Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1948)
r/je NYSSA VOBUME XXXXIII x\0. 38 Four Candidates A re Filing For Council Posts JO URNAL N ïSSA , OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1948 NEW DISHES WILL BE PURCHASED FOR HOME EC. DEPT. HOSPITAL WOMEN HEAR DR. C.J. KOPP Plan For Laying O f Cornerstone O f Hospital Set Dr. C. J. Kopp was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the M al heur Memorial Hospital auxiliary at the parish hall Monday after Incumbents Whose Terms Excavation For Basement noon. Dr. Kopp, in discussing the Expire Are Seeking Practically Finished subject of pioomyelitis, told of the Re-election This Week symptoms of the disease, and those Up to Wednesday noon, only four signs for which a mother should The founders service organization candidates had filed petitions for watch that might indicate p olio .! , . ,, the offices of four city councilmen, P r Kopp explained the three stages;0' he MulheUr Memorlal Hospital of the H iu,,. , . . . association will meet Tuesday. Oe-- who will be elected in the Novemb ta v d L ^ factors t»ber 5 at 8 p. m. in the city haU er general election. SL *?4 involved in polio epldemices. Dr ¡to formulate plaits for the laying The four candidates are R. G. Kopp answered puestions that were iv f the cornerstone of the hospital, asked concerning polio. j All of the men who worked in Whitaker. Emil Stunz, George Hen- Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff, acconipan- ,he financial campaign are mem- neman and Harry Miner, whose ied by Mrs. Carlos Buchner, was bers of the service organization terms as councilmen will expire soloist for the afternoon. Mrs. |antl flre invited to attend the meet* this year. W yckoff sang, “ Into the Night,” |in*- The deadline for filing for city “The Rosary” and "Beloved, It Is The cornerstone laying ceremony Morn". |has keen tentatively set for Sun- office will be Saturday, October 2 Mr „ Ed Frost, president of the I day, November 7, but the definite at 8: p. m. Petition blanks are a- hospital auxilary, explained some date will depend upon the pro vaiiable in the city hall. T o be of the many ta ks that would be dress that is made on construe- ve , a ue tit ion must contain the undertaken by the auxiliary, that ¡Hon of the hospital, signatui^ f a t least 10 and noi would requite the volunteer help Excavation for the basement o f more ti electors, or legal vot ot the women o f the community, he hospital was practically com* ers. It was mentioned that any woman pleted this week under title super The three candidates receivilks In Nyssa and vicinity should feel vision of the conrtctor, Leslie W. This picture of beet-harvesting i I.eo F ife residence and rep- shop, and on e-lialf days. The crew ntem- the highest number of votes will free to attend and Join the group, Stoker of Nyssa. Water was found equipment was taken the first day j With five and six outfit oper- fcrrs donated their time and the serve four years and the fourth and that membership was not re Shipment o f lettuce from Nyssa id were use of their machinery, including stricted to those who had contrlp- at a depth of only five feet, so successful candidate will serve for was started this week on a small of the harvest season on a plot ofSation, the beets from the that a pump will have to be used two yearn, so that four council- scale, with prospects that addition ground farmed by members of th e ! harvested In one and one-half days, tolo beaters, beet lifters and trucks. uted to tiie hospital. before tile excavating Is completed. L D. S. church second ward for Included in the crew shown in the The ehuroh members also raised men are elected every two years. Plans were discussed for the pur al shippers will start operation the the benefit of their rhurrh building picture Is Ilishop Arvel Child, who and harvested 13 acres of potatoes chase o f bedsprings by the groups first o f the week. fund. The 18 acres of ground lies said the workers harvested beets for the benefit of their building represented in tthe auxiliary. The T h e lettuce, which is of good EXTENSION CLUBS across Alberta avenue from the from a total o f 41 acres in