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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1948)
Classified THE NYSSA G ATE CITY JO U R N AL, N Y S S A , OREGON T H U R SD A Y , OCTOBER 28, 1948 PAGE TH R E E B Vinaonhaler, box 791. phone1 er for Malheur county, must be free Oregon, which place the under- talned the pinochle club at their I NEW S OF RECORD . loaw - ___ ____ 16Stio to travel, willing to study lull Une signed selects as his place of busi- home Thursday. Those attending MARRIAGE LICENSES FOR SALE—Very nice three-room It0 do effective work, good com -|n^ f ^ m *ttef s connected wlth were Mr and Mrs. Jake Groot of Calvin Lee Tolman of Caldwell house with bath and part base-1 nussion Write Watts S«td C o ,I Q m j alld published S e p -1 ^ codia, Mr and Mrs. Dick Groot ment. good location, large law n 1 NyssL Oregon, of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Z. Dav and Opal Irene Stump of Vale. 24Jtfc. tember 30. 1848 Last publication October 28. 1848. idson < idson of Parma. and shade, picket fence around* WANTED— To Duy anything ui yard. $5500. beef or veal. Also custom killed E x e c u to r T th e Mr' * » • «co r g e and Jones divorce Paul C. ^ r c h n e r RATES. Two cent« per word tor each Issue. Alter one month one Approximately one acre in Con and delivered to Polar Cold Stor John were week-end guests at the vs. J. W. Williams, et. al. replevin, Morgan, Deceased. home of their daughter. Mrs. Gal- Refrigeratlve Supply. Inc., vs. Paul cord grapes. Small two-room age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftlc. cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. ,___, . , Parton, recovery on account, house, full basement, pressure Legal Advertising land and family of Goodrich. I $286.37 United Credit Men'« aa- For Rent water system, fruit trees, $5000. Jakc Smit of Stibnite is spending .sociation vs. H. W. Bauer, et. ux. Some terms. FOR RENT—Storage space for :N THE COUNTY COURT OF his two weeks vacation at the home recovery on account, $3.056.96. Unlt- We have several good lot« o n . ■Jnall variety. Malone and Wurl 210ife THE STATE OF OREGON FOR of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo-ge 1 ed Credit Men’s association vs. Roy Park avenue for sale. Bernard onions. Phone 124J. For Sale Qumcy. Washington. 2104xp Eastman insurance, real estate, L. Nolen, recovery on account, THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Smit. FOR RENT—Floor Polisher. Pet- $t91.33. United Credit association 2Stfc FOR SALE — Fairbanks - Morse FOR SALE—'Leonard refrigerator phone 64. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Seuell and is. Clinton M. Tullis. recovery on erson-Newsom Furniture Co. 22J:fc In the Matter of the Estate of pump with 3/4 h. p. motor, 120 feet ERNEST G. COWLING, also Darryl and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth account, $168.08 Blue Mountain and Norge oil burner, call 40-R FOR SALE—Jonathan apples and of 2-inch pipe, pump rod and FOR RENT— Large stock ranch, 1 1403xp Concord grapes, V. mile west and two houses, silo, artesian well, good known as Earnest Cowling and Baker and family of Weiser were Mills vs. Flrpine Products MlUln* motor, in good condition, for shal- Clifford C. Patterson. Vi mile north of the Apple Valley recovery on account, Sunday afternoon guests at the company, sehoolhouse. Sadie Burris. 23S6xp farm buildings, tractor equipment, E. G. Cowling, deceased $9,745.61. experience in Idaho farming and Notice t o C r e d it o r s home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell. PETITIONS. PROBATE COURT Parma or 2 miles north and V* wl" te ranges from surplus stocks “O R SALE— Business building, reference required, phone 873-W, NOTrOE IS HEREBY GIVEN Mrs. M. C. Seuell attended the Estate of Ernest O. Cowling, de- mile west Nyssa-Parma junction. arl^ priced far below actual value. Main street location, lot size 25x116. Caldwell. 1403xc that the undersigned, Edna B. Malheur Memorial Hospital month- ceased. Estate of Charles A. Ditty, 280tlxpIEd Cases Furniture bargain Cen- Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance' I deceased. Cowling, has been appointed ad ly meeting Monday afternoon. ____________________________ Iter, north of "Y ", Nyssa. 