% wV Vy , %v> ^ r r r r ^ - r I n 77ieNYSSA Foundation To Be Ready For Ceremony To Be Held In Nov. rv ^ v * ■ Ä JOURNAL NVSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1948 VOLUME XXXXIII NO. 39 Grouo Outlines uroup ouuines Flan ro r Laying Hospital Stone »- f FRED l o p e z f in e d f o l l o w in g c r a sh INVOLVING 2 CARS An automobile owned and oper ated by John adams ol the Powell service station in Nyssa was badly damaged last Saturday night in an accident th at resulted in the arrest of Fred Lopez o f Parma on a charge of drunken driving. Lopez, former resident o f Nyssa, was fined $100 in the Parma justice court. A jail sentence was suspend ed. Adams was en route to his home at Roswell, Idaho when the ac cident occurred two miles north of Parma about 10 o'clock Satur day night. He said that as he met Lopez, he swung his car wide to the right toward the barrow-pit to avoid a collision, but the Lopez car was so far over the yellow cen ter line it hi-t Adams’ machine on the left front fender. Neither Adams nor Lopez was in jured. An occupant o f the Lopez car sustained a small cut over one eye. Bulldogs, Weiser Battle to 19-19 Tie On Gridiron Nyssa Evens Count In Final 7 Minutes; Em mett Keeps Top Spot c o u n t y ’ s ORE. CHEST QUOTA IS SET AT $4500 Portland Group F W ill Visit Here Malheur county's quota for the Oregon chest drive has been set at $4500. with Nyssa expected to raise #1000, Bernard Frost, Nyssa chairman, stated Wednesday. A total of 3,086 children from all counties or Oregon received in 1947 the very necessities of life— food, clothing, medical care, a home and an opportunity to attend schools and churches. Mr. Frost said. Nineteen Malheur county residents received 4550 days care in 1947 from the Oregon chest. Children assisted were the or phaned, the homeless, the deserted children, the /wayward boys, way ward girls, venereal affected girls, unmarried mothers and their chil dren, sick and ailing children and those committed to homes by parents or guardians or the courts. Plans are developing for the an ticipated visit of approximately 30 Portland business ana industrial .eaders to Nyssa the evening of October 19. Bernard Eastman, Dennis Patch and Fred Bracken have been ap pointed by J. L. Herriman, prss- .dent of the Nyssa chamber of .ommeree, to arrange for a dinner, which will be served by the home economics girls of the high school under the direction of Mrs. Charles Steffans, their instructor. A crowd of 100 men and women are e j e c t e d to attend the affair. Carlos Buchner, Hamilton Chqd- derdon and Ed Knettle were ap pointed as members of a committee to arrange a program in conjunct ion with plans of the visiting del egation. The visitors will arrive in Nyssa about 4 p. m. and during the en suing two hours will probably view the Amalgamated Sugar company and Idaho Canning company fa ct ories here. H ie dinner will be ser ved about 7 o'clock. m alheur Storm Creates 45 DEER BROUGHT to nyssa d u r in g so 48 s e a s o n F\>rty-f!ve residents of this com- munity had taken deer to tne polar com storage plant up reaies Interruption In Power, ‘ Phones m ^ far ________ to P r e c i p i t a t i o n H e a v i e r Wednesday afternoon. T h a n Rec0rded In June Mrs. Marie Thomas of Nyssa. 2Q J fc ^ p o U f killing a medium sized buck is re ported to have been the first per Much damage was caused M on S. R. V. League Standings las A committee was appointed at son to reach Nyssa with a deer. day to the Idaho Power company of Oktober 2) a meeting oi tne founders service She took the deer to the storage and the Malheur Home Telephone organization of the Malheur M em Pere. T. W. L. plant the evening of the opening company by the worst storm to orial Hospital association Tuesday 2 0 0 1000 Emmett day. night to arrange plans for the cor strike Nyssa since June. 1000 0 0 1 Ontario nerstone ceremony to toe held at Others tagging deer were Clyde The reclamation pureau reported ' 500 1 0 1 Vale the site o f the new hospital the Smith, Gile P. Lay, Donald Low, percipitation of .33 of an inch 250 1 1 first part of November. Th e cere 0 Nyssa Delbert Cleaver, L. L. Cleaver, Monday and .11 on Tuesday. Only mony will probably be held Sunday, 250 1 1 0 Weiser a trace fell Sunday. H ie Monday Howard Day, O. C. Olson, Charles November 7 or Armistice day, N ov percipitation, which included rain 000 1 0 0 Payette ember i l . Cannon. M. O. Hipp, James T. Hill. and