.¿^V a V a V ü ;. %yV -■*/— r^s-s-/~f- /— .V^it e a g ^ — W # ¿ W jé The NYSSA VOLUME X X X X III NO. 26 Heating Concern Plant, Residence Swept By Fires A ir Conditioners Included In Property Damaged In Plant NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JU LY CURE DISCOVERED FOR BABY AILMENT ON TRIP TO DOCTOR A manhole cover and a pile of concrete, one o f the many traffic hazards resulting from Nyssa’s long time street construction program, proved to be an effective remedy for a child’s ailment last Friday evening. As Mr. and Mrs. Leo Campbell of Nyssa were rushing west on Ehr- tood avenue to take their infant boy to Dr. K. E. Kerby fo r treatment for a choking spell their car crashed against a pile o f concrete over a manhole between Third and Fourth streets after Campbell had swerved the machine into the center of the street to avoid collisi&n with a school bus parked at the curb. A fter the crash, the parents ran with the baby to Dr. Kertoy's home two blocks away, but there found that the impact had caused Che child to cough up the object in its throat. Campbell returned to look at his iamaged automobile, reached In his pocket and transferred the doctor’s lee to the automobile repair fund. JOURNAL 8 , 1948 BETTE AND Owyhee Riding QUEEN Many Prizes To RIDING CLUB W ILL APPEAR A T NAMPA Club Preparing Be Awarded In Owyhee Biding club members and For Nyssa Rodeo j Bette Pett, 1948 Nyssa rodeo queen, Kid Celebration Street And Water Bonds Of Nyssa Approved By Attorney improvements Made A t 1^ 1 g0 * SuK n<,ay/° attendi Plans Are About C om plet------------ the anual buckaroo breakfast given Grounds For Only RCA by the the anu sponsors al hucltaro° “ ,“ t “ ed For Annual Nyssa Work of Finishing Streets of the Snake River MALHEUR COUNTY Show In County Valley stampede. Event Will Be Resumed Im FAIR CONTEST TO A t that time the drill team, par mediately Plans are developing nicely for ticipating in a field day program, Committeemen in charge of the SELECT QUEEN SET The Nyssa Heating company plant and office on Good avenue he Nyssa night rodeo to be held will be notified as to which night j Kid day celebration to be held Work will be resumed Immediately The Malheur county queen con and a residence on north First at the local grounds July 23 and test will be held Sunday, July 18 on the paving of Nyssa's street« street were swept by costly fires 34, according to Roy Holmes, presi July 14 to 17. terday that they have completed this week, at 2:30 pm. at the fairgrounds at by Contractor C. E. Leseberg as dent of the Owyhee Riding club, A t the end o f the year the Wes plans for the event. The heating plant blaze, starting Ontario for selection of a queen a result of the approval otf the The committee consists of Fred tern Riding Clubs association will which will jointly sponsor the event during the noon hour Tuesday when bond issue by John W. Shuler o f give a cash prize to the club hav Bracken, chairman; O. H. Peirsol, for the 1948 Malheur county fair. attendants were at lunoh, caused with the Nyssa merchants. Portland, bond attorney. Robert Wilson and Edward Boy- ing the greatest number appearing The Sage and Saddle club of considerable damage to the inside The new grandstand will be paint City Manager E. K. Burton and of the building, converted from a ed white, additional corrals for live in various events during the season. dell. A. O. Wells has been appointed Ontario will meet Monday night, City Attorney Tony Yturri were L ° act with Henry Crowley in help July 12 to outline a short program residential property, and damaged stock will be built, a new pressure notified of the approval late W ed ing with the parade and activities o be pie ented Sunday. ~ merchandise, including a shipment nesday. water system will be installed and at the park. Representatives of the riding clubs of air conditioners. Some of the new rest rooms will be erected. New Tom MeCorkle of Boise, owner The committeemen urge that all of Ontario, Vale and Nyssa will loss was caused by water damage. lighting fixtures will also be install of street oiling machinery, is said children up to the age of 14 parti act as