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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1948)
Social News k-BEE-MITCHELL WEDDING HELD IN SCHOOLHOUSE The Oregon Trail schoolhouse was the scene Friday evening of a love- reception and dance in honor of Miss Lois Bybee, daughter of and Mrs. Wilford O. Bybee, and irvts Mitchell, son of Mrs. Lila rtchell of Adrian, who were mar- ^ ■ d there at 10:45 p. m., with (BLshup Arvel Child officiating. R The bride was lovely in a white aatin gown, -with princess style fcxtice and long train. Her finger tip veil, with a three-inch lace trim, was held in place by a three- arch coronet of tiny silver and Irhite beads. She carried a bride's 011171 let of pink carnations and lily of the valley. She was attended by Mrs Adrian Draayer, Jr., of Ogden as matron of honor, and Miss Joy ce Stoker. The ladies wore pastel " h a d e gowns and held bride’s bou- ouets. Mr. Mitchell chose a medium |ray striped suit and wore a white arnation in his lapel. He was at- ended by Norman Garner. Others n the reception line were Mr. and Jrs. Wilford Bybee and Mrs. Lila MiicheU. The ladles wore light af- R rnoon frocks. v At 10:45 the bridal party march ed to the strains of Wagner's Wed- , March, played toy T. Carol * Bybee on the electric solo-vox. They stopped in front of the $ 3 stage, where Bishop Child per- K,-? formed the ceremony. On each T side were white baskets of summer ■ flowers. The three-tier wedding A cake of pink and white with light ■ blue trimming was at the right on R a lace-covered table, with pink B candles in crystal holders on each V side. After the ceremony the bride cut ■ her cake and then the couple danc- I ed the first waltz, with the bridal I party joining in. Miss Lucille Mitchell was in charge of the gift book. The Miss es Olive Beus, Nannette Bybee and Mary Stoker carried the gifts to the gift tables, where Mrs. Lila Mitchell. Mrs. Ersel -Beus and Mis. Leslie Stoker presided. Punch and wafers were served to more than 400 friends and relatives. After the ceremony the following program was given: Keith Bybee, vocal solos, “ I Searched the World For You" and "Deep Purple” ; Reed Bay, two accordian selections, “ Yours" and "The Tango of the Roses", and Miss Marjory Bishop, vocal solo, “ Because", accompanied on the piano by Miss Mary Lou Schenk. The bride and groom left immediately for a honeymoon trip to Payette lakes, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Draayer of Ogden, also recently married. Mrs. Mitchell was graduated with high honors from the Nyssa high school this year, being salutatorian She was also president of the Girls at the home o f Mrs. Gyllanskog.! league and was chosen as "Miss Twelve ladies attended the shower. America" In the recent M.I.A. in Too Late To Classify ternational music festival. She was employed by the Bybee Motor FOR SALE— 1942 Dodge five-pass company as secretary. Mitchell, who enger coupe, radio, spotlights, fog attended the Nyssa schools, is em ; lights, newpaint job. % otor in good ployed on the Bybee farms here. 15Jtfc Out-of-town guests were Mr. and condition. Phone 26. Mrs. Russell Jordan of Nampa, Mr. WANTED—Steady man for irrigator and Mrs. Adrian Draayer of Og den. Mr. and Mrs. B. Grant Bybee either married or single. Phone 15Jtfc and Mr. and Mrs. Loren King of 276R. Ontario. FOR SALE or trade—80 Oliver tractor and cultivator. 2 bottom CLUB HOLDS MEETING tumble-bug plow. Tuttle's Produce The Chatterbox club met at the Market. J. V. Tuttle lSJlxp home of Lucille Runcorn recently, with 14 members present. The mem FOR RENT— Two-room cabin. bers decided to meet only once a Chadwick camp. 15Jtfc. month during the busy season, on FOR SALE!— Ten ton first crop the fourth Friday of each month. The next meeting will be held chopped hay. Phone 015R3. 15Jlxc August 27 at the home of Mrs. Amy , FOR SALE—Or trade Lot, 50 by Topliff. j 150. shallow well, will trade for car —5— or stock. $225. R. F. Spencer, route SHOWER HELD -1 Ontario, % J. W. Hardin. 15J2xp. Mrs. Campbell Baer and Mrs. Reed Gyllanskog were hostesses at STRAYED—One white weaner pig, a pink and blue shower honoring reward offered. H. E. Hight, route Mrs. Fred Troast Monday evening 2, Nyssa. 15J2xp PAGE FIVE THURSDAY. JULY 15, 1918 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON Keep Your Seats BY RESERVING SPACE AT THE N yssa Night Rodeo Friday and Saturday JU L Y 23 and 24 NYSSA RODEO GROUNDS ffi)5l5H 5lgnfil51SIH SlSIH aaSlgW .5l51SigiSlS«aiM nU M aM M Which Leads To The Suggestion your next BUY MILLWOOD Winter’s Supply NOW! When most needed... at the height of the heating season.. . . Millwood is most difficult to seeure. That's because of the seasonal operation of sawmills. All mills are now op erating at capacity.. . . so, prepare for next winter by ordering Mill- wood while it's available. Place your order today. THAT YOU BUY A SET OF LAW N FUR NITURE FOR THAT SECLUDED SROT BEHIND THE HOUSE OR AN EXTRA Buy Millwood while It’s EASY to GET . . at PIECE OF FURNITURE FOR A CON VENIENT NOOK. d»;'S l5l01!oE\ NYSSA FURNITURE COMPANY INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE COMPANY O. L. GALLO W AY, Mgr. PETERSON-NEWSOM FURNITURE COMPANY Nyssa, Oregon El) CASE FURNITURE BARGAIN CENTER Save Money On ■ JULY SPECIAL PURCHASE Davenport Sets YOUR CHOICE OF 12 DIFFERENT COLORS AND COVERS ON DAVENPORTS AND CHAIRS HAVE ONE OF THESE NEW SUITES NOW. TERMS ARRANG ED TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS. SJ9950 $50 Trade-in LESS .»<J CABU IZ( MI m New Davenport Suite $199.50 Trade Your Old Set In For .................. 50.00 YOU PAY O N L Y ......................................... $149.50 ON ANY DAVENPORT AND CHAIR Peterson-Newsorri Furniture PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY ------Ontario— Vale— Payette tvmeaêtmmmmm ■ ' en Co.