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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1948)
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M i rfteNYSSA JOURNAL NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1948 VOLUME XXXXIII 32 Safety Council Heads Named At First Meeting ä GRID PRACTICE TO BE STARTED HERE ON SEPTEMBER 1 Hartley Takes District Title HAYSTACK SAVED AS FIREMEN, FARMERS BATTLE IN IDAHO Nyssa Loses By Narrow Margins TWO ARRESTS MADE BY CITY OFFICERS ON SPEEDING COUNT Teachers Named For Staffs In Nyssa Schoo1', T w o motorists reported by city New methods o f fighting fire In their last two games in the Coach Howard Lovejoy will call A fte r losing Tuesday night to his hopefuls onto the field Sept Milton-Freewater by a score o f 9 were demonstrated bv Nyssa fire Idaho-Oregon league, the Nyssa police officers to have been ex- and farmers In the Apple val- oaseball team came to life behind eedirsj the speed limit in Nyssa District Will Again Use Recommendations Made ember 1 to start practice for the to 2, a determined Hartley Pro- men 1948 football season, which will be ] duoe company team of Nyssa came :ey section Tuesday afternoon when he pitching of Earl Howell, and were arrested here during the last Arcadia and Oregon a haystack on the E. E. B otn er1 On Traffic Control opened with tha Snake River V a l- ' back Wednesday night to defeat farm two miles south on the Apple although they failed to win either few days. Trail Buildings Reeves Ball of Nyssa » ’as fined In Nyssa contest they gave probably their ley Jamboree to be held in Ontario the same outfit 7 to 6 in 12 innings j valley road began to burn. 5100 Friday night by Judge Don The Nyssa fire department was oest exhibitions o f the season. September 10 Teachers who will become mem in the district softball tournament The first scheduled meeting of 'ailed for help, but due to a city A ll o f the home games will be held in Pendleton. Nyssa lost to the league-leading M. Graham in justice court on a bers o f the school faculties in the the recently organized Nyssa pub played at night, except the Arm ordinance the firemen -were un harge 6f reckless driving. A 10- Nyssa system next month were The win gives Hartleys the right able to take the truck from the Nampa Clippers by a score ot 4 to lic safety council was held Friday istice day contest, which will be 3 last Thursday night and lost to lay jail sentence was suspended. announced Wednesday by Superin to represent all of eastern Oregon city limits. However, a few firemen evening, August 13 at the city played in the afternoon. the Ontario entry in the league Police C hief Orville Maze arrested tendent Henry H. Hartley. Nyssa’s schedule is as follows: 'District No. 1) in the state tour and city employes jumped onto a “ It will be necessary again this Tuesday night of this week by the Ball after Bud Anderson had se- hall. Safety council members pres nament to be held in Baker be spray outfit that the city purchas September 17, Parma at Nyssa; year to use both the Oregon T rail ent included Ed Knettle, repres September 24, Nyssa at Emmett; ginning August 29. Teams compet ed as a "stand-by" piece of fire lame count. ured the automobile license num- and Arcadia schools” , Mr. H art With its stepped-up driving pow enting the chamber of conunerce: October 1, Weiser at Nyssa: Oct ing for the district title were Nys equipment and raced to the fire. er, the Nyssa team will meet the jer and signed a complaint. Sev ley said. “ Each school will house sa. Pendleton. Milton-Freewater Upon arriving at the scene, the Hamilton Chadderdon, the Eagles ober 8. Nyssa at LaGrande; Oct and LaGrande. Payette nine Monday night on the eral residents in the vicinity of .one unit of each o f the first three firemen found the stack of baled ober 15, Vale at Nyssa; October 22, Nyssa field in the last game of he park and city hall attempted grades just as they did last year. lodge; Leonard Huseby, American The victory gave Hartley Produce hay burning so badly the flames Nyssa at Ontario; October 29, Nys "T h e Oregon T ra il school will ,o contact police officers to notify Legion; E. K. Burton, city mana sa at Fruitland; November 5, Ad- a