hail, was the heaviest since Note; T ie games equals Vt win The committee will consist of W. L. McPartland, R ay Bybee, June 20 when .32 o f an inch o f for each time. men who captained teams during Wallace Flippance, Ira Ure, Jr., precipitation was recorded. Schedule o f games, week-end of the financial campaign. They are Part of the city was knocked out John E. Bowen, Helen Stockham, October 8: Kenneth Renstrom, Bernard East of electric service Monday night •Emmett at Ontario, Fruitland at Ed Pruyn, William Oxman, M. F. when two main line wires blew man, Ralph Lowerence, W. W. Pos Weiser, Baker at Vale, Nyssa at Remsen, Ralph Lawrence, Emma together and burned down in the ter, Everett Heldt and L. G. Haw La Grande, St. Anthony Training Pitkin, Clyde Hoke, Dr. K. E. K er- alley north of Pounds’ grocery. ley. The committee will work with school at Payette, Parma at New by, Bernard Frost, Elmer Olson, Thtf electric wires fell onto tele a committee of the ladies aux Plymouth. John Ridder, Kenneth Renstrom, phone wires and threw many tele iliary, which was represented at *S. R. V. League game. W. D. Rinehart, Elmer Leavett, phones out of commission. the meeting toy several members. Sev By D. W. Patch Verl Reitenbaugh, Ruth Low, R on eral tree limbs blew across electric A committee was also appointed The Weiser Wolverines had only ald Jensen, C liff Main, Wayne Ab to arrange for a dance or other service wires, putting some individ EIGHT CANDIDATES bott, Fled Braun, Alma White, Dale ual customers out o f service. a 19-19 tie to show for their even entertainment to 'be given for the Ed Knettle, chairman of the FILE PETITIONS IN ing work at Nyssa. Three-quarters Osborn, Robert Piercey, L. H. Lar benefit of the hospital sometime Nyssa public safety council, a d - 1 In several places in town elect of the ball game the W olverine; did during the forepart o f November. COUNCIL ELECTION kin, C. F. Spencer, Dwayne Boat- ric wires blew against telephone Funeral services were held W ed about what they pleased with the vised the Nyssa chamber of com right, Thomas Orr and Donald lines, causing considerable damage, Members o f the committee are merce at a luncheon Wednesday nesday at 3 p. m. in the Nyssa Bulldogs. The Wolverines tallied Stan Keefer, Edward Boydell, Dr. T h e names of eight candidates King. telephone company officials said. Funeral home chapel for John a touchdown in the first quarter, noon that subsequent recommend Others known to have killed deer An estimated 75 telephones were J. R. Cundall and T om Seppich. Henry Borgman of Nyssa, with another in the third and the final ations o f the safety council will for city eouncilmen o f Nyssa will The founders committee plans to appear on the November election Included J. E. Brower, out of order following the storm Rev. Roland G. Wuest of the Faith one in the first minute of the be presented to the chamber of meet the first part of November ballot as the result of petition fil Monday night and crewmen were Lutheran church officiating. In fourth quarter for what appeared commerce and other organizations to work on delinquent pledges to still working Wednesday in an e f represented on the council for ap ings completed last week. terment was in the Weiser ceme a lop-sided Weiser victory. the hospital fund. Generally, con T h e candidates are the four ir.- fort to restore complete service In proval before they are submitted tery. In the final seven minutes the tributors are making their pay umbents, R. G. Whitaker, George ¡he city. Mr. Borgman, manager o f the Bulldogs, trailing 19 to 6 finally to the proper authorities. ments satisfactorily but a few may Although not connected in any Mr. K nettle said the state high Henneman, Emil Stunz and Harry Nyssa elevator since 1942, died Oct exploded for two quick touchdowns need “ Follow-ups.” way with the storm electric service ober 4 at 9:30 of a heart attack. and a conversion to tie the score. way commission has notified the Miner, and Robert Talbot, Jr., El- Contractor Leslie Stoker expects den Yergensen, Gordon R ay and was out in Adrian and rural areas He went to work, but became ill Nyssa’s first touchdown came when safety council that it is consider Clisby Bert W illiams of Parma for an hour Tuesday night. to have the foundation in readiness Murle Marcum. Pour o f the cand The and returned home, where he pass Nicholson fell on the ball behind ing the council’s proposals for jn plenty