Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1948)
V* , ‘V v * v yV - r r r ¡ r ^ r r s r , - « ¿ C . 777 e N YS SA JOURNAL VOLUME X X X X III NO. 36 NYSSA, OREGON, THU RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1948 R E G IS T R A T IO N FOR H O R A C E B E A L IS E L E C T IO N N O W O PE N C H O S E N H E A D OF County Clerk H. S. Sackett an C O U N T Y D EM O CR ATS nounced this week that registra tion books for the general election are now open, and"will remain open until the night of October 2. “ I f you were registered and did not vote at either the primary or general election in 1946, or have, changed your residence or if you desire to change your political a f filiations, you must re-register", Mr. Sackett said. Mrs. Hilda Tensen is registrar r io t Nyssa precincts 1, 2 and 3, A r cadia and Owyhee. The Malheur county democratic central committee elected officers at a meeting recently held in On tario. With Howard Mathews or On tario acting as chairman of the meeting, the officers were elected as follows: Chairman, Horace Beal, vice county chairman, Mrs. Ted Bryan; secretary-treasurer, M r s . Fred Ohnstead; state committee man, Glen Huthchinson, and state committeewoman, Mrs. Iva Tyler. Manley J Wilson of 6t. Helens, Où Button Hole Attachment Now Available Sewing Machine Supplies Electrifying, Rebuilding, Repairing F. “ Lete” Sackett, Ontario, Ore USED CARS By bee Used Car Lot 1S48 new Kaiser, gray. 1947 Fraser Manhattan, yellow fam ily finished moving to the farm ver Nielsen Wednesday. democratic candidate for the Unit W olfe home were Mr. and Mrs. ed States Senate from Oregon, par Miss Hamilton of Boise O tto W olfe and fam ily of Nampa, Saturday. They will live in the Charlie McCoy, who is working ia ement on Mrs. Leo la Ditty's spent the past two weeks visiting ticularly stressed support o f agri her sister, Mrs. Irvin Wolfe. Sun- at Riverton, Wyomhxi, arrived arm until their home is ready. culture in Oregon. He feels that Mr. and Mrs. Charles Share made day dinner guests at the Irvin home Monday for a five day’s visit. everythin; that is passible should i business trip to O ld w e ll W ed be done hi the support o f agri nesday. Sj culture because it is the back Mrs. Nelson Field was hostess at the September meeting of the Sun- bone o f the prosperity the state et auxiliary. A lunch was served. s enjoying. He also stated that Mrs. A. R. Reddekoop o f Portland he is in favor of adequate state was a special guest. upport for Oregon schools and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chard were better teachers salaries. J dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ei- Dr. Weese, democratic candidate for the state senate, made a short talk. He stated that he wanted to correct the impression that his sole aim in running for the Senate C O N T /.C T U S FO R PRICES You Have To Have was to avoid the inauguration of socialized medicine. He admitted that he is opposed to socialized Before You Sell Your Insurance medicine, but his reason for run ning for the Senate is his am bition to place his 35 years o f ex- I BE FO R E perience in the service o f the CHAM BERS SPEAKER— J. I). teop'.e of Oregon and to help ad Allen, national affairs advisor of just the interests o f eastern Oregon. the governmental affairs depart 1 A Loss Occurs He outlined his experience in gov ment of the Chamber of Com ernmental functions and stated merce of the United States, will be that there is a - great shortage of | See the principal speaker at the quart medical men in the legislature and erly meeting of thte Associated that he could be of considerable [ Chambers of Commerce of South help with his experience in this western Idaho and Eastern O re field. He also operates a large gon in the Washington hotel in F R A N K T. M O R G A N farm in Malheur county. Weiser Monday, September 20 at Bob Davis, democratic candidate 7:30 p. m. R G. Larson of Nyssp, Agency for sheriff of Malheur county, stated that if elected he would the new president of the associat ed chambers, will preside at the fulfill his duties to the satisfact dinner meeting. ion o f the people, republicans and j democrats alike, and that his past IM P R O V E M E N T M A D E j experience speaks for itself. Seed G rowers Clover and A lfalfa Seed Tobl e r’s Feed and Fuel Broadcast Announced— A series o f eight social hygiene programs sponsored by the Malheur County Tuberculosis and Health association is being broadcast over K SR V each Sunday evening at 6:45. Featuring Mrs. Edna Farris, county public health nurse, and arranged by Mrs. S. H. Roberts, social hygiene committee chairman, the broadcasts introduce the subject bf sex guidance in the home and include such subjects as parental guidance for the pre-school and school-age child and advice to 'teen agers on dating and choosing a Ufe partner. Last four lectures will be heard ’ ater on during the "Doctor Speaks" program which w ill continue at the same time during the fa ll and winter. 