vs> ■^írAtt c° JOURNAL raeNYSSA VOLUME XXXXIII NO. 41 Portland Group m o b i l e x - r a y u n i t K TO ARRIVE FRIDAY Is Pleased With FOR NYSSA STAND The mobile chest X-ray unit will Nyssa Section arrive in Nyssa Friday at 9 a m . Ni'bSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1948 SOLICITORS HAVING Good Report Is Plans Develop GOOD SUCCESS IN For Carnival To STATE CHEST DRIVE Given On Nyssa Members of the N>ssa Lions club, Public Schools He Held Oct. 23 eliciting for the Oregon chest, re­ Visitors Told About Com­ munity at Dinner Meeting Scheduled to be ait the high school Neewollah Party Given ported good success up to Wednes- Oregon School O fficial from 9 until 12, the unit will then ay evening, Chairman Bernard Commends Board And By P.T.A. To Be Open Frost stated. be moved to the city hall to x-ray Administrators > To Public Eighteen Lions attended a "kick­ townspeople from 1 to 5 o’clock and off” breakfast in Brownie's cafe from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Saturday. Expressions of mutual goodwill Following an inspection at the Plans are developing satisface Tuesday morning and selected According to Rev. Roland Wuest, and co -ope ratio a were extended by arily for the second annual Net' names of business houses to be can­ My&sa schools, Elizabeth B. Rader, members of the Portland and Nyssa Nyssa x-ray survey chairman, the wollah party to be sponsored by vassed. The seven members mak- upervisor of elementary education, whole Friday will be taken up with chambers of commerce at a dinner appointments. :he Nyssa Parent-Teacher associ .rg reports said they had collected epoitcd to school officials last Therefore, persons ation in the grade scohool build $400. week viiat “The conditions and meeting held in the economics wishing to be x-rayed, but who do Tne committee will need dona­ g.ans wmch have been mode for ing the night of October 29 in cel­ room of the high school building not have appointments, should go tions from individuals aside from ebration of Hallowe'en. he Nyssa schools are most pleas- Tuesday night in honor of a P ort­ to the city hall sometime Friday The carnival was so successful the business men in order to reach ng." afternoon to make appointments its quota of $1000. Anyone wish­ land delegation of business and for last year, the P. T. A. decided to Miss Rader made an extensive Saturday. professional men Who went as far make the event an annual affair ing to make a contribution is asked report in detail on the several “We will be able to take people to leave the money at the Idaho choois opera .ed by the district east as Boise on their junket. The teachers and room mothers Saturday without appointment will be in charge. The carnival Power company oflice. The 35-man delegation arrived in said Mr. Wuest. However we urge end also a summary. will be held to raise money for the Nyssa shortly before 5 p. m. ana people to sign up ahead of time, The summary includes the fol­ benefit of the P. T. A. as well us went directly to the Amalgamated if possible.” lowing items: provide Halla w een entertainment Sugar company factory for an in­ “It is evident that the board, the “All food handlers, including for the children. The public is in­ spection of the plant. administration, the town and the waitresses and clerks in grocery vited to attend. Persons partici­ J. L. Herriman, president of the stores, or anyone who handles un­ surrounding community take great pating in the event will use carn­ Nyssa chamber of commerce, open­ wrapped food, should be x-rayed,” pride in their schools. ival money purchased at the door ed the banquet program with a according to Rev. Wuest. “We ex­ "The board is to be coitgraudated Elmo Smith, mayor of Ontario The junior high school will pre­ snort welcome to the visitors. “We pect that before long a yearly x- upon having secured the services and republican candidate for state sent a picture show. The lower feel we have reason to be proud of ray for food handlers will be re­ of qn excellent staff and competent glades will sponsor a picture show, enator, talked in favor of the con- administrators. our territory and the progress we quired by law in Nyssa, as it is in Jtitutional six per cent tax limit­ games, fish pond, and "hot dog,' have made," Mr. Herriman said. "The board should also be com- Portland, and many other Oregon ation amendment and the consti- : mended for having already taken candy and pie concessions. After R. G. Whitaker, chaiim an cities” and it is only logical to .utional amendment fixing quali­ leps to correct the extreme over­ of the city council, and R. G. Lar­ make use of this free x-ray while fications of voters in school elec­ bading of classes which at pres­ son, district manager of the Amal­ it is here.” tions at tihe regular meeting of the ent is necessary. gamated Sugar company, had told The x-ray survey is only for Nyssa Parent-Teacher association ‘There were many evidences that the 100 persons in attendance about persons 14 years and older. Child­ •ast Thursday night. lie schools provide a challenging ■the advantages and progress of ren under 14 and over 6 will be Mr. Lmith pointed out in speak­ program for children and that Nyssa and vicinity, the Portland taken only if there is a very special ing of the voters qualifications a- many interesting activities were leaders extended greetings and in­ reason. Children under 6 will not The annual harvest festival spon­ mendment th a t many persons in already underway. troduced the members of the dele­ 'be x-rayed at all. sored by the Nyssa second ward Oregon cannot vote on school “Creativity, especially in art and gation. primary will be held Saturday finances because of present laws literature, should be encouraged, Donald R. Smith, vice president night, October 23 in the school requiring that voters be property as should a greater use of an ac- of the United States National bank, gymnasium. Supper will be served, owners. -ivlty type program. It is recogniz­ heading the delegation said the starring a t 7:30, followed by a pro­ "The cost of the schools has been ed that this is very difficult under Portland chamber of commerce has 4000 members, “ who are working Postmaster Lloyd Lewis had to kill the animal to determine what gram commencing a t 9 o’clock with o great property could not carry such crowded conditions. special out-of-town and looal talent die load and part of it had to be "The schools have done a m ira­ ft was. hard for the northwest.” “We participating. shifted to income tax,” Mr. Smith culous job in absorbing and ad­ came here to hear your problems S. R. V. League Standings (as of Prizes will be awarded. Novelty .aid. justing to the terrific increase of because we think our problems are October 10th) attractions will include a home­ LEWIS DEFENDS HIS Mrs. Ray Weatheaspoon, ac­ school population which has oc­ WILLIAM STRATCH, the same,” Mr. Smith said. W L T made candy booth, dart booth, bean companied by Mrs. D. O. Bybee, curred In the past few years. The RESIDENCE AGAINST Lewis J. Rains, vice president of Emmett 0 1 FORMER RESIDENT oag booth and doll booth as well as sang 3 ’’Home on the Range." A use of outlying schools to help the Candy Products company Intro­ Ontario 0 1 2 INTRUDER’S ATTACK OF NYSSA PASSES the usual fish ponds. Special con­ picture furnished by the Malheur solve the class load problem is in duced the guests. 1 0 2 Vale tests and activities will 'be provided ounty Public Health and Tub­ line with good educational plan­ Ralph Nestoit, manager of S. Nyssa 2 1 0 Awakening from a deep slumber William Stratch of Vale, former for men and boys. The public is erculosis association on the mobile ning. After visiting these schools BurkenwaM company, declared that Weiser 2 1 0 Friday morning about 4:30, Post­ resident of the Nyssa section, died invited to attend. Each family in X-ray uunit was shown, with Rich­ one wonders why the board is not “You have much to be proud of in Payette 2 0 0 master Lloyd Lewis and his wife Wednesday afternoon in the veter­ 1 the ward is asked to furnish a cake ard Wilson operating the projector. deluged with requests for all the this community. I am surprised at Note: Tie games—H win for or pie. Mrs. Florence Larson will The unit will be in Nyssa Friday children in town to be transported heard a thumping noise near one the advancement made since the team. o the outlying schools. Although Jt their windows and lay quiet for ans ho^pit xAn