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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1948)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYS3A. OREGON 5SA GIPLS ARE Hi.ako of Nyssa was chosen, and Maxine Ely, Boardman. sec- T H O M A S M O R R I S president of Dorion hall, women’s retary * n U m A o M U K K I j jn o r ed a t e o c e Miss Merrick and Mis* Eubanks — RETURNS TO NYSSA iN- OREGON COLLEGE, dormitory. M arjorie Merrick, also _ , , , of Nyssa, was elected treasurer of also elected « student u a e m council (Continued Page II | Irande. October 28 'S p e cia l' the slullp o th e r officers are Ken- »ere also recent dormitory elections, h "r,-nk- Vale, vice-president representatives for the junior and with $2.T5-a-gallon gasoline, ophomore classes respectively. j Morris, who also visited U i France, Belgium. Luxembourg an. Tv r\ v- , | Sicily, stayed in Switzerland for a liters ueteat i60 The “1 tw o desire to cciml to Americ. is evident throughout Europe. Mi Morris said. In southern Italy hundreds line up daily at the- Am encan consulates to seek permissioi to enter the United States. "The Italian people are doing l wonderful job with the money re ceived from the United S tates an. it is undoubtedly helping the coun try,” Morris stated. "The communists are in key pos itions throughout Europe and cai paralyze a country in a short.tim e. "Switzerland is the oniy brigh. spot th at I saw in Europe,' tn, Nyssa m an said. "People are liv ing nice, clean, simple lives, ye have every luxury they want an. seem to 'be able to afford it. A person can buy an American auto mobile off the floor of any garage Other luxuries can /'be obtaine. without delay. Everywhere art evidences that Switzerland is rap idly increasing its military de fenses." A fter leaving Switzerland, Mi Morris returned to Italy where h. bought 97 cases of works of art. Including many hand-carved fig urines. He shipped the a rt good; by freight and after he arrived in New York by liner he h a a to war for arrival of the freighter. How ever, because of sympathy with the longshoremen’s walkout on tht west coast, the longshoremen a, New York refused to unload tiu ship on which the art goods were shipped. Because of inability U get his merchandise off the ship, Morris sold the goods to a New York wholesaler. B u l l d o g s 2 0 -6 Th« Dalles, Oregon REGON’S RIVERS BELONG TO YOU POWER GRAB Vote 307 X NO S. R. V. League standings (as of Jctober 23rd >. By Dennis W. Patch W. L. T Per. immett 3 0 1 .875 Ontario 3 0 1 .875 /ale 2 1 0 .666 •Veiser 1 2 1 .375 Vyssa 0 3 1 .125 Jayette 0 3 0 .000 Games on Schedule week-end of Jctober 29. Payette at Vale. Nyssa at Fru it- and, Ontario at Baker, Weiser at ■>arnu, New Plymouth at Melba, Meridian at Emmett, Notus at Idrian (Nyssa field i. Note: Payette vs. Vale and Nyssa /s. Fruitland games played Wed nesday. October 27. The Emmett Huskies and the On- ario Tigers continued to share top pots in S. R. V. League standings, ooth Ontario and Emmett has a single league game to play and eacn boast three conference wins and a tie. The Ontario Tigers continued on he victory trail with a 15-12 win over the Nyssa Bulldogs. The T ig ers, flashing a potent ground a t- j ,a.k , racked up their markers on .wo touchdowns and a safety. In .he final half the Bulldogs de fense stiffened and Wilder, Bulldog half, oroke away on a pass for a 61 yard touchdown-run. In the waning moments the Bulldogs ta l lied again on a sustained drive of oO yards. The Tiger offenses was ¡sparked by the passing of McCon- Too Late To Classify jnaha. Weiser Wolverines notched , p o R s ALE—Estate Heatrola cook their initial S. R. V. win when they range with tank and connections, dumped the Payette Pirates 18-6. $40. Inquire 101 Elm street. 2801xp The Wolverine win as a result of SALE — F-20 Internationa! the accurate passing of J . Eckert, F O R Wolverine Half. His passing fig tractor, plows and mower, in good ured in each of three Wolverine condition. Also Coleman oil h e at er, used one month. Phone 021R2, touchdowns. 2802xp. The Vale Vikings won a close Reuben Haroldsen. 14-12 decision from a strong M er FO R SA LE—White enamel coal idian team. The Vikings powerful offense built around the line plung and wood range, like new. Jonn ing of Winder, Viking half, proved J . Sm ith, Eighth f street north. 2802xc effective in a closely contested Phone 119R. game. FO R REN T—230 acres, row crop, The Fruitland Grizzleys lost a alfalfa, pasture, all or part, build 7-0 decision to an alert Middleton ings, close in, M artha Wilcox, team. Although the Grizzleys out- Moore hotel, Ontario, Oregon gained the Middleton squad, they 2801xp were unable to score and Middle - ton tallied its lone touchdown .on FO R SALE!—'1940 Dodge truck, new a 30 yard pass. tongue and groove flat bed, 14 feet The Parm a Panthers won a 21- long, 7 feet, 7 inches wide, 1150, 12 victory over a surprisingly strong box 813, Ontario, Oregon. 2801xp Adrian club in a non-league con FO R SALE—2V4 ton Studebaker test. / •The Emmett Huskies lost a 33-0 truck. 