H I E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L, N YSSA , OREGON page fo u r T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 8, 1018 Mr*. Fred Babcock as co-hostess. |E. j . Hob.*on. Mrs. Janies Langley at the Jim Chadd home since Tues at the Jim Chadd home. Mr. and Mrs. D jn Parker and | and sons and Mrs. Joe Hobson of day. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Ed Price were Sun and children left Friday morning children of Roseburg, arrived early On irio. About 15 young people of Mrs SUNSET V A L LE Y , July 8— The | Saluruay morning at the Kenneth Jes-se G rejg's Sunday school class day dinner guests of D. D. Sulli to spend the F'ourth of July vis van at Roswell, Idaho. Lorensen home to spend the week iting at Yakima. Greggs celebrated a fam ily reunion enjoyed a swimming party at Snive- Mr. and Mrs. C lifford W olfe and with a picnic and outing at the end. ly ’s pool Monday evening. Patricia Owyhee dam Friday. Those present | Mrs. Lew McCoy was hostess to O rtvg of Sunnyside, Marian Bum daughter spent last Sunday visiting F O U R T H O F J U L Y were Esther O r e s ' of L a » Angeles, I the Sunset auxiliary Thursday a f garner and Marian and JoAnn in New Plymouth. Mrs. W olfe’s GUESTS A N N O U N C E D ternoon at her home Eleven mem | Price also accompanied the class. sister, Mrs. Alfred Olson, and fam i who is visiting in the vallev for two j bers were present. Guests were Mrs. 1 The group enjoyed light refresh- weeks; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lappier j Gertrude McCracken, Mrs. Ed Price, I meiits and singing at Mrs. Gregg's ly of Bend. Oregon were present at OREG O N T R A r u July 8— Mr. and the gathering. The Olson family Mrs. Jack Burgess and son of As of Wapato, Washington, Mr. and j and Mrs. Frank Briggs. Refresh home afterwards. Mrs. Mary Jane Tanner of Port- , and Mrs. W o lfe ’s mother, Mr*. Veva toria spent several days last week Mrs. George G regg and daughters, j ments o f chicken salad and pie were i t the home of Mrs. Burgess' sister, Mr, and Mrs. Don Grant and daugh- , served. Th e auxiliary met August lltn d spent Thursday" visiting her C a-t’e. will be visiting the W olfe’s Mrs. J. E. Bowen, and family. On 1 next week. ter, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Gregg, 5 at the home of Mrs. Charlie ! friend, Mrs. Fred Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. E.ton Counsil and Mar-ene Gardner visited her sis- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess and Mr and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and Schwei/er, with members bringing Mr. and Mrs. Bowen made a busi- children, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace j muslin or plain colored prints fur I children of Klam ath Falls arrived ter- Mrs. Robert R effett, several iess trip to Boise. I early Thursday morning to spend days last "eek . Greg!} and family, Mrs. Annie Gregg books for the children’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Elver Nielsen and 1 the Fourth of July vacation at the Mrs. Ira Chadd. Mra. Addle Elzell and Miss Patricia Gregg of Sunny- sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gr- uid daughters spent the Fourth at of Hayward, California and Mrs. Ed | home of O. P. Counsil. side, Washington. A i;roup of young people chari- utt and sons were dinner guests the Philip M itchell home near The Worthwhile club will meet SJeiner were Parma visitors M on varied the newly-married couple, at the C lifford Nielsen home Sat Roswell. Thursday afternoon of July 15 at day. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams and the home of Mrs. Irvin W olfe, with Boise shoppers Monday were Mrs. \ Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Cleaver, W ed urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robb and Mr. family were guests at the Charles nesday evening. Dorothy Kates and her sister, and Mrs. Claude Wilson and sons Davis home in Nampa on the Fourth. Mildred, who are working in Boise, visited in Homedale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Dusty Rhodes o f North Hollywood, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G ra California visited Mr. and Mrs. A l Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland bert Notheis Tuesday evening. Holmes and family, Mr. and Mrs. dy Kates. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R effett and Rhodes, who is visiting Mr. and Soy Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney daughter visited Sunday at the Mrs. Elmer Cloninger, was a buddy Walker, Bonnie Kressly and Mr. nd Mrs. F. S. Byers and family home of Mrs. R e ffe tt’s brother >f Cloninger when the two soldiered ; had a picnic the Fourth on the in Hawaii 30 years ago. John Sopher. Mrs. Thomas Nishitani was a awn at t.ie F. S. Byers home. Georgia Ward has been visiting Mr. and Mr*. J. E. Bowen and guest at Mrs. Bud Wilson’s home Wednesday afternoon at a pink and ions and their house guests, Mr. blue hewer for Mrs. Marie W yckoff ind Mrs. Jack Burgess and son of istoria. were guests of Mrs. Grace I and Mrs. Helen Stunz. Mr. and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk Mills near Payette on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes and left Friday to visit Mrs. Rataezvk’s By Tuttle's M o b il Service ! parents at Battlegrounds, Washing daughters visited at the A. M. ton and Mr. Rataezyk’s sisters at ioodson home near Parma Monday fternoon. Portland, and spend the Fourth at Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Younger and fami- i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Babcock were v have moved from the Oregon hosts at a party Wednesday even Trail teacheraiie to their farm near ing in their home. Guests were Mr. Vew Plymouth. and Mrs. W illiam Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Price and Mr. and Mrs. Mother Visits Soil— Irvin Wolfe. Mrs. M ary Olson of Emery, Utah, JoAnn Price injured her hand arrived in Nyssa Friday to visit her son. Clint Ol-on and family, on his and is carrying it in a sling. Mrs. John Terra and daughter, birthday, June 19. She was accom- Neta, left this week-end for Valle- aanied by her sister. Bell Checketts The Trap-door Spider is very J°. California to attend a family re >f Burley, Idaho. They left Monday o return to their homes. cunning. From the entrance to h is lun*on anc* visit relatives, “A home he constructs a real trap- Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wolfe pur- door that blends with the ground, I chased a Cadillac sedan Thursdny Here from California— Ideal for rough or sandy land, or where water Mr. and Mrs. Lester Langford and and other animals will pass over *n Ontario. It without ever suspecting that it I Sunday visitors at the Elver fam ily visited at the home of Mrs. Nielsen home were the newlyweds Nancy Gannon and her mother, is there. supply is short. | Mr. and Mrs. James Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Langford, this W'eek. They were Mrs. W ally Orcutt and two sons icompanied by Mrs. Francis Blake of Kent, Washington, Mrs. ’’Doc" ind daughter of Gilroy, California. Douglas of Madras and Mr. and They stopped en route on a trip “The House of Oliver” Mrs. Cecil Fraham. The Orcutt nong the coast and plan on going fam ily left Tuesday for their home. to Colorado. Langford is a brother Connie Lou Shively of Ontario vf Mrs. Gannon. was a guest at the Ira Price home five days last week. Go to Utah— Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robb were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R ay and hosts Wednesday evening at a family spent the week-end visiting Stunz and Thomas party. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. friends and relatives in Ogden. i Wilbur Chapin, Mr. and Mrs, Pete They recently opened the bakery Wilson, and Mr. and Mrs. David in Gordon’s drive-in. | Hall. N y js a ......... Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder and daughter, Junior P eifer and Gerda and Bobbie Price spent Sunday -vis iting in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Marks and Optometrist ■hildren of Los Angeles and Glen Larson were week-end house guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. De Eyes Examined von Larson. Mrs. Hilton and Glenn ore sister and brother of Larson. Mr. and Mra. Emery Hobson and Phone 720 the A. R. Herring fam ily attended the Nazarene Sunday school picnic 718 Arthur St. held in Apple valley Sunday. Arnold W olfe, a former resident Caldwell, Idaho of Sunset Valley and his wife and baby daughter of Spokane were present at the Fourth of July picnic at the Caldwell park Sunday. O th ers present were Mr. and Mrs. Carl M itzel of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. j C lifford W olfe and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin W olfe and son, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Holmes o f Caldwell, and the O tto Wolfe fam ily of Nampa. M ary Lou I-eighton left this week-end for her home in Miami, Florida after visiting at the home of her mother. Mrs. W. T. Cannon. Sunday dinner «uests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse G regg were Mr. and Mrs. El wood Rarrick and daughter of Boise and Mr. and A P P R O V E D S H O W — H A R L E Y T U C K E R ’S R O D EO S T O C K Mrs. George Gregg and family. Tim m y Corfield, son of Chet Cor- field. had his tonsils removed W ed nesday morning. Mrs. Addie Ezell of Hayward. Saddle Bronc Riding California is visiting at the home o f her son, Ed Steiner, for several Bareback Riding weeks. TO EVERY HOME! Mr. and Mrs. Robert R effet and daughter attended at a dinner and Calf Roping Mirrors large fam ily gathering Sunday at * Add depth to a small the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bulldogging Gardner. room Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown and son, Paul, o f Denver arrived Sat Kids Calf Roping * Add elegance to a urday at the Floyd Counc home medium sized room for a visit. Brown is a brother of Brahma Bull Fighting