140tfc agency, Nyssa, phone 53. 22Jtfc. FOR SALE—John Deere beet load ministratrix of the estate of Ernest er, good as new. New Olson roto- FOR SALE— New, two-bedroom FOR SALE—Or trade, 1939 Inter FOR RENT O. Cowling, also known as Earnest Zack Walker, beater, priced for quick sale. Charl home full basement, double national pick-up. Cowling and E. G. Cowling, deceas phone 78-R. iSJtfc. Floor Lewiston Hereford Association es N. Pitman, phone Parma 25J1. garage, one acre of ground, ex ed, by the County Court of Malheur 2601xp cellent location. SHOWN BY AP FOR SALE—Small house on 66x77 Sander POINTMENT. Priced for quick County. Oregon, and has qualified. FOR SALE—170 head aged range sale, three room house with bath. foot lot; three rooms and bath, Reasonable NOW THEREFORE, all persons ivlng room 10x16, bedroom 10x12, ewes. bred. J. R. Arrien, phone Completely furnished, 50x153 lot, having claims against the estate of small kitchen and bath, beautiful Rates 2092, Vale, Oregon 2802xp nice yard. BERNARD EASTMAN, hardwood floors in living room. In Ernest G. Cowling, deceased, are NYSSA. PHONE 64. 30Stfc laid linoleum in kitchen and bath, hereby notified and required to FOR SALE— 1938 Ford pick-up, _____________ present the same, with proper three-piece modern bath set. 441 F -l four-speed transmission, radio, f o r SALE—Two boy’s used bi vouchers, duly verified, within six N. 6th St.. H. A. Sweet. 99tfc heater and Zerex in radiator. Can ¡cycles. Bernard Eastman. 70tfc (G) months from the date of this be seen at rear of house at 633 ---------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE—Used Norge washing Notice to the undersigned, Edna B. No. First. 2802xp FOR SALE—80 acres of land. E. machine with laundry trays. Good Cowling, at the law office of Har ------------------------------------------------------ | C. Larson, route 2, Nyssa, Columbia machine, low price. Can be seen old Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, FOR SALE—New Keist lifter load- avenue 20 Bulls 40 Females 704xp at 88 E. Second street. 2Stfc which place the undersigned selects er ait Hansen’s Shop, west end o f . 15 to 26 months old 12 to 30 months old as her place of business in all mat FARMS Vale. 2103xc FOR SALE— Let us measure your ters connected with said estate. 60 acres, good soil, Owyhee water, windows for Venetian Diinds. No Judging of Stock 10 A. M. Wednesday Dated and first published Oct FOR SALE—12-foot Eversman land new modern 2-room home with full harge for this service or estimates. STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY ober 28, 1948. leveler, special price. Eder Hard- basement, good location. $15,500. Obtainable In one wee*. Assorted — -— — ;------ _r ,, j ------------- — Sale of Stock 12 Noon, Thursday Last publication November 25, ware company. 210tfcj 80 acres, row-crop soil, 4-room colors in steel or aluminum slats. I FOR RENT-- Polish your own Nyssa Furniture company, phone floors. Rent our high-speed pol- 1948. —r — AI— T " j , house with good garage and barn, This consignment of open and bred heifers and •FOR SALE- Or trade for cows, would uke t0 trade Xor farm near 149_w 20Mtfc. j Ahing equlpmem. Easily handled EDNA B. COWLING '_____________________ '' by women. Nyssa Lumber company. 1834 Chevrolet truck; also for sale 3 0ise $10500 Administratrix of the Estate of bulls ready for service comes from the best 3Atfc. Ernest G. Cowling, Deceased. 1940 Chrysler sedan. Inquire Walter 97 acres in Idaho, good row-crop FKJR SALE— Tile wall coverings. Herds in Eastern Washington and North Cent Pinkston, Adrian, Oregon, phone spdi basement house, nice location chrome table and sink edgings, waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur MISCELLANEOUS 0'J5, Nyssa. 2102xp on hl. wayj *16,000. ral Idaho. NU-ACRES TO GET niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. R ov ' 100 acres- flne soil, good dairy FOR RENT—Potato cellar TELEPHONE SERVICE TANNING Bill Normile, Judge H. B. Sager, Auctioneer FOR SALE— Small Homes, build 2102xc!set‘u p ’ S16'500- Hashitani, phone 013R5. 40 acres, best land In valley, good ing lots for home or business. Ralph Custom Tanning and Manufactur Adams, Oregon Bozeman, Montana NU-ACRES, Oct. 28—Information ing of FOR SflLE—At a bargain, FYank- improvements, on highway, $21,000. Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. received here indicates that wires JACKETS, GLOVES, MOCCASINS, For Catalog, write HOMES 6Mtfc. lin taffy color ceder chest, like new. for telephones in this community ETC. $7,500 will get you a nice 5- Phone 146L Parma, collect, or J. W. Thometz, Sales Manager will be erected soon, with instal FOR SALE—Have farms and homes Write for Illustrated Price List write box 4, Parma, Idaho. 2106xc room home, in fine location. Lewiston, Idaho lation of phones to follow im for sale. Need more, list with Ken MYERS GLOVE & TANNING CO. Good 5-room home, 5 blocks from 29Jtfc. 1490 South 12th Salem, Oregon mediately thereafter. FOR SALE—Used milking machln- city, will carry G. I. loan, $6,000. Renstrom. Phone 26»-W. 2805xp A Hallowe'en party for all child es-several makes to choose from- 2 nice residential lots, $375 each. FOR SALE— Electric wiring and ren in the Nu-Acres community some nearly new. It will pay you E. L. JAMISON supplies of all kinds at your Wes MISCELLANEOUS—General truck will be held Friday, October 29 in Æ i to see us first. Real Estate and Insurance W äS iw tinghouse dealer's Ostrom Bros. ing. John Barnett and Kenneth the Nu-Acres community hall. DAVENPORT & JACOBS Phone 276W Appliance Co., phone 1 Hi-W 15Jtfc. Reece, phone 123-R. U tfc. Those attending are asked to dress SURGE DAIRY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE—Used office desk in FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper MISCELLANEOUS— Available now in their favorite Hallowe'en cos DEALERS 814 River St., Payette, Idaho. 2106xc first class condition, bargain at Guaranteed to be washable ani. Electrolux cleaners and air puri tume. $39-50 Nyssa Furniture Co., phone non-fading tor three years. Good fiers. and service. Ed A. An A community Hallowe’en party 30Stfc stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com- derson. route 3, Weiser, Idaho. for the adults will be held Mon FOR SALE—Paper flowers, Mrs. 149-W. Lyle Fullmer. 2103xp 26Jtfc. Phone 087-J4. pany. 26Jtfc. day niijht, November 1 In the com ______________ FOR SALE munity hall. Hallowe'en costumes FOR SALE—We have a new supply I Extra nice basement house with FOR SALE— New Westinghouse el- MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and will be In order. The admission || of truck mud flaps, $3 pair. Ed Ione acre on highway one-half mile ectrffc ranges, three models, Ostrom free pick-up or your dead, crlppied price will be one pie. Case's Furniture Bargain Center. |oof* modern, good soil and well lo- Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W or sick livestock. Calls received be Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cole and jg 15Jtfc. fore 9 o'clock are picked up by Sandra Sue of Ten 'Davis were 140tfc ! cated. ------------------------------------------------------- ' One acre on Alberta, V4 mile out, noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Wednesday evening guests at the FOR SALE—Two pair of new ! one bedroom, modem, full base- FOR SALE— Basement house with lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys feather pillows. Phone 40J. 2102xp: ment with two bedrooms, $6,000. | bath, nice lawn, ^trees, pressure sa 10'2-W. iaano Animal Product* home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gras- irlck. ----- ---------- — 1 m acres Alberta, V4 mile out, water system, 160-foot well, app 5Jtfc Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mount and FOR SALE—40 acres of the very | fun basement, waik-ln locker, good roximately one acre ground with Company. irrigation well, chicken MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Eva Mae of Kansas, Charlie Mount ;i| best row crop land, 3V4 miles north, wen with pressure system, fruit 25-foot house and pen. Edge of town. Loans on farms ror refinancing, of Middleton and Mrs. Dwight j § fully equipped. Owner will give trees and berries, $5,300. Manchester of Nampa were Sunday immediate possession. Ralph G. | Ralph G. LaVrence, Nyssa Lns. Priced right. Terms. building, improvements, b u y i n g . One of the nicest two-bedroom Long term, low Interest, see Ber afternoon guests at the home of i Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. Agency. 