Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1948)
NYS SA 77; e xxxxiii . 29 Officers Extend Pheasant Limit, ^hootinff Season V o l u m e NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1948 ino Prostitution In Cities Attacked Nine Days Hunting And Total Of Six Cocks To Be Allowed JOURNAL 8000 Persons Attend Nyssa Night Rodeo At Two Unusually Thrilling Performances Health officers of Idaho ana Oregon and Malheur county, meet ing with Dr. L. A. Maulding in Nyssa last week, called upon the city administrations of Nyssa, On- tartio and Weiser to clue alltgec piaces of prostitution. Dr. Mauiding, health officer of Maiheur county, said "Health 01 - 1 liters of both stales will endeavor to enlist the aid and co-operation of the city councils in Communities where veneral disease is prevalent because of the operation of the houses. ’•undoubtedly we will experience the 1 reatest enforcement difficulty at the city council level." The health officer said the health departments will attempt to educate the public and bring pressure tc force abatement proceedings, rather than try to enforce the laws. Dr. Maulding added that "It is up to rhe cities to enforce the laws | prohibiting prostitution. Without the co-operation of city adminis trations and the police there is little that can be done by the health departments. "Statistics prove beyond any doubt that there are fewer sex crimes in cities which prohibit pros titution than those where it flour ishes. It brings an element to town which is very undesirable.” Dr. Harold M. Erickson, Oregon state health officer, was among those in attendance at the meet ing. dtiy Manager E. K. Burton stated Wednesday that Nyssa police offic ers have investigated suspected places of prostitution, but so far as they know at the present time there are no such women operating here. G. MENKENMAIER OF BURNS, OREGON was the top bronc rider >t the Nyssa night rodeo last week. He is shown above riding Chief loseph, Jr. Friday night. (Evans photo) Menkenmaier of Buma Takes Riding Title; Other Events Listed Following the filing of sports-' Before capacity crowds attending men’s protests, the state game com the Nyssa night rodeo last FYiday mission decided after a hearing held and Saturday, dozens of experienced in Portland last Saturday to in -1 cowboys battled the rugged stock crease the length of season and bag of Harley Tucker for prizes totaling limit on ring neck pheasants in Mal Approximately $>000. heur county and a few other coun The rodeo, sponsored by the Ow ties in the state. yhee Riding olub and Nyssa mer '•Late brood count carried on by chants, was run off at a rapid district game agents showed a mar tempo under tlie able supervision ked improvement throughout most of Lynn Snodgrass, arena direc- of the state from those made earlier or, and Roy Holmes, president of in the season,” the game commis the riding club. The arena thril sion stated in a news release sene lers were interspersed with such to the Gate City Journal. “With entertainment as drill team dem this information, the commission extended the season slightly onstrations. acrobatic stunts, trick throughout the state with a still riding and novelty races. Fes* longer extension in Malheur coun Reynolds of North Hollywood, not ty. The final regulation reads: THESE THREE GIRI.S WON the prizes in the doll buggy division ed clown and bull lighter, pro Open season, noon October 29 to of the Kids day parade held in Nyssa last week. They are (left to vided comedy for the show. November 2, inclusive, in all coun right) Judy Lewis, third; Katherine Klinkenkerg, second, and ties except Jefferson, Malheur, Georgia Oxmall, first. (Evans photo) 7 he participants were handicap Union, Wallowa, Baker, Curry, Lin ped Friday night by a strong cold coln and Tillamook. Bag limit two wind, but were able to continue the cocks per day or four for the sea show without interruption. The son. Malheur county—Open season, est.mated 2800 persons In the stands noon October 29 to November 7, in the first night were chilled by the clusive. Bag limit two cocks per unseasonal coolness, but the 3200 day or six for the season. In attendance Saturday night fared "The proposed special deer sea The Nyssa Junior American Leg Oiling of the city streets, which better in the warmer temperature. son in the Keating area of Bak ion baseball team squelched the have been In the process of prep As none of tihe cow waddles par er county was eliminated. Also Pendleton Juniors Saturday and aration for several months, was ticipated in all of the arena events, the area for the special deer season Sunday, July 24 and 25, by beating started on south Fifth street Wed an all-around cowboy could