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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1948)
PACK FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1948 Guild To Have Food Sale— | August 14, beginning at 11 o clock. last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bill over the week-end. The salmon es at the Union Sunday school Donald home. The St. Paul's Guild will hold a I Mrs. J. J. Sarazln and Miss Eva Mrs. Lyman Rightmeier of Jewell, were not running yet, although the conference held there la.-,i week. GraariiLk and family. Mrs. Grant Patterson went to Kansas visited Tuesday in t h e : food sale at Eder's store Saturday, Boydell are in charge of the sale. Mr>. Rudolph of Meridian, is boys caught one. pending a week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Seuell and Ogtlen last week with Mrs. Wil- Wilson Winter home. NU-ACRES.—Aug. 12, Mr. and Mrs. »I m in i:! 11M m ti l i ni h in M 111111 h ti m l i l i tn m ma nun in w m u in m Mr... B.U Grasmick. and family. The Home Economics club of Jean Blakesley and son, Terry, ford Bybee. The ladies had plann- Ira Tish of Greenleaf and Mr^ Mr, and Mr,, flam Henne made Since 1890 Anna Mills and Larry of Portland a buslnc trip to Payette Monday. were Sunday dinner guests at the id to stay a week, but Mr. Bybee the Oregon Trail Grunge met with were Sunday dinner guests at the Mrs. Harley Eager and children home of Mr. Seuell s sister, Mrs became ill and Mi-s. Bybee and Mrs. Leona Winter, with Miss Cor Mrs. Patterson returned home the al Hunting as assistant hostess. home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans. and Mrs. Fry and children also Oliver Creswtck of Baker. next day after arriving at Ogden. Eight members were present. Re The dinner was in observance of made b u -in ess trip to Payette The delegation of the Owyhee freshments of sherbet, cookies and Mrs. Tish's birthday. Dianna and Monday. PICNIC DINNER IS Sherman Keek is combining gran p i- r, i r r r , a t e\ii/vLi c c .Sunday school returned from M. - punch were served by the hostess Freda Evans returned home witn Electrifying Rebuilding Repairing j L K V L U A I U W I n L L Call Monday afternoon. About 100 es. their grandparents to spend a for George Smit, Jr. Your old machine converted to modern electric persons attended the conference Martin Hansen fell down a stair- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reece and two week there. Cecil Evans went to the Samcr- say one day last week but recived • OWYHEE, Aug. 12 Mr. and Mrs. this year from all of the American sons of Fruitland were Sunday Cabinets Ra.eigh Chamberlain entertained \ Sunday School unions in this dis- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Portables ltion hospital in Nampu Monday only minor bruis-:s. Winter. dir. and Mrs. Sam Henne visited at a picnic dinner at their home trict. $71.50 iujht to receive a through check $36.50 Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner Mearl Kygar left Friday for up. Mr. Evans has not been feeling relatives and a 1 tended to business Sunday. Guests were Mrs. Nellie Case. Miss Ruth Case. Marion and and children were Monday even- Klamath Falls to atten d 'a diesel in Nampa, Friday. Your old machine is worth more today than it was ten years well for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lester were Miles Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. i nig dinner guests in the Earl school. ago, or probably will ever be again. The 4-H boys and girls returned home from camp at Payette lakes. Sunday dinner guests at the home Matt Mathews of Caldwell, Mr. and Crocker home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson of of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hansen, Mrs. Hugh Glenn and Billy, Mr. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and To Canada— I buy any make or model regardleess of age or condition and Mrs. Clayton Patton and fam- children visited in Homedale Sun- Bill Reynolds left Wednesday for Caldwell, were Sunday guests at drive around the Black Canyon ily, Mr and Mrs. Russell Patton, day afternoon and Kay stayed to Waterton Lakes, Canada, where he Later ill the day they went for a the home of Frank Johnson. and family. Sharon Fox of pend a week with her grand will enjoy water skiing. He w il Supplies for all family machines. Warren and Frank Johnson are project that Is to be opened soon, Jr., Madras, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe making a few repairs at the Bill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fiet- go to Lake LouLse and Banff be * F. “EETE” SACKETT. 469 WEST FIRST ST. SOUTH. her. fore returning to Nyssa. The Robertson cliildern stayed Orasmick ranch. Phone 247-M P. O. Box 608, Ontario, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Vaughn and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Climer and Julius Fields while Mrs. Robertson Sr.Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woll and made a trip to Washington after Mable McLean of Glendale, Calif ainily of Vale were Sunday a l- Return From Trip— i u in hi in.tunmmiM— i family of Boise were Sunday dinner Edith Fields. Edith spent a few ornia are visiting in the Jesse ernoon callers in the Lewis Skin- j Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan re- if in iii nun in m u in hi hi n iii m mm m in in i" ■ ■ "•"1 "1 "i hi ui.ii i.n i h ler home. turned to Nyssa Tuesday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. weeks there visiting friends and Ditty home this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and following a wedding trip that took L. O. Hawley Mrs. Hawley and her lelative.s. Mr and Mrs. William Peutz, Mr. daughters were Sunday evening them down the Oregon coast and Jesse Fry fell against a hot stove mother, Mrs. Woll attended the and Mrs. Werner Peutz, Laurence iinner quests in the Kenneth Me- to San Francisco. old folk's picnic of the L. D. 8. Thursday and burned both of his Peutz and Bill Peutz attended the church at Caldwell, park Tuesday nands. His left hand was burned wedding of Miss Margaret Anne quite badly and will have to be evening. Kent and Alvin Hicks in Payette Mr. and Mrs. George Thiel and bandaged for six weeks or two Thursday evening. Mi. and Mrs. Carl Thiel of Nam months. His right hand is not Mr. and Mrs. Charley Culbertson pa, were Sunday dinner guests at quite as bad. but will have to be went with the drill team of the Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill bandaged for about a month. Jesse Owyhee Ridim; club to WeLser Fri ,s Ju t learning to walk and lost Grasmick. day night to the rodeo. Mrs. Mamie Wilcox of Anaioch, t:is balance. He regained, his bal- Mrs. George Scliweizer left Sun California had luncheon one day mee but not before hLs hands hit day morning for a trip to the he stove and were badly burnt. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson, oast with her daughter and son i ompinled by Miry Jo, Richard in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth md Rsger Jenkens and Ruthcle Ahrens, and children of Nampa. S le of Ontario, went to Payette They plan to be gone for about two weeks. lakes to the 4-H camp. Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams Janice Evans visited a doctor in Ontario to find that his back and Mary Ellen spent from Thurs trouble is caused by bruLse of the day until Sunday at Stanley sal Our Watch Repairing is Scientifically Tested | Eyes Examined mon fishing. spine. Ed Ditty of Nyssa and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, YOUR TRUCKS TC on the Watch-Master Atkeson and Mrs. Mabel and Roger and Richard Jenkens Gertrude H Phone 720 attended a 4-H leadership meet McLean of Glendale, California Excellent Line of Jewelry and Gift Items ing in Payette Monday, August 2. vtre dinner guests in the Jesse 718 Arthur St. Wallace field s Is scheduled to Ditty home Tuesday evening. Fostoria Crystal—Franciscan Pottery tin ergo a major operation In Sharon Fox of Madras spent We have expert Ford Truck mechanics . ; . specialized Caldwell, Idaho H ole the first of October. He is 'roni Wednesday until Friday in truck service tools and equipment . . . and a complete the Charley Culbertson home. having spinal trouble. Agent For Gruen Watches and Rensie stock of Genuine Ford Truck Parts i i . to give you Mrs. John Westfall and children M. C. Seuell started diguing pot the very best service for your trucks. of Burns are spending this week atoes early Tuesday morning. Self-Winding Watches Mr. and Mrs. F.d Fahrenholz of visiting relatives here. They art Twin Falls, and' Henry Prospisal staying in the Darrell Williams Atkeson Bldg. Third and Main 1 of Minnesota spent Thursday, Fri home. PhyllLs Newell of Tacoma spent day and Saturday visiting at the > M A D E R IG H T ^ m r ^ y ?<T R IG H T ( home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fields. Wednesday night with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fields and Mrs. T. H. Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder P l a s t l o n g e r "! I i only visited Mr. and Mrs. Jay ¡Robinson and family near Emmett made a business trip to Vale Mon day afternoon. Sunday. Mrs. Martha Klingback and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and family attended a birthday dinner Mrs. Jess Gregg and children for Mrs. Johnson , grandfather, Mr. s-pent the week-end at Payette lak- Hathaway, at Wilder Sunday. Mr. i:.. • . I * .. Hathaway was 83 years old. i m „s.>, Tarzan Johnson Is planning to lari picking his SWMt corn for PR O PfR iY VALUES ihe cannery the last of this week or the first of next. -ARE U F * Judy and Shirley Preston left for Burley Wednesday to spend a week with their grandparents, Mr / V C K F A S I P /<»</*- and Mrs. Clyde Denning. -r *.0 P £ K T Y /O Mr. and Mrs. Elvln Baker and S family of Lawson. Missouri and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baker and family of WeLser were Sunday ev ening guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. M C. Seuell. NYSSA INSURANCE Ernest and Woodrow Seuell and Glenn Brown of Nvssa and Lloyd AGENCY Seuell and Bud Mootz went sal mon flshlnit near Stibnite, Idaho BABY BURNS HANDS ON STOVE AT HOME SEWING MACHINES New Jewelry Store Opening For Business Saturday, August 14 DR. C.W. CRAVES EXPERT SERVICE Jackson’s Jewelry Store H e rriman M o to r Co. m -HAVB y o u m m ' WSmsmMffîSm A Sizzling August Special Double Purpose SOFA —A DOUBLE BED BY NIGHT —A SOFA BY DAY f —REST TESTED PRECISION CONSTRUCTION —BY SLEEPMASTER— Plus Two f o u can make short w ork of all cutting jobs with these tw o new O live r units. The new 6-cylinder ”77” with its six forward speeds gives you almost any ground travel speed and drawbar pull coin- bination you want— at peak engine efficiency. Take the new direct drive power take-off of the ”77”— what could save more time in the hayheld? And. think how these advanced features increase tractor utility and cut down operating costs: choice of three new engines, (1) for gasoline, (2) for tractor fuel, and (») a diesel to he available later . . ! metered oil system . . . O il Miser transmission case . . . bat- tery ignition . . . choice of interchangeable cast iron or Stamped steel wheels and basic interchangeability of mounted tools with all other new Row Crop models. The new N o. 22 Mower rides on two rubber-tired caster wheels . . . is protected from damage by a safety spring release. The sickle bar is close to the rear tractor wheel, making it easier to grt around square corners. A dust-tight,’ oil-bath chain-drive transmission with a safety slip-dutch tuna the pitman. RIPPLE TWIST COTTON RUGS Pie-Shrunk Loop-Pile 24x36 ......... ........ $ 5.45 27x48 8.95 30x54 10.95 36x60 .......... 14.95 48x72 .. 22.45 Available in Large Size?* Wide Color Table Lamps For More EASY TERMS $1 FREE DELIVERY INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE COMPANY Nyssa Implement Company Beautiful I Telephone 176W ■ H i I