I Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON for sale. Need more, list with Ken Long term, low interest, see Ber Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. nard Eastman, phone 04. Nyssa. SAtfc. FOR SALE— Electric wiring and supplies of all Kinds at your Wes M ISCELLANEO US— Duplicate car tinghouse dealers. Ostrom Bros. and cylinder lock keys made. H>n- nemans. 250tfc. Appliance Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. C U STO M SLA U G H TER IN G FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper RATES. Two cents per word lor each Issue. A lier one month one Stock received Monday, Tuesday, Guaranteed to be washable am. Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. ncn-fadlng for tiuee years. Good to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12 stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com No stock received on Sunday. pany. 26Jtlc. Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery FOR SALE— Cherries, bings and TO R SALE— New Westinghouse el to Polar locker plant. One mile west on Alberta avenue royal anns ready about July 1, ectric ranges, three models. Ostrom Phone 05R1 Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W Lambert later, 114 mile east of JAK E FISCHER 15Jtfc. FO R SALE— 193« tudor Ford. In Gay-W ay. Phone Fruitland 7-22 or quire at labor camp, cabin 72. write Payette route 1. Ed Mess. 8Jlxp. 24J3xc. L O S T —Strayed or stolen, calf with L E G A L N O TIC E OF V AC ATIO N FO R SALE— 12 acres within H O F STREETS AND ALLE YS reversed B -bar-R on left hip. R e FO R SALE— Daveno and chair mile city limits. W ill sell as unit Notice Is hereby given that on the ward. Frank Ray, Nyssa Rt. 1. lJ4p set, G. E. refrigerator. All in good 11th day o f May, 1948 the Citv at $475 per acre: in acre tracts, Council o f the City of Nyssa, M al- 8Vi 100 by 50 lots to acre at $550, condition. Mary Bums. Call 168-W heur County, Oregon at its regular or smaller tracts at $100 per 5000 from 9 to 6, or 189-J after 6 pjn. session, adopted a Resolution in lOJtfc. square feet. T itle Insurance includ proceedings to vacate certain por tions o f City streets and alleys ed. Lloyd W. Lewis. 8Jtfc. T O R SALE!— One F-12 tractor with FO R R E N T of the C ity o f Nyssa, Oregon in ac F O R SALE— $1850 buy insured plow, cultivator, beet puller and Floor cordance with the laws of the State of Oregon, and the portions of the tract, buildings, furnishings, base mower, good condition, guaran Sander teed, all for $1175. 1940 DS-35 City street and alleys which are ment, lawn, etc. See owner, 463 more particularly described as fol North Eighth street. 8Jlxp. International two-ton truck with Reasonable lows, to-w lt: FO R SALE— War Surplus, Tents, beet bed and two-speed axle, $1075. (1) T h a t portion o f Oregon Street Rates 9 X 9-$27.5U, 16 X 32, $55.. All-new, Owyhee Truck and Implement com commencing at the Blast line of fire extinguishers, 2'4 gallon Fyr- pany, phone 83-J. Seventh Street, running thence Fyter with foam charge, new, $10; Northeasterly to the intersec TO R SALE— I t t ton, 1938 Chevro fire extinguisher fluid (carbon tet tion of Oregon Street with the rachloride base i, 1 gallon $2.95; let flat-bed truck. 10-ply rubber, West line of Fifth Street and steel cots, 3 foot, $4; white enamel motor in A - l condition. See it at the South line of Locust A ve ranges, $27.50; transmission and nue. B and M Equipment. lJtfc. differential grease, $3.50 for 5 gal C2) All o f Pine Avenue which com lons, your container or in barrel TO R SALE— Barber shop, Adrian, mences at the West line cf lots; gun grease 25 pound to 125 Oregon, with three-room apartment. First Street, and thence west pound containers. This merchandise to the E&st line of Third lJ2xp. is growing short, act now. Ed Case STU N Z LU M B E R C O M P A N Y Street. Furniture Bargain Center, Nyssa, F O R SALE— Acre tracts on high (3) T h e Alley running East and T O R R E N T — Tw o single rooms, Oregon, north of Y. !Jul3xc W est in Block 17, Teutsch A d way • 20, one mile out. Ralph G. whites only. Also three-room house. dition to the City of Nyssa, TO R SALE— Hotpoint stove, Norge Lawrence. 