judges to select the queen, ed. Martin Teske of the heating com to have his equipment ready for cipate in the celebration, which who will be chosen for ability, gen pany said the damage, partly cov The two night programs will the oiling now. However. Leseberg will start with a parade at 1:30 eral appearance and personality. ered by insurance, would reach include calf roping, flag racing, will apply a leveling course of The organization meeting of the Pin. at Main and First streets. The Florence Webb of Ontario, who rock before the oil mat surface $5000. As the blaze started at noon, addle bronc riding, bareback rid parade, followed by games at the was .‘ elected last year but did not is laid. Its cause has not been determined. ing, bulldogging, brahma bull riding 1948 administrative committee of Mr. Teske said he expects to erect Children's calf riding, acrobatic potato marketing order No. 57 was park, will be divided into the fol- serve as queen because of cancella- Leslie W. Stoker, wiho is in P*t._costan»e, flo a ta . ----- tio n — of the fair, will i>i‘>uuui> probably be a fireproof building on the site of stunts by LaM ar Ettes and drill held at the Bannock hotel in Poca ___. ----- uc charge of the curt) construction, the damaged structure. team demonstrations. T h e Midwest tello June 24. f ,ry e .,.h awarded * candidate for queen again this has practically finished that phase vear. officials officials said. said T T o o be eligib le, or s i c . t improvement project, The residence destroyed by fire This committee administers the foi each section, » i l l be presented year, of the street shows will be on the rodeo grounds at the Nyssa theater during a free a contestant must be at least 18 jeijinnlng July 21. on First street this morning short order regulating the handling of The bonds approved by Shuler ly after midnight was owned by ! amount to $90,000 for water im - Drill teams of Vale, EJinmett and Irish potatoes grown in Idaho, and show to be held after the park and unmarried. Mrs. Emerald Spencer. A neigh Weiser and the Boise Equestrian in M alheur county, Oregon. The activities. Members o f the Nyssa | lxrovement, $35.000 for street inter Civic club will be parade judges. bor discovered the fire and by club will participate in the rodeo. committee consists of five producer sections and $36.500 for streets. The games at the park will be so the time he reached a telephone Queen Bette Pett, with Bette Do members and three handler mem The Vale entry In the Idaho- arranged that every child will have the residence was enveloped in menico and Betty Culbertson as bers. All members o f the committee flames. As Mr. Spencer was report Oregon Baseball league defeated attendants, will reign over the were present at the meeting, includ an opportunity to participate in the Nyssa aggregation on the Nyssa ed to have been working on a show. H ie girls will visit several ing the following: Producers: Char the program. Prize money will be f ir s t n a t i o n a l farm near Ontario, the house had diamond last FYiday night by a towns in the Snake river valley les Reed and Wesley Roberts of given to winners of each event. score of 11 to 1. Edward Boydell and his committee not been occupied for a month, al next week to advertise the rodeo Idaho Falls; N. E. George of Home- An alternative writ o f mandamus ________ R ay Graham, starting in the though the blaze is believed to have and will attend the buckaroo break dale; Ralph Faulkner of Gooding, will give treats to the children was filed last week agaist the M ai- Deposits of $3.461,508.07 and loans pitcher's box for Nyssa, hurled after the games. started in an inside com er of the fast to be held in Nampa Sunday. and Geonje M itohell of Burley: Olean Wells will be in charge heui county court by Attorney of $1,450.810.59 at the Nyssa branch building. Loss of the building, con through the fifth inning, and was As the Owyhee Riding club is a Handlers: L. E. Stephens of Black- General George Neuner at the re- of First National bank o f Portland taining one or two rooms, was es then relieved by Wohlcke, who member o f the Rodeo Cowboys foot, George