not be in the Crooked creek section of selected. However, the points made Lake county was reduced and the them in two of the proposed three- nesday afternoon by Contractor C. in the approved show will be sent number of tags changed from 300 game series deciding the district 7 E. Leseberg. tc the Rodeo Cowboys association to 200. In the special Baker eik and 11 championship. The scores The first spreading of oil is done for recording. The points made In season area the watershed for the were 14 to 6 Saturday ana 9 to 2 on the leveling course and is then the various shows throughout the city of Baker was- eliminated from nation wllb provide same cowboy the open area. SUInd the first game Hickey or On- !continued on the finishing course, with the title of world's champion. “Several special seasons with a tario allowed 8 hits and 6 ru n s'which consists of four “lifts", each In the calf-roping and bulldogging limited number of tags will be held while his team mates were | of which is oiled. The leveling events, the times of each cowboy this year for both deer and elk. A chalking up 13 hits and 14 runs, i course has been placed on most for the two nights were added to letter to the Oregon state game Cleaver of Nyssa, hurling the second Destruction of several hundred gether and the man with the high commission specifying the appli game, came up with a shut-out of the streets that will be oiled. dollars worth of property by fire est average was awarded first place. cant’s name and hunting license game after the first inning when| Leseberg asks that motorists a- was discovered in the paraphernalia number and the special season that he allowed the opposition 2 hits and ' void driving on streets that are room of the Masonic hall on Third George Henneman has moved his The Kansas City Monarh travel In some cases the performer with the lowest time for one night did he wishes to apply for is are all asked. that 2 street last week. is necessaary. Applicants ™ e. them pro- blocked because of -he oiling. He not «ate first place because of a Hardware store to his new build ing Baseball cluo, one of the Oldest The fire, believed to have been __ send In ... ................................ s*1 3 9 TU FIS OUt OÍ 10 llÌt<S. ! also said that if motorists drive started intentionally or uninten ing adjoining tlie First National and best known clubs in the United poor showing or bad luck the other to not money until noti- _ ^ , ÇCt fied to do so by the game com- L ™ *¡„hf10.1?“ ,£®VeJ ? ® J “ “!J??"? only 10 or 15 miIes hour the tionally, apparently occurred dur building on Main street. States and Canada, will meet the night. George Menkenmaier of Bums mission. If more applications are M mh« Conner city wiU have betU!r streets. Fast ing the first part of July. It caused bank brick building, 50 by 70 feet, Nyssa town team in an exhibition won the saddle bronc riding event, received than the number of tags of that district play-off -will gain ' | drivlr'I disturbs the to crushed rock an estimated $700 damage to par was Tlie erected and R then ha^ re. :otied, by Heldt brothers. game on the Nyssa dtmond Thurs with Buck Davis second, Jim Staley available, a drawing will be held a berth In the state tournament aphernalia owned by the Masonic- _______________ of Las Vegas third and A1 Book of Bernard Frost of Nyssa attended be held in Salem August 13 to 15. • lodge, the Order of the Eastern The structure has a hardwood floor, day, August 5 at 8:30 p. in. CPGW CGDC Idaho fourth. the Portland hearing as a repres to No Star and Job’s Daughters, and light green plaster walls with ivory The Monarchs were forced to Kuna, information has been received L L l j l U n o r U l r j U 1 \ j Walt Sullins of California and entative of the Malheur Game as to the date of the district play- I HOME TALENT SHOW equipment owned by the Blue lodge. trim and trimline fluorescent light give up traveling in the north and Clark Maddox of Weiser tied for league. The league proposed to the of for Nyssa's opponent in thei The blaze was confined to the _______ Adequate storage space and a least darning the war years, but first and second money In the bare- commission a 14-day season on game, concrete room, which will eventual ing. according to Robert Talbot, j Arrangements have been made by riding. Ray Beam of Kansas pheasants. used as a furnace room, which furnace room are located at the have planned a three-montlis tour back (Continued manager of the Nyssa team. | the Nyssa Veterans association for ly be practically On Page Seven) no ventilation. How rear of the building. all t through the north central There is a possibility that the presentation of the new musical has the flames did