Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1948)
PAGE SIX * A (A (; ou ir THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON foetal inti's - l - LOCAL CO U PLE W EDS Owen Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ai hie Smith and Dan Pennie, son of O. W. Pennie, both of Nyssa were united in marriage in the Christian church at Ontario, June 27, with Rev. Oeorge Whipple of the Ny-'sa Christian church officiating. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white satin with a finger-tip veil and carried a bouquet of white asters. Miss Neta Smith, sister of tile bride, matron of honor, wore a lJifhv blue gown and carried a small bouquet of aster.-,. John Dewey served as best man and Dwalne Erwin and Dick Mason ushered. Mrs. Jay Moore of Ontario sang, "The Lord's Prayer.” accomp- anled by Miss Adrienne Peterson, who also played the wedding march, A reception was neid after the ceremony in the church. The tables were decorated with ro>es and a three-tiered wedding cake, which was served by M..., Margie Merrick and Mrs. Morris Burweil. Miss Patty Cliard displayed the n ll“ y beautiful gifts and Mis-s Betty Bretz charge of the guest book, The bride and groom are bolii graduates of Nyssa high school, wiUl the class of 194« Alter a short wedding trip the couple will temporarily live at the Jacquin Miller resort while Mr. Pennie and his father are building a house in John Day, after which they will be at home a t the Pennie residence north of Nyssa. An out-of-town guest for the wedding was the bride's graiid- mother, Mrs. Georgella Rose of Ber,“ ‘‘ey. California, —8— ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Ar;hur Cilvert Sal- lee of Nyssa announce the engage- THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1918 F ish A t M r ( a l l - -a and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Niel Veterans Elect— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freeman sen of Ontario. The Nielsen family At a meeting of the Malheur -pent the past week-end flushing formerly lived near Nyssa. County Veterans association, held m .ear McCall. I the veterans administration build Leave After Visit— ing in Nyssa at 8 p. m .Monday icing To Have Company— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brady of Oak July 12. Mike Fulleton and Jini land, California, who have been Mrs. Evelyn Holman and daughter Lang of Vale were elected comm d arn mu- of Pocate.ia are visiting visiting their parents here for some ander and vice commander respec lere for several «seeks with her time, have gone to Eugene. Salem tively, Mr. Ennis of Vale was elect ister-in-iaw. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis. Mrs. end Portland to visit relatives. At ed second vice commander and lolman and daughter and Mrs. Lew - the termination of Mr. Brady's Emmett McCarthy of Ontario sec s and children left today for the leave from the navy July 23 they retary-treasurer. ioaquin Miller resort near Canyon will return to Oakland, where he Jity for a visit of several days. I is ..rationed. fhey will visit Mr. and Mrs. G. W. | Ex-Residents Visit— ’eniue, who are* spending the Bi-ltop Here— Mrs. H. B. Almgren and two chil- ummer there. BLsliop and Mrs. Leonard Howe dren of Portland arrived Tuesday end four children of American to visit friends for several days. Visiting Here— Fork. Utah are spending the week Mrs. Almgren was formerly Miss Mr and Mrs. Edward Nielsen of with Mrs. Howe’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Danielson, daughter of Mr. ia,tle Rock, Washington, accom- E. Bybee. and other relatives here and Mrs. William Danielson, who nied bv Lois and Tommy Nielsen and in Ontario and Nampa. They lived here 30 years ago. are visiting their sons. Clifford and are owners and operators of the Elver NieLsen, anti rami ies of Nya- American Fork Nurseries. ¡aaiBiHMig Jw iB M iB B igisiB igaiaaw BiBiiiiBiBi^^'^iBiaigiaBiaiaaBigtojiiaikiiaikiai'' CHAM3RAY Stripes and Plains Dress & Shirting Patterns Reg. 59c BY LEW HERRIMAN g 0 rge°us HUJ1ÜS Our stock of Lee blue bib overalls is complete 6 to 1 favorite Sizes 30 to 46 $3.h9 BIG BUCK Battle Ax forest green whipcord sanforized Durable pocket ing a Jnt $ 3 . 