Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1948)
Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 PAGE THREE house and pen. EMge of town. Priced right. Terms. One of the nicest two-bedroom homes In Nyssa. Full oasement, furnace, stoker, water softener, gar age, fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav- hig and curbing paid. Shown by appointment. BERNARD EASTMAN Real Estate—Insurance Phone 64 to Polar locker plant. .callers were Mr. and Mrs. Irvin dance. One mile west on Alberta avenue Durfee and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Por Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb and ter. Phone 05R1 Darlene shopped In Payette Satur I Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Young and day. JAKE FISCHER ¡Carrol and Bob Young returned Mr. and Mrs. James Langley and i last Sunday after taking a week family were dinner gueests of Mr. l.esral Advertising ! FOR SALE;—Used Norge washing machine with laundry trays. Good IN THE COUNTY COURT OF end trip through the La Grandt- jand Mrs. W. D. Holcomb Sunday. Elgin section. RATES. Two cenu per word tor each Issue. Alter one month one : machine, low price. Can be seen E.even men enjoyed a surprise THE STATE OF ORFJOON FOR 1 at 88 E. Second street. 2Sifc Hairy Counsil, son of O. P. i stag shower for Robert Ditty Mon THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, Is 30c. | FOR SALE—New honey at house, In the Matter of the Estate of Counsil, wno has completed his day evening at the Ditty home. three years service In the Navy, has ! bring container. 15 cents a pound. IRA C. STORY, Deceased entered tile Eastern Oregon Col i Twin Girls Arrive— ¡W. W. Foster 19Atfc Notice to Creditors LOST Twin girls, Marsha and Marcia, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lege of Education at La Grande FOR SALE—Jonathan apples and FARMS to take an agricultural course. were bom September 10 to Mr. that the undersigned, Florence A. LOST — Yellow gold, Hamilton Concord grapes, Vi mile west and For Sale 153 acres-150 cultivated, good Story has been appointed admin I Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Field and and Mrs Max Schweizer of R ich t ill mile north of I W the sandy loam, fine row crop or T I lady’s wrist watch. Was lost be- istratrix of the estate of Ira C. Mr. and Mis. Chet Corfield spent land, Washington, according to In »van ni> n n , , 4 lie iiw U i U ic Apple Valley v alley " • “«»j * v « **» *, i uit for I U V * C IU U U j tween the Owyhee hotel and the ¡Sunday in the McCall area. formation received here. The girls, 74a j \ t h ™ U1 'ea u r’ schoolhouse. Sadie Burris. 23S6xp <*a*ry' new modem house with five Notify A. V Story, deceased, by the County 744 No. Third, phone 020R2 a f t e r - ________________________________ T rooms downstairs and a large up- j Nyssa pharmacy. Mrs. Claude Wilson returned to weighed 7 pounds. 8 ounces, and Court of Malheur County, Oregon Cook. 3033xc noons. 30S2xp FOR SALE—1937 Chevrolet coupe, stairs, unfinished, but material to her home the last of the week af 7 pounds, 2 ounces. The grand, and has qualified as such. finish. yte m*™». Oak floors throughout, NOW THEREFORE, all persons ter spending two weeks with her parents are Mr. and Mrs. George FOR SALE- Black Labrador pups,1 good condition, reasonable. WANTED having claims against the estate parents and brother at Nunn, Oolo- McKee and Mr. and Mrs. George with outstanding pedigree, regís- Leonard Huseby. lflSixc R^imawd cost ^ " h o m e ’s i ^ 6" ' tered A. K. C. Phone 187 after ----------------------- --------- - ^ cu"ated cost of home $15 i.000. WANTED—Used hot water tank in of Ira C. Story, deceased, are here j rado. Her brother, Harold Reed, Schweizer of Nyssa. 30S4XC TOR SALE—Oil burner, practically Lanie douWe granary, horse barn, ¡serviceable condition. J. A. Hart by notified and required to present ,is still in very poor health, but a 5 p. m., Nyssa, Oregon. sister from California is now with Visit In Nyssa— new, $49.50 K. Salto, highway 20 cow darn stalls for 15 head, man, Rt. 2, Parma. 30S2xp the same, with proper vouchers, him. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nordale FOR SALE—1934 Chevrolet coupe, 1 44 miles north of Nyssa. 