6 x 6, 8500 actual mileage, 16- decision to the Caldwell team, foot beet bed, $1800. Irvin Wolfe, 2802xp present top team in Big 6 league. R t. 2, Nyssa. __________ The Huskies actually outgained tne SALE—‘14-foot beet bed, in Caldwell team, 3 to 1, yet were u n - I | good ^ H „„nf1ifinn condition. Phone 018R2, ira able to score. All except one Cald R. Ure. 280tic well touchdown resulted from inter cepted Emmett passes. B U IL D IN G F E K M IT S Jo h n Madrid, alteration, Idaho A t t e n d Conference— street, lot 5, block 83, Green’s ad- City Manager E. K. Burton and dition, $100, frame, 14 by 20. Water Superintendent Tom Weeks | ---------------- ---------------- ---- --------------- attended a water masters confer-1 CARD O F THANKS ence for eastern Oregon and parts | I wish to thank the ladies of of Idaho in Baker Tuesday. I the Nu-Acres club who helped witn THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1948 the bridal shower held recently at he hall. I especially wish to hank Mrs. Merl Tomson, who gave o generously of her time. This vas a demonstration of the fine ¿operation in this community Sincerely, Mrs. Jam es Cruson, a nember of the committee. — PAGE FIVE Before you buy your Electric Range E. W . P R U Y N ' Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories The Modern L&H Automatic Electric Range w ith Your O w n Ideas Phone 56-W Feature for feature, these sp a rk lin g L & H Electric R a n g e s top the field. T h e y 're beauties — in styling as well as utility. A n d after you've cooked you r first meal on your new L & H , you'll agree Y o u 'v e p ro b a b ly d e c id e d w hat features y o u 'd like to ha ve in the elec tric ra n g e you want. A n d th a t's exactly w hy we su g g e st you com e in a n d see the m odern L & H Electric R anges. Y o u 're b o u n d to say, " W h y , h e re 's exactly the kind o f electric ro n g e I h a ve in rn in d l'’ ter. Come in today! , J * ►*>* an L & H Electric Range m akes g o o d cooks b e l j * - tXIRA l **0 A U T O M A T IC HEAT C O N T R O L EXTRA LARGE F U U W IDT H BR O K ER l i m e was when a small sled on a b ig hill meant funl But a boy can outgrow a small sled in a few years time. Just like Fire Insurance. A Fire Insur ance program that was ad e quate years ago, won’t cover the present value of your prop erty today. See us for a FREE analysis of your present-day Insurance needs. " " " “ '« A H '" 5* 0 * f *, w ju u ÍOory NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY Ralph Lawrence ED CASE’S Furniture Bargain Center j EX-GOVERNOR SPRAGUE SAID NO V LEADING NEWSPAPERS SAID NO y LATE GOVERNOR SNELL SAID NO But the Oregon Legislature overrode the Governor's veto and the bill will become law unless... YOU SAT NO I HE Oregon State Grange, now 75 years old, would be derelict in duty to its 32,000 members and to more than one million Oregon citizens if it did not point a finger of alarm and warning at an attempt by the Idaho Power Company to strip Oregonians of their fundamental rights ELMO SMITH ’M A R T ? This heat lamp is so versa- ^ tile, it does a hundred jobs, and yet costs so very little. In the home, on the farm, and at the office, the heat lamp per forms and makes many tasks easier. And no special attachments in hydroelectric resources. or equipment are necessary. At issue is a bill (S.B . 9 9) amending licensing and acquisition provisions o f the Oregon Hydroelectric Com mission Act. Such an amended Act would permit the Idaho Power Company to erect a dam on the Snake River in eastern Oregon under conditions immediately favor able to it and entirely unfavorable to the long-range development o f hydroelectric power for all Oregonians. A Young Man Here are some things th e h eat lamp can do for you at h o m e! Who Knows The Needs Of A Unless you prevent such an attempt by a NO vote on November 2, a wise and just law that has been in force since and that has protected river resources for Oregonians, will be changed and weakened to the point where your fundamental rights will forever be 1931, Treat strains and In juries; relieve sinus and other pain; dry stockings and small garments; dis solve g r e a s e in sink drain. W '< 3 Young County Oregon’s k Defrost refrigerator; dry hair and nail polish; dry fresh paint or glue; thaw frozen water pipes. . . . and on th e farm Farm use of the heat lamp is even more varied. Added to the com forts it provides in the home, the-heat lamp is a boon to the busy farmer. It helps increase farm production by doing these and many other tasks: in jeopardy. Oregon's rivers belong to you — Vote 307 X NO. <z GRANGE <r j A C H IE V E M E N T S su ch as these sym bolize G range contributions to a better O regon : R. F. D. RO UTES G RA DU A TED IN C O M E TAX DIRECT ELECTIO N OF S EN A T O R S BETTER R O A D S IM PR O V E D M A R KET IN G L O W -C O ST LIGHT A N D POW ER IM PR O V EM EN T S IN ED U CA T IO N Oregon State Grange M O R T O N TOMPKINS, Mart»« • ifR T H A BECK, Jxcrxfary 1T 3 S S. I . S A L M O N STRUT • F O R T l A N D 14. O R E C O N 75 Years o f Service to Oregon farmers Oaid A d v e rti*« m e n t I REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATE Paid Political Adv. & Chick, pig and lamb brooding; drying new- born livestock; aids seed gtvm inati**; p r o t e c t s plants f r t m freezing; keevs stock water trough from freezing; t r e a t s caked ladders. ' m L Keeps water pumps from freezing; keeps ra diators from freezing; makes motors start eas ier; keeps hands warm in m i I k h o u s e and when dressing poultry; treats animal w o u n d s and strains. Your electrical dealer can supply you with heat lamps Keep them handy. You'll find they pay for themselves over and over again. I DAHO V POWER ¿ fo c P u a Û s V o t ï So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE! no*