Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1948)
-S ' THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 PAGE FIVE FRANK T. MORGAN, JR.. Erecutor of the Estate of Frank T Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram left Sunday for Portland, where Mr. Bertram will go through a clinic. M. and Mrs. Alva Goodell were y&xs samy o/= CO LG A TE'S F A B U L O U S SUDS and Mrs. Ray Griffitts, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day. Refreshments were erved. Those who attended the Chatter Sox club meeting at the Scott H int home Friday afternoon from his district were Mrs. Leslie Top- liif, Mrs. Edward Topliff and Mrs. Alva Goodell. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Gcodell spent the week-end at the Henry Estrick home near Meridian. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Topliff and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram attended the Lawrence Bailey farm sale Thursday afternoon. W^Usiei«tvSia*fle,1Wiei*aW«»»<» -Trr-nìMMWHIlim Yes —a great big double value for a limited time only with your new—all new, 1948 Zenith Washer. Y ou get a year's sup p ly o f fa m o u s , n a t io n a lly a d vertised FA B —a w ashing com bination that gives you the fastest, whitest washes you’ve ever had! So now it's doubly worth your w hile to come in and give these great new Zenith Washers a thorough looking over . . . to see the new Zenith bowl-shaped tub that washes faster and cleaner—cleans and drains in a flash. And to see the new Zenith double wall Ther mo Tub that keeps water hot longer—does a big family wash ing on one fill . . . preserves the sparkling colors and freshness o f all your nice washable gar ments. Dozens o f other new and exclusive Zenith features, too, in this new —all new , 1948 model. It's doubly worth your while —so come in today. Sewright and Terry Here From Baker— Dewey Ray of Baker visited his mother, Mrs. Stella Butler, Sun day. He was en route to Twin Falls to go elk hunting with his brother, Gordon Ray. Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foster and children of Bridger, Montana were overnight guests at the home day. They were en route to Colusa, of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster Suli- California, where they will spend the winter. <öl5l<öliöl51SISil J IM M IE K E M M E L L YOUR SIGNAL DEALER ires, Oil, Gasoline, Complete Lubrication, Washing and Polishing Dealer For Kirk’s Plasti-Nu \uto Cleaner and Polish. Easy To Apply THE LAZY MAN’S POLISH Phone 59 ^i^n^rvsianarasiBiarasnsiBwienstaiBaM M HM aH gBHR0ISlEigisig|i The first reunion of the five F.vllingness brothers in 56 years was held at Beresford, South Da kota this month. Those in the picture aare: Reading from the left To LaGrande— standing Carl Fyllingness of Roch Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Wilson re elle, Indiana, oldest of the broth- turned Sunday from LaGrande, ors, and Olaf Fyllingness of Sun where they attended the Union County fair held there last week. Mr. Wilson was judge at the F.F.A. BROTHERS ATTEND stock showing at the fair. FAMILY REUNION Hears Lecturer— Mrs. Donald Campbell Mrs. Myrtle earner and Mrs. Mary Pruyn went to Nampa Monday eve ning to hear Dr. Kirby Page, noted lecturer and author. Morgan, Deceased Olaf Fyllingness of Sunset vall ey returned Wednesday from a two- week trip to the Dakotas and Ill inois, accompanying his two broth ers, Steffan Fyllintjness of Bergen, Norway and Carl Fyllingness of Rochelle, Illinois, who had made the trip to Oregon to see him. Olaf and his two brothers went to Beresford, South DakUta and visited their twin brothers, Andrew and Berge Fyllingness. This was the first reunion of the five broth ers since they were together in Norway 56 years ago. The five brothers visited their former friends and enjoyed a large gathering of Norwegian friends who picnicked ai Rochelle, Illinois, honoring the brothers the Sunday before Olaf left for Oregon. Steffan Fylling ness. aijed 64 years, and the young est of the five men, will sail for his home in Bergen October 2 from New York. BESIDES OUR FULL LINE OF set valley; seated on the left Stef- ,an Fyiiinguess of Bergen. Norway a;ed 64, youngest of the brothers, visiting in the U. S. A., and last ly the twin brothers. Andrew and lierge Fyllingness, both of Nor way. Repair Parts iver Equipment (61 months from the date of this Notice, to the undersigned, Frank T. Morgan, Jr., at the law office of Harold Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, which place the under signed selects as his place of busi ness