three fund. (Photo by Evans) pital association and assist with a will probably amount to 500 OF COUNTY MEET quality, group voted to join with the hos- to 800 carloads, raised on 1000 acres cornerstone ceremony for the new in this area. Lettuce will also be KERBY AUTOMOBILE I U H h v H p II O f A ll extension clubs o f Malheur shipped from other sections o f the hospital building that has been n A M A r . r n iw p r a í u *'* * ’ * * » o y o e i l l / I county gathered at the W omen’s county. DAMAGED IN CRASH started. An attempt to »rganlze a com club house in Ontario September Railroad officials said five cars munity chest in Nyssa has been 27 to receive traininij on parlia o f lettuce had been shipped up to An automobile driven by Mrs ________ HEARING GRANTED postponed until next year, because mentary procedures. Miss francos Wednesday and twro more were K. E. K ci by of Nyx-a was badly j josioh Blayney Boydell, resident of difficulties likely to be encount Clinton of Corvalles state exten scheduled to be shipped today. TO GREYHOUND ON ered in hurrying the program. damaged Tuesday morning about Nyssa for many years, died in sion agent, trained the presidents T h e railroad company is .gap The Nyssa chamber of commerce 11 o ’clock when it! collided with a the hospital at Th e Dalles Monday FRANCHISE REQUEST and vice-presidents in o fficer’s ping about nine cars of sugar and Bulldogs Will Be Almost truck on ’ highway 30 about two pas ed a motion Wednesday noon procedures and duties while Miriam seven to eight cars o f pulp each evening, September 27 following an Harold Henigson will represent favoring the postponement and At Full Strength For J. Black, county extension agent, cfay. The Nyssa station had re miles east o f Caldwell. illness extending over a period of the Nyssa chamber of commerce at the solicitation of funds for vari trained the secretaries and treas ceived 433 carloads of beets for the Contest a hearing to be held In Portland ous organizations this year as has Mrs. K erby and her small son, two years. urers. S. R. V. League Standings Monday by the public utilities com been done in the past. Nyssa factory up to Wednesday. who was ridinij in the back seat, Mr. Boydell, son o f Mr. and Mrs. T h e Ontario Heights Thursday missioner on the application of the as of Sept. 25 were not injured. Damage to the Similar action was taken by O n club presented a play entitled "D e Team Won Lost Percent. automobile was estimated at *500. Josiah Boydell, was born in Rob- Greyhound Lines for a franchise tario at a meetnlg held this week, ERNEST G. COWLING picting a Poor Club Meeting 0 Emmett 1 1000 When V s- Kerby started to pass nson Bury, Quebec, Canada July to haul passengers between On according to Bernard Frost of Then they gave the play after TAKEN BY DEATH IN Vale 1 0 1000 Nyssa, who attended the gathering. the truck, the truck driver made 25, 1896. He came to Nyssa in tario and Nyssa. studying parlimentary procedure At the present time, the only Frost, who will be in charge of the Ontario 0 0 000 a left turn to drive onto a side 1901 and lived here until tihe fall CALDWELL HOSPITAL “ Depicting a Very Good Business Payette 0 0 000 road. As Mrs. Kerby had not seen of 1916. when he entered the hos way a person can go from Nyssa to Nyssa campaign for funds for the Meeting." Nyssa 0 1 000 He was employed by the Ontario on a Greyhound bus is to Oregon chest next month, said any signal for a left turn, she was pital. Ernest O. Cowling o f Adrian The Ontario Neighborly club was Weiser 0 1 000 Increasing the speed of her car as Ed r Hardware company for 24 buy a ticket to Payette at a cost there is not sufficient time in died in a Caldwell hospital last in charge o f the b u ffet potiuck Schedule of games week-end of the crash occurred. years. Mr. Boydell was a veteran of 46 cents as compared to a charge which to prepare for a community luncheon. Mrs. Prank Parr of Saturday noon, according to in for October 1st: R. G. Larson of Nyssa, who ar of the first world war, serving in of 25 cents for a ticket from Nyssa chest before the state chest drive mation received here. Funeral Nyssa presided over the meeting. Weiser at