23Stfc Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grasmlck. homes in N y«a. Full Dasement, FOR SALE—Or lease, store and FOR SALE— 12-inch well casing. furnace, stoker, water softener, gar nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. Richard Grasmick, Junior Lim- M 3Atfc. baugh and Bud Shaw spent the || age, fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav ing ana curbing paid. Shown by MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car week-end at McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans and I § appointment. and cylinder lock keys made. Hen BF.RNARD EASTMAN neman’s. 2ôOtfc. family were Sunday guests at the ig Real Estate—Insurance home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer . 1| CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING F*hone 64 and f.nnily at Sandhollow. Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Wanzer and || Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. Jimmie were Saturday afternoon 11| LOai ui 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. guests of Jean Blakesley and Terry. LOST—Three Guernsey calves, 3 to No stock received on Sunday. Mrs. Wanzer and Mrs. Blakesley 6 months old. James Stephen, first Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery are former school mates.' house north of Ole’s corner store. lo Pciar locker plant. Mary Ballard of Parma was a 2501xc One mUe west on Alberta avenue Sunday dinner guests at the home || Phone 05R1 of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans 'M JAKE FISCHER W A N TED and Janice. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sager of Mid WANTED—Veterans! Easy to start PHYSICIANS Legal Advertising dleton were Sunday afternoon a business of your own from your VETERINARIANS guests at the home of their son, NOTICE OF ELECTION home. Full or part time. Age no Harley Sager and family. SARAZIN CLINIC STATE OP OREGON handicap. Car needed. Write Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Flanrey of DR. HAL D. W H IT E County o f Malheur Rawleigh’s, D e p t . ORJ-331-216I, Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dr. J. J. Sarazln Veterinarian Owyhee Irrigation District Oakland 7, Calif. 2801xp Flanery and children, also of Nam NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, Dr. K E. Kerby Phone Nyssa 275-W WANTED—80 acres good farm That an election has been called pa, were Sunday dinner guests at land, prefer good dairy set up. and will be held in the Owyhee the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Physician and Surgeons Client will pay cash. Nyssa In Irrigation District, Malheur County, Henne. LODGES Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and surance Agency, Ralph O. Lawr Oregon, on Tuesday the 9th day of ence, Agent. 210tfc November, 1948, for the purpose of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brewington en tertained at a dinner Friday eve Nyssa Post No. 79 L. A . Maulding, M. D. WANTED—Now is the time! The electing one (1) Director in said ning. Eight couples attended. Those DEM OCRATIC CAN D ID ATE FOR American Legion District to serve for the term of attending from this community Physician and Surgeon big Christmas season means big M ALHEUR C O U N TY SHERIFF A T TH E three (3) years, and that said Di were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Phone 37 profits for Avon representatives. rector is to be elected from the and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Henne. GENERAL ELECTION N O V. 2, 1948 We train you. Write Avon Pro Hours: 10 to V. and 2 to 5 Project Office, 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. George Smit enter- ducts, Inc., box 1325, Boise. 2102xp District at large. Daily except Saturday and I came to Malheur county in 1914 with my Said election will be held between All Veterans Welcome Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 WANTED—General housework, or the hours of 8:00 o ’clock A. M. and parents from Harney county. I worked foi washing and ironing, Mrs. Warren 5:00 o ’clock P. M. of said 9th day Gate City Lodge some of the well known stockmen for some Lowe, Phone 162-R. 704xc of November, 1948, when the polls C, J. Kopp, M. D. No. 214 must be closed. time. I was later married to Mora Wrinkle. WANTED—To rent good row crop Physician and Surgeon The Board of Directors of the I.O.O.F. We raised a family of four. Our two boys, Her land for cash, plenty of equipment, Owyhee I irrigation District has Fry Building Meets every Monday phone 2024 New Plymouth, even designated the residence of Frank £ é e e ¿ bert and Robert, were in the service during the Office hours ings. 23Stfc Cahill at the southeast corner of night, 8:30. 