3Jtfc. Hot and cold water. Basement. No Oregon, commencing at the refrigerator, Stew art-W am er dehy children. Inquire Star hotel. lJ2xp. West line of Sixth Street and drator, sewing machine, various otn- TOR SALE— Beautiful, modern west to the Easterly line of er household items. Mrs. Gertrude home, two bedrooms, with basement T O R R E N T — Polish your own the Oregon State Highway Atkeson, phone 011-R4. lJtfc. apartment. All conveniences in floors. Rent our high-speed pol R igh t o f Way. cluding quick-freeze, good location, ishing equipment. Easily handled and reserving at all times ease TO R SA LE — One Thor washer, lawn, trees. Ralph G. Lawrence. by women. Nyssa Lumber company. ments and right-of-way over, completely rebuilt, also lawn mow 3Atfc. 3Jtfc. across and under said property er sharpening done. Low's Home and the whole thereof for the Appliance shop, 482 N. Sixth St. F O R SALE — Fiiller wallpaper in purpose of installation, repair lJ2xc wide assortment of patterns and and operating City sewers and prices, washable and light proof. W A N TE D — T o rent small house FO R SALE, HOMES— any and all other City facili Nyssa Furniture company, one block or apartment, and woman to care Good buy in one-bedroom home straight west of U. P. depot. 20Mtfc. for small child. Box 832, Ontario, ties and public utilities. with bath, nice yard, garage, good Notice is further given that the or phone 797-J. 8J2xp. location. $3500. FOR SALE— Let us measure your City Council o f the City of Nyssa, Beautiful new three-bedroom j windows for Venetian blinds. No W A N T E D — Capable salesman-buy- [ Oregon has fixed the 13th day of home, completely modern, fireplace, charge for this service or estimates. er for Malheur county, must be free July, 1948 a t the hour o f 8:00 P. M. two-car garage, new lawn, 75 by Obtainable in one week. Assorted to travel, willing to study full line as the time, and the City Hall in 120 lot. Street will be paved. Shown colors in steel or aluminum slats. to do effective work, good com the City of Nyssa, Oregon as the by appointment. Nyssa Furniture company, phone mission. W rite W atts Seed Co., place for hearing and considering 24Jtfc. said Resolution and for hearing and One of the nicest two-bedroom 149-W. 20Mtfc. Nyssa, Oregon. homes in Nyssa. Full basement, considering any objections made in W A N T E D — Two-bedroom house, by FO R SA LE — Tile wall coverings, furnace, stoker, water softener, gar writing and filed with the City responsible middle-aged couple, by chrome table and sink edgings, age, fireplace, beautiful yard. Pav Recorder, that may be made to the August 1 or September 1. L. L. Hau- waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur ing and curbing paid. Shown by vacation o f said portions o f streets 10J7xp. niture Co., phone 149-W. 6Mtfc. mont, star route, Payette. appointment. and alleys, and for determining B ERN ARD EASTM AN TO R s a l e — Good home with four j W A N T E D — T o buy anything in whether notice has been duly given Real Estate—Insurance apartments, modem and good to- ; beef or veal. Also custom killed and whether the public interest Phone 64 cation. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In- j and delivered to Polar Cold Stor will be prejudiced by the vacation 6 M tfc.; age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. of said street^ « n d alleys, and such FO R SALE— Westinghouse electric surance Agency. other matters which are required roaster with grill. Used very little, FO R SALE— Small Homes, build- | by law to be passed upon and de $35. Mrs. Leo Chard, box 642, Nyssa. ing lots for home or business. Ralph termined by the C ity Council at 24J3xp. Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. MTSCELLAN EX>US— Dependable said time. 6Mtfc. cold storage lockers and locker All persons and owners affected TO R SALE— Red inlaid linoleum; marbelized pattern for coving, cabl- t T O R SALE— M ilk cows. Zack supplies. Lockers by the month, 6 by said vacation and desiring to ob months, or year. Always open, com ject to said vacation shall present net tops etc. Nyssa Furniture Co., j Walker, phone 78NR. 22Atfc plete service. Fish, eggs, poultry. their objections to the C ity Record one block west or R. R. depot. I mile south er of the City o f Nyssa as by law lOJtfc. I TO R SALE—Have farms and homes Hartman's lockers o f Nyssa-Parma Junction. 