of time for the corner establishment of mechanical sig idates will be elected, three for four died of a heart attack while work "outrage” occurred when a truck ed away a short time later. the Weiser goal line after Peoka nals at the railroad crossing at year terms and one for a two year ing on the new grade school build was backed against a power pole stone laying. H e reported that a Mr. Borgman, born August 2, had blocked a punt. Wilder ran ing at Adrian Tuesday. He had at the Overstreet beet dump. Shak carload of steel, a carload of lum 1893 in Newman Grove, Nebraska, 20 yards through tackle for the the Garrison corner southwest of term. ber and a carload o f cement arriv The successful candidates will started working on the building ing of the pole caused the wires to had been employed by the Colo second touchdown, but again Nyssa Nyssa, where several serious acci the morning of his death. ed this week. wrap together, shorting out the take office the first o f January. rado M illing and Elevator company failed to convert for the extra dents have occurred. The highway Mr. Williams was born February line. commission will notify the council at Weiser and Nyssa since 1917. point. Flanary tossed a 15-yard 10, 1891 at London, Kentucky. OBSERVANCE OF He was a member o f tthe Eagles pass to Itamura, who ran an ad when some decision is reached on CHRISTIANS WILL Mr. Williams, a resident of Parma the proposal. NYSSA B SQUAD ’ odge at Nyssa. FIRE PREVENTION START WORK ON ditional 15 yards for a touchdown for the last two months, moved Th e safety council will hold a Survivors are his widow. Verna: in the closing minutes and Wilder PAYETTE to Idaho a year ago from Prine- WEEK SUGGESTED two daughters, Mrs. Helen Ton- converted on a plunge to make the regular meeting Friday evening. BUILDNG SOON ville, Oregon, where he lived for The DEFEATS Nyssa high school B squad The First Ohitrch o f Christ of ning o f Nyssa and Mrs. Oliver extra point and tie the score. He was a mem defeated the Payette B ’s by a score “ Od.'s are ptomt 1 to 50 that *’ atch of Payette; his father, N. J. Nyssa (Christian) has been issued several years. The Wolverine offense had a big DEER CONFISCATED the Missionary Baptist of 14 to 13 on the Payette field fire will cause damage in your Borgman of Nyssa and two grand a permit to erect a new church ber of last week-end to record its third advantage in yardage gained for FOR PUBI IC GROUPS edifice at Fifth street and Ennis church at Parma. home during the coming year”, sons. the game. For the Wolverines, Survivors are his widow, Mary victory of the season. The Bull- said County agent Harry Sand- avenue. had previously defeated Eckert did a fine job o f passing three daughters, Mrs. Lyle ipups Four deer, reported to have been The building, one story high, E; quist. Barklow of Moses Lake. W a k in g - Weiser and Parma. and was directly responsible for taken by Russell Olson and Lamont 4-H CLUBS TIE IN will cost $15,000. I t Will be con Those odds. Sandquist said are The B squad will meet the O n two of the three Wolverine touch Fife, were confiscated Wednesday structed of yellow sandstone. ton and Dorene and Carol Jean JUDGING CONTEST downs. based on actual losses reported to William s of Parma; five sons, tario team here this afternoon at by Justice o f the Peace Don M. The work, expected D o be started the state fire marshal o f Oregon The hard-luck Parma Panthers Graham for donation to public in this week, will be supervised by Joilinny, Verl, Roy Lee and Homer 4 o’clock. during 1947. Particular emphasis Glenn Peterson, leader o f the dropped another close one to the stitutions. Rev. George Whipple and A it of Prineville and Floyd of Parma; is being given fire prevention this Nyssa 4-H Dairy club, received Meridian Warriors by a 20-12 score. The venison was given to the Hann. Webb and Dan Pennie will a brother, Sim of Prineville, and week, Sandquist explains, because notice last week that his 4-H Dairy For the third straight game the old men's home at Vale and the do the rock work. two sisters, Mrs. Fred Asher of It has been declared National Fire club judging team had tied with Panthers had the best of the game Malheur county public welfare The Lutherans have purchased Lostine and Mrs. Brent Watkins Prevention week. the W illiw Creek swine club for from every angle but score. commission. The confiscation was the old Christian church building of Fruitland. Both