Nyssa, Emmett at Vale, rived on the scene soon after tiie the navy. He was a member of to Ontario on a competitive line and not enough organizations could Mrs. W ilda Richmond o f Ontario services were held Tuesday at 2 p. the The fare from Ontario to Parma be included to avoid additional Ontario at Payette, M eridian at accident, brought Mrs. Kerby and the Episcopal church and m. In the Adrian Presbyterian com was In charge o f registration. Mrs. is 52 cents as compared to the rate drives. The purpose of the com Eagles lodge. son to NySsa. munity church, with Rev. Henry Parma, Notus at Fruitland, New Threlm a Elliot of Adrian led the Survivors are a brother, Arthur of 25 cents from Ontario to Nyssa. munity chest is to eliminate sev- Moore officiating. group in singing. Community Plymouth at Cambridge, Adrian at Several months ago the Nyssa erel financial campaigns of lndlvd- H. Boydell of Nyssa, and three Mr. Cowling was bom February leaders came from Brogan, Jamie Huntington. | sisters, Mrs. E. B. Nedry of Coeur chamber passed a resolution ap ual groups. 26, 1884 at Akron, Ohio and moved son, Ontario, Williowcreek, Vale, d’Alene, Idaho, Muss G. Eva Boy- proving the granting of an intra The first three contest will be S. W hite settlement, Ontario Heights, to Adrian 10 years ago. lie . was state franchise to Greyhound for TWO CHILDREN SET married to Edna B. Hammond at R. V. league games. Boulevard, "Nyssa, Sunset valley, the Nyssa-Ontario run. azin of Nyssa. Lebanon, Colorado April 14, 1909. By Dennis W. Patch HAYSTACK AFIRE Kingm an Kolony, and Adrian. j Funeral services were held this Survivors include his widow; four Th e next county-wide extension For the Weiser game, Nyssa will VETERANS TO PUT Everett Heldt o f Nyssa was one afternoon at 2 o’clock in S t P au ls Dickie Lewis and Paige Zobell, meeting will be held for all project sisters and two brothers, all living be at full strength, except for C ole of the firs, two Malheur county EpLscopal church. Interment was ROOF ON BASEMENT playing with a box of matches, set leaders October 5. A lesson will be ‘in the east and middle west. man, who will be out of the lineup men ordered to submit to a physic- « » Ontario cemetery. fire to a small hay stack on the given on “ Textile Painting.” because of back injuries sustained al examination for possible induct- . D r C , / r Ci T h e Nyssa Veterans association Lloyd Uewis farm northwest of WORK STARTED ON in the Parma game. Coach ion into the army as part of the I V l K j . J U r l l N K L L V L j decided at a meeting held in the Nyssa last weekend. Howard Lovejoy has been working LIONS TO SPONSOR PRODUCE BUILDING his current selective service program. FATHER SUCCUMBS veterans administration building The little children realized their boys all week on a pass defense Heldt brothers, local contractors, The other man selected was Kazuo Tuesday night to construct a tern danger and scampered from the CITY HOOP LEAGUE of Jay Eckert, have started rebuilding the Eastern to . meet _ . the , threats ,, Yamagucht of Ontario. John Reeves received word W ed porary roof on the basement of stack and Walter Roth o f Baker, Oregon Produce company shipping ' H™. V/el ev k*7' tosser The two men will take their nesday morning o f the death of his the veterans memorial hall and use feeding cattle nearby, threw tiie The Lions club voted at a lunch wl " * * Pla>’ed on the physical examinations in Boise father-in-law, James M. D itty of the basement for a meeting place. burning hay from the stack and eon Monday noon to sponsor a city shed, which was partly dest r oyed!