ret-orc* of three games won and tould not be extinguished, but at the season. In the Ontario game. Nyssa was them of Ball’s alleged reckless house the rural youngsters from tention was turned to a stack next ger; Orville Maze, chief of police; rian a t Nyssa, and November 11, on.e ^ast in the play-offs. the area adjacent to it. In order leading 3 to 2 going into the last driving. Members of the team who made to the burning hay. Frank Morris, fire chief, and Mrs. Payette at Nyssa. half of the ninth. Echanis, first Walter Sievers of Westfall was to use the Arcadia school e ffic the trip were Sam Hartley, Frank During the three hours that the E. D. Michaelson, secretary. Skeen, Glover, Tom my Holman, men battled the blaze, farmers man up for Ontario, struck out, irrested Monday night by city pol- iently and to prevent over-crowd T h e group unanimously voted Lloyd Lewis, Tom Moore, Hugh arrived with other spray outfits Willis singled and B. Keele knock afficers on charges of exceeding ing in the Nyssa school, it will be that the name o f the organization Tobler, Calvin Wilson, Don Rund- and dug ditches to supply the ed a grounder to Holcomb, playing .he speed limit and having no necessary to send some youngsters should be Nyssa public safety coun quist, Blair Hendricks, Mark H art spraying machines with water. The second base. In trying for a double driver's license. He was fined $15 from within the city of Nyssa to cil. Officers elected were Ed K n ett ley, William Beus, Leon Child and fire fighters formed bucket bri play, Holcomb threw to H. Wilson, oy Police Judije Felton Duncan the Arcadia school. T h e choice le, chairman; Hamilton Chadder will be made by lot as was done Carl Burningham. Most of the gades to carry water to the pumps who was covering second base, and paid the fine. don, vice chairman, and Leonard last year, with the exception that forcing W illis out, and in attempt players’ wives also attended the until water reached the ditches. Huseby, treasurer. A t least two unscheduled thrills people desiring to have their chil ing to complete the double, Wilson The loss was unofficially estimat T h e most pressing public safety appeared on the program given at tournament. dren attend at Arcadia will toe giv .hrew too high, beoause of thè ap ed at $1500. problem discussed was vehicle Adrian last Sunday afternoon dur en preference unless the demand proaching runner, for First Base- speeding. Orville Maze suggested ing the boat carnival sponsored HOME TALENT SHOW exceeds the available room. Several man McDonald to catch the ball, that it would greatly increase the by the Nyssa Boat club. people have made this request. leaving a man on first with two IS WELL RECEIVED effectiveness of the city police Children entering late will be pro In the class A inboard event, outs. Then on a passed ball, Keele force if anyone witnessing speed the boat of a Mr. K eith o f Vale cessed in the same manner as those advanced from first to third. Con Following a successiful present A t least two persons were in in g or reckless driving in the Nys collided with Howard Bybee’s boat ner, Ontario pitcher, drove a double jured and a few automobiles were entering on the opening date". sa city limits would take note of at the north buoy, causing con ation of the home talent show, School will he opened at the to right field, scoring Keele and damaged in accidents occurring in the offender’s license number and siderable damage to the Bybde "Fun For Y ou” , in the school gym regular hour Tuesday. September 7. tying the score at 3 all. nasium Wednesday night, the Nyssa and vicinity during the last sign a complaint immediately. Mr. boat. Malheur County potatoes can go Mr. Hartley said one teacher is Ontario substituted Merle Long group will play a return engage Maze emphasized that effective a long ways down hill between here .us a pinch hitter in an attempt to few days. lacking in the high school. W ith a large crowd witnessing ment tonight, beginning at 8:30. Frona Niecum, 15, of Nyssa was control of the speeding problem .he event, George Schiemer’s boat and terminal markets, according to -core Conner from second. Long Members o f the various staffs Three hundred persons roundly