city and farm dwellers are top honors In the judging compe The Fruitland Grizzlies served done in connection with the case and started moving it Wednesday. Funeral services will be held at being urged to make this week a tition during the Malheur County notice on all S. R. V. opponents of state of Oregon, ex rel, versus Faith Lutheran church has a new 2 p. m. Friday in the Missionary time to search out and eliminate fair. that they have a potent offense LaMont Fife and Russell Olson. foundation ready for the building Baptist church o f Parma, wlth| A chest x-ray unit will be in fire hazards. Five teams were competing, and when they routed Notus 37-13. The Each man, charged with exceeding at F ifth street and Park avenue. Elder Don Allen of Parma and Malheur county from October 19 Figures gathered by the state the Nyssa dairy club and the W il Grizzlies scored in every quarter the bag limit o f deer, was fined Elder H. C. Payton o f St. Helens, to November 6. inclusive, for the fire marshal indicate that about low creek swine club tied for first on an effective mixture of running $75 and costs. Oregon in charge. Interment will purpose of x-raying adults who 10,000 Oregon homes were damaged place with 1275 points. Each of G. O. P. WILL OPEN and passing plays. be in the Lower Boise cemetery. feel perfectly healthy, yet may be Two persons were fined $25 each by fire during 1947. O f this total the clubs will receive a banner Coach Tony Ashenbrenner’s Em for violation of technicalities in CO. HEADQUARTERS T h e body is in the Nyssa Funeral harboring h 1 d d e n tuberculosis 6,9711 were actually insured losses reward. Members of the dairy club germs. m ett Huskies notched their second volved in tagging a deer carcass. The Malheur county republican home. reported to the fire marshal's office are June Peterson, Delbert Peter H ie unit will be operated in the straight conference win Friday over central committee, meeting in the as required toy law. son, Dale Peterson, David Hartley, Nyssa city hall October 22 from the Vale Vikings 13-7. The victory Moore hotel In Ontario Wednesday Arrives In Nyssa— Actual damage to the insured Gordan Hunter and Robert H art BOOSTER PROGRAM Miss Nina Alice K ir*! o f Clinton, I to 5 p. m. and October 23 from was a sweet one for the Emmett night, decided to open election dwellings was over $2,500,000, Sand ley. GIVEN BY GRANGE headquarters beginning Monday North Carolina arrived in Nyssa 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. I t will be used boys and placed them in the d riv quist states. er's seat for the S. R. V. top hon morning in the Strawn building in Monday. She will make her home in the Adrian high school from ADRIAN WILL PLAY while attending high school with II a. m. to 2:30 p. m. ors. Emmett's first score resulted Seventy persons attended a Ontario. NYSSA F. F. A. TEAM Persons over 14 years old who MARSING IN NYSSA from the combination of a Viking Booster night program given by The speakers committee will fur her aunt, Mrs. E. H. Fleshman. have nut had a chest x-ray with fumble recovered by the Huskies the Oregon Trail Grange Tuesday nish speakers to any group or dis GOES TO PORTLAND in the last six months are invited trict upon request. The speakers Recovering From Injury— On Friday night, October 8, the and a 15 yard .penalty against the night. Bud Kenley o f Nyssa Is recover- to have one without charge. A l The program included group will endeavor to clarify any Of the Members of the Nyssa F. F. A. Adrian Antelopes will meet the Vikings. Reynolds, husky fullback, though this offer applies especial judging team, accompanied by Marsing Huskies on tthe Nyssa went over from the two yard line singing; talks on the Grange by measures that will appear on the (ing In the Nyssa Nursing home and added the extra point with a Harlan Diven, Grange master, and ballots and distribute necessary from leg fracture sustained when ly to adults, children who for some their instructor, Richard Wilson, hhjh school field. T h e second William Ross. Pomona master; a literature. he fell from a second-story window special reason have been recom The undefeated Huskies will be perfect place kick. left today for Portland to attend mended by their private physician, of the Star hotel Sunday. the Pacific International exposition "gunning” for the 4th straight vict Emmett touchdown came early in talk on Grange insurance by Earl may also be x-rayed. the