„ Nyssa field under the lights Friday by fire a few weeks ago. Monday and one of them will be Appleton c i t y t Missouri, who died Don M. G raham gave $200 to fin extinguished the flames. basketball league again this year. night, beginning at 8 o ’clock. Tom Burningham, manager of (inducted into the army to fill thei t 5 that morning. Mrs. ish the roofing work. Six groups have already indicat Coach Jerry Garmann’s power ed that they will enter teams in the company, said the building will laden Vale gridsters scuttled a country's quota for October. | R,.eves left the previous Tuesday T h e basement, 40 by 70 feet, has NYSSA TO RECEIVE be completed by the the league, which has secured the probably The county selective service morning for an extended visit with been paid for as far as it has been game, but inexperienced Weiser T h e new board classified 31 men at a meet her parents. use of tihe gymnasium every M on middle of November. MONEY FOR SCHOOLS completed. metal structure wall be o f *the same Wolverine team 32 to 6 last week ing held last Thursday. T h e board day night. Survivors include his widow end. The Vikings from VaJe hur placed 14 in class 1-A, six in class Lora; a daughter, Mrs. Reeves; a Charles Landreth was appointed type as the old building, with sev The Nyssa school district will re ried over three touchdowns in the CREW W ILL SAVE as chairman of the committee in eral Improved features. ceive *47,857.95 from the first pay first half with Viking backs. W ind 2-C, those deferred fo r on yeat ,,ran(json, Walter Lee Reeves of STRANDED FISH ment of the 1948-49 apportion charge on th e . league. er, J. Schaffeld and D. Williams for agricultural reasons, one in sjygaa; three cousins, Jesse D itty Bureau Board T o Meet— class 3-A. those with deiiendents of Owyhee, Edijar Ditty and Mrs. ment o f the basic school support figuring in the scoring. In the Charles Taylor, president of the and four in class V-A, those who Gertrude A ftsh salvage crew o f the Ore fund by the state to the counties. Atkeson of Glendale. HAIRCUT PRICE IS fin a l half D. Williams punched Malheur County Farm Bureau are 26 or nearly :%Mt. gge. The California and other relatives. Mr. gon state gam e commission will be Malheur county will receive a (Continued On Page 7) INCREASED TO $1 board has announced that the board did not have enough infor Ditty was a brother of the late ready October 1 to save as many total of *215.70585 for the first half regular meeting o f the executive mation about six of the 31 to class Charles Ditty, who passed away trout and other game fish as pos of tiie school year. Ontario wilt Barbers o f the lower Snake river board will be held Tuesday, October DEER SEASON WILL if y them a t the first meeting. sible when water Is turned o ff at receive *47,502.22 and the Vale two months ago. valley, meeting in Ontario last 5, at 8 p. m. at the office ot the the Owyhee dam. grade school district will receive OPEN FRIDAY, OCT. 1 Thursday night, decided to increase county agent in Ontario. He asked T h e salvage work will be con *22,276.40. Saturday Registration Headline— EX-RESIDENTS OF the price of haircuts to $1. that all center presidents, center Other apportionments Include persons may register ducted in the large Owyhee ditch Thousands o f Oregon nimrods T h e first increase in the valley secretaries, and executive commit NYSSA NOMINATED to Unregistered vote at Mrs. Hilda Tensen’s and tunnel leading from the reser Vale union high school *14,229.09; will take to the forest Friday. O c t was made in Boise, Nampa and tee members be present as the Kolony, *5,822.14 and home, 272 Ehrgood avenue, on S at voir. T h e project will be under Kingman ober 1 as the general deer season Caldwell recently. Towns repre meeting will be important. Tw o former Nyssa residents were urday up to 8 p. m.. she announced taken In co-operation with the Aurian *6,650 18 opens. Although general rains sented at the Thursday night I nominated for city offices at an Wednesday. The regular registra bureau o f reclamation, Wayne A. throughout the state should make meeting are Weiser, Payette. Fruit- Attending Clinic— election caucus held in Vale last tion office for city precincts, A r Young, field agent of the game Recovering From Sting— lidael huntinj conditions, hunters land, Nyssa, Vale, Ontario and New Dr. K. E. K erby o f Nyssa is In week. Pfc. Merton L. Parker, who is cadia and Owyhee is in the city commission, said. Adequate patrol should be extremely careful with Plymouth. Ed Dilley was nominated for hall. Saturday will be the dead over salvage areas w ill be main with General MacArthur's public Portland this week taking a post fires as the deep forest cover is mayor and Mrs. Jean Fletcher was line for registration