23S4xp ^ue* dou?e and chicken house. Close duly verified, within six (6) months Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg wore of Salt Lake City arrived here last tires and body good, motor fa ir,1 _ —— ---- — ---------I *° *own and school. $50,000, Vi WANTED—Opportunity, additional from the date of this Notice to Sunday dinner guests at the home Thursday for a visit of a few days $275. Bob Reffett, Route2, Nyssa. POR SALE—Cheap, Hughes Hot- ; cash, balance on easy terms. man wanted for Rawleigh business. the undersigned. Florence A. Story, 30Slxp V>oirlt electric range, perrect co n -' 100 acres, 75 under cultivation, Your own boss, need car, good at the law office of Harold Henlg- of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Main m with friends while en route to Nyssa. -------------------------- dition. $65 if sold at once. Holl- good soil, good 3-wire fences, fruit profits. Seattle. Mr. Nordale operated the Rawleigh’s, Dept. ORL- son at Nyssa. Oregon, which place FOR SALE—1948 Jawa motorcycle, ingsworths' Inc. 23S2xp orchard, house with six rooms and 331-252, Oakland 7, Calif. Elmer Hamilton 1s visltiix? sev Nordale FAirniture store In Nyssa 30Slxp the undersigned selects as her place Sid Marakana, Adrian highway, - — - ----- -— ;---------- porch, priced right at $12,000, $5,COO of business in all matters connect eral days at the home of his sister, for many years. about three miles from Nyssa. rXjR oALE—Strawberries, 1 Vi miles cash, balance on terms. Mrs. Irvin Wolfe. WANTED—To rent good row crop ed with said eglate. 30S2xy. i on OlUari0 highway. K .! 160 acres, 76 irrigable, good deep land for cash, plenty of equipment, Delbert Garner is building a new Date and first published Sep ___•---- — - -----------— • Salto. 23S4xp soil, wonderful potato land, three phone 2024 New Plymouth, even tember 23, 1948. residence over his former basement FOR SALE—Rabbits and four _ „ . p _ Con„nrri ' room basement house, grade A ings. 23Stfc Last publication October 21, 1948. house. hutches. See at Wilson’s Highway £ ° R s « L MrsC John^R . dalrV barn, chicken house, gran- Pete Wilson, Peutz, Jim Robb, FLORENCE A. STORY WANTED—Pasture for cattle See m a _ r k e t _ _ _______ ^ 2 x p o f h K ^ A d r i a n ^ . l o a f i n g shed and other gout- Administratrix of the Estate of Culbertson. McCoy, Chapin and Optometrist James RObb, route 2, Nyssa. 23S3xp Rataezyk spent Sunday riding for FOR SALE—A good buy, panel V-8 highway. 23S2xp bhndings, $16,500, has $6,000 loan Ira C. Story, Deceased. cattle, picking them up along the which can be assumed, balance Ford, runs fine, good tires, a fine WANTED—Place to rent. Approx ditch before the water goes out of car to take hunting, keeps bedding ROR S ’-LE' Hand-made gift items, cash Eyes Examined imately 80 acres. Have new Ford the canals this week. dry and will haul the deer home. crocheted and knitted; hose mend- 40 acres, 30 irrigable, north of tractor and equipment to go with WOMEN ATTEND and Mrs Homer Cates,and I Mrs Edmond near Big Bend ing. Mrs. Kenneth Pond, phone Notus, Black canyon water, base- it. Would like to oe able to take TRAINING MEETING two Mr. children of Adrian and Mrs. schoolhouse, V4 mile west of Idaho 54m- l«3tfc. nient house, cow barn, horse barn. care of milk cows. A. L. Bennett, Phone 720 23S2xp ! SUNSET VALLEY, Sept. 30—Those Russell Howell and daughter, Dln- state line. 30S2xo FOR~ = F ‘ ' B u lld T v ^ lf ^ A i i i « 1 grana,ry' inaal! hou^ 14*20 on good route 2, Vale. _____________________________ HALt Bulldozer, K-35 Allis- gravel road, on mail and school 718 Arthur St. ------------------------------¡attending the all-day officers zel lee, left Friday to attend a FOR SALE -Baby buggy, high Chalmers, angle dozer, phone 163-J bus route, electric pump and soft WANTED—To rent about 20 acres, training meeting held at the family reunion in Chickasha, Ok chair and play table. Phone 90M, Nyssa or Mr. Anderson at Vaie wfg erj $5,000, 113 cash, balance hay and pasture land with livable Ontario Women's club house Mon lahoma. Caldwell, Idaho 634 No. Second St. 3032xc creamery. 16S3xp terms Good opportunity for little house. Would also like to have day included Mrs. Orover Cooper, Mr. an ! Mrs. Hubert Sharpe of Ica^h. 20 acres row crop land. Reliable Mrs. O P. Counsil and Mrs. Ken Baker California, and Mr. Sharpe's FOR SALE—12-inch well casing. FOR SALE—Used office desk In phone i 80 acres, 43 cultivated, good soil. tenant will pay good rental. Ralph neth McDonald, officers of the cousin, Raymond Thompson of first class condition, bargain at B. Vinsonhaler, box 701, 16Stfc ° wyhee water, seven-room base G. Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Sunset extension unit. The first Arkansas, spent a week as house, 10 W. $39.50 Nyssa Furniture Co., plume ment house, hot and cold water in Agency. 9Stp extension meethx; will be held at guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry 149-W. 30Stfc OR SALE—1941 Sfudebaker. Good home, close to store, church and Hintz. Mrs. sharp was formerly the Sunset hall in October. Alma Hintz of this valley. condition. Inquire Nyssa Elevator. school bus route. $16,500, includes WANTED Barley, William Peutz, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen FOR SALE 5Atfc phone 101J2. Mrs. Hudson Robb went to the 16S3xp some farm equipment. returned last Monday after visit Very nice one-bedroom home, HOMES WANTED— Capable salesman-buy ing - in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter home Sunday to stay one block north of park. Modern , ^ ‘ s A IE - Very nice three-room Nice two bedroom home, fully er for Malheur county, mast be free William Turner of Long Pine, Ne for a few days and toke care of the except furnace, garage, chicken house ...... _ with bath ,__.u and ____ part base house, barn, lot siz>- 150x150. $5,000. ment, good location, large lawn insulated, nice lawn, $6,000, easy to travel, willing to study full line braska, parents of Mrs. Lorensen. baby, as Mrs. Reuter had to have One acre on Alberta. * «Ue out. fence around terms. to do effective work, good com accompanied them home and are her appendix removed. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Howard and Close to school and lots of liv mission. Write Watts Seed Co., staying for a visit. Herman Lor one bectroom, modern, full base- A™' K ing space, two bedrooms, water Nyssa, Oregon. ensen, who also visited in Nebraska, two children of Bates, were week ment with two bedrooms, $t>.000.' >a™* 24Jtfc. Approximately one acre in Con- heater, on sewer, $4,500, $1,500 returned by train. Mr. and Mrs. end guests at the home of Mr. and WANTED— To buy anything in Lorensen and Mr. and Mrs. Tur Mrs. Cash Turner. They and Mrs. Cozy small home of three nice beef or veal. Also custom killed ner, who toured Yellowstone Nat. Turner attended the shower and S f .u .i trees and berries, $5,300. , * ater system’ iruit trees’ $500° rooms, in best part of town, large and delivered to Polar Cold Stor ional park were over-night guests dance Friday evening at the Chalk A H O U S E OWNER'S Ralph O. Lawrence, N y ssa^ n s. ' ^ good lots on lot. Only $4,000. This is easy to age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. at the home of Mrs. Turner's uncle, Butte hall, honoring the newly get a G. I. loan on. Charlie Berry, at Gillette, Wy weds, Mr. and Mrs. Haken Ander. Agency. ____ Park avenue for sale. Bernard son. Mrs. Anderson was formerly Very nice home near city park, oming. For Rent FOR SALE—S-20 Farmall tractor, Eastman insurance, real estate. large lot 75x120. Shade, lawn and Mr. and Mrs. Vern Garner and Miss Adelma Finn. Many families 2Stfc very close in, $75,00. FHA terms. new tires, good condition, $700. phone 64. FOR R EN T—Floor Polisher. Pet- family left Tuesday to attend the attended the wedding shower and Come in and see us for other erson-Newsom Furniture Co. 22Jtfc wedding of their son Norman Phone 01-3R1, Howard R. B a i r . —- _ - —. 2— r “7“ .— — r 23S2xp FOR SALE—33 Evinrude motor homes, farms, acreages, business Garner to Miss Dolores Blanche ___________________________ H and 12 foot Speedliner trailer. A-l lots, etc. of Adrian. The wedding was to NYSSA FIRE FDR SALE—Men's dark Hart, condition. Stanley Hill, phone Your housing problem may bocomo E. L. JAMISON have been held Wednesday In the very real in ca$e of lost or dam • Schaffner and Marx suit. Phone 07-R3. 16S3xp FOR RENT Real Estate and Insurance L. D. S. Salt Lake temple. a g * IF the increased value of your PROTECTION Look For The Neon Sign 122W evenings. 