8Jlxp. required. This notice Is given pursuant to M ISCE LLAN E O U S— Land leveling, a Resolution o f the City Council sub-soiling with D7 cat. See A1 or and pursuant to the laws of the B ill Coleman or write box 156, State o f Oregon in such cases Nyssa. 8J3xp. made and provided, and the Notice ' M ISCE LLAN E O U S— W e buy bang has been posted as by law required. E. K. Burton, er cows or kill, cool and handle for City Recorder for the City hide and offal. W h y take a chance of Nyssa, Oregon. on losing indemnity. Call 31-M or First publ. June 10, 1948 011-J1, Nyssa. U tfc. Last publ. July 8, 1948 M ISCE LLAN E O U S— General truck ing. John Barnett and Kenneth IN TH E C O U N T Y C O U R T OF THE STATE O F OREGON Reece, phone 123-R. U tfc. FOR THE C O U N T Y OF M IS C E LLAN E O U S— Lawn mowers M ALH E U R DENTISTS PHYSICIANS sharpened, also 1931 Chevrolet for N O TIC E O F F IN A L AC CO U N T sale. $125. 598 N.W. 3rd St. lJ2xy. In the Matter o f the Estate of SAR A ZIN CLINIC W IL L IA M E R N E ST RO BINSO N, M ISC E LLAN E O U S— Available now Deceased Electrolux cleaners and air puri Dr. J. J. Sarazln N O TIC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N that DR. C. M. TYLE R fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. A n the undersigned, O live Grace Ro derson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho. binson. administratrix o f the estate Dr. K E. Kerby Wilson Building Phone 087-J4. 26Jtfc. of William Ernest Robinson, de Physician and Surgeons M ISC E LLAN E O U S — Opportunity ceased, has filed her Final Account Phone 165-J, Nyssa for right man, good salary, big com as said administratrix in the Coun missions, permanent job. See Bud ty Court of Malheur County, Ore O ffice hours from 9 to 5 except Sherman, B and M equipment Co., gon, and that said Court has ap Nyssa, phone 270-W. 27Mtfc. pointed Tuesday, July 20, 1948 at Saturdays, 9 to 12. Physician and Surgeon 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of Phone 37 M ISCELLAN EO U S— Have excellent said day, for the hearing o f objec tenant for farm. Prefers row crop tions to said Final Account and the Hours: 10 to 1C and 2 to 5 land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. settlement thereof. Daily—Except Sunday N O W T H E R E F O R E all persons M ISCE LLAN E O U S— Heating, in interested In the estate of William J. R. CU ND ALL stallation o f heating systems, coal Ernest Robinson, deceased, are here JEW ELRY STORES or oil. Also servicing and repair. by notified and required to appear Phone 169-W; after 6 p.m. 289-R. at the County Court Room in the Dentist 15Jtfc. Court House at Vale, Malheur Coun Phone 56-J M ISC E LLAN E O U S— Prompt and ty, Oregon, at said time, to then Sarazln Clinic free pick-up or your dead, crlppied and there show cause, i f any there or sick livestock. Calls received be be, why said Account should not Union Pacific Tim e Inspector N YS SA OREGON be settled, allowed and approved fore 9 o'clock are picked up by JE W E LR Y — D IAM O ND S and said estate distribute and said noon. E fficient drivers. Call col- W ATCHES administratrix discharged. j lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nvs- M ain Street a. 8econd Dated and first published June 17, ! sa 102-W. Idaho Animal Products 194«. Date o f last publication July OPTOMETRISTS j Company. 5Jtfc. 15. 1948 O live Grace Robinson, Adminis M ISCE LLAN E O U S— Need money? tratrix o f the Estate of Loans on farms for refinancing, W illiam Ernest Robinson, De building. Improvements, b u y i n g . DR. J. A. M C FALL ceased. O fficial Tim e Inspector for Harold Henlgson, Attorney for Union Pacific DR. JOHN EASLY Administratrix. O N T A R IO OREGON For Sale Legal Advertising LOST For Rent WANTED MISCELLANEOUS V* Professional And Business Directory L. A. Maulding, M. D. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE LODGES Nyssa Post No. 79 American Legion Free Pick Up O f Your Dead and Worthless Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Project Office. 8 p. m. Phone 21, Ontario, Ore All Veterans Welcome Gate City Lodge No. 214 I.O.O.F. Meets every Monday night, 8:30. South First Street VETERINARIANS DR. H AL D. W H ITE Animals Call Collect There Is a Phone Near You Nyssa 100 Parma 29 Ontario 53 "W e Haul the Day You Call' Veterinarian Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Phone Nyssa 275-W Nyssa, Oregon PAGE THREE TH U RSD AY, JU LY 8, 1948 tlfled and required to appear a t the County Court Room In the Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and here ¿how cause, if any there be, why said Account should not oe settled, allowed and approved and and said estate distributed and said ecutrlx discharged. Dated and first published June 17, 1948. Date o f last publication July 15, 1948. Cora Edith Coffman, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Edith Cordiey, Deceased. Harold Henlgson, Attorney for Administratrix. IN THE C O U N T Y C O U R T OF TH E STATE OF OREGON FOR THE C O U N T Y OF M ALH E U R N O TIC E OF F IN A L AC CO U N T In the Matter of the Estate of M A R Y E. C O U LTER . Deceased N O TIC E IS HERE35Y G IV E N that the undersigned, L illie M. Crocker, administratrix of the es tate of Mary E. Coulter, deceased, has filed her Final Account as said administratrix in the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and that said Court has appointed Tues day, Che 3rd day of August, 1948 at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of .-aid day, for Che hearing o f objec tions to said Final Account and the settlement thereof, NOW, TH EREFO RE, all persons interested in the estate of M ary E. Coulter, deceased, are hereby noti fied and required to appear at the County Court Room in the Court House at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, at said time, to then and there show cause, if any there be, why said Account should not be settled, allowed and approved and said estate distributed and said executrix discharged. Dated and first published July 1, 1918. Date of last publication July 29, 1948. Lillie M. Crocker, Administra trix of the Estate of M ary E. Coulter, Deceased. Harold Henlgson, Attorney for A d ministratrix. COURT OF HONOR HELD AT ADRIAN Washington to work in the grain, E e r y Moore spent the week-end in Vale with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Purcell vis ited the Elarl Winn fam ily Tues day evening. UPPER SUNSET Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Berrett of Utah have been visiting the past two weeks at the home of their son, Wayne, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durtee were Caldwell shoppers during last week. Mrs. Roy Rookstool and son were Payette and Ontario shoppers last Thursday. Dusty Rhodes of California has been spenamg his two weeks vaca tion at the Clonntger ranch. Mr. Cloninger and his guest, Mr. Rhodes, accompanied by Joe Ste phens, spent Thursday tishing near the dam. Mr. and Mrs. Cloninger and Dusty Rhodes went to Nampa to spend the E’ourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Berrett ac companied their daughter, Mrs. Grant Patterson, and fam ily to Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Charles b u r- fee and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter went to New Plymouth to visit at the home of their sons. Dee and Irvin Durfee. BUENA VISTA FOLK ATTEND VALE RODEO fishing in the mountains. Mrs. G errit Stam was an O n « tario V isitor Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Broad and their house guest Mrs. Ann Sulli van, Mrs. Pete Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Pete vand der Oord and fam i- y. Mr. van der Oord, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Larsson and fam ily were among those of the community who attended the air show at Ontario the Fourth. Mrs. Feik of Arcadia called on Mrs. Melvin Feik Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin jensen are parents of a son. T h e baby la tha grandson of Mr. and Mrs. M elvin Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Dick G roat called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stam o f Nyssa Saturday afternoon. LOCAL NEWS Visit at Caldwell— Mr. and Mrs. John Schenk, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beus, Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Child and thetr families. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson and the Misses Betty F ife and O liva Beus spent Monday at Caldwell, •wimming and having a fam ily picnic. Looking for E'arm— Mr. and Mrs. Max Bond o f Roy. Utah were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Bybee. BUENA VTSTA, July 8— Mr. and They were here looking for a farm. Mrs. LaVern Cleaver spent the week-end at Soap Lake, Washing Boy Breaks Arm— ton. Rodney Beus, 11-year-old son o f Those from this district who at Mr. and Mrs. Elrsei Beus, broke tended the rodeo at Vale the Fourth his arm just above the wrist, when were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day he fell from a cherry tree on the and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fourth of July. Ritchie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and children, Mr. and Visits Parents— Mrs. Alva Goodell and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Donald EHdrldge Mrs. Geonte Cleaver. and baby, Ronney, o f Camus, W ash Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Cleaver ington, accompanied by Bob Eld- nent Saturday and Sunday at the rid,e, visited over the holidays with Henry EStrick home near Meridian. the men's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Cleaver entertained Tom Etdridge. Wednesday afternoon. Guests were Mrs. Leslie T op liff, Mrs. Howard Day, Mrs. Delbert Cleaver, Mrs. Edward Topliff, Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, Mrs. John Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. L a V e ri Cleaver, Mrs. Glen Hoffman, Mrs. George Schweizer and Mrs. A l Fire and Automobile va Goodell. Refreshments were served. Insurance Mrs. Jim Savage o f Nyssa spent Wednesday at the Lester Cleaver Rentals Bonds home. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY A D R IA N , July 8— Larry and Bruce DeHaven returned home Sunday with their parents from a visit witn heir grandparents in Weiser. Mrs. Arch Parker and Mrs. E. E. Parker were Caldwell visitors W ed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Landau of Waterloo, Iowa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Nickoson Wednesday. The Adrian softball team played Nyssa, Oregon Hartley Produce Tuesday evening. Many residents of this community The score was 11 to 6 In favor of ipent the Fourt picnicking and Hartley Produce. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Matthews were Boise visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Bill Webb and Joan visited the Jim Atterbury family in O n tario Thursday. Mrs. Glenwood Pounds and Mrs. Gale Martin were in Payette W ed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. R ay Landau were in Nyssa on business Monday. The Adrian Boy Scouts held a court of honor Tuesday evening NYSSA, OREGON at the Presbyterian church. Bennie Keller was made a first class Scout, ■Joe Keller, second class Scout and Fred Klingback, Donald DeHaven Donald Newbill and Edward Hall, Star Scouts. Mrs. George DeHaven and Vickie Sue and Carol and Mrs. Ray L a n dau were Nyssa callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ausman left Saturday night for Fort Collins, Colorado to visit Mrs. Austrian's parents. They plan on bein^g away a week. Earl Winn took his cross-country airplane fligh t to Oooding, Idaho and back Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holly spent July 4 in Jordan Valley with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anderson. Supper guests Friday at the H o ward Hatch home were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wymer and daughter of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Russell W y mer and daughters of EJtia, C ali fornia, Mr. and Mrs. Thather W a g ner of Parma, Mr, and Mrs. EM Wymer and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hemmon