7 9 Pair un th BOOTS da lç hi Si tu M w ol toi M A national s u r v e y by a prominent pub- I i s h i n g com pany proves Lee Overalls are the 6 to 1 favorite For the top quality work cloth ing value always buy Lee. Buckhect cowboy Sizes 5 to 10 Brown and black Reg. #15.95 $12.9 5 a V a I i v Bracken’s DRYGOODS — SHOES — CLOTHING X-Ray Shoe Fitting NYSSA OREGON NYSSA Phone 1 0 8 PROGRAM THEATRE Gwen Smith and Dan Pennie, both their marriage in Ontario June 27. of Nyssa, are shown above following j (Photo by Evansi ment of their daughter, Lucille, to 1 Mitchell, class leaders. The girls' Prank Theodore Morgan, Jr., son | u.e, at Ontario and Weiser, mäkln.« | of Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Morgan,. a total of 89 who will enjoy tile Sr., also of Nyssa. | trip. Miss Sallee, a graduate of Oregon1 ._______________ State collii ;e. was affiliated with BRIDGE CLUB MEETS Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Her The Tuesday evening brid e club finance was graduatod from thè ’net at the home of Mrs. Luray University of Oregon, w bere he j Trabert this week. High scores in was a member of the Delta Taw cards were won by Mrs. Lyle Full Delta. He served four years in the mer. The traveling prize was given army. to Mrs. Max Goldman. The wedding date has been set —8— for August 1 in St. Paul’s Episco Barr, Wife Visit— pal church. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Barr of Oak - 5 - land California stopped in Nyssa HAVE GUESTS Monday while en route to Jerome. Mis. Georgella Rose of Berkeley, Idaho on a business trip. Mr. Barr California was a dinner guest Wed conducted a campaign for raising nesday at the home of Mr. and lunds for the Malheur Memorial Mr.s. O. E. Dorman. hospital at Nyssa last fall. He will discuss with leaders possibilities —8 - of construction of a hospital at MARRIED IN WASHINGTON Miss Erma Hamlin of Spokane Jerome. and Lawrence Powell of Liberty Lake, Washington were married Fifes Return— Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fife and family last week at Liberty Lake, where they will make their home. Mr.s. returned Sunday from a five day fishing and vacation trip througn Powell was formerly owner of the . cntraJ Idaho. They enjoyed fish Beauty Nook In Nyssa. ing and camping at Altorus lake -« - and Big Red Fish lake. ENTERTAINS AT TEA Mrs. Houston Wilson entertained Monday at a tea for her mother, Goes To Iriiitland— Mr.s. R. M. Jones, and her sister, Mrs. Everett D. Michaelson spent Miss Dorothy Jones, who are vis Saturday in Fruitland. iting here from New Brunswick, New Jersey. Twenty ladies called Body Expected— luring the afternoon to meet the The body of Pfc. Wayne L. Ulrey visitors. ¡of Nyssa is among the bodies of » American war dead scheduled to Bee Hive Girls Leave For Camp— 1 arrive in New York Friday. Ulrey Eighteen Latter Day Saint. Bee-¡son of Mr. and Mrs. John H Ulrey Hive gtrLs met at tthe church Wed- of Nv.ssa. was killed in Italy, neesdfey morning, when they board ed a buss to go to a camp at Return Home_ Anthony lake for a three-day va- Mrs. Gilbert Raff and daughters cation. Mrs. Sheldon Archibald, returned home Friday evening after Weber stake advisor, was in charge .spending a week visiting friends of the girls. Accompanying them and relatives at Boose. Garden Val- were Mrs. Dean Fife and Mrs. Afton ley and Meridian, Idaho. ONLY $ TINY, TUNEFUL, TERRIFIC! Sewright and Terry Whoop’er Up For The Nyssa Night