hurt Monday afternoon when her is impossible without the whole overturned in the 50 horsepower Leeds Bailey, county extension was intentionally walked and bicycle was struck by a car driven are as follows; applauded the various numbers, hearted co-operation o f every cit race at a turn and the operator agent, who returned from Chicago Chambers was struck out by Howell. Oregon Trail school— Mrs. Pearl by Robert L. Schimberg o f Los- izen o f the community noth in was held under the water for a consisting mostly of radio character Saturday principal and third Nyssa failed to score in the first Angeles on highway 20 two miles Ballantyne impersonations. T h e closing num observing the speed lim it of 25 few seconds. Bailey, representing the Malheur half of the 10th, although Hart- grade: Miss Janice Loeber, second, ber, “ Treasury Star Parade," was north of Nyssa. The girl was taken miles per hour in the residential County Potato and Onion Growers loo doubled with two out, when and Mrs. Veta Fraser, first. Results of the races were as fol to a doctor's office and was then Arcadia— Mrs. Frances Bates, prin areas and 20 miles per hour in the lows: 10 to 14 H. P. outboard. Doc especially appreciated. association, assisted G. B. Davis H. Wilson struck out. One hundred persons participat ,aken to her home. business district, as well as co-op Martin of Boise, first, and B. F. economist for the Oregon State cipal and third grade; Mrs. Ber Ontario scored In the last half Automobiles driven by Don Jen nice Taylor, second and Mrs. P at erating in the enforcement of Hamilton of Boise, second; 22 H. ed in the show. college experiment station, and of the 10th m ainly on a triple by sen and John Lane, both o f Nyssa, these ordinances. I t was resolved P. outboard, K en Renstrom of Ross Aubrey, federal state shipping Echanis. ricia Castro, first. collided Thursday at T hird street that the council would support Nyssa, first, and Jelmer Schoen FEE SET FOR USE point inspector, in cheeking the Nyssa— Walter McPartland, prin The Nyssa lineup at Ontario and Ennis avenue. No one was in the police force in every way poss of Nyssa, second: 33 H. P. out quality of two cars of white rose was as follows: Rambaud, rf; H art- cipal; Miss Emma Zwemke, first; OF FIELD LIGHTS potatoes. jured, but both cars were quite ible in their .control of the traffic board, Bob Webster of Adrian, Representative samples loo, 3b; H. Wilson, ss; McDonald, Miss Viola Fothergill, first; Mr*. oadly damaged. problem. Muriel Judd, second; Miss Clarice first, and Stanley H ill of Adrian, At a meeting of the Nyssa Light- were checked in the county, loaded lb; Howell, p: McCready, c; R. Mrs. Myrtle Blanchard of Nu- In respect to controlling other second: 50 H. P.. boat owned by y> _ If; Iseri, cf. and Holcomb, Aeres and one of her small daugh Notheis, second; Miss O. Eva Boy- in association Wednesday night, and then the same samples were Wilson traffic hazards the safety organ Ron Hepworth and driven by Bob dell, third; Miss Dorothy Edholm, the organization fixed a flat fee of checked at the Chicago Produce j 3b ters were bruised and scratched ization recommends that the city Gillum of Ontario, first, and Dr. third; Mrs. Eva Chadwick, fourth; | Nyssa led the Clippers at N a ti- $35 a night for use of the lights terminal. when an automobile operated by council take necessary steps to el L. A. Moulding of Nyssa, second; ‘You wouldn t believe that this ,)a 3 ^ j for five innings and held Miss Kathryn Crandall, fourth; on the athletic field. The service Mrs. Blanchard and a car driven im inate Jay-walking and double C service boats, Dale Gross of Nys- given for the $35 will also include is the same lot of potatoes , ex- j a one. run margin for two more by Wayne Kressly collided at Third Miss Theresa Oehnert. fourth; Mr*. parking in t>he business district, to a. first, and Jim Savage of Nyssa, 'pjacing the field in shape for play. claimed Aubr“ y after examining ^ f ilin g s before Nampa won the treet and Good avenue last Sat Hazel Lane, fifth ; Mrs. June M c provide for ne m s'k in g of pede-- second; class A inboard, 100 H. P., Dennis Patch, principal of the the poorest quality car which was )Jajj game Nyssa made all