23S2xp s a LE—S mall house on 66x77 Vera Faye Counsil was a guest h o u se is n 't co v e re d b y yo u r Floor Come In And See at a slumber party Wednesday FDR SALE—Electric McCormick- foot lot; three rooms and bath, property insurance. Planalytlf will Sales and Service Office 50 North First St. evening at the home of Nellie Deering cream separator, stainless living room 10x16, bedroom 10x12, Sander g iv e yo u the co m p le te p ictu re , Phone 276W Stoker. W e now have the new steel parts, used very little, $65, small kitchen and bath, beautiful show you how and where to odiust Reasonable Mrs. Olaf Fyllingne&s wos a din your insurance— q u ick ly and easily. Model A Ford engine with power hardwood floors in living room, In- R SAUB—Two-bedroom house, A N SU L-PLU S F IF T Y ner guest at the Andrew Titland A nd we’ll furnish the Fianalytis pully and governor mounted on 1 laid linoleum in kitchen and bath, insulated dose to parK and schools, Rates Dry Chemical Dugas home Sunday. The Andrew T it- without charge or obligation. O iva two-wheel trailer, $125, 1*4 miles ‘ three-piece modern bath set. 441 rrnmpdiat,e possession. 441 Ennis, A »n4 A n n tu n n IP ri U m r VA ! XT C tL Clf XJ A Q tl'P p t 9StfC 1U U U C U * A . , j . land family left Wednesday on a us o coll. O r drop in and so# us. east of Gayway, Ed Mess. 23S3xc ; N. 6th St., H. A. Sweet. 5Atfc Extinguishers For phone 299-W trip to Idaho Falls to visit friends. FOR SALE—Apples, Johnathans f o r SALE—Red beans, good qual- p o o sALE-~Fu7f~size Murphy bed Trucks and Pick-ups Jim and Hudson Robb took a and delicious now. Romes and [ ty, cleaned, $11 hundred pounds, | q 122-R truck-load of carrot seed to Cald 22Jtfc. Any size from the home Nyssa Insurance Saps later, bring containers, 114 ; 12 cents a pound; also 20 tons o f ____________ ; well Friday. miles east of Gayway. Ed Mess, j green, leafy alfalfa hay, near Lang- FOR SALE— Business building, type to the biggest job Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Elmore and Agency 23S3xclton’s corner. A. D. Moses. 9S4xp Main street location, lot size 25x116. daughter, F>eggy, and Mrs. C. L. in the country. Ralph G. Lawrence Insurance Whaley and daughter, Barbara gg0 ¡agency, Nyssa, phone 53. 22Jtfs. Jean, all of San Diego, spent four days as guests of the Jack Field CLAUD WILLSON FOR SALE—Or trade, 1939 Inter- and Nolan E’ield families. Mr. El STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY | national pick up. Zack Walker, 650 No. Fourth St. more and Mrs. Whaley are broth phone 78-R. 15Jtfc. FOR RENT— Polish your own er and sister of the Field brothers. Phone 1 2 8 -J FOR SALE— Or trade, two Shet floors. Rent our high-speed pol The visitors returned to California Saturday. ishing equipment. Easily handled land ponies, gentle for children; Clarence Dodson and Mary Query also saddles and bridles. Lemon's by women. Nyssa Lumber company. 3Atfc. attended the wedding of Mrs. hatchery, phone 06J3. 19Atfr Emma Slaughter and Lloyd For- men at the Payette Assembly of FDR SALE— Let us measure your MISCELLANEOUS God church Friday evening. windows for Venetian Dlinds. No Miss Mary Kenny of Boise and charge for this service or estimates. PICKED UP—Cow, branded H on Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing Obtainable In one week. Assorted right hip. Owner can have cow Glenn Knottingham were Sunday ¡colors In steel or aluminum slats, by paying for feed and other ex dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. —Contact— j Nyssa Furniture company, phone penses. 30Slxp P. Counsil. Georgia Ward was an PH YSICIA N S afternoon visitor. VETERINARIANS 149-W. 20Mtfc. NOTICE—I am not responsible for Mrs. Magnus Ekanger has been SA RA ZIN CLINIC FOR SALE;— Tile wall coverings, bills ccontracted by anyone other working at Cleaver's store this DR. H A L D. W H IT E chrome table and sink edgings, than myself. Arch Parker. 16S3xp. week while Gene Cleaver helped NYSSA, OREGON Dr. J . J . Sarazln waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur V eterinarian Harold Fivecoats with the thresh- niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. Miscellaneoas—'Bring your saws to ing. We Guarantee Our Work For One Year the saw shop regardless of condit- Dr. K E. Kerby Phone Nyssa 2 75-W Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Anderson Free Estimates— Phone 196-J FOR SALE;— Small homes, build in. We can re-tooth any size (fine were guests at the Fred Physician and Surgeons =■ ing lots for home or business. Ralph or course) that suits the job. Skill Mitchell home