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 war. Daily except Saturday and WANTED—To rent about 20 acres, the southeast quarter of section 27, South First Street I have had several years of law enforcement Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 hay and pasture land with livable Township 19 South of Range 46 E. W. M. In Malheur County, Oregon house Would also Uke to have experience in Malheur county with good train DENTISTS 20 acres row crop land. Reliable within said district, as the place JEWELRY STORES ing. I attended the school of the Oregon State tenant will pay good rental. Ralph where said election shall be held. DR. C. M. TYLER division of vocational education for lay enforce G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Dated the 1st day of October, Agency, #stP 1848 , Wilson Building PAULUS ment officers and hold three certificates for HAROLD HENIGSON. P h o n e 1 6 5 -J , N y s s a WANTED— Capable salesman-buy- same. I also attended the F. B. I. school that JEW ELR Y STORE Office hours from 9 to 5 except Acting Secretary Owyhee Irrigation Union Pacific Time Inspector Saturdays. 9 to 12. District. was held for all law enforcement officers dur JEWELRY — DIAMONDS ing the war. , IN THE COUNTY COURT OF WATCHES J. R. CUNDALL * THE STATE OF OREGON FOR Free Pick Up I feel that my knowledge of the county and Main Street a- Second Dentist THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR ELECT A the customs of the people together with exper Phone 56-J In the Matter of the Estate of . Of Your WYCK.OFF S U C C E S S F U L MAN Sarazln Clinic frank T. MORGAN, Deceased 1 ience and education I have had along these JEW ELR Y STORE Notice to Creditors JJYS*4 OREGON succittrut M i M i i - Dead and Worthless lines qualifies me. for this office. Official Time Inspector lor NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 31 years operating own farms at Canby. Oregon. that the undersigned. Frank T. If elected I will administer the affairs of the Union Pacific Animals OPTOMETRISTS Morgan, Jr., has been appointed ■ SUCCESSFUL LEG ISLATO R on4 ONTARIO OREGON offices promptly and efficiently rendering A D M IN IS T R A T O R IS Y E A R S — executor of the estate of Frank T. I Call Collect courteous and impartial service to everyone DR. J. A. MCFALL President. State Senate — Acting Morgan, deceased, by the County | ELECTRICIANS Governor. Now in third 4-year Court of Malheur County, Oregon, having contact with this office. I will be able There 1« a Phone Near You term aa State Senator Two ttrma DR. JOHN EASLY and has qualified as such on State Emergency Board. For Sendee Call to devote my full time to the affairs of this NOW TKF3RI5FORE, all persons Nyssa 100 Parma » SU CCESSFU L B U SIN E SS M A N — Williams Electric Co. having claims against the estate office as I am not engaged in fanning or any Bank Director. Director Farmers Ontario 53 of Frank T. Morgan, deceased, are Working from Nyssa Fire Relief Assn. Dirsctor Canby other business. hereby notified and required to Tslephone Assn "We Haul the Day You Call' Lumber Co. present the same, with proper Your vote will be greatly appreciated in the er duly verified, within six Phone 118W Ida-Ore Rendering Co. voucher», November election. < 6 • months from the date of this I Paid Political Adv. All Work Fully Notice, to the undersigned, Frank! Pd A d v . P. K H a m m o n d , Chm . Nyssa, Oregon Phone 21, Ontario, Ore T. Morgan, Jr., at the law office Guaranteed 3 06 S W Brooriwoy. Portlond, O re go n of Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Advertising prWr,S B Third Annual Fall Female Show and Sale November 17-18 1948 To The Voters Of Malheur County professional And Business Director« \. Robert L. (Bob) Davis STATE TREASURER !