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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1948)
T1IE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON A'AGF FOUR OUTH INVOLVED IN AUTO ACCIDENT 'JN9ET VALLEY, July 15— Bob jung was involved in an auto de-swlplng accident Monday nlgm ear Homedale. Penders and runn- lg boards of both cars were wreck- j, but the occupants of both cars sceived no serious injuries. Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Meehan of furley, Idaho were week-end guests l the valley, visitir*? at the homes 1 Devon Larson and Mr. and Mrs, “red Mitchell. Mrs. Meehan is a ilece of Pred Mitchell. Mrs. Olaf Pyllingness was an ivernight guest of Mr. and Mrs. >laf Ege Wednesday. - Mrs. E. J. Hobson and Mrs. Hom ie r Brewer visited in Pruitland Sat- *Ylirday. Walt Armeson left Monday ev- •ning for Ohallis, daho and his •?old claim. Armeson will be there Spfor »0 days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nlshitani “"and son visited Mrs. H. K. Nlshitani jLftt the Holy Rosary hospital two bed ays last week. Mrs. Hashitani ex- jfpects to be able to go home this ;,,week. g, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Popkin and M«on of Junction City, Oregon have cimoved to the valley. Temporarily they are living with Mrs. Popkin's n parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Land, p Mr. and Mrs. Popkin want to make «their home in this area. I Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hall and Mr. p and Mrs. Jim Robb, Mr. and Mrs. c Lew McCoy and Rosalie McCoy of a Caldwell spent an evening at Snive- t ey’s spring during the week, r Esther Oreg*g, Mrs. Annie Gregg i and Herschel Gregg and family 1 were Sunday dinner guests at the l William Gregg home. Miss Bsther t Oregg left Monday by plane from i Boise for Los Angeles, after vis iting relatives n the valley for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Down- urn of Bonners Ferry, Idaho were also Sunday visitors at the William Gregg home. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen made a trip to Idaho and enjoyed camp ing out overnight near McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cooper attended the Nebraska picnic in Nyssa Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dudley of Bur ley visited at the Walter Hillis home Wednesday. Mrs. Elizabeth Satterly, mother of Mrs. Hillis, re turned to her home in Burley with Mr. and Mrs. Dudley. Ontario shoppers during the week were Mrs. Neil Dimmlck, Mrs. Har old Pyllingness, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Chapin, Beth Chapin, Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ohritton and son. Mr. and Mrs Hilton Marks and children of Los Angeles, Glenn Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Devon Larson and family went to Caldwell Wednesday evening on a swimming daughter. Geraldine of Boise were Mr and Mrs. Edward Topliff spent party. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Herring vis week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at the Irwin Topliff home ited Mrs. Herring’s parents, I. D 1 Grover Cooper. The group picnick near Ola, Idaho. Mrs. Perry Titland and baby son Good at Nampa Sunday and Mrs. ed at Owyhee dam Sunday. Don McCoy left Friday for River were in Portland recently. The Herring's sister, Mrs. W. A. Penner of California, who is visiting there. ton, Wyoming, taking a truck to Titland baby was taken to a hos Jim Trummel for his land-level pital for examination. Reverund and Mrs. Walter B. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie, and Smith of Baker conducted the! ing job there. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hoflman, Mr. evening services Wednesday n ig h t, and Mrs. Jarves Stephen, Jr. and at the Assembly of God church. SHOWER IS GIVEN family, and Mr. and Mrs. James Esther Herring, daughter of Mr. AT BUENA VISTA Stephen, Sr. attended the Nebraska and Mrs. A. R. Herring, entered picnic at Nyssa Sunday. the Elks convalescent home in Boise Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Wednesday for treatment for the BUENA VISTA. July 15—A miscel children, Mr.* and Mrs. Howard laneous shower was given for Mrs. after effects of poilo. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wilson and Mr. Johnson, who was married In June. Day and daughters and Mr. and and Mrs. Claude Wilson and sons j Also a towel shower was given for Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary Mrs. Roy Orlffitts, who had moved spent Sunday evening in Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chard away. Mrs. Alva Goodell was in were visitors at the Elver Nielsen i charge of the guests, with Mrs. Topliff winning the prizes. home Friday evening. Sherbet, cake and ice tea were Casey’s Compound Recommended Dann, I ind and Ronny Parker of served. The next meeting will be by Users Roseburg were over-night guests at held at the George Cleaver home Alter suffering three years with the Wilbur Chapin home Sunday, j August 12. 