Sunday. Afternoon Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. or bench saws our speciality. Pat LODGES 6Mtfc. terson Saw Shop, two blocks N. of post offfice. lflStfc Nyssa Post No. 79 L. A. Maulding. M. D. FDR SAID—Have larms and homes MISCELLANEOUS -Paying highest for sale. Need more, list with Ken American Legion Physician and Surgeon Renstrom. Phone 264-W 29Jtfc. prices. Bring in your scrap cast, Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Phone 37 scrap steel and sheet iron, batteries, FDR SALE— Electric wiring and radiators, and all other metals, Hours; 10 to 1" and 2 to 5 Project O ffice, 8 p. m. supplies of all kinds at your Wes selling sacks, pipe, belting, tents Daily except Saturday and All V eterans W elcom e tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Bros. and tarps, cloths line posts. Koppel Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Appliance Co., phone llb-W 15Jtfc. pipe and Supply, 515 So., Boise, Gate City Lodge V*S3xc FOR SA ID — Imperial wallpaper Idaho. C. J . Kopp, M. D. No. 214 Guaranteed to be washable ant. MISCEDLANEDUS—General truck Physician and Surgeon non-fading lor three years. Good ing. John Barnett and Kenneth I.O .O .F. stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com Reece, phone 123-R. Utfc. F ry Building Meets every Monday pany. 26Jtfc. Office hours Misera X.ANEOUS— Available now night, 8 :3 0 . 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 FOR SAID— New el Electrolux cleaners and air puri Daily except Saturday and South First Street ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom fiers. Sales and .service. Ed A. An 1939 FORD TRUCK Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 11R-W derson. route 3, Welser, Idaho. I5Jtfc. DENTISTS Phone 087-J4. 26Jtfc. Mercury Motor, New Tires ............ $695.00 je w e l r y S to r es " FD R SA ID — Basement house with MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, in DR. C. M. T Y L E R bath, nice lawn, trees, pressure stallation of heating systems, coal water system. 160-foot well, app or oil. Also servicing and repair. W ilson Building pa ulus 1936 FORD FOR-DOR roximately one acre ground with Phone 169-W; after 6 p.m. 289-R. Phone 163-J, Nyssa JE W E L R Y STORE Office hours from 9 to 5 except 25-foot irrigation well, chicken 15JtfC. Looks Awful, Runs Fine .......................... $350 Union Pacific Time Inspector Saturdays, 9 to 12. MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and JEW ELRY — DIAMONDS free pick-up or your dead, crlppied WATCHES J . R. CU N D A LL or sick livestock. Calls received be 1941 MERCURY Main Street a . Second Free Pick Up fore 9 o'clock are picked up by Dentist noon. Efficient drivers. Call col Phone 56-J A Dandy Car .............................................. $1345 Of Your W YCKOFF lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys Sarazln Clinic sa 102-W. xuano Animal Product* JE W E L R Y STORE NYSSA ORBOON 5Jtfc. Dead and W orthless Company. Official Time Inspector »or 1946 FORD STA KE PICKUP Union Pacific MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? O PTO M ETR ISTS ONTARIO OREGON Animals Loans on farms rot refinancing, Tip-Top Condition ................................... $1550 building, improvements, b u y i n g . DR. J . A. M C FA L L Call Collect ELECTRICIANS Long term, low Interest, see Ber nard Eastman, phone 64. Nyssa. There U a Phone Virar You 3Atfc DR. JO H N E A S L Y F o r Service Call Nyssa 100 Parma 3» Williams Electric Co. MIBCEDLANEOUfl— Duplicate car and cylinder lock keys made H a - W orking from Nyssa Ontario 53 neman's. 250tfc Lum ber Co. "We Haul the Day You Call" CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Phone 118W Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Y our Ford Dealer All W ork Fully Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a m to 12 Phone 2 1 , Ontario, Ore Guaranteed Nyssa, Oregon No stock received on Sunday. Beef, sheep and pork Free delivery BMftNHMMi Advertising ( FOR SALE—40 acres of the very i best row crop land. 3 'a miles north, | tully equipped. Owner will give ! immediate possession. Ralph G. j Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. - iui DR. G.W. GRAVES J HOUSING PROBLEM Professional And Business Directory PLUMBING Brower Plumbing Shop Her riman Used Car Specials Herriman Motor Co.