of its urday. T h e Blanchard car was Kinney, fifth ; Miss VirginiaVoight, trian traffic lanes on M ain street Dale Garrison o f Nyssa, first; high school, was placed in com bright and well within the U. S. j runs ¡n the first frame, but col- rather badly damaged. The mach fifth; Miss Georgia Nichol, sixth; and to institute a 10-minute park- class B inboards, 100 H. P. and f ollr gcatered hits in the George L. Stanger, sixth; Mrs. plete charge of theslights and field. No. 1 tolerance on soft rot when | ine driven by Kressly is owned by Dorothy Nolen, sixth, and Mrs. (Continucd On Page Two) less, Murle Marcum o f Nyssa, Those wishing to use the lights it left the county. J B cam in ation of | fourth> slxth, seventh and ninth Roy Holmes. a 25-saek sample at Chicago show Josephine Rigney, special educa first, and Vern Parker of Adrian, will contact Mr. Patch. innings. Nampa scored in the sixth Automobiles driven by E. J. ed that every sack was out of grade but it was not until the eighth in second, and hydroplanes T. L. tion. GRANGE MEETING o f Nyssa and . Mrs. because o f decay which ran up to ning that the Clippers scored the Yergensen Junior high school— W alter M c Scott of Nampa, first, and William DISCUSSIONS HELD H. STREET PAVING IN a high o f 33 potatoes weighing 1844 necessary two runs to win the ball George W. Timpson of Parma Partland, principal; Victoria Sch- West of Boise, second. collided at Eighth and Park and NYSSA COMPLETED pounds in one sack. The second game. weizer, mathematics; Mildred R en- were badly damaged. Mrs. T im p A t the regular meeting o f the car checked was in much better ( Continued On Page Tw o) Oregon T rail Grange Tuesday night, son was reported blinded by the C T I in C N T C T O Paving of Nyssa’s streets wes condition but still crowded U. S. r m c T Frank Sherwood gave a report on sun. No. 1 tolerance very closely. r l K 3 1 3 1 U U tlN ID 1 VJ completed Tuesday with the ex MALHEUR WOMEN feeding cattle and also on the use The chief contributing factor in REGISTER AUG. 31 ception o f a few spots that will of Dead X , which had been used ELECT OFFICERS the general poor quality of the be finished with other equipment. with good results on moss and Registration of high school stu Th e contractors will use a broom potatoes appeared to be immatur watercress in the Arcadia Drainage Election o f ’ officers of the M al Forty farmers living on the grav on the streets for two weeks to ity, Bailey said. Produce handlers dents will be conducted during the district. at South Water market, where a week o f August 29, Principal Den- heur county women’s committee Discussion of the fair booth that ity and pump units of the Black reduce the amount of loose rock. large percentage o f the Chicago [nis p atch announced Wednesday, was held August 12 at the home of the Grange will erect at Ontario Canyon project went on the farm The city will probably place a potato trade is carried on, stated Mrs. Frank F’ulleton. -phe seniors will register Aug tour Friday afternoon, according broom on its blade to continue was held. Vern Franklin o f Nyssa died at Th e new officers are Mrs. Frank Continued On Patfe ♦» ust 31; the Juniors, September 1; sweeping. As the asphalt Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver to C. D. Bechtolt, assistant county the the sophomores, September 2 and his home Tuesday night about 10 Parr o f Nyssa, chairman; Mrs. C. and Mr. and Mrs. George Knowles agent of Canyon and Payette coun "bleeds", the surplus rock will be the freshmen, September 3. R eg o'clock as the result of a heart E. Elliot of Adrian, vice chairman; absorbed by the asphalt and the ties. served refreshments. Mrs. W. V. Rlohmond of Ontario, istration will be conducted from attack. The demonstration farm woodlot streets will become smooth. Mr. Franklin was born in Os- secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. 