THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y JOU RNAL, NYSSA, OREGON PARENTS HOSTS A T B IR TH D AY PICNIC O R E G O N T R A IL , Aug.— Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes were hosts at a picnic supper Monday evening August 2. The picnic was held in celebration of the third birthday of their daughter, Sandra. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ren Hendricks of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'M . Goodson and fam ily of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Holmes and Robert and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and family, Mr. and Mrs. R oy Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Byers and fam ily and Bonnie Kressly. Th e M erry Matrons club met at the home of Iva Adams Wednesday afternoon, August 4. The after noon was spent socially. Following the business meeting, games were played. Three guests, Anna Jayo, Caroline Gardner and Mildred Hill and 10 members were present. R e freshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mildred Hill and Bernice Gardner. The next meeting will be held August 18, with Viola Adams as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Pry are va cationing at Payette lakes. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bowen and B illy and Mr, and Mrs. F. S. Byers and Betty Alice and Stanley attended the Eagles ball game at Caldwell Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams and fam ily left Saturday for Yellow stone park. They expected to be gone two weeks. Jack Bowen and Hollis and Don ald Knowles went to The Dalles last week to play baseball with the American Legion junior team T hey returned home Monday ev ening. ben of wiishington. Mrs. Amosa Howard o f Woods Cross, Utah has been visiting her sister, Mrs. O. H. Salters. Mr. and Mrs. Max Howard and son. Denny, Mrs. Arch Peterson and family and Mrs. Elmo Chris tenson and fam ily visited in Weis- er Saturday. Ardyce Hurst was a dinner guest Sunday at the Charles Wilson home in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piercy, Carl and Arlene Piercy spent the Week end fishing at Unity. Henry Reuter left Sunday for Klam ath Palls, where he will att- PAGE SEVEN a performance bond in the fu llTany informalities. amount of the contract price. i Malheur County School District The trustees oi .viameur County No. 61, Adrian, Oregon. School District No. 61, Adrian,' By Raymond Holly. Clerk. Oregon, reserves the right to r e - ! First Pub. Aug. 12. ject any and all bids and to waive Last Pub. Aug. 19. Prices W ere Good Compared To Other Markets And W e Had Plenty O f Buyers We are expecting quite a few more cattle here next week and if you want feeder cattle or have cattle to sell it will be a good place to come. We are equipped to handle your B cows. Let us have your cattle, hogs, sheep and horses. Summertime is a good time to inspect roofs. Give home, barns, sheds — all your buildings — a thorough examination. Don't wait until they leak. Do it NOW! Top Hogs Sold at $30.85-$31.00 BILL LANE, Auctioneer-Manager Office Phone 019R3 Roofing Materials and labor are available on Res. 116J MORE PORK FROM YOUR GRAIN Legal Advertising Yes, it's a feedlot fact. . . Hog Chow's got what it takes when it comes to saving grain! And it's no accident. . . it’s made possible by continuous Purina Research. For into every bag of Hog Chow go all tho p r o t a in t , v ita m in * and m in e r a l* known that are nece§*ary to sgueeze more pork oat o f your grain. Come in. Let us figurs you a low-cost balanced ration with Purina Hog Chow. POLLYANNA CLUB OF KOLONY MEETS K IN G M A N K O LO N Y , Aug. 12— Mr. and Mrs. John Stubben of Everett, Washington are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Emil Wohlcke. Mrs. Arch Peterson and fam ily and Mrs. Elmo Christenson and fam ily of Wood Cross, Utah visit ed at the Max Howard home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Toomb of Nyssa and Mrs. Toomb’s par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ortagi of Cal ifornia^ were dinner guests at the W illiam Toomib home Friday ev ening. Mr, and Mrs. David Hall, Sr., visited Joe W right and fam ily of Parma Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and son, David, were at the Snively swimming pool Sunday afternoon. Tn the evening they attended a show in Ontario. The Pollyanna club met Thurs day at the home o f Mrs. L. L. Kreager, Guests were Mrs. Emil Wohlcke, Mrs. W illiam Wohlcke of the Kolony and Mrs. JohnStub- THURSDAY, AU G U ST 12, 1948 BUDGET BUILDING TERMS Boise Payette I — and all the necessary materials for the job. lOOLBS YOUR STORE WITH Call on us. W e'll estimate any roofing fob at no obligation. We'll supply the material needed. And, If you wish, we'll see that the labor Is furnished, too, through arrangements with local contractors. * Be Comfortable! Be Dry! Be sure your root is snug. Materials are EASIER TO G E T . . . A T PURINA HOG CHOW Red Cedar Shingles Asphalt Shingles Composition Roofing which arc easy to GET . . . . at ON THE PURINA PLAN MANY HOG RAISERS REPORT . 50 LBS. And, if repairs are needed, visit your Boise Payette yard. Here you'll find EVERYTHING you need to make any building snug, comfortable and dry. No matter the type of structure Boise Payette has the materials needed to repair present roofs , . . or install entirely new ones . . Including: HOG CHOW PORK THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN O. L. GALLOWAY MANAGER NYSSA OREGON FOR ONLY EASY TERMS $2.75 PER WEEK ienuine Walnut O r Bleached Low Price In Lasting Beauty >om Suite You Will Be Proud WATERFALL BED SIX DRAWER VANITY DUST PROOF WITH 47 IN. VANITY MIRROR AT PETERSON’S PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY LARGE SPACIOUS DUST PROOF CHEST NIJE STAND AND BENCH TO MATCH Ontario — Vale — Payette Wmm