Mrs. Your»?. The Brown and Young fam ily went to Jordan Valley for the * Reflect the m agnifi And Clowning Fourth of July. cence o f a large Mr. and Mrs Elver Nielsen and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chard, room Ralph Stockwell And and Ewen Chard plnlcked at P a y His Trained Steer ette Sunday and attended the ro See our large selection, deo. Act priced from $2.98 Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Rataezyk. Gertrude McCracken, and Mrs. Flag Racing Frank Rataezyk returned Tuesday evening after visiting at Quincy. Stake Racing Ellensburg. and the Grand Coulee dam in Washington. Mrs. Charles Ditty, Mrs. Mary Featuring La Mar Ettes, Query and daughter. Sharon. Mrs. Acrobat Joe Dodson. Charlotte Ditty of O n tario. and Jacqueline Wilson left early Tuesday morning for Brooks, $2000 In C A S H Prizes Oregon to attend a gospel taber nacle camp meeting. Drill Teams M r and Mrs. John Williams of Portland were visitors and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Midwest Shows On Chapin Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Grounds Williams were former neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Chapin in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nishitani and son were dinner guests at the H K Hashitatii home Sunday. A ll entries must be sent to Nyssa chamber of commerce, Nyssa Donald Bergam went to Madras. Oregon, not later than July 22. Oregon to visit Hank Kollen over the week-end. M r and Mrs. Don Strickland and daughter accompanied Mr. and Mr.- LaVar Hawkins to Givens Hot Springs |u*t Sunday. Ray Phil- brtek. who has been taking treat- meats there, returned home with the group. M r and Mrs. Clyde Dideneksen of Caldwell spent Monday visiting R E U N IO N IS H E LD B Y G R E G G F A M IL Y Two Farmers NEW S OF Whoop ’er Up For The J Nyssa N ight Rodeo July 23 and 24 Mirrors Add Beauty N yssa Furniture Company Sponsored By Owyhee Riding Club and Nyssa Merchants Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56-W FIRE There is always something that can be done to prevent fire. Chimney leaks and faulty electric wiring rate first in fire causes Frank T. Morgan D.D.T. Spraying Get rid of objectionable insects — Guaranteed Results — BOB MUIR MOBIL TIRES _ BATTERIES ACCESSORIES LOCATED 1 MILE NORTH ON HIWAY 20 J. V. TUTTLE, Owner Phone 011-7-4 DR. C.W. CRAVES [ E. W . P R U Y N BEFORE Tuttle's Mobil Service NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO, Horyna, et. al. minor. COM PLAINTS, CIR CU IT COURT Estate of Richard L Scott vs. A. L. Romero, et. ux. Recovery on note. $1,200. W illard Judd. et. al. vs. M. Zue- ger. Damages. $1,500. Luella Kemm er vs Ray G. Kem- mer. Seperate maintenance. United Credit M en’s association vs. Gannon Bros. Recovery on ac count. $974.87, John Stringer vs. Oregon Short Line R.R. company. Damages. $20- 496. PETITIONS, PROBATE COURT E state.of Paul R. Davis, deceased. Guardianship of Joan Margaret In The Past Week Have Saved Their Crops With Our Overhead Sprinkling System R ECORD 915 East Park Weiser, Idaho NOTICE OF BOND SALE N O TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN that sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 8:30 o’clock p.m. on the 12th day of July, 1948, and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the School Board o f District No. Gl, Malheur County, Oregon, at the School House, in Adrian, Oregon, for an issue of bonds of said School District in the amount o f Sixty-four Thousand Dollars ($64,000.00), said bonds to be dated July 12, 1948, and to mature serially in numerical order as follow s: $ 1 . 000.00 S i.0 0 0 .0 0 $4.000.00 $ t.000.00 $4.000.00 $4.000.00 $4.000.00 $4,000.00 on on on on on on on on January January January January January January January January 12. 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 $4.000.00 on $4,000.00 on $4.000.00 on $4.000 00 on $4.000 00 on $4.000.00 on $ 1 , 000.00 on $4.000.00 on January January January January January January January January 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 196? Bonds maturing on and after January 12, 1954, will be subject to redemption in numerical order on any interest payment date on or after said date, to-wit: January 12, 1954. Said bonds to bear interest at the rate o f not to exceed 6'< per annum payable semi-annual ly, principal and interest payable at the office o f the County Treasurer of Malheur County, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon in New York City, at the option of the purchaser. Said bonds were duly authorized at an elec tion held on March 27, 1948. Bids must be accompanied by a ceitified check in the amount o f One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00). The Board reseiwes the right to reject any and all bids. R A Y M O N D H. H O LLY , Clerk, School District No. Gl, Malheur County, Oregon M AX S T A G G A R T Attorney for School District Wilson Building Ontario. Oregon HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. I