prior to the tained. graduate course in the study of safety division in Tokyo, Japan, M ill dry in many parts o f the Visitors Here— nominated for city recorder. Other November election. cancer. He went to Portland Sun wrote to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. game commission Nicrats Visiting this week at the home day and is expected home this state, candidates may be nominated by Earl Parker o f Fruitland, stating Move- T o lloniedale— stated. o f their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A r week-end. filin g of petitions bearing the Attend Reunion— Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown are that he was all right after being C. A. Lockwood, Oregon state tie Robertson, are Mrs. Richard signatures of 25 or more persons. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald fk-hoen and moving to Homedale. Idaho, where hospitalized and treated with peni game supervisor, once again calls Keeney and son of Salem and Mr. Here From Weiser— Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Schoen and they will open Brownie’s cafe Mon cillin for a bite or sting of a P ort attention to the fact that this and Mrs. Joe Robertson o f Oakland. MLss L. Hansen of Weiser spent New Arrivals— Mr. ----- and ----- Mrs. ------------------- Brown form- uguese "man of war”, a jelly fish LaDona attended ------ a Schoen - -------- fam ily day. all deer hunters are required i „ ___ , . „„„ ---------- ----------- ----- ---- California. Mrs. Keeney and son Saturday and Sunday at the O. E. >ear to obtain a deer tag before hunt- I * ,rn to Ml ,n(1 M ,s Jr Bueno, reunion at the Harry Frost home at erly operated Brownie’s cafe in whose sting is very poisonous and arrived in Nyssa Sunday and Mr. Dormah home in Nyssa. mieWines fatal. He was swim tying. This tag is in addition to Nyssa’ SePtember a daughter vteridian Sunday. Nyssa. and Mrs. Joe Robertson W ednes-i ------------------------ ming in the ocean at a Japanese the regular hunllng . Z 3 ! ------------------------ ------------------------- day. I Move T o Nyssa— beach when he was stung on the be obtained from any license T o Mr * nd~,Mrs j 1' J -! s’ ,N ? ;'a’ To °< ’rn Yard— ,,rr r lr o m ° n U r,° — ------------------ ------ | Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Savage of can agency or at the Portland o fft-e September 22. a daughter weighing The Eastern Oregon Pipe comp- Mr and Mrs. Charles Wilson of arm. Mr. and Mrs Parker are Here From Culver— i Pendleton have moved to Nyssa to of the Oregon state game com- ”7 pm,nd and 9 ounces; to M r’ and any will open a retail pipe yard on I Ontario were visitors Tuesday at former Nyssa residents. W. H. Bunch of Culver, Oregon make their home. Mr. Savage, mission [Mrs. William Callahan. Nyssa, S e p -jth e Adrian highway Just south of | the W. AV Foster home. Mr. and spent the week-end with his family brother o f Damon Savage o f Nyssa, , tember 23. a son weighing 7 pounds. | the Nyssa high achool athletic field | Mrs WIL«on. formerly of the Adrian Return From Portland— in Nyssa. Mr. Bunch, a member of engaged in the banking business 144 ounces to Mr and Mrs. Mel- Monday. The company has erected community, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sherwood Here From London— -. have recently ----------- sold — their ------ the Nyssa junior high school fac- for 36 years, but retired recently, W H Whincup o f England ar- v n C<>tm' Ny' sa’ September 23, a x small office building on the p ro p -'E ast Side grocery in Ontario, and returned home Friday from Port ulty last year, is teaching th is 1 land, where Mrs. Sherwood con F H A f v t f r t a T u rn rived Saturday to visit his daughter " ,n weiffh*!?* 7 Pounds and 4 |<rty. The concern sells concrete are looking for a new location. year in Culver high school. As soon r . n . a . BEN ir o t i A iN E D and son-in-law Mr and Mrs Llnva ounres and 10 Mr and Mrs i pipe, headgates, septic tanks and sulted s bone specialist about her as their new home is finished on T h e members of the executive W j^ a" d ^ n ^ d Charles Pucket. Nyssa. September irrigation supplies, Return T o Portland— hip. of the Future Homemakers th* " . . hv ’ n’ . . n M . r « Whincup m a a daughter d * weighing a .