19 a. m. to 3 p. m. However, stu- plantings on the Lloyd Heath farm Nyssa Nursing Home Notes— l i n c i n i r w c dents who are working and unable kaloosa, Iowa, June 6, 1900 and Phillip Keck, Azalea housing chair New arrivals: August 11, Mr. and was the first point o f interest on Open Electrical Shop— I ItlIIl iv u n n illg ,o register at the designated time spent the greater part o f his life man. Earl and A1 Williams, brothers, Mrs. Lester Cleaver. Nyssa, a son, .he tour. This planting was made Plans for the county fair were ________ may register between 7 and 9 p. m. in Colorado. He had operated the weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces, in 1941 and some of the black lo have opened an electric shop at Franklin cabins in Nyssa for two presented by the home demonstrat The Idaho Canning company September 2 and 3. August 12, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. cust have reached post size this the Nyssa Lumber company office. years. Mr. Franklin, who served ion agent, M iriam J. Black, and ------------------------ Dixon of Parma, twin daughters, year. Sim ilar plantings at the Cald Earl came here frfom K lam ath plant at Nyssa is “ running full with the artillery in the first world members of the county committee weighing 5 pounds, and 5 pounds. well experiment station had pro Falls and A1 came from Soi.oma. blast" with a good crew working Youths On Trip— war, was a member o f the Amer offered their assistance in contac'- Tom McCllntock, Fred Zwalin 4 ounces; August 15, to Mr. and duced posts valued at more than California. T h e men, who engaged this '»eek following the initial ruu itxj groups of women concerning and Sam Lawrence o f Portland ican Legion. Mrs. Raymond Weatherspoon of $600 per acre on a 10-year growth. in electrical work before the war, last Friday. Survivors are his widow, Ruby; needlework and flowers for the Fieldmen reported that the qual have been house guests of R ay Nyssa, a son, weighing 7 pounds, 3uch plantings add much to the will do electrical contracting, com a son, Thomas, who is serving in fair. mond Larson, Jr. during the past 6' j ounces; August 15, to Mr. and value o f a farm through appear mercial and industrial w irin « and ity of the corn this year is very O fficers training day fo r all club repairing. T hey both served in good and yields are high. The few days. Lawfence returned to his the navy; a daughter, Janet of Mrs. Glenn Corfield of Nyssa, a ances and wind protection. Nysjpa; tw o sisters, Mrs. Earl Reis- officers o f the county was discus better yields are running from 5 home Sunday. Larson, Gene H en The Roy M iller farm was visited the navy during the war. daughter, weighing 6 pounds, 4 to 8 tons per acre. O ther acreages derson of Baker and the Portland inger o f Denver and Mrs. Louis sed. I t will be held September 27 ounces; August 15, to Mr. and Mrs. as an example of a good job of youths left Sunday by automobile Buix of Chicago, and a brother, from 10:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. Mrs. are less. Earl Ward of Parma, a son, weigh developing rough land into a well- Visit Here Frank Parr will preside over the Mr. and Mrs. Dan Olsen of The campaign w ill last from four for French Lick, Indiana as del Don Franklin o f Nyssa. ing 8 pounds; August 16, to Mr. laid-out farm. Mr. M iller has fo ll B. B. Llenkaemper of the Nyssa meeting. Mrs. W V. Richmond egates to Karnea, national con and Mrs. Ed Wade of Nyssa, a son, owed a very conservative cropping Gooding, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. to six weeks, depending on the vention of the Delta Tau Delta Funeral home sent the body to and Mrs. Lura Mlddlestead of weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces; practice of pasture, grain, alfalfa J. J. Robinson and son of Peoria, yields and the processing. lraternity. During their two-weeks Swink, Colorado Wednesday night Jamieson will be in charge of reg August 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie hay and clover seed production Illinois stopped recently for a visit Mrs C. E. Elliot Will trip, the youths will drive east by for funeral services and interment. istration. Lewis of Nyssa, a son, weighing 9 with sufficient numbers of dairy at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. J. y outh Seriously III— lead the group singing. Keith Bybee, son o f Mr. and M rs.¡way of Denver and St. lou ls and No services were held here. pounds. 