FOUR PAGES SECOND SECTION .> * W = Ä meNYSSA GA VOLUME XXXX1II NYSSA, OREGON, TH U RSD AY, JU LY 15, 1948 NO. 27 SEVERAL V IS IT IN A R C A D IA SECTION C. B. Hill and Shirley Smith att Mrs. M cGinnis’ daughter and fam- ¡ VETERANS BUILDING ended a softball game in Nampa ;tly. CONCESSION STAND Sunday between the Nampa vet Mrs. Maurice Judd has received erans and the Adrian town team. | word from Ellen, who is enjoying Th e Nyssa post o f the Veterans The game lasted 11 innings, with the final score being Nampa 6 and 1 her trip to the east. She has att- of Foreign Wars is building a con- | ended several big league baseball | cession stand at the rodeo grounds The Owyhee Riding club, origin Adrian 5. ator of the Nyssa night rodeo, has 1 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith and games. Thurman Piercy has arrived in ! in prepartaion for the Nyssa night made several improvements at the Diann were in Weiser Tuesday ev Kansas on his way from the east, jrodeo. rodeo grounds since last year’s , ening. The building, 16 by 18 feet, is Mr. and Mrs. James Stephens where he purchased a new Pontiac. event. He is visiting Carol Thomas, a for constructed of concrete blocks. The were in Durkee Monday. Th e club has doubled the capac Joyce Kurtz shopped In Nyssa mer schoolmate at Adrian. V.F.W. members are doing the work. Mrs. Wesley Piercy and Arlene ity o f the grandstand, which has Monday. The V.F.W. has bought a 10-year were Nyssa visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Smith and been painted white by the members concession right from the Owyhee o f the organization. T h e grand-1 Pat shopped in Nyssa Monday. Riding club, owner of the grounds. Caroline Schiemer, Jean Dierking, On Visit— stand will seat 2404 persons so Mrs. Louise M cGaven left last that with bleacher seats the capac Joyce Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Wednesday for Pocatello and Salt Visiting Here— ity for the show is expected to be Kurtz and and Mr. and Mrs. Har approximately 3500. The club re old Kurtz went swimming in Cald Lake City for a week’s visit. Mrs. Alvin Moss and Mrs. L. W. placed the burned section o f the well Sunday. Hillhouse of Bountiful, Utah are Mrs. Forest Hardman and Diann On Fishing Trip— grandstand and added two new sec Mr. and Mrs. Jack M cKee and accompanying Miss Letha Mann are visiting relatives in Portland. tions. of Spokane to her home after a Mrs. W. W. Smith left Thursday son, accompanied by relatives from The club also doubled the capac visit in Utah. En route the visitors ity o f the corrals for watering and for Caarlton, Oregon with Mrs. A. F. Boise, spent from July 3 to July 8 are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. feeding rodeo livestock and white McGinnis of Nyssa. They will visit on a fishing trip to Warm lake. Tom Burningham. Stanley basin and Bear valley. washed all of the fencing. The workers installed a new type of calf chute with spring doors, a new E. W. PRUYN water system for watering livestock and new additional lights. Grandstand and Yards Enlarged AR C A D IA , Juy 15— Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davis and daughter o f Hunt ing Beach, California arrived here Friday to visit Mrs. Davis’ mother, Mrs. Anna D ail and other relatives. They spent several days in Y ellow stone park before coming here. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Miles Canada in Jerome, Idaho and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lakey and fam ily in Boise. Eldon Strew y, who is employed ¡in the shipyards in Bremerton, Washington, spent the Fourth of July with his sister, Mrs. Cecil Houston, and family. Miss Joan Matherly visited last week with Janet and Barbara Lak ey o f Boise. C. W. Barrett is the owner of a new Ford car. He is going to Texas this week to visit his son, Jack. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Mathis of Turlock, California left last week for California after a visit here NEW ELL HEIGHTS with Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller FOLKS VISITING and family. Mrs. Anna Dail and Mrs. Etta Johnson and daughter, May, of N E W E LL H E IG H TS, July 15— Joy Powell, Wyoming visited last week . ce Kurtz spent Tuesday night at with Mrs. Dail and Mrs. Johnson’s j the Merle Kurtz home in Caldwell. Leonard Smith was in Boise on brothers, A1 and Jess Thompson and families o f Enterprise. . business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cook returned I Mrs. Leonard Smith and Diann last week from a trip to California. shopped in Nyssa Friday. Mrs. Johnny Timmerman and Mrs. L. F. Rabbins and Mrs. George Coleman gave a pink and T erry of Caldwell visited Mrs. W ay blue shower for Mrs. Merrildean ne Piercy Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham and Robbins July 8 at the home of Mrs. L. E. Robbins. Mrs. Robbins was Gary were in Caldwell Thursday. Mrs. Charlie Newbill and Betty the recipient of many nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. George M oeller and and Mrs. Charlie Harris accom fam ily were dinner guests Sunday panied the Scouts to McCall. Mrs. Nellie Newbill is in Condon In the Bob M cKinney home in visiting her niece and family. Valley View. Donald Newbill accompanied his Harold Houston left last week for the veterans hospital in Van grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles couver, Washington for more treat Garrison of Nyssa on a fishing trip to Wallowa lake. ments. George Schiemer and Kennie Mr. and Mrs. A. M orfitt of Seatt le were overnight guests In the Vanderpool participated in the boat races in Homedale Sunday. Otis Bullard home July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Worden, Mr. and i Miss W ilm a Bullard is teaching Mrs. Stanley Hill, Mr. and M rs.! Bible school near Prineville. CLOSET COMBINATIONS Auto Repairing HO to $65 W IT H SEATS Reboring, V a lfe Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 720 Alice Hallberg and Ed Patterson, which was held in the Nampa Un ited Presbyterian church Thursday night. Lorina and Carol served at We Congratulate The Owyhee Riding Club upon the sponsor ship of such a fine sporting event as the JJ§ Nyssa Night 500 FEET OF FIBRE SEWER PIPE. to be held Any Amount You Want, 35c as Long as JULY It Lasts. 23 and 2 4 DR. G.W. CRAVES Eyes Examined Harvey Bennett and fam ily were Sunday diner guests of Clarence Kaneifle in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W itty and 1 fam ily attended me wedding of the reception following the wedding. Clayton Lisle is staying with his sister, Mrs. M ilton B&mingham, who lives near Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cameron re turned Sunday from a two-weeka visit with relatives at Hollister, Id aho. Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts and fam ily and B. G. Roberts visited Mr. and Mrs. Henderlider at Nam pa Sunday. Uodeo Phone 56-W Optometrist Big Bend All Kinds Of Rough-In Material. FRED BRAUN 718 Arthur St. Plumbing and Heating Caldwell, Idaho Phone 266-W Arrangements already made indicate that the second annual show will be even better than the first event, which was held in 1947. OUR HATS ARE OFF TO THE COWBOYS Nyssa Elevator Announcing The Grand Opening Ü Of The Union Stock Yards At Nyssa, Oregon Seating Capacity 1000 Wednesday, July 21 Persons attending our sales will be able to see the auction ring from any seat in the house. Plant Modern In Every Respect W e will not have the plant completed by open 5 Over 400 Cattle ing day, but the cattle yards, hog yards, sale ring, etc. will be in condition to give you a • very good idea of what it will be like when it will be offered for sale On our opening day, is finished. along with other livestock. Bring yours in. W e The Union Livestock Commission Co. can handle up to 1500 sales a day. Lunch Served In Building (Formerly the Nyssa Livestock Commission Co.) Invites the public to attend and bring livestock to our opening sale, beginning at 1 P. M. WEDNESDAY, JU LY 21, one mile You will get good food in our clean, modern north of Thompson Oil company station on Third street. lunch room. Mrs. M. A. Rodda is in charge. After lunch, sit in our nice lobby and visit with your friends. * OWNERS: BILL LANE AND BYRON LANE, AUCTIONEERS; W e think after you have seen it, you will want to keep right on coming back week after week. W e have the latest Fairbanks-Morse reg istering beam scales and quarantine pens for banger cows. Open Mouse Saturday, July 17 At 9 P. M. MRS. W. L. LANE, SECRETARY-TREASURER. PUBLIC INVITED