scorch the Henneman is expanding his stock, northwest and west coast states district games will be played on show, "Fun For You” on the ever, casing, but did not spread adding new lines of hardware and this year. tlie Nyssa field, although nothing Nyssa high school athletic grounds door further because of the plaster. the Monarchs will be definite has been released. Hood, August 19 and 20 . paper records and much the General Electric line of appli “ Managing Cool Papa" Bell, one of the all- River is Nyssa s most likely oppon- I ^ pr;)ducUon is called the at- of All the of the ances. He will install a model G. paraphernalia were con time greats in colored baseball. Witli ent. omic bomb of amateur entertain sumed and much of the wooden E. kitchen in the store. Formal 25 of baseball behind him. ment, is an impersonation of flight equipment was partly burned be opening of the new store will be Bell years Funeral services were held this nAM ArrC is considered one of the best A field day program sponsored network shows on the radio. fore the fire went out. afternoon at 2 o’clock in the Nyssa $ 2 0 ,3 4 4 U A M A U L i) after the stock is completely playing managers in baseball. Bell by the Western Riding clubs as- The show will include an Imper The burglars pried open the front held Funeral home chapel for Dayton GIVEN PLAINTIFFS sonation The store is now open has played in seven of the All Star jociation of the Snake river valley of the Childrens Story door of the hall and the drawers arranged. H. Curran, who died at his home Negro Classics held each year in featuring the "Tell Me a Sto in the secretary's desk. Several for Tlie business. IN HAINES CASE Hour, be held In Nyssa September 12. Wednesday following a heart att space formerly occupied by Chicago. With a life-time batting will Decision Lady", Santa Claus, Cinderella, burned matches were found in the the Henneman to hold the program tn ack. Rev. Donald S. Campbell of Damages totaling $20,344.26 were ry average of .302, Bell Is still one of Hardware company Prince Charming, and Joe Kelly, Nyssa was reached at a meeting of furnace room. the Methodist church officiated. awarded the Ritchey lamily in their the quiz master. the outstanding players in baseball. in the Atkeson building will be representatives of the 22 member The body will be sent to Elmwood, suit against Wiibur E. Haines of Other local people will imperson The loss was partly covered by leased by the Service Parts com At third base is Fled McDaniels, clubs in Boise Tuesday night. Mem- insurance. Illinois for interment. one of the players who was with tlie pany, which will move as soon as ate such famous celebrities as Dr. Burns by a jury in circuit court in a the committee are James No one had been using the hall the space is re-decorated. Mr. Curran was bom October 8. Vale last Thursday night. Monarchs when they toured through I. Q., Harry Von Zell, Duke of Pa of Nampa, chairman; Lynn 1872 in Ohio and came to this The Ritchey family sued Haines ducah, Minnie Pearl, Uncle Ezra, because of the summer recess of Homer JackSon will open a jewel this territory before the war. Mc Jenkins of Nyssa. Willard Smith the lodge groups. vicinity 15 years ago. He was one for $112.000 for the deaths of Doug- and many other favorites. Daniels was just a rookie then, but Snodgrass ry store in the space now occupied of Marslng, Ivan Pollard of Star of the first settlers on the Owyhee las M. Ritchey and Elmer Ritcihey The bam dance scene will be (C ontinued O n I’agr 2) by the Service Parts company. and Ed Bowman of Ontario. project, where he engaged in farm and injuries sustained by Mr. and one of variety, including old time CITY TURNS OVER All participants in the event will ing. square dancing, special entertainers FISHERMEN FINED ORDERLY SELLING Mrs Harold Ritchey and Everett $161,000 IN BONDS be members of the clubs in the Survivors are the widow, Leah, Ritchey, resulting from the crash of and musicians. valley. The program will Include wand several brothers living in Ill the Ritchey automobile against a Prominent business and profes TO FIRST NATIONAL IN JUSTICE COURT OF POTATOES URGED hurdle a polo game, stake inois. men will burlesque Betty Financing of the city of Nyssa'» Two Japanese, Ben Nomi of On Due to the critical situation that races, a Jumping, stock trailer parked on a highway sional pony express a Grable, Lana Turner, Gravel Ger street improvement and water tario and Pete Inahara of route 2, may develop within the next three flag race. Approximately race 26 and near the Little Valley service stat events CLOSING TAVERNS tie. Mae West and Gypsy Rose Lee system improvement projects has Payette, were fined by Justice of weeks because of growers offering will be staged during this second ion last December.