Boise, yhe body be honored guest of the evening. war. Your gains percentage-wise Games on schedule week-end of jSometup trying t* visualize cne is expected l* be sent to Nyssa for She was released recently after and Saturday. During the business session, pre­ the Oregon Trail building is not have been greater than ours. Yru Octok*Sr 22: serving for many years as secretary sided over by Mrs. W. W. Foster, as desirable as the other buildings, ' nature of the noise. interment. have a wonderful future and a Nyssa at Ontario: Payette at Presently a silhouette appeared Mr. Swatch was bom May 18, of the primary association. reports were given by committee the educational program is equally wonderful past." Weiser; Caldwell at Emmett; Mer­ in the window, a gourd-shaped 1882 at Edmond, Kansas and came Mrs. Eiwood Fllngers is general good. Edward N. Weinbaum, manager idian at Vale; Middleton at Fruit- silhouette, something on the orider to Oregon in 1919. Mr. Stratch, chairman, with the following com­ chairmen. "As mentioned in the report, the Refreshments were served after of the trade and commerce depart­ land; Homedale at New Plymouth; of a sitting kangaroo. I t kept Who engaged in fanning, was a mittees assisting: Program, Mrs. O. pupil progress report card now in ment of the Portland chamber of Parma at Adrian ((played at moving from one side of the win­ member of the American Legion P. Williams; refreshments, Mrs. the program. “Taxpayers are rather skittish use is outstanding. commerce, who has been directing Nyssa.) dow to the other, as though a t­ post at Adrian. He served in world Arvel Child, Mrs. Ray Weather- about letting a great group vote "The Nyssa schools are kept tours for the group for 30 years, spoon and Mrs. Ersel Beus; candy At the halfway mark in S. R. V. tempting to reach higher on the war one. clean, are well staffed and have that is not now permitted to vote. (Continued On Page Two) Season's play, the Emmett Huskies window pane. Survivors are his widow, Sylvia booth, Mrs. Sherman Bybee and The people are voting on the priv­ adequate supplies. continued to lead the field for the Finally Mr. Lewis developed en­ of Ontario; a daughter, Linda of Mrs. Ruth Pederson; fish pond, ilege of voting in school elections. "Problems which affect the league championship. The Ontario ough courage to attem pt capture of Ontario; three sons, T. A. and J. E. Carole Flinders, Belva Hunter and I don’t think the property tax­ standardization of the schools are Tigers with one less league game the intruder, with the direct en ­ Stratch of Laramie, Wyoming and Colleen Bybee; other booths, Leila payers have anything to worry a- being attacked with vigor. The under their belts are still unde­ couragement of his wife. Careful LeRoy of Ontario, four sisters, four Jensen Mia. Laurence Cleverly, bout. I think it is a fair bill and major item which keeps the schools feated and within striking distance not to turn on the light, he stepped step-children and two grandchild­ Mrs. Hubert Christensen, Mrs. should be passed. from being declared standard is Charles Taylor, Mis. Edward Lar­ of the league crown, but have two into his slippers and bathrobe, ren. the extremely high pupil-teacher "Another measure that affects formidable opponents, Vale and walked quietly out of the house and Funeral services will be held Sun­ son, Ruth Beck, Mrs. Lester Jam i­ ratio. It is understood th at when Lee Gables, Wayne Chesnut and Nyssa, to hurdle before they can around to the window. On the way day afternoon at 2:30 in the Nyssa son, Mrs. Frank Skeen, Olive Beus one of our basic tax principles the new building is complete, it under the Oregon system is that John Updegraff of Ontario filed lay claim to championship con­ he picked up an irrigation shovel, Funeral home. Interm ent will be 'and Nanette Bybee; finance, Mrs. will be possible to reduce class size articles of incorporation of Nyssa sideration. Emmett Huskies have the first available weapon. Witli in the veterans plot in the Nyssa Leon Child, and advertising, Rosel of the six per cent limitation. The to the state standards. On the original bill was passed to pro­ Motors at the court house in Vale only to topple the fast improving his eyes, he scanned