1941 Chevrolet club coupe 1941 Ford four-door 1936 Plymouth coupe, red Phone 41J or 05J3 See Kenneth Mace or D. 0. Bybee E. W . P R U Y N Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56-W a & O N SU N SE T H A L L SU NSET V A L I.K Y , Sept. 16—Stan ley R effett Is now In Balnea, O r egon trucking for Loren Hite. Mrs. Stanley R effett, who is visiting her mother, plans on Joining her hus band as soon as they can find a place to live. Thursday dinner quests of Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell were Mr and Mrs. Alonzo Knowles and Mr. and Mrs. W alter Hillis. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg were dinner guests o f Taylor Sandy In j Nyssa Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Robert R effett and ' daughter were visitors in Parma 1 last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sopher. On F ri day Mr. and Mrs. R effett left for Haines to visit Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite and do some fishing. Miss Charlene Chritton arrived home last week for a vacation. Miss Chritton has been employed in the Spokane senior chamber of com merce publicity department. Don McCoy left this week for the K ent ranch near Drewsey. Mc Coy plans on helping with the cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk nd Harry Ritaezyk accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rataezyk on s labor day week-end trip. The group visited friends enroutc. The men participated in the Boise \s. Jerome baseball game plaved at Gooding. The party also enjoyed a day at Sun Valiev before re- urnlng home. | Sunday evening dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvtb and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillis. Mr. and Mrs. John R effett en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Jack R e f fett o f Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R effett and fam ily at din ner Sunday in their home. Mrs. lew is M itchell called on Mrs. Harry Rowe Thursday after noon. Mrs. Rowe who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton left for her home In S t Louis, Missouri Saturday. M. A. Rataezyk is having a po tato cellar built on his farm. Ontario shoppers Tuesday after noon were Mrs Melvin Pendarvis and daughter. Diana, and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. C lifford W olf and daughter. Ann. and Mrs. Veva Castle returned Monday after vis itin g four day in Bend. Andrew McGinnis has been painting the Interior walls and cell ing o f the Sunset valley hall the past week. He also is painting the roof. Paul Bertram mowed and raked the weeds around the hall, removing the fire hazard. Mrs. Thomas Nishitani attended the meeting of the Young Matrons club Thursday evening at the wom en's clubhouse In Ontario. The chef of the East Side cafe gave a demonstration ®n deep frying ol shrimp. Eleven men ran the cement for Robert Ditty's basement Friday. Mr. and Mrs Robert D itty and N Y S S A FIRE FIRST STEP To Telaxatii The moment you step aboard a Union Pacific train, you enter a world of relaxation, of air-conditioned comfort. You move around as you please . . . enjoy tempting d^ing-car meals and restful travel. Union Pacific invites you to enjoy smooth-riding travel on any of its many fine trains. S*« — enjoy — Ih* Union Pacific Exhibit at tho Chicago Rail road fair — Now! Union Pacific Railroad PR O T E C T IO N Sales and Service We now have the new ANSUL-PLUS F IF T Y Dry Chemical Dugas Extinguishers For / tAe. 7 Í l Í& c Scufò, - > "Wc at the Ford Motor Company know that our welfare, depends on how well the public accepts the automobiles, vve make.” — Henry Ford II And we, as a Ford Dealer, know that ou# welfare depends on how well we serve you in servicing the automobile you own. HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. ;l OUT OF ! U H OME S ARE ’ OUT OF BALANCE,” INSURANCE-WISE y .. * Maliy e ib rn ru e careful householders neglect to provide adequate insurance. ¿To Ire mire, they carry Fire and Auto* mobile Insurance, but fail to injure against personal bodily injiify and property dam age liability—burglary, and accidental damage—and the many other common hazards. One reason has been the confusion of selecting so many different policies. So, General of America bus come up again with the com plete answer—the new Householder»’ IJItraPolicy. This low eost, all-coverage policy safeguards against fire and just about every o th e r eoneeivahle insur able risk—in ONE policy. K * 3' u . M s f ' S ......... fyC "*** , E njoy lecu rily— inquire a b o u t thin m o d e rn balanced protection Trucks and Pick-ups Any size from the home type to the biggest job in the country. C L A U D W IL L S O N 650 No. Fourth St. Phone 128-J Ken Renstrom Insurance Agency