«..»s , ! their farm a t Culver, Mrs. Bunch board . trin it h 28. 8 pounds, Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and and children will Join Mr. Bunch. of America of the Nyssa high m i r a U n d Scotland W l For medical care: Mrs Floyd Floyd Guests At Dinner— Mary K have returned to their Fined On Speeding Count— school home economics d e p o w a a tt WinnepeR, Vancouver and !Cam!’tx'*1 of Nyssft' Baby R ad olfa) M r and Mrs. Cyrus Williams and I home In Portland after visiting Bill Little o f Nampa was fined F E LLO W S H IP D IN N E R HELD were guests of their president. Miss i A Id art of Nyssa and Mrs. Jim ] Curtis of Ontario were Sunday the past three weeks with Mrs. *17.50 by Judge Don M. Graham In Seattle. About 300 guests attended the fel- Jnmee Prost. at her home Sundav .¡- i' wof Be l z e ^ ^ B B dinner guests at the H. R. Sher Olsen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Justice court Tuesday on a charge a-^hin d i n n e r at a t the th p Adrian A d r i a n United T Tn itPd ^ v r n in » P l a n * were u a t p made m a d * for f« »* th » h a e isTK > in ** *l iO rnaKP m .iK P ln<* t h P trip lowship dinner evening. Plans lu Mr wood home. Charles Newbill at the Owyhee of speeding in Nyssa. Presbyterian church last Thursday year's program. Following the bus- WU rpfnain *n ,hls roun- Teachers To Meet— dam. and at a dinner last Sunday evemng Th e roast beef dinner was iness meeting, the group «njoyed a month. Mrs Whincup Nyssa high school and element- 4-11 Girls Meet— at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Dale Club Sponsors Play Day— served by the men o f the church refreshments served by Mrs. Prost ' ** ed n thte coun,ry last year, I ary teachers will go to Baker F r i - ! Th e Thim ble Belles 4-H c lu b ' Garrison. At a meeting of the Owyhee R id under the direction o f Rev. Henry and Janice. Those attend*«? were „ . . day. October 1 to attend p one- held a meeting at the home o f I ____________ ing club last Friday, the members Moore. Musical numbers were pre- the vice president. Betty Winched am ber 34 Tto- Return To Rupert— voted to sponsor a “ play day” to Mr. and Mrs Verne Far-on who sented b> Dick Kraigh, Vernon the secretary Ruth Russell and recently moved to Vale, have sold Teachers a., .«ctatkm. High achodl first year gtrts started work on | Mr and Mrs. D W. Moncur. par- be held at the rodeo grounds Sun Parker. J a n e t s E ^ e r . M en tn P et- Beverly Hoehn, Dorothy Erwin, their residence in Nyssa to Mr anJ Junior high sihool instructors coin purses Mrs Thomas served’ ; ents of Vern Moncur. returned to day. October 17. A t this time the erson, EUiou and Wilbur Marion Grace Brown. Dean Irvlnq. ,lnd Mrs. Earl Dorathy of C alif- > »111 go to laG ran d e for an in - v r - refreshments A new m em ber.1 their home In Rupert after a visit members will practice stunts, - , „ rrrr en- Jackson. T h e group was accomp- and the club advisor, Mrs. Charles om la, who have returned to Nyssa vice training program October 28 Connie Ball, was voted into the of several weeks at the home of J Joy racing and other events The anted by M yrna Lane. Steffans. to make their home. I and 29 club thelr son. public Is Invited to attend. Th e Nyssa Civic club has decided to sponsor the purchase o f new banquet dishes for the high school home economics department. In letters to various groups the civic club secretary said “ In view of the fact that various local or ganizations have benafitted by die use of the home economics facil ities in the past, we aare sking these same organizations for dona tions to held finance this equip ment." T h e civic club is donating one- third of the total cost. The Lions club voted to give *15 and the chamber o f commerce voted to contribute $20 at meetings held Uiis week. T h e dishes will not be used in die school's training program, but | will be used for dinners served to local organizations. 1 aâBk Shipping O f ’48 Lettuce Started Nyssa Loses To Emmett; To Play Weiser Friday Chest Proposal Postponed Y ear Nyssa Succumbs Nyssa Man (¡ets Call For Draft M of Nyssa and Mrs J J 8ar* I