- —As they impersonate glamorous Harold and Geneva Ritchey were gals affair. ON SUNDAYS URGED awarded too many potatoes to the govern annual the Peace Don M. Graham FYiday ment having breakfast in Hollywood. been virtually completed. $5000 for the death of their "The James Jenkins stated at the on the same days, KLaas Ten- in the Nyssa Justice court for al Tlie city delivered the first of in Hollywood” Douglas and Mrs. Ora Ritchey scene will Breakfast meeting that has the best At a regular meeting July 20, son, sen of Nyssa, president of the Mal leged fishing law violations. the week $90,000 worth of water also follow the pattern works bonds. $35,000 worth of street Nomi was fined $250 on a charge heur County Potato and Onion rodeo grounds Nyssa wife of the late Elmer of the popular In 'the entire valley. Chalk Butte Grange passed a res Mangham, radio show in-so-far was awarded $5000 for the as ladies in the audience will be intersection bonds and $36.500 worth of fishing In a cloesd area on the Growers association, issued a warn olution promoting a program to Ritchey, of her husband, Harold. Gen awarded close on Sunday and holidays all death local growers. STARTED ON river and $250 on a charge ing Mr. to Tensen for the goofiest hats; of street Improvement bonds to the Owyhee and Everett Ritchey were each a wishing prizes taverns and other places that sell eva advises growers to WORK exceeding the bag limit. Inahara contact ring lady will be chosen; First National Bank of Portland, of NEW WATER TANK given $3000 damages and $1,344 25 corsages or serve alcoholic beverages. Evan Gheen at the city hall offered the best bid for the was fined $250 on a charge of fish in Ontario far enough In advance The Grange decided to hold a I for hospital and medical care. -------- awarded to the ---- eldest . , lady . which bonds. The city is expected to re ing in a closed area. dance at the Cow Hollow com-| The jury included Mrs. Hope present, and a good good neighbor ceive the money for the bonds with State police officers, who made that an orderly disposal of potatoes Word has been started by a crew the Chicago Bridge and Iron munity hall July 31. A committee Orider of Nyssa. 'of Throughout Nyssa will be the presented, be made. This advance infor of the arrests, said anglers have been can show there will in the next few days. company on the erection of Nyssa’* was appointed to secure music. mation will be of value to operators new slipping into the closed area for The water works bonds will bear be specially costumed singing and high elevation tank at Third Guests for the evening were Mr BASEBALL GAME IS dancing choruses with impersona- Interest of 3 per cent, the inter night fishing. of produce sheds also. 1 ,treet and Locust avenue. section bonds 3L per cent and the S ceu, ff ^ iaano._______ h „ Howard Nlccum oi Wen' SET FOR FRIDAY tions of everything from Frank will have a capacity of ______ _______ Sinatra to a singing commercial. street improvements bonds 2 3-4 Visitors At Fife Home— SELECTIVE SERVICE The tank gallons, double that of the Mr. and Mrs. Lavere Fife and . COMMITTEE NAMED 1100,000 Returns To Los Anreles— For the remainder of the Idaho- The entire show ends with a big per cent. present tank. It Is expected to be daughter, Darrelon, of Stanfield. J league season, scheduled production number which tells the Return To Nyssa— | completed In about a month. Margaret Eleanor Foster left ~ Oregon Oregon and Larry Dahle of Weston, j games will be moved ahead one history of the nation in song and Erection of the tank and con- Wednesday Angel Marshall of Nyssa, V. E i nectlon Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lawrence and Idaho are guests at the home of j Gl Charles of the city system with ai«u » a morning .v day for ..... Los with - ........ — week, A1 Chadwick, president of the tableau. 3 ves of Ontario and Glen High es after 10 visit her son returned to their home in Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife. the Idaho Canning company well Darents Mr and Mrs W. W. Fos- Nyssa club announced Wednesday. I — of Vale have been appointed by Nyssa after a trip through the Yel I»rents. Mr Nyssa’s next game will be play- To Orangeville will greatly Improve the city"* Governor John Hall as members of lowstone park, and a visit with Mrs. Change of Venue Asked— ter" ___________ ___ . ed here a.gainst Wilder Friday. Julyt Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and Lawrence's water system. the Malheur county selective ser parents at Preston. Ida James Russell of Nyssa has asked Return From Summer School— 30 at 8 p. m. After