in all matters connected with said estate. Dated and first published Sep tember 30, 1948. Last publication October 28, 1918. WE HAVE REPAIR PARTS REMOVE,.. MURDEROUS Lo a d e rs FISH TRAPS The House O f Oliver FISH B il l Nyssa Implement Co 01Gl!l0lGtl,íiltniñ’ G¡151lsll¡r ["tl'ìlGìll/flGfll NisKivsMHisiiiQi^mBinm Visits In Nyssa— Mrs. L. A. Addy of Cliickasha, Oklahoma has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Myrtle earner, and with her niece and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Norman and family. Mrs. Addy left for Los Angeles and will fly to Dallas, Texas, where she will visit a son before returning to her home in Oklahoma. L fOR A T fQ R N L Y . G E N E R A L REGISTRATION CLOSES OCT. 2 Church Dinner Scheduleed----- Pd. Adv., K. Duniway, Yeon Bg. A fellowship pot-luck dinner will Portland be held at the Methodist church Wednesday evening. October 6, at 7 o'clock all members and friends are invited to attend. Dies In Sweden------ K. I. Peterson of Adrian has re ceived word of the death of his mother, Mrs. Anna Larson of Norrivi, Sweden. Here From Utah------ Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brown of Richmond, Utah have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown. Mr. a n d Mrs. Brown, parents of Burnall Brown, left Tuesday to visit another sun at Klamath Falls. Here From Boise------ Mr. and Mrs. Charles McConnell of Boise were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKee. Mrs. McKee Ls the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McConnell. JANE RUSSELL co-starring in TH E PALEFACE" Paramount Picture in Technicolor To Sait Lake------ Mr and Mrs. Eldon Yentensen left Friday for Salt Lake City. They expect to return this week and br ing with thorn Mr. Yergensen’s parents, who will visit here. Here From Mr. and Vale spent of Mr. and Thousands of people have made a saving under General Insurance Company of America’s “ preferred risk” plan. G e n e r a l accepts fire insurance coverage only on better class prop erty and rejects bad risks. This results in fewer losses and the sav ings have been shared with pre ferred risk policyholders in the form of dividen ds. Does your property qualify for this better in surance? Ask us. We can tell you promptly—and without obli gation. Vale------ Mrs. Vern Farson of Saturday at the home Mrs Hugh Tobler. To Salt Lake City— Mr and Mrs. Tom Burniiv;h,im and Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Thomas returned Monday from Salt Lake City, where Mr. Burningham trans acted business. While there they attended the Idaho-Utah football * I lor* to g lr* b u t/r t nu pp*r*. . ." s a y s lovely, hospitable Jane Russell, T h e owner o f th is (to r* saved $30.00 • n h is f ir s in surance prem ium e f $ 2 0 0 os ■ G E N E R A L "p referred r is k ." R e n stro m n su ra n ce A g e n c y R i l l [ D A I INXUR4NCE n E A l l U t l l l N f l L C O M P A N Y U r Ani To See Pictures— The members of the A.N K. Gar den club have been invited to the home of Mrs. R. H. Young in Par ma for their meeting to be held Monday, October 11 The group will gather at 5 o'clock at the Young home to see the garden of Mrs. Young Following a potluck -upper. Mrs Young will show gar den pictures that she has taken and serve from my smart-looking Samson tables. They're the most useful, prac tical furniture I’ ve ever owned.” Even though she can afford to pay five times the price for tables, Jane Russell prefers smart, sturdy Samson tables. You can t beat a Samson tabic for long-wearing usefulness. Smooth steel legs lock securely into place and make these tables wonderfully strong, safe for nylons. The one-piece, stain-resistant tops have no chinks to catch dust. Rest of all, Samson tables come in four stunning, decorator colors and smart woodgrain or checkerboard pattern. ..ami at the amazingly low price of ouly $J,95. You 11 want one for each room o f your home! Stronfi Enough to Stami On! Lpfrai A d v e r t is in g IN t h f c o u n t y c o u r t o f THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Tn the Matter of the Estate of FRANK T. MORGAN, Deceased Notire to Creditors NOTICE TS HEREBY OIVKN •hat the undersigned, Frank T Morgan, J r. has been appointeo ■txerutor of the estate of Frank T Morean. deceased, by the County ■>mrt of Malheur County, Oregon and has nualified as such. NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claims again-t the estate if Frank T Morgan, deceased, are hereby notified and required to present the same, with proper vouchers, duly verified, wlthm six In te rm o u n ta in