the window sill j cemetery with Nyssa war veterans Hunter. pasls of the foregoing report, the tect property owners against un­ elementary schools of district 20C. this week. Wolverines of Weiser in an Ar­ four feet from the ground, but at un charge of services. wise measures. The six per cent Girls View Sawmill— The concern, which will hold the mistice day tilt to at least guaran­ first could see nothing. He crept Malheur county, are declared con­ Members of the Thimble Belles law is very irksome to taxing bodies ditionally standard for the school Chevrolet franchise, was incorpor­ tee themselves a tie to the league closer and there It was—a varmint Club Will Meet— faced with growing papulations and ated for $100,000. of some kind. It scampered down The Owyhee Riding club will 4-H club went to Emmett October year 1948-49." flag. Plans far the new building, show This week ends’ games went ac­ from the window onto a screen meet Friday, October 29 at 8 p. m. , 15 to inspect a sawmill. The girls a cheap dollar. I don’t think we should do away with the six per room, shop and parts department, cording to form, with Emmett scor­ leaning against the house and a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic arrived at the plant a t 12:30 p. m. have not been completed, but K is ing an easy win over the Payette Lewis started the attack. He hit Marshall. Mrs. Dick Wyatt and Mrs in a pick-up driven by M. W. cent limitation because there will Myers. Two guides showed the still be presure groups. We can expected to be a cement structure. Pirates, 25-0, Ontario winning over the animal several times with the Chet Sage will be co-hostesses. girls through the plant during a always vote special levies. With Construction is planned for next a rapidly improving Weiser squad, shovel, almost cutting it in two. o n e and one-half hour tour. The an administration offering some­ spring on west Main street. 6-0 and the Vale Vikings walloping Lewis carried the animal into the Get Eight Deer— Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cook return­ Thimble Belies thanked Mr. Myers. thing the people really need, the the Nyssa Bulldogs 33-7. In non­ house, where he triumphantly dis­ Buchner, who furnished the people will approve them. The six The Malheur grand Jury wtU be league tilts the offense-minded played it to his wife, who decided ed home Sunday from Baker with a Carlas GRANGERS HEAR truck, and Principal Walter Mc- per cent limitation makes public called to meet Monday to consider after delving into the encyclopedia four-point buck. The Cook family from Fruitland regist­ ABOUT MEASURES Grizzleys Partland and teachers of the grade officials Justify their requests.” that the animal was a muskrat. killed a total of eight deer in the the second degree murder charge ered their second straight win with Mr. Smith was introduced by that has been filed against Lenore school. Later in the morning Mr. Lewis vicinity of Baker. a 32-0 victory over Cambridge and Several members of the Grange, Dennis Patch, program chairman, Rita Sosna in connection with the brought the animal to town, where speaking a t the regular meeting the New Plymouth Pilgrims notch­ Its identification was definitely MARCO MUROLO, ITALIAN ARTIST, ..laying of James C. Plrkle. District ing a 6-0 win over Notus. Parma Tuesday night, discussed bills that established. Attorney Charles Swan announced SEED IS SHIPPED won 20-7 over the Boise junior VISITS IN NYSSA; WILL EXHIBIT will appear on the general election week. The woman was return­ varsity. Huffer was the outstand­ TO SOUTH AFRICA this ballot November 2. PAINTINGS IN BOISE BY XMAS. ed from Miles City, Montana, REGISTRARS FOR ing back and Ferguson the out­ Those speaking were Alva Good- where she waived extradition. DRAFTEES NAMED Marco Murolo, professor of a rt desire to breed formal bonds and An unusual shipment of seed was Miss Sosna waived a preliminary ell, six per cent limitation; E. L. standing lineman for Parma. In the Nyssa-Vale game, Wilder made th is week by the Dessert at the Ait academy of Florence, ¡aaopt a medium of his own choos- Jamison, bill authorizing indebt­ hearing in Justice court in Vale two of the Vikings’ touch- per3uns have been select- Italy, who