that contest and Vernon, and Mr. and Mrs. board. for a charvge of venue to Judge vice ** Several members of the Nyss.i three more games remain on the Henry Crowley are spl n<*‘"*' J * ho. State Award— three men were proposed by Receive Thomas Jones' justice court in On the The secretaries School Faculty returned to their schedule at follows: August 7. Bums coming week-end at 9 ra" feul'e' Visit In Utah— Roeel Hunter, Charley Orider, of th<! Nyssa. On tario in the case of state of Ore Friday after attending the 'at Nvssa. August 13. Nyssa at On- Idaho, where they will v,alt the Dennis Fife and Dean Fife spent gon versus Donald H King of Nys tario and Vale chambers of com Cliff Beaumont and Cliff Wright summer school session at the East-|tarlb and August 20. Payette at John R o s t and the week-end in Utah. Keith Bybee sa. charged with assault and batt merce. at the request of the gov went to Independence last week-end end to attend the annual picnic em Oregon College of Education!Nyssa. and Conway Jensen also were in ery oh Russell two weeks ago. Judge ernor. -f the Oregon Jersey Cattle club at La Grande. Those returning to -------—-------------- ,Mrs' crowl<y-____________ Don M. Graham disqualified him- Salt Lake City and Ogden for the and accept for the Malheur Jersey Nvssa were Mrs. Eva Chadwick, Loans Available— . Babies Arrive— elf to try the The chareje of 24th of July celebration. Breeders association the award giv Miss Kathryn Crandall. Mrs Pearl Loan funds for chattels and water \ ale Man > isiU - New arrivals at the Nyssa Nurs en venue is still pending. Ballantvne and Mrs John Lane, facilities are now available from the | Ray Hunger of Vale visited Su Prowlers Enter Car— to the county organization con ing home recently were a son, 7 ML« Teresa Gehnart of Ontario farmers home administration to ; day at the Lloyd Ltrwris home ducting the best spring dairy show pounds, 5 ounces, bom to Mr. and The automobile of V L. Kesler of Son Arrive- state. The award, the Hul- and Mrs. Muriel Judd of Parma, those operators of family-size farms Summars of Nyssa July •tn he trophy, Nyssa was among those entered by Mr and Mrs. Dale Wilison are Mr? and Floyd Improves is given each year on members of the local teaching staff , who are unable to obtain the nee- Condition a daughter. 7 pounds, 9'* bert Mrs Catherine Daly, mother of prowlers in Ontario Sunday night. parents of a son. Michael Dale, 23. the basis of quality of exhibited bom July 23 to Mr. and cattle, Kesler reported to police officers the bom July 15 in the Brlttingham ounce», Junior exhibits, handling of theft of a kodak and two Mexican Nursing home in Ontario. The baby Mr> John Burton of Nyssa. the show, advertising and special weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Mr blankets valued at $35 r T n Hold picnic— 'local office of the farmers home is improving following a stroke features and community interest. Hall Burglarized— Willson was here from Richland, Eagles *The Oregon Trail Orange will administration. Wilson Building, suffered four weeks ago. Burglars entering the Eagles hall Washington this week to visit bis Parents O f Son— Sister— hold its annual picnic at the Cald- Ontario Chattel loans may be on Third street and Bower avenue Visits Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Pace, are wife and son. Roland Bell of Oarden Valley. sell park Sundav. August 1 at 1 1 made for periods of five years for Riding Clob To Meet Friday night stole approximately $15 the parents of an 8'j pound boy. o clock for members and other» machinery, livestock and operating | The Owyhee Riding club will bom July 5 at Albion. Idaho. She Visit In Fruitland— and a quantity of beer and cigar Idaho Is visiting his sister. Mr*. interested in attendng. Members expenses Waterfacility loan, may meet f*Utey at Uw home <>f D r was formerlly Mess Jensen, daughter Mr and Mrs. Tom Eldrldge were ettes. The cash was taken from a Gilbert Raff, and family. He wiU provide their basket lunches be made up to 20 years, providing ,J. J. Sarazrn Mu» machine, which the burglars arrived here Wednesday and will re Mr. and Mrs Melvin Jensen of guests last Sunday of Mrs. Oliver slot and drinks. The Orange will fur- domestic water faculty and lrri-|and Mrs Chartas CTUliartson wiU of turn home Sunday. broke open. Bingman of FYultland. Nyssa. niO» ice cream. gat ion installation». be the assistant hostesses. Nyssa Nine Wins Street Oiling District Title Is Regun Here Masonic Hall Is Damaged by Fire Henneman Firm Neffro Baseball Moves Location Players Coming in m /vnaur u n til n n t i_ Dayton Curran Passes At Home n l Cn c o ir) th o l if tr> n ÌA P ÌC + C r i r i lZ O Field Program Set By Riders