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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1948)
1 VOLUME XXXXIII NO. 42 NlSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY OCTOBER 28, 1948 T u b e r c u lo sis Is S u b ject O f T a lk will be wiped out. Malheur coun ! Christmas seal as a means of pro- LIVESTOCK MEN’S ty has a yearly average of 8 or 9 viding funds for the eradication POSTPONED in the state tuberculosis hospital [ of tuberculosis. at Tiie Dalles. The program for Monday's meet The annual meeting of the Mal At the regular greeting of the Miss Beattie reviewed the history ing was under the auspices of die heur County Livestock association Malheur Memorial Hospital associ of the disease, going back to the Episcopal guild, with Mrs. Grant has been postponed one week, to ation auxiliary Monday afternoon Greek Hippocrates, who made the Rinehart as chairman. Mrs. Rir.e- November 19 and 20 due to a con- at the parish hall. Miss Margaret first attempt to classify and out j hart introduced Mrs. Bernard East- j j)jct with Grant county's livestock the symptoms of disease. Miss Beattie, executive secretary of the line Beattie told of the slow develop i man, Sr„ of Payette, who sang meeting on the original dates of Malheur Tuberculosis and Health ments that took place through the Luxenburg Gardens" "Think on Novembbr 12 and 13, according to association, told of the work of the centuries in the fight against di Me" and “I Know a Lovely Gard W. W. Scott, president. national, state and county tuber sease, the discovery of the steth en". Mrs. Carlos Buchner ac Many of the members of the culosis units in their fight against oscope and x-ray and the work of companied Mrs. Eastman. I Malheur group plan to attend the tuberculosis. i Pasteur and Koch in their work Although Oregon has the 11th with bacteria. Miss Beattie brought During the business meeting re-1 Qrant county meeting, Scott said, lowest death rate from tuberculosis the fight against tuberculosis down ports were made from several or-1 ;0 better concentrate efforts of the of the 4« states, there still remains to the present day with the fight ganizations expressing their to- L a v ia t io n s in their programs 1 a great deal to 'be done before against disease considered as a tendons of furnishing bed spreads I this coming year. The big prob this number one cause of death social problem, and the use of the for the hospital. lems of both associations this year will be the formulation of recom mendations for an improved brand law and for livestock disease re search. MEETING LOCAL NEWS Here From Michigan— Here From l.os Angeles— FARM BUREAU MEN Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sherwood of Ralph Eyre of Los Angeles was TO MEET MONDAY Bellevue, Michigan arrived in Nyssa The Malheur County Farm Bureau executive board will meet Monday evening. November 1 in stead of November 2 because of election falling on the regular meeting night. As officers said the meeting will be important, members are urged o attend. Warren Hillard and Delbert Pratt of Pendleton, state organization workers will be pres ent. Final plans will also be made for all who can to attend the 17th an nual meet ir*; of the Oregon Farm Bureau federation to be held in Bend November 9, 10, 11, and 12. All members of the Farm Bureau are eligible to attend the state meeting. County President Charl es Taylor said the county board would like to have a large delega tion of Malheur county members in attendance. M cKAY CLUB IS Return From Washington— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldridge re FORMED IN NYSSA turned Tuesday evening from a visit with their two sons, Don and A group of Nyssa men have or Bob Eldridge of Camas, Washing ganized a McKay for Oovernor ton. club. Dr. J. J. Sarazin was named pres To Visit In Europe— ident; R. G. Larson, vice president, Mrs. Leo Lorenz, who spent the nld Bernard Eastman, secretary- summer with her parents, Mr. and treasurer. Mrs. George Mitchell, left Saturday The work of the club will be di from New York for Paris, where rected toward furthering the cam she will visit for several days be paign for Douglas McKay ior fore going to Lisbon to visit friends. governor. Mrs. Lorenz, who is en route to her home in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will be Joined in Lisbon by Mr. Lor enz, who is pilot for the Pan-A merican Airlines. DR. G.W. GRAVES Visits In Boise— Mrs. Herman Towne, Mrs. Eddie Powell, Mrs. Theo Moore of Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. Marco Muralo Here From Salt Lake— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schenk and family and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Olson and family of Salt Lake City, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schenk, left Tuesday for Walla Walla. Lew Wallace For GOVERNOR LEW WALLACE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF OREGON Optometrist Eyes Examined a visitor over the week-end at the Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood's uncle, H homes of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee R. Sherwood. and Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee. Eagles Hallowe’en Masquerade Dance OCTOBER 30 I PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES A dm ission $1 per couple, plus paid-up membership card Bn3lglg^TUllCill^ljilCil51Blt]iS01Cáiai.ihlSlBlB151PiMniñllñllñlgncr<ñiORBilCílCílCilcnBBBllBllMIMBi In this business of selling automobiles, nobody's elected for life. We re always up for rc-cicction. You, the public, can vote us out as easily as you can vote us in. So we stand four-square on our platform of hooCSS values and the finest of service.. Phone 720 718 A rthur St. Caldwell, Idaho Attend Wedding— Several from this community a t tended the wedding of Miss Bonnie Binkley of Wilder and Kenneth Lomax, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lomax of Nampa, formerly of Nyssa. The wedding was perform ed at the First Methodist church at Caldwell, with the Rev. M. H. Greenlee, former Nyssa minister, officlatini;. Those attending the ceremony from Nyssa were Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crandall and daughter, Cathryn, Mrs. Mary Pruyn, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster, Ralph Maze, Delmar Schoen and Welden Niles. Higher state income taxes or lower state income taxes will be an important ballot issue in the forthcoming election. Oddly, two can didates seeking office of governor have op posite views and opposite perfonnance records. The Republican candidate favored—and voted for increasing State income taxes. Lew Wallace fought against and VOTED against it! NOT until Lew Wallace’s lower income tax platform was published did his opponent come out with a low tax promise! He voted high— promises low. Vote for Lew Wallace who says squarely— “A family man with three children should be exempt up to four thousand dollars.” No state has the right to dip into the paycheck until the children are fed—The issue is clear— One man voted for higher taxes. Lew Wallace voted for lower taxes. It’s time for a change in Oregon. Vote For SECOND SECTION All Necessary Materials are Easy to GET. . . at Boise Payette! SEE BOISE PAYETTE FOR BIG-FAST-ECONOMICAL EFFICIENT £ i ¡2 This big beautiful Horton washer is only $000.00. And this Horton washer will make & your washday short and your wash sparkling clean. Big oversize capacity means fewer | loads. Double walled tub keeps water hot longer. An ex- | . elusive agitation sends surging suds swirling thru the fabrics with a gentle insistant force that gets clothes hygienically clean. See it today. Take a year to pay. g gi Structural Lumber Finish Lumb«> Sash and Doors Roofing Materials Insulation Materials Devoe Exterior Paints Devoe Machinery Enamel Fence Post and Wire Cement It's good business to protect your profits by keep ing buildings in good condtion. When of sound design and in good repair, they make any farm operation tpore efficient . . . . provide, maximum protection for stored crops, livestock and machinery. Inspect all your buildings NOW and make neces sary repairs before winter sets in. See Boise Payette for materials and remember . . . . Budget Building Terms, too. are Easy to GET . . . . at , . . and MoLII» Powered Concret» Mixer» lor Rent at a Nominal C harge. Ed C ase’s Paid Political Adv. Furniture Bargain Center O. L. G ALLO W AY, Mgr., Nyssa, Oregon