is a guest in the home j . edness for reforestation; LeRoy ^ according to the Times news- Seed company of Nyssa to Kir-1 Monday and was bound over to the choff and Co., Ltd. of South Africa, j grand Jury. No bond was granted. Herrman, bill authorizing state run. Williams lh™ J n the , L 7?lLa* scored second ed in the county for the registra- N ^ e ^ r t o ^ t ^ l a ^ PaPT,' published in Chester. Penn- Instead of shipping the 550 j Mr. Swan said Miss Sosna’s story boy camps; Loyd Adams, consti- touchdown on a run. McNineh and tion of 18-year-old boys with the number of his paintings in Boise sylvan.a, where he showed his pounds of vegetable seed In large of the killing differs considerably tuional amendment fixing quali­ Musgrov® each tallied on a pass. selective service. paintings. bags, the company, at the request from that of William Walker, who fications of voters in school elec.- Wilder scored Nyssa's only touch­ The registrars are Charles A. before Christmas. ions; Prank Sherwood, Oregon old down on a 35-yard run. He also Marshall of Nyssa, H. S. Sackett, Mr. Murolo, who is accompanied The artist, son of Ernesto Mur­ of the purchaser, shipped the seed was acquitted recently of a charge olo, noted poet of Naples, fled the in 10 pound bags by parcel post, of second degree murder in con­ age pension act; George Cleaver, rushed the line for the extra point. Vale, county clerk; George L. Bak­ by Mrs. Murolo, will remain here er, Juntura; G. Y. Chester, Harper; for severtl days. He is a brother German soldiers after Italy sur­ because of faster service and low­ nection with the case. bill increasing income tax exemp- rendered and was prohibited from er rate. Dr. W. W. Jones, Jordan Valley; of Vincenzo Murolo, noted Italian tions;Harlan Diven, Oregon liquor Walker testified at his trial that Mrs. Myrtle I. Rose, postmistress, sculptor, who spent several months painting outside his studio by the The Desert Seed company ships Plrkle was killed during a scuffle dispensing act, and Charley Grider, CROP CAMPAIGN IS prohibiting salmon fishing in the STARTED IN COUNTY Brogan, and S. S. S. office, On­ in Nyssa. Tommy Morris of Nyssa, fascists for six years during the seeds to many parts of the world. over a gun. He said himself, Mias He stated that beginning who went to Italy with Vincenzo j war. Sosna and Walker participated In Columbia river with fixer appli­ tario. ....... the French Impressionists, Lhe controversy. Charles Marshall, a member of Murolo, has returned to New York with ances. As time would not permit At a meeting held in Ontario ADRIAN AND PARMA | painters sought to avoid the exact discussion of ail of the bills, the Wednesday, Arthur Atherton of the selective service board, stated and is expected home soon. TO PLAY IN NYSSA JUNIOR VARSITY OF retuainder were carried over until Ontario was elected chairman of last week th at the first two men The artist will also show his representation of what they saw. the next meeting. the CROP drive in Malheur county. called for the draft, Everett Heidi paintings in the Jean Bohne gal-.W hen the color camera took over NYSSA WINS AGAIN E. L. Jamison gave a report on The purpose of the campaign spon­ of Nyssa and Kazuo Ymaguchi of lery in New York, starting Feb- the exact reproduction, several The Adrian high school will play the banquet that he attended at sored by the world council of Ontario, failed to pass the phys­ ruary 1. After the showings m 1 artists in this country, France and host to the Parma high school on Boise and New York, Mr. Murolo Italy sought to picture objects in the Nyssa football field, Friday, The Junior varsity of the Nyssa Vale when Congressman Lowell churches is to give agricultural in­ ical examination. high school defeated the Vale foot­ hopes to do some Americaan land-'m ore detail and with even more October 22. Stockman spoke on the Russian terests of America an opportunity scapes. ! exactness than the camera. It is The game Is scheduled to start ball team 2 to 0 on the Vale field situation. to help the agricultural areas of Room Mothers Meet— Mr. Murolo, a member of the with this school that Mr. Murolo at 8:15 p. m. The invading Pan- Monday afternoon. The saifety pro­ A meeting of the class