to score and then nesday noon at a luncheon that the November 12 at 8 p. m. 7. converted for the extra point, mak state board of health Is a growing The special week of frugal living education of the state department of the school. Each lady Is asked to provide a will be observed by the entiré Coach Harold Newman used ap ing the count 14-6. Early in the All parents are invited to attend education. • , organization that Is extending Into box lunch with her name inside. churrh membership of approxi-1 Students of the high school and the regular meeting of the P. T. proximately 30 players in the fourth quarter Nyssa drove down all parts of the state. The organiza The public is invited to participate matety 600.000 all over the world. ! Junior high school will attend clas- A. meeting Thursday evening at games. the field 70 yards and scored with tion Is participating In the Hill- In the games and dancing. the high school when Mrs. Joe Wilder making the last 9 yards. Burton act and is receiving some us regard this week of pray- ies as usual. The funds obtained from sale of “Let Brumbach will speak on her trip News of Grandchild Received— Wilder converted to make the help for hospitals. and sacrificial living as a time Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warren have the box lunches will be used by pr to the Natlonel Education conven NVSSA NURSING HOME count 14 to 13. The state’s hospital plan was ap in which to become better ac received word of the birth of a son the F. F. A. chapter to send a quainted with God,” Elder Tucker New Arrivals: Born November 3, tion held in Cleveland last sum- to Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Warren of In the last three minutes of play, proved by the federal government representative to the national con said in announcing a long pass from Flanary to I «owe January of this year. occasion. to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison, mer. Elgin, Illinois, November 1. Tile set the scene for the third Nyssa In "In vention in Kansas City, Missouri. "Casual praver means the casual order to keep up on the chan ac route 2, Nyssa, a boy, weighing 12 baby Is the first grandchild of Mr. touchdown. The pass moved the pounds; November 9, to Mr. and Parents To Meet— ges in the state, we have to make quaintanceship. It takes much and Mrs. Ed. Warren. To Hold Cake Walk— Bulldogs to the three-yard line, Mrs. John Cooper, route 1, a girl. 9 A meeting has been called for contact studies of various activi The Job’s Daughters will spon prayer to become sufficiently ac pounds, 2 ounces, and November 8, November 18 at the high school foi from where Wilder bucked across ties", said Mr. 8hlffer, who also with God to be ready to sor a cake walk to be held at the quainted Visit Parents— the goal line. Nyssa converted for to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Fry, Parma, all those interested in discussion discussed the hospital licensing law. Masonic hall Saturday evening meet Him face to face.” a girl, weighing 9 pounds. groups for the problems of the pre Mrs Bob Bery of Mountain Home the extra point. "I was amazed at the growth of November 13 at 8 o'clock. The Hospital Dance Plannrd— school and the school child. Plans visited last week at the home of Adrian received the kick-off and your area”, Mr. Shiffer said. ”1 ----------------------- public is invited to attend this will also be made for the group on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman on a pass play Wilder Intercepted had no idea that this community A fiance for the benefit of the Farmer Residents Visit— event. The cake walk will be fol Malheur Memorial hospital will be Dr- and Mrs- c A Abbott of social hygiene. All parents and Towne. and ran 40 yards to score to the had developed as it has. I believe lowed by dancing. you are going to have a great fut final touchdown. given by the hospital association Pascagoula, •Mississippi, f o r m e r room mothers are invited to a t Here From McCall— Saturday night. November 20 in 'he Syssa residents, were here last tend thé meeting. The groups will ure". Artist Speaks at Ontario— Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hague and Visit On Coast— gymnasium. The proceeds; *'epk !o r the hunting season. They be sponsored by the Nyssa Par Marco Murolo was guest speaker Nyssa daughter, Susan, and Mrs. Hagues’s Mr. and Mrs. Edward Case spent To Attend Convention— will be used to buy equipment for were guests at the home of Dr. ent-Teacher association. at the Arts and Craft Women’s the new hospital, which is now and M r '- J °bn Long. Dr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Udlck of Ontario, vis last week-end at Corvallis and Val Dee, Child will leave Nov ited friends In Nyssa Friday. club meeting held Monday after under construction. A merchan- Abbott are located at Paisley. Ore- To Visit In The Dalles— Portland. Mr. Case attended the ember 12 to attend the 20th n at noon at the Women’s club house in dise auction will be held. 'Dads' day” program at Oregon ional Future Farmers of America Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fry will lion. Ontario. Mr. Murolo also display State college, where his two sons, convention in Kansas City, Mis leave Friday for The Dalles, where To Live In Nyssa— ed a number of his paintings. He Returns From Trip— they will visit Mr. Fry's sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Thomason Edward and Norman, are students. souri. Approximately 100 boys from Coaches Winning T ea m - was accompanied by Mrs. Murolo. Dr. C. M. Tyler returned Wed- The Wilder high school football Cora Hovey, and friends. of Saratoga, Wyoming have arrived Oregon schools will go to the con in Nyssa to make their home. They Here From Milton— vention In chartered cars via Union nesday frog: a vacation spent in feam- coached by Bill Bowman, To Seattle— expressed the belief that Nyssa has Mr. and Mrs. Forrest 8nodgrass Pacific railroad. Child was select Canada. brother of Mrs. Emil A. Stunz of Here From 1 a Grande— Mrs. E. H. Fleshman left Satur of Milton are week-end guests of ed as the Nyssa representative by ----------------------- i Nyssa. has won the 1948 football Miss Shirley Whitley spent the "a wonderful climate.” day for Seattle to visit her sister- Education