A. W eltz of Caldwell, of the program at the theater, quest of the state public welfare are shown by the June 30 report timated by Fire Chief Frank M or pitched the last four frames. association, points of contestants and Prank S. Campbell of Rupert. where a picture from the P.T.A. commission foilwing a decision of which answers the mid-year call of Nyssa made its only run In the ris at approximately $1500. will be recorded with the Interna Alternate members yfesent at the hild library of film s will be shown. the county court not to increase the the comptroller of currency, accord first inning. Rambaud reached the tional Rodeo association. In addi meeting were Sam Hartley of Nys The main picture will feature Mic- county welfare budget as demanded in g to G. I. Mitchell, branch mana initial sack on the first baseman's tion to regular purses provided by sa, F led Nelson of Jerome, and xey Rooney in "T h e Human Com by the state. ger. edy". error, Koyano walked and Graham Nyssa merchants, the winning cow Ernest C raig o f Jerome. Also pres District Attorney Charles Swan The figures of the financial state went to first on an error when boys will be presented with Levi “T h e children o f Nyssa and sur ent at the meeting were M. O. he hit to the second baseman. The Straus overalls. territory should start filed a demurrer July 6, but the ment show gains in 'both deposits Stratford of the Idaho Potato and rounding case is not expected to be argued and loans over the June report of second sacker threw to shortstop, The bucking stock will be furnish Onion Shippers association, Worden making their plans now to attend catching Koyano at second, but the ed by Harley Tucker of Joseph A. Davis of Parma, representing this celebration” , committee m em before the state supreme court a year ago. The Increase in loan volume is substantial, up $408.41$.42, shortstop made a wild throw to bers said. “ Enter the parade, take until September. A "call to larms" for all Malheur first, making Graham safe. Hartley ft>r the rodeo, the only R.C.A. show the Idaho-Oregon Shippers associa part in the games and contest at T h e writ issued by the state reads or 39 per cent during the twelve in Malheur county. All paaticipants tion; C. O. Youngstrom of the county potato and onion growers reached first on an error, loading the city park and enjoy a show. as follows: "This proceeding is ini months period, Mitohell satd. L arg was issued this week by Klaas Ten- the bases. Frank Wilson walked must file their entries by 8 pan. state extension service, C. G. Rice It will all be free to the young tiated by the state public welfare er deposits arqjTn contrast to a July 22 with the chamber o f com and Lee H eller of the Idaivo ad commission for the purpose of com national trend which Is aieo com sen, president of the M alheur Coun scoring Rambaud. sters". merce. The rodeo headquarters will vertising oonbiiissfok. 'Boyd B ax pelling local compliance toy Malheur mon in the northwest. ty Potato and Onion Growers as A fter the first inning Vale played be maintained in the city hall. ter of the Union Pacific railroad county with the federal and state sociation. The association has start errorless ball. However, Nyssa al A corresponding rise In the total company; Frank Westfall, Aber laws applicable to «he administra loan volume for First National ed its membership drive and plans most scored again in the sixth, deen grower; Clark Davis o f the tion of a public assistance program bank of F*ortland, including all 44 to sign as nearly all of the potato when Hartley singled and F. Wilson state P and M A office, Pocatello; in Oregon, and pursuant to the branches throughout Oregon, is and onion growers in the county doubled, but Hartley went out at H. C. Hess o f the Denver USDA provisions of section 126-103, OCLA, reported In the current financial as possible. home plate. fru it and vegetable branch, and as amended by section 6. chapter statement. This is the third con W hen asked what benefits far Short Score: II R E W. J. Broadhead of the Portland 545, Oregon laws 1947". mers would derive from the or Nyssa secutive quarterly report in