advisors Several members gave reports on Europe, the Orange conference which most The Malheur committee has set of the high school and the high Society of Beautiful Art in Italy, allies himself. However, his land- hers from across the river have a viding the two points was scored of the Oregon Trail officers a t- up a quota consisting of a carload school room mothers was held said “I like your little city. In scapes are done in a rather im- speedy and colorful squad which as the result of a fumbled kick. many import- pi essionistic style, as the subject battled the undefeated Caldwell The defeat was the first for the Tuesday afternoon in the high America there . are tended a t Vale. of milk and a carload of sugar. ............................ . r U D II 4/ a f lA c ri. Mrs. Frank P arr gave a report Mr. Artherton, County Agent .school building. Mrs. John Skeen ant artists. I saw many of their better lends Itself to th a t tech­ 'quad on even terms for three junior Vikings this season. TTie periods loosing only on a desperate game marked the Nysea team's on the Nyssa public safety council Harry Sandqulst and Floyd Chrls- and Mrs. Burnall Brown were elect­ paintings, which are very beautiful. nique. Mr. Murolo expressed the opinion last quarter touchdown by Cald­ sixth consecutive victory. and asked the Grange to appoint a tiansen are making an airplane ed chairman of the high school The American people are very fond well. the technique To like a »* rt V * is •> to be an ll . A * ■ # D UV * I'V e w e» - ■ *** ■ th a t - - ------------ super-reallstle -----1 ------------------------------- --------------- * representative. jtour of the county today in the room mothers. Plans were made of d art. Krturn From Trip— by the group for the Hollowe'en artist, but we must study and to ' which greatly resembles the work of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bennett. Mr. interests of the campaign.. Mr and Mrs. George Mitchell dance to be held following the car­ study we must have schools. It I the old masters both in the use of Nursing Home Notes— and Mrs. Walter Fox and Nelson ------------------------ nival. The senior class will pro­ is useful to have art schols in every ¡light and shadow and the complete Babies arriving at the nursing returned home Sunday evening Herrman served refreshments. The P. T. A. To Meet— | absence of visaible brush strokes, home since last Friday are a girl, from a two-weeks vacation. They Home Economics club will present! A meeting of the Kingman Kol- vide the music for the dance, the place possible." the program at the next Orange ony P. T. A. win be held Friday juniors will take charge of the Ranging from landscapes of can revive painting to the position 6 pounds. 13 ounces, born October visited the Pete Mitchell family in 20 to Mr. and Mrs Taft Pelt; a Seattle and other relatives in Port­ meet in?. | afternoon, October 22 at 3 p. m. ticket sale and assist with the dec­ Florence and other Italian cities!that it held many centuries ago. ------------------------ I a t the Kingman Kolony school orations. the sophomores will be to strikingly realistic still life I Recognized as a colorist by daughter. 8 pounds, born to Mr. land. To Boise— 'house. The purpose of the meet- responsible for the refreshments, paintings of familiar objects, M r.¡Italian art critics, Mr. Murolo and Mrs. Keith Tallman, October Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison ing is to make plans for the com- and the freshman will plan the Muroio’s paintings reflect his dis- won the ’’grand prize of Caxtel- 15, and a daughter, 7 pounds, 14 Visit At Payette— Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear and Mrs. Charles Newbill and Betty In? year. AH interested parents decorations, games, and have the ciplined training at the Academy lam mare.” an outstanding honor ounces, born to Mr and Mrs. Rollie visited friends at Payette Sunday. Stlckley October 17. at Naples, his home city, and the for a young Italian painter. sale of noise makers. Lou were Boise visitors Sunday. I are invited to attend. Smith Describes Ballot Measures L.D.S. Festival Set For Oct. 23 Huskies Still Leading League Firm To Start Motor Business Jury To Check Murder Charge b a v