Picture Shown— members of the local chapter on Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. j championship of the district B week-end at the E. H. Fleshman in-law, Mrs. Beck Whitley, who is In observance of the 28th annual “league. Bo«-man, who has worked home. Miss Whitley is a student Students Visit— the basis of his outstanding Fut 111 . ure Farmer work. American Education week, the mov- at the Stunz Lumber company yard at the Eastern Oregon Collage of Lae Stewart, Virginia Short, and Benefit Parties Scheduled— Patricia Owynn were visitors Sat A series of seven benefit pinochle te trailer titled. "Strengthening the ocr-asicnallv. was assistant coach at Education at La Grande. Visit In Boise— urday and Sunday at the John card parties will be given by the Guitar School Started— Foundations of Freedom", is being Fairfield, Idaho before completing Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee vis hown at the Nyssa theater. The his college work at Albion. He Is To Emmett— Lackey home. They are students Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges The Honolulu Conservatory of ited Sunday at the home of Mr. picture, narrated by Lowell Thomas, holding hts first head coaching Job Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldridge were In St. Alphonsus school of nurs beginning Saturday evening. Nov Music, which has 22 musical studio« Sallee’s sister, Mrs. Mildred Brandt emphasizes the work of the public j at Wilder. visitors at the ranch home of Mr ing in Botse. Miss Owynn is pres ember 13 at 8 p. m. In the Odd now active in teaching guitar of Boise. schools in building American ideals! ------■ - and Mrs. L. E. Bolt near Nampa ident of the freshman class in the Fellows hall. An electric corn pop throughout Oregon, is organising Into the lives of the youth. The Attend Alumni Dinner— Sunday. Mrs. Bolt Is a cousin of nursing school. per will be given away. Prizes for a combined school and club to be Here From California— film, sponsored by the Nvssa Mis< Katherine Peterson, Mrs. C. Mrs. Eldridge. the other parties will be announced held in the 1. O. O. F. hall on Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown Eduction association, is shown J. Kopp, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Attend Football C a n » — wiuth First street every Wednesday Saturday evening. and son of Torrence. California through the courtesy of Olean Patch and Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Wil Library To t lose— A comparatively large number of evening, beginning November 24. visited friends in Nyssa last week, Wells of the Nyssa theatej. Teaching will be under the super son attended the Oregon State The Nyssa city library will be Nyssa residents attended the foot Born To Nyssa Couple— and Mrs. Brown’s mother in Fruit- | Alumni meeting at the country closed Thursday afternoon of this ball game between Montana State Mr and Mrs. Sam Lemon are the vision of Dan Ulmer, the principal. land. Sing In The Messiah— week in observance of Armistice college and the University of Idaho parents of a 10-pound daughter The organization will provide child ¡club fast Thursday evening. at Bbtse Saturday. Among them bom November 7. at the Memorial ren as well as adults with an op Several women of Nyssa are Join-' ----------------------- day. Here From Ogden— were Mr and Mrs. Dave Mitchell. Park hospital in Caldwell. portunity to learn to play music. ing with the Ontario chorus for Nampa Man Here— Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Cole and 'he presentation of the Messiah Rev. Don Maxfield of Nampa j Visit In Ny Mr and Mrs. Emil A., Stuns. Mr. children of Ogden arrived Tuesday and Mrs 1rs Ure, Mr. snd Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Collins were given in Ontario in Decern- was speaker at the Christian Here From Boise— Visits Parents— for a visit with Mrs. Cole's parent’s. ber. Those singinng with the group. church at the morning and even- visitors at the H E. Collins home Tom Bumtngham, Mr snd Mrs Gene Bel ion and Miss Paula Har Jerry Bellon, student at the Ida Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Church. are Mrs John Schenk. Mrs. Uoyd ing services Sunday. Sunday, en route to their home Ormond Thomas. Mr. snd Mrs. F rington were Sunday evening guests ho State college at Pocatello visited H Brandt, Mr and Mrs. George at the home of Mr. and Mrs Joe st the home of hts parents, Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mrs | ----------------------- in Boise from Bums. Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rine Bellon. Rummage Sale Set— Glade DavD, and Mrs. Charle- Visit In Boise— snd Mrs. Joe Bellon. last Friday The Episcopal Guild will hold a Grider. hart and Mr. and Mrs. Sam H art evening. Bellon. with members of | Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seppich and Hies To Oakland— rummage sale next week. Thursday. Mrs. Artie Robertson left a p l ley. the football squad and their coach, Here From Coos Bay— family were visitors Sunday at the Friday and Saturday. November 18. To Boise— {plane Monday morning from Boise Mr. and Mrs C. V. Bloyd of Coos was en route to Lewiston foF s H. A. Perry, home in Boise .19 and 20. at the parish hall from Mr and Mrs. Henry Zobell and I for Oakland, where she will visit Visit Relatives— .11 iame. The Idaho state Bay arrived In Nyssa last Tuesday 1 30 to 4:30 p. m. Mrs. J. L. Church Mrs Lloyd Lewis were Boise visit- I Here From Eagle— Mr. and Mrs Joe Robertson and Mr and Mrs. B E. Edwards of and are guests at the Roy Bames college football squad haa won flea Is chairman of the sale The guild oas Saturday. Mr Zobell attend- ; Mr. and Mrs Verlan Mace of son Mrs. Robertson 's grandson j Salem were here for the pheasant home. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and out of the six games played this has received additional clothing for ed the Montana-U. of Idaho foot-j Eagle were Sunday visitors at the will celebrate his first birthday hunting season. Mrs Edwards is tlielr guests visited In Boise Mon season. Billon is tackle on tha the sale. day of this week. ball game. I Cliff Main home (this week. la sister of Mrs. John Long team Lions Will He Hosts To Squad Nyssa To Play Payette Thurs. First Games In League Played Glendon Hillis Service Is Set