which 7 1 7 D. W Moncur and his son, Vern USDA fruit and vegetable branch. District Attorney Swan and R o the First National group has set ganization, Tensen pointed out the Vale 15 II 4 T h e committee elected L. E. Ste L. Moncur, will open their new bert Lytle, Vale attorney, have ques a new Oregon banking record for success that the Klam ath and cen Children and their pets were A. Chadwick, club president, said tral Oregon association have had the featured attractions in the city phens as chairman: Charles Reed Arrowhead Motor lodge on highway tioned the constitutionality o f the volume of loans and discounts, ac club may schedule some in expanding the demand for their exhibition games for next week and park last Friday night, when a Cub as vice chairman: and Flank S. 20 at Emison avenue Sunday, July law allowing «he state to set a cording to word sent to M itchell by as secretary-treasurer. 11. The public is invited to attend county budget for public welfare. Frank N. Belgrano, Jr., president type of potato by advertising. He will go to Homedale July 18. The Scout pet show was held. The Campbell explained that the produce growers next home league game, set for show, sponsored by the den mo These three officers were also nam open house on that day from 10 T h e county court notified the state of First National. T h e June 30 fig - a.m. to 5 pm . we.fare cummlnion that It would res are. loans $146.626.437.93 and de in this county have no organized July 23, will be changed to another thers, was in charge o f Mrs. Finley ed as an executive committee. The basic provisions o f order No. The new buildiry?, constructed of not appropriate for welfare during posits. $480.910,106.10. Loan figures group to uphold the farmer's side date because of the Nyssa rodeo. Shuster and Mrs. W ard Tyler. 57 provides that no potatoes which ¡pumice stone blocks. Includes 10 the 1918-49 year any sum other a vear ago were $108,146.99608. Dale W ertz won a pair of overalls o f the picture in dealing with given as first prize by Bracken's do not meet the requirements of I complete units with private baths. than «hat included in the budget freight rates, produce grades, acre Mitchell quotes Belgrano as say POSTAL RECEIPTS U S . No. 2 or better grade shall be I t is 32 by 103 feet. Each room is at the time of the budget meeting. ing that these increased loans not age allotments and goverment pur fo r the most nicely decorated bi accessible from both the inside and shipped in interstate commerce. The T h e federal government, which only refect generally higher price chase programs. The organization HERE CONTINUE TO cycle. Richard Sweet won second order also requires that all potatoes, the outside. provides 46 per cent of welfare levels, but also represent added in place in the bicycle division. will give the farm er a voice in SHOW BIG INCREASE A radiant hot water system was including both rail and truck lots funds expended in Oregon counties, vestment in «he resources and econ A il pets entered in the competi many issues concerning his crop installed by Fled Braun, who also notified the state welfare commis omic expansion of Oregon. They tion were dogs and cats. The win shall be inspected. which he never had before, the as was awarded the plumbing contract. According to information released In addition to the basic require sion that it would not withhold are therefore an indication o f the ners were Richard Sweet, fluffiest sociation president stated. A t the present time the association is by F*ostmaster Lloyd W. Lewis this cat; Jerry Dority, dog with the ment, the committee recommended Clint Olson was the general con its share o f matching funds for state's prosperity. tractor and Morrison Electric com week, postal revenues fo r the last to the secretary of agriculture that Malheur county pending conclusion most spots; Carolyn ^Jooper, pet working with a cooperative study to determine the extent o f quality six months have shown an increase with the curliest tail, a cat; Dee he issue an order prohibiting the pany was the electrical contractor. o f the suit. TWO DAIRY HERDS A parking ramp has been installed