Rodeo July 23 and 24 APPROVED SHOW — HARLEY TUCKER RODEO STOCK Saddle Bronc Riding Bareback Riding Calf Roping Bulldogging Kids Calf Roping Mat., Sal., 2:30; A dm. 25c-Sc. Inc. Tax Brahma Bull Fighting And Clowning Adm. Evenings, 40o-»c, Inc. Tax. SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 18-19 Jeanette McDonald, Jose Iturbi, Jane Rowell Edward Arnold, Harry Davenport and Ann E. Todd In “THREE DARLING DAUGHTERS" In Technicolor Rollicking comedy, heart-warming romance, a glorious new thrill in music. It's guaranteed 100 per cent swell entertainment. Color Cartoon Ralph Stockwell And His Trained Steer Act Mag Racing Stake Racing LaMar Ettes irç Acrobatic Act $2000 In Cash Prizes Mat.. Sun., 2:3»; Adm. 30e-9r. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, M r-k', Inc. Tax Adm. Evening*. 40c-»c, Inc. Tax. Drill Team Exhibitions Midwest Shows On Grounds BETTE PETT, above, mounted on Apache, will rule as queen over the Nyam rodeo July 28-24. (Photo by Moore). SEE THE RODEO QUEEN SPONSORED BY OWYHEE RIDING CLUB AND NYSSA MERCHANTS JULY 23 AND 24 AT THE NYSSA RODEO mu>t be sent to Nyssa chamber of commerce, Oregon, not later than July 22. And Soe AT OUR SHOW ROOMS HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Nyssa KIDS. Be Sure To Attend the Kids Day Celebration y/The Car of The Year’ Your Ford Dealer if HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Marshall-Wells Store 2-Reel Musical and Cartoon W EDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JULY 21-22 Fred MacMurray, Frank Sinatra, Lee J. Cobb and Billy Wayne in “MIRACLE OF THE BELLS" . . . You’ll want to see it over and over a g a in .. . The happiest, heartiest, warmest hit ever filmed, and a human story you’ll never forget. News Beauty to harmonix. breakable cabinet, Underwriters' listed for safety! “DRIFTWOOD’’ Adm. 25-9c. Inc. Tax GARDENIA CREAM LEAF GREEN TURQUOISE PERSIMMON BANANA YELLOW GERANIUM RED with every room in your homel Fine reception, non- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 16-17 A tender and warming story of a little busy body who drifted into town—and right into everybody’s heart! Laughter for the whole family. W alter Brennan, Ruth Warrick, Dean Jagger and Charlotte Greenwood in TUESDAY, JULY 20 Bargain Night Double Feature Barbara Britton and Rudy Vallee in “FABULOUS SUZANNE’” Also Allan Lane and Bob Steele in “BANDITS OF DARK CANYON” 1495 • • • • • • This year, for the first time in h lto ry , the television cameras are bringing the candidates right Into the homes of the people who put the "X” marks on the ballots. No longer can a candidate hide behind his literary style or his oratory. Up to now, the coverage Isn't huge, but by next election time the candidate who isn't photogenic might Just as well stay home. A political hopeful will need looks as well as luck, be cause the' television eye can be crueier than a ijossip's tongue. A man can kill his own chances be fore he opens his mouth, but the andidate with a photogenic grin ■viil be sitting pretty. Kirli, don't forget to attend the Kids Day program on July 21. We won't have television cameras this ..ear, tu t you will get your pictures • ken with some good old fashioned hooters. The local cynic says you can't 'wavs judge a man by what he stands for. It’s what he falls for hat really counts. Maybe so. but ■chat he stands for is mighty im portant. For example, we stand for friendly, courteous service at HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Does your motor lack the pep and power you'd like to become accustomed o? Don't curse it; bring it in and let our doctors of ailing motors >ut it back in shape. All work and parts guaranteed. Free estimate, reasonable prices. Phone 77. This Advertisement Sponsored By The O wyhee Drug* Company * * n ..................................