of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hatch and son of Star, Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Hatch o f Home- dale. Mrs. Sarah Hall and fam ily of Caldwell and Mrs. Harvey Hatch and Helen and boys of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Landau, Shirley Smith and Roy Mecham spent the Fourth at McCall. Bob Webster was a Boise visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch and fam ily were Tuesday dinner guests T his is important news to every young man from 20*4 to 28 of Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher Wymer who has graduated from high school or who can pass equiva of Parma. lent education examinations. Under a new ruling, you may Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis now enlist in the IJ. S. Army for the specific purpose o f attend and fam ily attended the rodeo In ing Officer Candidate School, provided the quotas are not Payette the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs C. O. Brown. Mr. filled. 3nd Mrs. Bob Brown and M r and You must be a citizen of the United States, and a man o f Mrs. Jess Norris fished on the north high moral character, able to meet the necessary physical fork of the Malheur river over the requirements. week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis are T o take advantage o f this unusual privilege, you mdy sub staying at the W B MGInnls home mit your application to the Commanding General o f the in Nyssa while Mrs. McGinnis Is • Arm y area in which you live. If you are selected, you will be visiting her mother and brother In enlisted in the Army as Staff Sergeant. I f you have not had Illinois. basic training or its equivalent, you will he given this training The Howard Hatch fam ily spent IN THE C O U N T Y C O U R T O I THE STATE OE OREGON the Fourth at the Sarah Hall home before entering Officer Candidate School. in Caldwell. FOR THE C O U N T Y OF I f you are a successful candidate, you will be commissioned M ALH EUR Bob Jackson of Cottage Grove, as Second lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps and placed Oregon spent the Fourth with hte N O TIC E O F FTN AL AC CO UN T on active duty for two years, during which time you may brother, Wilbur Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Matthews E D ITH C O R D LE Y, Deceased compete for a Regular Army Commission. Should you fail N O TIC E IS H E R EB Y G IV E N that pent the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. to complete the course successfully, you will be released from the undersinged. Cora Edith C o ff Virgil Olp in Sunset valley. the Army. Those enjoying a picnic Sunday man. administratrix of the estate The opportunity to qualify for Officer Candidate School is, of Eklith Cordey. deceased, has filed at the Alvin McOinnls home were and has been, open to men in the Army. But never before her Final Account as said adminis Mr. and Mrs. Kindlesporker, R ay tratrix in the County Court of Mal- mond and Dorothy Wilis, the BUI during peacetime has such a remarkable opportunity to be heud County, Oregon, and that W illis family and O ay Davis. come a commissioned o f f i c e r ___________ Mr. and Mrs. Kindlesporker and said Court has appointed Tuesday, been open to c iv ilia n high the 20th day o f July, 1948 at 10:00 Dorothy WiHls of Coos Bay are vis caercfts w i t h a f u t u r i school graduates. Get all the o'clock in the forenoon o f said day. iting at the home of Bill W illis facts about it today at your for the hearing o f objections to and family. Bob Webster fished at the dam said Final Accunt and the settle U.S. Army and U.S. A ir Force Saturday afternoon and Sunday. ment thereof. Recruiting Station. NOW, THERE3"ORE all persons Don DeHaven spent the week-end Interested In the estate o f Edith in Weiser. Cord ley, deceased, are hereby no- Hank Moore left for Prosser, COLUMBIA AVENUE Ralph Lawrence, Agent PLUMBING Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing —Contact— Brower Plumbing Shop We Guarantee Our Work For One Year Free Estimates—Phone 196-J N O W OPEN TO HIGH SCHOOL G R ADUATES U . S. A r m y WILSON BLDG., ONTARIO, OREGON