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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1948)
PAGE FOUR T H E NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON NU-ACRES TEAM TO JUDGE IN PO R TLAND THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30, 19IS I P ymouth Sunday. { nig-tit with his grandparents. Mr. evening dinner guest oi Mrs. Mr. m l Mr- L. C. Poe and Linda I John Smit spent three days fis h -'a n d Mrs. Alva Riggs. Mkrylen Keckler and Mrs. Mar- Of Na.npa were Sunday d.nne. “ g at Bruno, Idaho. j Mr. and Mrs. Sid Boren and griet Schueman In Adrian. JIU-ACRBS, Sept. 30— Mrs. Ethel gue-ts a the home o f Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Tuyl ol i family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale P eter-j Newell Heights was well repre- Durrington accompanied Mrs. Jean 1 'kIrs- Sam Henne. Laktbay, Washington spent a four. |.son, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Riggs and -,ented at the supper given by the Simmons o f Nampa, who to o k J a ik l M r aI1'J Mrs. Clyde Denning of ay week-end at the horae of Mr. ¡M r. and Mrs. Harry Elston oi i men of the unueu rtcsb ytttian were Tuesday evening i church »n lursday nlght Simmons to the University o i Ida no Uurley, Idaho and Mrs. Harlan tnd Mrs. Geon;e Smit. The four Caldwell Ulutfnre m l___ _ U r mH J ° where he w ill resume his studies. L in in g and Jimmie of San Lean- isited at the home of M r and visitors in the home of Mr. and Joyce and Bob Kurtz visited Mr. Mrs. Roy Riggs at Nampa. Mrs. Sm it’s daughter and family, and Mrs. Marie Kurtz In Caldwell Mils. Durrlngton and Mia. 81mm- ’ or°. California visited at tne home Several of the men of this com Ir. and Mrs. Glen Galleant of Monday evening. ons went on to Spokane to visit ! ),f lau gh er and -ister-in- 'ioid rich , Idaho. munity are now working at the Leo Winn became ill and a doc .. „a u I liW ’ Mrs- 1 Mnk Preston, and fam- Jake Smit o i Stibnite, Idaho vis sugar factory in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Simmons. I ily Sunday afternoon, leaving Mon- tor was called to his home Sun ed at the home oi his parents, day. Mr and Mrs. B ill f i r — nil it were day morning. Sunday dinner guests at the home 1 Mr. a m Mrs. Bud Moots and Mr. and Mrs. George Smit over BIR TH D AY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and the week-end. of Mr. and Mrs. Dun Cole of Ten Ja. k:e we e Fr iday evening gut Arlene were Sunday dinner guests HELD A T KINGMAN George Smit, Jr., made a busi Davis. | at the home of Mr. and Mss. W. E. at the Bill Toomb home in King- ness trip to Boi>e Sunday after Richard, Roger and Larry Jen- Uar.e t of Uoi-e. \ K tN G M A N K O LO N Y, Sept. 30— man Kolor.y. noon. kins and Mary Jo Jenkins and i Mr. ami Mr». Bud Moots and Shirley Smith, LeRoy Mecham Mr. and Mrs. E. M Seuell have Mrs. Henry Reuter was operatad Phyllis and Evelyn will attend the Jackie were Sunday afternon guests on for the removal of her appendix and Carroll Mathews spent Satur Pacifir international exposition at aid Barker. Mr». Barker is tne purchased a 19iti Fleetline Chev at the Holy Rosary hospital Sat. day evening in Ontario with Mrs. rolet. Portland as members of judging at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ger- Mathew and daughter. urday. Mrs. Hudson Robb of Owy Carroll Those o f this community attend- teama Horace Wood will go as an former p .i hee i sstaying at the Reuter home Claudia Marie. alternate. M r and Mrs M C seuell Seuell and ln* thc MemorU1 HosPUal auxiliary Benton Mosley has returned to ana meetlllg Monday afternoon were curing Mrs. Reuter’s absance. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Taylor spent Jean and Terry Blakesley were , , ,, . _. . ,, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Graham his home in Utah after visiting Sunday afternoon visiting the Jen- Sunday dinner guest» at the home .X’ rsl,1‘V|fr e Thomson and Mrs- M - and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kurtz and kins children. T hey are former of Mr. ,.nd O liver Creswick and ,.aueu' . , , Mr. and M r Sid Boren and K ieigh and Carla, Mr and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz. schoolmates. i fam ily of Baker. i family •“ ■•••• j attended the Parma day W 'v n e Piercy. Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Skidmore and Mr and M r Martin „ J program Friday. Joel Ray entered Phifer and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley A D R IA N TEACHER sons ere Thursday dinner i<ue.,n> and Mr. and Mrs. Frank OLen Uiercy and Arlene gathered at the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam picked pear» ami apples at New his bicycle in the parade. RECEPTION IS SET Miss Grace Slabaugh of Bouse William B. Toomb home Sunday and Mr and Mrs. Sid Boren and evening fo r a potluck supper to gj family were Ontario shoppers Sai- help Mrs. Piercy celebrate her A D R IA N , Sept. 30—T h e P. T. A. birthday. will sponser a reception tor the ¡4 urday afternoon. There’s a FIRE Every Minute- ¡1 Joel Ray Boren spent Thursday Dale Ashcraft is visiting rela- teachers of the Union high school tives in eastern Idaho. and o i the Kingman Kolony dist- Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and rict in the Adrian high school David left Tuesday morning for building Thursday. October 7 at a 24 HOURS A D A Y $9 a two-weeks hunting trip to Lake g p m ¡county. T h eir daughter and her ( M r ^ James McGinnis i husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ajlcj ju n ior were business visitors in How’s Y O U R Insurance? Weeks of Medford will meet them ^ Ontario Monday evening, for the hunt. Mrs. B ill Webb and Joan were in Sheaville doing some fall Plan - y^g^rs Wednesday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ha a ie Glenn Brown was a business vis- | ing on the place they recently 4 In Boise Thursday. rented. Their children are staying Carroll Matthews arrived Thurs with their grandparents and att- day morning from H ill City, K a n j ending school. sas to visit MS parent«, Mr. and Matthews and family. !»■ £ »£ M trs. S Dave D « „ MatUwws Peterson o f Adrian, attended a . Mr. and Mrs. Carroll . . . Matthews Grange meeting in Vale M onday, P » ™ * u { • daujhter born evening ¡Friday morning at the Holy Ros- ilaying' in the Robert W ebster! « 7 hospital in Ontario. The baby Henry Ford’s first horseless home In Adrian, while Mrs. Web- ■ has been named Claudia Marie, carriage was seen on Detroit ster is in Kansas City, where she! Mr. and Mrs. Hatch and Bar- was called because of the Illness' bara were Saturday visitors at the streets June 4 , 1886. That, o f course, of her mother. Duane Hatch fam ily in Star. was before w t entered the automo Mr. and Mrs. F lojd Phifer were I Mrs. John Simmons, mother of supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jess Norris and Mrs. Norris bile business. Y e t from the day w e uncle, Dick Bickford of Denver, James P h ifer Monday evening. opened our doors as a dealer our are spending this week visiting at the Jess Norris home. constant aim has been to serve the MODERN PIONEER The fellowship dinner cooked and public honestly, promptly, fairly'. C LUB HAS MEETING served by tbhe men of the Presby- was attended by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. De Goode of Ogden N E W E LL HFJGHTS. Sept. 3 0 - Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brown of called on Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown Pocatello spent Saturday n ig h t' Saturday, with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Norland. | Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz and and Junior and Mr. and Mrs. AI- Joyce and Bob were Sunday even van McGinnis spent Sunday in ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mis. Unity visiting relatives. Paul Gerard returned to his Anthony C iofolo In Adrian. M rs W. W. Smith stayed from home In Rupert, Idaho after a stay Saturday until Monday with her with Mr. and Mrs. Auggie Gerard sister, Mrs. Maude McGinnis in He was employed by J. R. Stmplot.) Nyssa. | ------------------------ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goulet of BIG C R O W D ATTENDS m f'-rie. Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ob Butler has been quite seriously ill at her home. Mrs. Earl Korden was taken to the Memorial Park nospital last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Morris, Denver »attorneys, transacted bus iness at the W illiam Teters home Saturday and Sunday. Mis* Grace Hobson of Boise was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Witty. Bernice Clianey arrived Thurs- iay from Seattle. She enrolled Fri- iey at the College o f Idaho. Miss Cleobeil Handley and El mer Wilson were married Sunday afternoon at New Plymouth. --------------------------- Returns To Nyssa— — Mrs. Edward Boydell and son have returned from a three-week visit with Msr. Boydell’s mother Mrs. Hofstetter, former Malheur Mrs. W. H. Hofstetter o f Monmouth county librarian, is college librarian at Monmouth College of Education. To Portland----- Mrs. Wayne Morris and Jolene left Monday for Portland, where they will visit Mrs. Morris's mother, Mrs. v ’ hel Crawford. Button Hole Attachment Now Available Sewing Machine Supplies Electrifying, Rebuilding, Repairing F. “ Lete” Sackett, Ontario, Ore • A 151SlSlH51S15151!sMSl!