second quarted on a 30 yard Alexander, and a talk by Mrs. Alva ory. The Antelopes are seeking Friday and Saturday. ONE-ACT PLAYS TO Everyone is asked to make an Return From Portland— Goodell. chairman of the Home pass, Reynolds to Hanby. A pass their second win. Th eir Initial win The boys will compete in live BE GIVEN TUESDAY Mir, and Mrs. Ted Morgan re appointment for an x-ray as do stock Judging contests with teams was a 7 to 6 defeat of Huntington and run were good for 60 yards Economics club, on what the club Tuesday morning from ing so will mean that he will be and a touchdown. The conversion is and does. Games were played T ile classes the Nyssa high turned from other chapters in Oregon, attempt failed. The Vikings scored and potluck refreshments were school will present four one-act Portland, after spending a few cared for much faster than tf he Washington and Idaho. They will Marines Visit— without an appointment. plays in the gymnasium Tuesday days there visiting Mrs. Frank were Pfc. Lawrence Graham and Pfc. their lone touchdown late In the served. tour the S w ift and company live Mrs. Montan, who Is in House-to-house canvassers will vis night, October 12, beginning at 8 Morgan. LaV em Haney, who liave finished second quarter on a 15 yard pass stock yards Friday. Portland for medical treatment, is it the homes in Nyssa Wednesday, o'clock. training with the by Darrell W illiam s to idusgrove. Attend Mediral Meeting— Boys making the trip are Lley- their “ boot" October 13 to take names for ap Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin re The audience will decide which im proving in health. ellyn Robbins, Cecil Bair, Val Dee United States marines a t San Sheffeld converted with a plunge. pointment. Persons who do not the final h alf both teams turned recently from attending the cast makes the best presentation. Diego, have returned to San Diego In Child and Ervin Bush. sign with the canvassers may fill The names o f the plays are as T o Ogden— for assignment after visiting rel threatened to score but strong de annual meeting o f the Oregon Mrs. C. A. Mally left Thursday in and return the appointment atives In Nyssa. Graham left fensive line play bogged all furth Medical association in Medford. follows. Freshmen, "Jerry Breaks Here From The South— Mrs. Sarazin attended the meet' A Date” ; sophomores, “ Shock of morning for Ogden to visit her sis slip printed on the front page Mrs. Ellen H. Smith and Miss Wednesday morning and Haney er scoring attempts. The Ontario Tigers kept a clean ing of the Medical association ¡H is L ife ;” Juniors, “ O f All Things ter, Miss Nora O'Brian. They will of this newspaper. Rebecca W hitley of Goldsboro, this morning. Graham, who was High school students should not be Joined by another sister, Mrs. J. North Carolina arrived at the home graduated from Nyssa high school slate in S. R. V. conference play auxiliary, which met in Medford j and seniors, "Whodunit, T. Ollmore, and her daughter, make an appointment as they will o f Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fleshman last spring, was employed as lino by measuring the Payette Pirates at the same time. Prior to attend Helen o f Redwood, South Dakota. be taken care o f at school. Nyssa The T iger win came as a ing the meeting. Dr. and Mrs. Sar Visit Parents— last Thursday. The guests, who type operator in the Gate City 7-0. Mr. and Mrs. John Burton and Th is is the first reunion of the hkjh school students will be x- Another former result of a 50 yard touchdown drive azin had motored to Portland with had been touring Canada, left Journal office. G ate City Journal employ, Gerald that was culminated in a pass, Margaret and David Sarazin. From children of Baker spent Monday three sisters since Mrs. Gilmore rayed Friday morning, October 23 Monday for Seattle. Crandall, has enlisted in the navy McConnaha to Frost for the touch Portland, Margaret went to San night and Tuesday at the home and her fam ily returned from a from 9 to 12, and Adrian high school students will be x-rayed and has gone to Salt Lake City down. The Tigers held a big edge Francisco, where she enrolled in of Mr. Burton's parents, Mr. and tour of Europe. Visits Brother— from 9:30 to 11 a. m. October 35. He left Nyssa in yardage gained but were unable the University of California Med Mrs. E. K. Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Cochran of for examination. Nyssa canvassers will be Mrs. David Sarazin went Visits In Nyssa— to convert their advantage into ical school. Luray. Kansas arrived last week Tuesday. Betty Lou Newbill o f Newell Leo Oonyer, Mrs. E. K. Burton. touchdowns. McConnaha, Tiger from Portland to Eugene,' where I inns Challenged— for a visit at the home of Mr. and The chamber of commerce Issued Heights visited over the week-end Mrs John Stafford. Mrs. Ed W ert* connected]he is attending the University of halfback, consistently Mrs. R. M. Cochran. The two men Here From La Grande— a challenge to the Lions club this with her grandparents, Mr. and and Mrs. W W. Foster. The can Oregon. Mrs. Afton Roy and Jacqueline of with his serial heaves. are brothers. week, suggesting that the two Mrs. Charles Garrison. Mrs. vassing will be done in Nvssa under La Grande visited over the week groups enter a contest to determine Charles Newbill Joined her daugh- the auspicies of the P. T. A., with The starting Nyssa lineup in the Hurt In Accident— end at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Freak Egg Found— Merrill Taylor of Nyssa was which could influence the most ter Sunday and spent the day at Mrs. Roy Barnes, health chairman, Weiser game was as follows: Ends, A freak a jg was found in a nest Ira Ure. in charge. W hite and Hale; tackles, Nicholson taken to the Holy Rosary hospital members to have x-rays taken dur the Garrison home at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo and Pecka; guards. Suiter and in Ontario Sunday night for treat- ing the time the mobile x-ray unit Here From Weiser— Cannon. Thursday of this week, Mr. and M ra W illiam Lewis of Chadwick; center. Long, and backs, meat of injuries sustained when is in Nyssa October 22 and 23. egg was about two Inches long and I W O U L D L IK E AN A P P O IN T M E N T FO R M Y S E L F AND Weiser spent Sunday at the home Koyano, Itamura. Flanary. quarter an automobile that he was op The challenge will probably be con half an inch thick. sidered by the Lions at their lunch erating went out o f control, Jump back; and Wilder. of his mother, Mrs. J. C. Smith, ed a ditch and crashed into a cor eon Monday noon. who has been ill for the past few Here From California— ral fence near Adrian. Bob Collins Clothing For Rummage Sale— FO R FREE CH EST X - R A Y A T (T O W N )...................................... Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cullum of Con months. Any one having clothing or of Nyssa. who was riding with P.T.A. School T o p R Held— cord. California were guests last The Parent-Teacher association M Y PR EFE R R ED T IM E FO R A P P O IN T M E N T IS articles he wishes to donate for the Taylor, was shaken and braised. Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Here From Payette— will hold its annual school o f m - ----------------------- Mr. and Mrs. James G riffith of Episcopal Guild's annual rummage! Mrs. Howard Lovejoy. Mrs. Love- (D A T E ) ON «•traction at the Annex schoolhouse Joy is a niece of Mr. and Mrs Payette visited Sunday at the W. sale, is asked to contact Mrs. | Leaves For Brazil— Saturday at 10 a. m. Mrs H. H. J Mrs. Leo Lorenz, who has spent F Findling and the Laurence J. J. Sarazin. N AM E Cullum. the summer visiting at the home Hargreaves, state president o f the j Findling homes. P T. A., will be present with other ' ADDRESS of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Here From Ixw Angeles— Returns T o Coeur d'Alene— Mr. and Mrs. K eith Oreasley of Oeorge Mitchell, left Boise Sunday state officers. All local and county : Mrs. E. B. Nedry left Monday Here From Huntington— P LE A SE F IL L O U T AND M A IL T O : ______ officers are asked to be present. j M r and Mrs. Perry Ward of Los Angeles are visiting at the .morning by plane for New York evening for her home in Coeur M ALH E U R OO. T B AND H E A L T H AS S O C IA T IO N of — Mr. and Mrs. 8. O Me-1 From M New M York, . Mrs Lorenz will Lunch wil be served at noon by the H R W d'Alene after being in Nyssa to at Huntington were visitors Tuesday . home O N TA R IO , OREG O N county council and the Annex P. tend the funeral o f her brother, at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ber- IConnell./ Mr. Oreasley is a nephew fly to Brazil where her husband T . A. nard Frost. I o f Mrs McConnell. '*« located Bianey Boydell. Henry Borgman Taken By Death Community W ill Pass On Safety C. B. Williams o f Parma Succumbs X-Ray Unit W ill Be Here Oct. 22 j