1 arthritis, I am feeling fine since The Assembly of God camp meet- I ing north of Nampa opened J u ly ! Mrs. Jim Retchie, Mrs. Ray Grif- using your Casey's Compound. No 13 and will continue for two weeks. fitts and Mrs. Johnson were in On i more pain. Now able to do my 1 work in my apartment house. I can Many in the valley plan to attend. tario Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and not recommend the Compound too Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robb made a week-end trip to Enterprise, Walla Francis and Truenan fished on the highly — Mrs. Cathern Knox. 1247 Walla, Washington and on to south fork of the Malheur river. S. E. Powell, Portland, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage spent V'our Druggist Can Supply You Lewiston, Idaho and the the flood With ed area, returning Sunday evening. Sunday afternoon at the Willis Ber- CASEY'S COMPOUND, Mr and Mrs. Cash Turner, Mr. ham home. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver | bottle , 'I St and Mrs. Ed Steiner and daughter, Or Write J. H. Casey, and Mrs. Addle Ezell of Hayward, were in Ontario Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and P. O. Box 731, Portland 7, Oregon California spent the fourth in Jor dan Valley attending the rodeo. Clint Snyder, who has been in the Holy Rosary hospital in On-1 tario for 10 days because of a i ruptured appendix, is expected1 home this week. Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mitchell were Sunday dinner guests at the J. B. — Contact— Mitchell home. Lewis Mitchell has been suffering from a back ailment. Many families of the valley at tended the wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Mitchell Fri NYSSA, OREGON day evening at the Oregon Trail school house. The bride, Lois By We Guarantee Our Work For One Year bee, and Jarvis Mitchell are well Free Estimates— Phone 196-J known to many in this valley. Jarvis Mitchell is the son of Mrs. Lila Mitchell of Sunset valley. Charlie Schwelzer, Mike R at- aezyk, Dale and Dude Parker, Talbot, Charlie Glenn, Charles Share, and Jameison have been out on the range this week. Some are branding cattle and many are bringing In beef cattle to sell. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Council and family left Friday, returning to Klamath Falls after visiting at the O. P. Counsil home the pas’t week. are requested to comply with the city Vera Faye Council accompanied them home for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Olson and boys, of Bend, Veva Castle of On ordinance providing that sprinkling water must tario, and Mr. aand Mrs. Clifford Wolfe s|>ent Thursday in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Cusmier Rataezyk, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rataezyk and be turned off at the time of a fire alarm. children and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rataezyk attend«! the monthly meeting of the Sphinx chib Sunday at Caldwell. After the meeting the BY ORDER OF CITY COUNCIL 25 members of the deaf people's club picnicked at the park Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tolman and ARTHRITIS THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1948 spent several days this week-end fishing on Eagle creek near Baker. Mrs. Glen Hoffman entertained the members of the Out-Our-Way club at her home Thursday. Mrs. Leslie Topliff, Mrs. James Stephen, Jr., Mrs. Edward Topliff and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the meeting of the Chatterbox club at the Fern Runcorn home Friday afternoon. vice at 908 Jefferson street in Boise announces the enlistment of three Nyssa youths in the United States marine corps for a period of three years. They are LaVern E. Haney, Clinton D. Terry and Fred E. Al exander. All are now taking their recruit training at the marine corps :ase, San Diego. Upon completion of recruit training they are plann ing to take up detsei mechanics at Youths Enlist— The marine corps recruiting ser one of the marine corps schools. Returned Home— Mr and Mrs. Maynord Thomason and daughter left Saturday for their home in Rawlins, Wyoming after visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Thomason's sister, Mrs. John Murphy. ______ ___ NEWS OF RECORD MARRIAGE LICENSES Andy R. Lofton and Dorothea Jean Buchanan, both of Ironside. Ford Owners We Can Install A Brand New Genuine FORD MOTOR PLUMBING IN YOUR CAR FOR $ 326.59 Brower Plumbing Shop Water Users SECOND ANNUAL July 23 and 24 Nyssa Rodeo Grounds Two Thrilling Nights of Entertainment For Every Member Of The Family USING HARLEY TUCKER’S STOCK THE OWYHEE RIDING CLUB WILL PRE SENT MALHEUR COUNTY’S ONLY R. C. A. APPPROVED SHOW. $2000 In Cash Prizes Seating Capacity 3000 SADDLE BRONC RIDING RALPH STOCKWELL AND HIS TRAINED STEER ACT CALF ROPING LAMAR ETTES, IN A SERIES OF ACROBATIC STUNTS BULLDOGGING KIDS CALF RIDING DRILL TEAMS BRAHMA BULL FIGHTING AND CLOWNING NYSSA HIGH SCHOOL BAND FLAG AND STAKE RACING New Spark Plugs 2 New Cylinder Heads 2 New Water Pumps New Gaskets New Clutch Pilot Bearing 1 New Oil Pump New Clutch Release Bearing Clutch Disc-Exchange Distributor Exchange Clutch Pressure Carburetor Exchange Plate-Exchange Labor to Install Included In Above Price. Trucks with heavy duty clutch $4.90 extra s On late model cars or trucks with 59A type cylinder heads, deduct $21. Above prices include old motor to be turned in. Herriman Motor Co. Your Ford Dealer. o o= Nyssa Night Rodeo Friday and Saturday BAREBACK RIDING New 100 H. P. Motor MIDWEST SHOWS ON GROUNDS RESERVE SEAT AND GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY NOW ON SALE A T Sponsored By Owyhee Riding Club and Nyssa Merchants ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED AT RODEO HEADQUARTERS, CITY HALL, NYSSA, NOT LATER THAN JULY 22.