£l!i Ik iSlSLfl JolÉ UdHalk Iklk Jj lh lülüj üq klklklklküclk LklkHeikle iklklklk'jQiklklS Grand Opening Frank T. Morgan Agency 1948-49 SK ATING SEASON Frank’s Roller Rink O NTAR IO Thursday Night, September 30 REGULAR SCHEDULE HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Every Nite Except Thursday Matinee Saturday and Sunday Afternoons Thursday Reserved For Private Parties Phone 511W $ RECEPTION BI®9l®5®51BlSiaSlBllilSlSl5EEl'.L'JIBISI!4lSrinlSI6H>ilci|Cil5^nSISISm m iStGn.::!USIfoin^n5ISL9^K urJa^w U h S s is ^ ^ n d brother. I TEACHER Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goulet a n d , B IG BEND, Sept. 30— A large family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert W ellner and crowd attended the teachers re daughter Betty Jean of Yakima, ception held at the Big Bend visiied last week at the Stanley sehoolhouse Thursday, September Goulet home. Mr. and Mrs Stan 23. Martin Hobbs, Walter Strad- ley Goulet shopped in Boise Thurs ley, Frank Shipley and Mrs. Staggs rntertained with music and sing day. The Modem Pioneer club met ing. Refreshments were served by Tue»day at the home of Mrs. Hoyt the P. T. A. Warwick. Mrs. William Furgeson attended Patricia Smith was a Saturday the P. T. A. board of managers > YOUR FLOCK TODAY! BIG LAYING CONTEST PURINA’S Notice to Voters J____ SEE US FOR YOUR ENTRY BLANK WE HAVE FULL CONTENT DETAILS P IU S TIPS ON HOW TO GET MORE EGGS TO VOTE Y O U M UST BE REGISTERED As provided by Chapter 204, 1927 Laws, no person shall be qualified to vote at a primary, General or Special Election unless he or she shall be registered. YOU L O O K AT THESE (SWELL P R IZE S Electors cannot be sworn in to vote on elect ion day. Pays for Itself I n Fii<kl Saving's! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! In s ta ll B a ls a m W o o l S e a le d In s u la tio n in y o u r a ttic . Use it lo r o n e y e a r. I I y o u a ie n o t e n tire ly s a tis fie d w ith Its ad van ta ge s, . . . If if has not h e lp e d * ju s a v e fu e l a n d g iv e n y o u r h o m e g re a te r y e a r-a ro u n d c o m fo rt . . . . Boise P a y e tte w i l l re m o v e th e In s u la tio n a n d re fu n d y o u r m o n e y . In c lu d in g cost o l ap- p lic a t.o n . O. L. G A L L O W A Y MANAGER NYSSA. OREGON Home owners report savings up to 20% on their fuel bills after insulating with Balsam W ool Sealed Attic Insulation. Thus, when you insulate your home with Balsam Wool, you are making an invest ment because your savings on fuel will soon pay the cost. This year, more ,han ever, such cost-of-living savings are im portant! Insulate Your Home N O W While Balsam W ool Is Easy to GET . . . at % Ml worth If you were registered and did not vote at either the Primary or General Election in 1946, or have changed your residence or if you de sire to change your political affiliations, you must re-register. H. S. SACKETT, County Clerk a II! NATIONAL PRIZES (<• JEEP STATION WAGON 2»J RCA VICTOR TELEVISION wiHi AM, EM Radia and Phonograph 3rd You may register at the office of the Coun ty Clerk, for any precinct in the County, or with the official registrars in the following pre cincts : PRECINCTS REGISTRARS Applegate ......................... Mrs. M. D. Clough Adrian and Big Bend .................. D. T. Holly Brogan ...................................... Myrtle I. Rose Harper and B u lly ..................... G. Y. Chester Ironside .................................... H. C. Elms Jamieson ................................ J. A. Coleman Jordan Valley and Juniper .... Gabriel Elordi Jones ........................................ Geo. L. Baker Malheur....................... Mrs. Horten Worsham McDermitt Mary H. Myers Nyssa No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, Arcadia and Owyhee ......................... Hilda L. Tensen Ontario No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, Fair and Cairo ............... F. C. McShane Bidgeview ..................... Mrs. Pauline Eachus Riverside ..................... Mrs. Donald E. Libby Rockville ................................. Maude Greeley Rome ........................... Ellen Wiley Coita Snake R iv e r ................................ C. H. Spicer in International Harvester HOMI FREEZER—11.1 <v. ft. tilt PRIZES IN THIS STATE Ut MATTAG WASHER— Model JJl Na«t J WM. ROGERS S IIV IR P U T I Che«t and I I Pie<et W KNAPP.MONARCH ELECTRIC MIXER Na<IM U TILI IR0WH JUGS" E-Gal. Vatwwm Jaf T HOW MANY EGGS CAN YOUR BIRDS GET FROM A BAG OF P U R I N A ? $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 Registration books are now open and will be open until the night of October 2nd., 1948. W. M A Y WI N! Purina is holding this conn test to see the records local poultry raisers can make with their flocks. Purina research builds the eggs into each bag of Purina Laying Chows— it’s a test of your birds a n d your management to see how m any eggs you. can get out of each bag. The Contest is easy — the rules are simple. See us today for an entry blank and complete details. Your flock m ay be a winner 1 OUR STORE IS LA Y IN G CONTEST HEADQUARTERS IT S EGGS P e t V *?€*<( THAT Sap COUNT I In lh * la y in g contait or in your profit*—it j* th» extra egg* P»r bag that pay off. tour s t o r e w ith - h i checkerboard sig n 10ELER S FEED Ml) FUEL ■ ■ ■■V.