break-down of potatoes from the of 16.5 per cent over the same Shuster and Carl Tyler, blackest shipment, in interstate commerce of period last year. on each side o f the building. any netted gem or russet Burbank TO BE CLASSIFIED pets; Dirk Rinehart, dog with the time they leave the county until GIRL SCOUTS GO In keeping w ith the trend for longest ears; Billy Cooper, best variety of potatoes below a m ini The owners have erected a large they reach the consumer in C hi TO SUMMER CAMP H. P. Ewalt, assistant extension neon sign on the highway and have cago. A representative will be sent the last 12 years, the postal reve trained dog; K eith Powell, puppy mum diameter of two inches. An operating budget and assess decorated the front of the building dairyman of Oregon State college, back to Chicago to get a first hand nues reached an all-tim e high for w ith the sleepiest eyes; Johnny G irl Scouts o f Nyssa and Ad Corvallis, will classly the Clifford picture of the competitive quality the calendar year o f 1947 with a Lienkaemper, the longest pet; Aaron ment rate were adopted by the with neo tubing, including an out rian left early Tuesday morning by S. W right and C. M. Beaumont o f Malheur county potatoes as com total o f $27.343.22. This represents Cutler, whitest dog, and Donald i committee. Plans were made for line of a large arrowhead. Mr. and Mrs. Vern L. Moncur bus for Pilgrim cove near McCall, herds of purebred Jerseys at 9 a.m. the employment of a manager and pared with produce from other an increase of 137 per cent over the Pocht, best-cared-for dog. receipts of 1939. Judges of the pets were Mrs. K . E. fo r setting up an office. Tentative have purchased the A. C. Newsom where they will attend summer July 10. areas. plans Include the establishment of home on north Sixth street. They camp, along with girls from O n I f the present rate o f Increase Kerby and Olean Wells. T h e public Is invited to attend. The association was organized last a branch office in western Idaho will maintain an office in the lodge. tario and Jamieson A basket lunch will be served at December a t a farmers meeting continues as is expected, the total to handle the early "deal", with T h e Nyssa and Adrian girls char noon on the Beaumont lawn In held in Ontario. Members o f the receipts for the calendar year 1948 REMINDER ISSUED the main office to be established Have Guests— tered a bus owned by Howard Hatch Kingman Kolony. board c f directors are Klaas Ten- will be over $31,500. An additional Several California residents were of Adrian for the trip. sen of Nyssa, Arch Russell of Vale, increase of $8.500 will put the office TO POTATO GROWERS at some central point in the late guests at the Albert Pfeiler home shipping area. Nyssa girls attending the camp New Arrivals Announced— Sid Flanagan o f Nyssa, Floyd Stone- in the first class category. I f the two-inch minimum require last week. They were Prof, and are Carolyn Vaughn, Patsy Set- j Babies were born at the Nyssa man of Oregon Slope, George Schle- A reminder to potato growers who mer of Adrian. Fred Trenkel of Picnic Scheduled— have paid th eir fee and have been ment is approved by the secretary Mrs. A. B. Haydock, Mr. and Mrs. ties, K eitha Strasbaugh, K ris tin ; Nursing home recently as follow l: T lie annual Nebraska picnic of issued a certificate o f eligibility of agriculture, the industry will be George R. Carlson, and Mr. and Rinehart, Joan Mitchell, Joanna Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pharaoh, Nys Ontario, and Sam Hartley o f Nyssa. Nyssa residents will be held Sunday, for potato price support, was issued notified o f the effective date of Mrs. Elmer Johnson of Oxnard, Moore, Jolin Jordan, M ary Jean sa, boy, July 7. 