1 ounce; August 18 to cattle, sheep, swine and poultry C. Olsen north of Nyssa while en Mrs. Lura Mlddlestead of Jamie Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blanch of to utilize the feed prodced, the route home from Eugene, Oregon. D O. Bybee, is in the Holy Ros- return through the Black hills and Return From Trip— son was voted a new county com Adrian, a daughter, weighing 8 lover seed being the only direct Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Olsen of San- ary hospital in Ontario suffering Yellowstone National park. Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown and mittee member. Others present Francisco spent four days with Mr. from complication resulting from — -------------------- pounds, 3‘v ounces, and August 18. oil product sold. Marion Grace returned Sunday were Mrs. Frank Parr, Mrs. C. E. an abscess in the head. The youth, Kiftolls In C’ollegi At the H. J. Sloan farm, oper and Mrs. J. C. Olsen. to Mr. and Mrs. Barclay W ilson of who became ill Friday, is still in a| Miss Joan Webb, daughter of from a 10-day trip, that took them Elliot, Mrs. C. D. Fulleton, Mrs. Nyssa a son, 8 pounds. 3 ounces. ated by John W agstaff, the pro serious condition althoujh the ab-|Mr. and Mrs. William W. Webb to points in western Oregon and Frank Fulleton. Mrs. W. V. Rich duction of red clover seed was Parents of Daughter— mond. Mrs. Phillip Keck, and Miss of Adrian, has enrolled In the California. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes of scess has broken. discussed by Eugene Whitman, ex Go To Lakes— Miriam Black. ___________________ Nampa Business college Mr. and Mrs. Eric Boenig and tension agronomist, who said that Nyssa are the parents of a daugh Here From Utah— rttartal trinin*. fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Harold the southern and eastern states ter born August 10 at the Holy T o California— Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leavitt and Return From South— Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and] --------- Sisson and fam ily of the Richland hat furnish a market for much I Rosary hospital in Ontario. Mrs. E. H. Fleshman and Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Hansen of ------------------------ fam ily will leave Friday for a trip Returns Home— section went to Anthony lakes in of the red clover seed grown in I ____ his area have demanded the Cum- Return From Portland— to Riverside. California, where Mrs. Vernon Tule of Baker left Utah arrived Sunday for a visit returned from a trip of 9000 miles, Union county last Wednesday. They I Friday for her home after spend with the Kenneth Cottle and Frell that took them into Pennsylvania. berland and M id-land strains be-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison they wm visit relatives, Mrs. Leavitt is a New York and Washington D. C., i n g 10 days at the home of Mr Blair families. cause o f their adaptibility in those!have returned from Portland,|expect to be gone a week. Returns from V acation- lister to Mrs. Cottle and Mrs. and into North Carolina, where I and Mrs. Thomas O. Jones. Miss Onna Pounds has returned areas. M. L. T illery of the bureau ] where they visited ttheir daugh- Blair. they visited relatives. Before re- from a vacation spent in the moun of reclamation said that develop- ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs Leaves For Canada— tu m in j to Nyssa. they visited M rs Paul Reynolds left Monday Return From Trips— tains near Payete lakes, where she ment in the Columbia basin will John Olsen. One day of their trip friends in Tampa and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Waynard Talbot Here From Caldwell— was the house guest of Lois Wilson, offer an excellent market for cer- 1 was spent at Seaside and Cannon for a trip that will take her into They also attended the Canada. j and children returned recently Kathleen Donnelly of Caldwell H R. Schmfdlapp in St Peters daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Bud tified legume seed over a period Beach. Florida. Mr. and Mrs. visited last week at the home ol burg, e w - ------------------------ | from trips to Tw in Falls and to Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hughes of years. Mr W hitman also said I Oregon centennial. Betty Lou N Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell. Schmidlapp were Nyssa visitors he Salmon river section. are visiting at the home of their that certified seed production re- bill of Newell Heights accompanied xo Twin Falls <athleen is a niece of \frs Mitch last year. Mrs. Bernard Frost and Vernon quires careful weed control meas- her grandparents on the trip, daughter. Mrs. Bud Wilson. ell. returned Saturday from Tw in Falls, visits Parents— ures and that the bureau of rec-1 --------------------------- To Twin Falls— They were to Twin . ] Mrs. Earl Deimer of Nampa spent lamation through operation a n d ; Visits In Adrian— — - W accompanied - . Here Fram Hermiston— Mrs C. C. Cotton left Sunday Miss Janice Frost has returned f aus by Mr and Mrs. Henry Crow- last week-end at the home of her Visit In LaGrande— Miss Joyce Fagan of Hermiston is maintenance has carried on a very Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure and Doris for Twin Falls, where she will visit thorough control prarram on the to her home after a week's visit ¡ey Mr. and Mrs. Crowley will go parents, Mr. and Mrs. Campoell visiting for two weeks as a guest Jean visited last week with Mrs. for sometime with her children. lateral righ ts-of-w ay, with Norma Dierklng at her home f rom Tw in FalLs to Spokane, where Baer. o f Miss Joye Gann. Mrs. Fagan is -anal and Alton Roy o f LaGrande, daughter from the time delivery of w a ter1 near Adrian. Mr Crowley will teach the com ing, — -------------------- the daughter o f M r and Mrs W. C On Business Trip— j f Mr. and Mrs. Ure. was started. I ------------------------ year, and then on to Seattle, where Xo Boise— Fagan, former Nyssa residents. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson return Pasture mixtures and manage- Here From Notus— he will attend a coaching school. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell ed Sunday from a business trip to ment were observed on the Dan ] Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Doty o f Notus — — ind Mrs. Leo Direnz spent the Return From Trips— Return From Outing— Mr and Mrs. Olfbert R a ff went Pendleton. Mr Aranjuena spent Saturday night and Sunday t amp Scheduled— ] week-end at the home of Mrs. M r and Mrs. Aden Wilson and Aranguena farm. Lutheran M itchell’s sister. Miss Doris Kuntz to Salem on business over the has one o f the best pastures in the| with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O .' T h e Intermountain M r and Mrs. W. C. Brown returned week-end and returned Monday Visit Here— Bible camp will be held August 23 0f Bouse. Sunday from a weeks outing at rea and has It fenced for rotation Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Ellyson morning. Kathie R a ff spent the to 29 at Camp Ponderosa on Pay-1 ------------------------ ¿razing, according to M r Bechtolt. Summit Prairie. Oregon. week-end with her grandparents at and fam ily of Falls City, Nebraska, ette lake The Rev. T M. Oeb- Nyssa Woman Improves— (Continued On Page Two) Oo To Yellowstone M r and Mrs Dale Garrison and h a rt of Baker will be the speaker ] Mrs. Lem Wilson, S r. who has Garden Valley, Idaho She return- were visitors Tuesday at the C har Leave For Coast— daughter, Joan, accompanied by ----- Pastors from South Idaho and been confined to the Emanuel hos turned home Tuesday. Her sister, ges Garrison home, en route to Visits Grandmother— ,------- M r and Mrs George Henneman Renton, Washington, where they Cnd JIU loft Sunday for P ortlan d1 Rex Bosch o f Burns visited Sat- Loretta Russell, left Tuesday for a Utah will complete the faculty, pital in Portland for some time, U Nadine, spent the week-end in and the coast where they will re- urday evening at the home of his a visit of a week or 10 days in Pastor Wuest of Nyssa will serve gradually improving following an Meridian, Idaho with friends and will make their home. Mrs. Elly- son Is a niece of Mrs. Garrison. returned home the same day. main for several days Vra.ndmother. Mrs S tella Butler. 1 Yellowstone National park 'a s camp director operation. Accidents Occur In Boat Racing Shipping Causes High ‘Spud’ Loss 40 Farmers Go On Field Tour Series of Auto Accidents Occur Vern Franklin Succumbs Here Idaho Canning