8 pounds, 15 ounces; July 12 in the Nyssa park. A ll fo r by G len L. Hutchinson, chairman the regulation. The committee feels California and Miss Edith M. Ev House, Phyllis Hadley. Joanne H art Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sanders, Nyssa. Return from Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Tucker and mer Nebraskans and their friends of the county A A A committee, to that the adoption of a two-inch erett of Ventura, California. Mr. ley, Louise GunneLs. Patricia Orun- July 1, girl 7 pounds 1 4 ounces; minimum on russets will be benefi and Mrs. Pfeiler and their guests ke, LaVerne Parson, Kay Flirson, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McGrath, July sons returned Monday evening from are invited to attend. day. Barbara Duncan. Phyllis Cheldelln, 12, son, 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and a two-weeks vacation. They visited Growers must sell all U S . No. cial alike to the producers, ship spent two days at Payette lakes. Jerilyn Cleverly, Sherill Ohadd, Col- Mr. and Mrs. Byron la n e , Nyssa, friends and relatives in Pocatello Visit in Nyssa— 1-B's, U S . No. 2's or field-run po pers, and the consuming public. Visiting Parents— This minimum size would apply to leen Bybee, Merle Bumingham, I July 2, girl, 6 pounds 5 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. R ay C. Condie of tatoes to the government purchase and Blackfoot, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Flyod Selby and Beverly Burbidge and Ruth Altizer. I Larry, Garry and Buster Altizer Kimberly, Idaho visited over the representative or he will lose all all grades of potatoes. fam ily of Lebanon, Oregon are vis- The girls will return home July 16. sons of Mr. and Mrs. W ill Altizer holidays »1th Mr. and Mrs. J. M. future eligibility rights for price Here from Washington— Returns to Utah— iting at the home of Mrs. Selby’s Outdoor cooking as well as swim- underwent tonsilectomles. Mr. and Mrs. Glate Harris of Beck. support during 1948. Mrs. L. W. Hillhouse o f Bounti-1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. An- ming, hiking, arts and crafts and Sunnyside, Washington and Mr. and U S . No. 1 potatoes may be sold Fish in Idaho— Mrs. Elliot Ricks of Los Angeles Visiting Relatives— to anyone at any prioe, Mr. Hutch ful. Utah returned to her home derson. In honor of the guests a rowing will be emphasized. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Stringfellow inson stated. Saturday after spending three weeks picnic supper was served in the A staff of from 15 to 18 adults Mr. and Mrs. Owen Coons of were week-end visitors at the Lewis at the home of her daughter, Mr». park Saturday evening. O ut-of- will accompany the Scouts. In Nyssa and Leland Crummett of and son, Dennis, o f Oqden are Riggs home. town guests included Mr. and Mrs. cluded are Mrs. Lees, director and Vale went fishing at Garden Val- spending the week at the home of Visiting at Adrian— Tom Bumingham. R. N. Morse and three sons; Mrs. waterfront instructor; Mrs. Floyd ley, Idaho over the week-end. Mr. Mrs. Stringfellow's parents, Mr. Nannette Bybee is spending the Visitors from Arizona— Ruth Ball and son, Oordon; Mrs. Christiansen, Ontario, dietician and and Mrs. A1 Coons fished at Wild week with her sister. Mrs. Frank Here from Boise— Mr. and Mrs. R oy Darnes have and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle. Mrs. Joe Bchanis, Hoipe over the Fourth. Mrs. Emma Quimby of Boise W illis Martin and daughter, D ean unit leader; as house guests this week Mrs. Pike, at Adrian. Dam es' sister and family, M r and j Here from Idaho— spent the week-end .; the home na. all of Nampa, and Mr. and Mrs. Ontario, unit leader and dormitory Chris Thomson of Vale. Mr. and supervisor; Mrs. Charles Newblll, Visit in Nampa— W ill Selby and Arthur Selby of Leave for Coast— of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frost. * Mrs. Howard Hamilton of Phoenix, Mrs. J. K. G riffiths and Mrs. Mary Adrian, unit leader; Mrs. Millie Melba. Idaho called at the home Mr and Mrs. Ken Renstrom spent M r and Mrs J. C. Smith left Arizona. Pruyn of Nyssa also were present. of Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Anderson the first o f the week for a two- Under Doctor's C Harris. Adrian, assistant unit lead- the Fourth of July holidays with Saturday afternoon en route to months visit on the coast fo r the er and Kaper supervisor; Mrs. W. relatives at Nampa. Mrs. M ary E Bybee is in Salt Go Fishing— M. Schireman. Nyssa, unit leader; • ------------------------ Lake City, taking special treatment Returns from Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Ed Case and daugh Ontario to attend the 50th »redding benefit at Mrs. Smith's health. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mally, accom Miss Ruth Toombs, Nyssa. as- Visit in Ontario— at a hospital. She is suffering from ter and Mrs. Mabel Case, mother anniversary orf their brother, Irvin Mrs. Ollle Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Sherwood complications about her head and panied by Mrs. Mally's sister. Miss slstant unit leader; Visiting Brother— o f Mr. Case, who is visiting here, Selby, Sunday, July 4. assistant unit and Frank and thetr house guest. Herman Borgman of Weed. Call face. She Is staying at the home of Norah O'Brian of Ogden, visited Berner, Ontario, enjoyed fishing at Payette lakes the Guild to Meet— Miss Mary Alice Mally in Seattle. leader, and Mrs. Dan Murray, On Mrs Cora Sherwood, visited with fom ia arrived July 3 to visit his [h er daughter. Mrs. Don Moas, Sr Fourth at July. St. Paul's guild of the Episcopal brother. Henry Borgman. and fam i- [T h ey also went by boat to Vic tarlo assistant unit leader and Ontario friends the Fourth. iinlrxt hall. toria and Vancouver, Canada. Sells Business— ! hurch will meet at 8 p.m. Monday, iy At Lak< Here from Ogden— Oerald Tuttle has sold Tuttle s, July 12 at the home of Mrs. Grant M r and Mrs. Edward Boydell and In Baker— Mrs. Richard West and grand son. Jimmy, and M r and Mrs Olea Going Fishing— Go to Salt Lake— service station to Marion Chard and Rinehart. Mr and Mrs Art Boydell and daughter, Virginia Clifford, of O g ___ Mrs. Don Moss returned , Billings were guests of Mr. and Mrs I Mr. and Mrs Jimmy Savage and M r and Layton Davis Chard and Davis will Mr. and Mrs. Oeon?e Mitchell spent den are visiting at the homes of to their hozne in Salt Lake City af- , Warren Fanner at thetr summer j children left Tuesday fo r fishing add a body and repair department Visit in Idaho— M r and Mrs. Albert Coleman ter spending their vacation in N ys-I cabins st Payette lake over the ¡on the north fork of the Malheur the Fourth at July at the home Mrs. West's daughters, Mrs. Ersel to the business. Kenneth Tuttle will Thompson of M r and Mrs. Beus and Mrs. Frank Skeen. and M r and Mrs Ray Fox spent sa. They were accompanied by Mrs. j holiday. M r and Mrs. Bill Horsely river. continue to operate the market. :n Baker. Saturday night in Garden Valley I.eRoy Bumingham. The ladies are | of Lovell, Wyoming, who are visiting Spend Fourth Herr— Go to Succor Creek— and Sunday In Nampa. daughters o f Mrs. Mary E. Bybee. . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Far- Enters Hospital— M r and Mrs. Audry Ward and At McCall— Mr and Mrs Lawrence Cornell ------------------------ I mer. were also at the lakes. Mrs W E. Maze entered the Holy W ayne Oreen, Jelhmar Schoen, and children and Mrs. Mildred Bonnie and Johnnie, Mr. and Mrs. Drive to Idaho— ' --------------- ---- — Rosary hospital in Ontario Tuesday Visiting Mother— E irl Ward and Ronnie and Oary Bob Wilson, Royce Chadwick and Buchanan and children were here Earl Richardson and two small Mr. . ____ __ and __ Mrs. ________ George . . . _________ N. Bear __ Spend _______________ Vacation ___ in ______ Hill' evening for medical attention and a minor operation. Mrs. Maze is ex sons are staying at the home o f'd ro v e to Garden Valley, Idaho th e 1 M r and Mrs Kenneth Mace and ar.d three nieces, Norma. June and Glenn Schireman spent the three- from Boise to spend the Fourth pected to reutra to her home in her mother, Mrs. Warren R ich a rd -.Fourth o f July and returned home fam ily spent the holidays camping Shirley Coleman, spent the Fourth day holiday fishing in Payette with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ilikes Cornell. on Succor creek. son. I by way o f McCall. 1 and fishing to the hills Nyssa the last of this week Committee Of Spud men Formed Vale Defeats Nyssa 10 to 1 Writ is r Fib vv I I I lo i l t u d LOAN Against County! J | Growers Asked To Join Group Nyssa Pet Show Staged by Cubs Motor Lod^e Will be Opened VOLUME OF IN NYSSA CLIMBS