Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1948)
tup : pAnrç e i g h t * NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON 9, at the V - ’ hoclist church. All » h o are interested are invited to attend the program, which will be ,'pcncd at 8:15. Those takli.„ part will be Phylli Chela .lin, Betty Ann Boenig, Lins W .i »n. N a rl C lii’d, Donna Lee W il <»n Du k Herr .man, Donna Jean Chcldeiin. Jane Parr, Maruyn W il- j soil and Alice W arner o f Nyssa, ill Judy Hager, Philip H iaer, K ath ryn Jane Lloyd and Mark dessert bridge last Thursday ev ening at the home of Mr.,. Wieneke. The prize for the high score went to Mrs. Robert Wilson, and for tecond high to Mrs. Wayne M or ris. T h e traveling prize was won by U n cial -Cnti'5 V- - » - M A R R IE D IN N Y S S A Mary Elizabeth Cowley and Evan J. Touler, botli oi Malheur county, were married In the Methodist parsonage in Nyssa Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. »lev. H. J. Oern- hardt performed tne single ring ceremony. T h e wedding was at tended by the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tobler of Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Tobler will make their home in Nyssa. He is employ ed at New Plymouth. The bride formerly lived in Chicago. Assisting the pianist", and to add v r e v to the program, will be Cleo Flinders, who will give a hu- orous leading; Laura Shenk and Angela Peterson, who will play a violin duet, and June Savage, so prano, who will present vocal selec- i tions. -4 - | A number of the pianists ap T O PRESE NT RBCTTAL Piano pupils of Miss W ilhelmlna pearing Oi l the pr »gram will present Hoffman will be presented in a e * M i l l s w i n h they will laerform recital next Tuesday evening, June in the national piano auditions to This Contraption May Work BUT let an electric fan do it for you! Eight-inch standard fan— $6.95. Other oscil lators slightly higher in 10 and 12-inch sizes. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. One Block West of U. P. Depot »Phone 149-W More Buyers More Orders MORE NET PROCEEDS FOR YO UR LIVESTOCK JßoohitUf ai jßijfe Market Report for June 1, 1948 Gross fa t cows *21 to *22.50 Cutter cows *18 to $19.50 Canner cows $17 to $18 Beef bulls *21 to $26 Veal calves *20 to $30 Fed heifers $24 to $27 Feeder steers $25 to $29 Mrs. Bud Wilson. -6 — E N T E R T A IN A T DINNER Mr. and Mis. Lee Dail entertained at a dinner at their home Sunday, May 23 in ob-ervance of Mr. Dali's birthday. The following gue»t, were Invited: Mrs. Anna Dail, Harold Dail, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Matherly and Joanne, Mr. and Mrs. John ZRtcr-ob, and Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zltterccb, all of On tario, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald choen of Nyssa. _ “ / V H O N O R E D ON B IR T H D A Y Howard Fianary was honor at a b.rthday dinner arranged by his mother, Mrs. W. Flanary, at Miss Charlene Chritton, 1340 the Country club last Friday. Fol fraauate of the Nyssa high school, lowing the dinner, the guests en s home for a short visit. She was joyed a theater party in Ontario. ;r.i uated from Kinman Business E N T E R T A IN * A T P A R T Y olle3e in Spokane last Augu .t and Mr. and Mrs. John Schenk en s now employed as a secretary In he office of the Spokane chamber tertained at a dinner party lor Mr. ,f commerce, lle r parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bumall Brown. Mr. ano aid Mrs. Charles Chritton of Sun Mrs. Howard Lovejoy, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lawrence. Pinochle fol i l valley. lowed the dinner, with high scores being held by Mrs. Lawrence and »e held in Caldwell June 10 with Mr. Hartley, and low scores by Mis. Miss Florence French of Baker as Hartley and M r, Brown. yUd^e, and Miss W iJielm lna H oit- — S— Guests Memorial Day— inan as chairman of the event, Guests at the homes of Mrs. G. which is sponsored by the National W. Benton. B. W. Pruyn and C lif Guild of Piano Teachers. ford Nielsen over the Memorial holidays were Mr and Mrs. Clyde - f c A M IT Y C LU B MEETS Benton and family of Twin Falls The Ny.v.a Junior Women's Amity i and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Benton club met recently a t the home of of Baker. Mrs. Ha Child. Tw o new members, Mrs. Beth Archibald and Mis. Rutti Home from lltah — ware accepted into the club. Mrs. Waynard Talbot and Ralph Bcshop Arvel L. Child presented and Gerald returned Tuesday from colored stills and movies of his trip a 10-day trip to Cash Valley, Utah. through five western states and into Nebraska Visitors Here— Mexico. He spoke of the beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Henry Keller of scenery and places of interest in Ainsworth, Nebraska, have been each state, including some in cen visiting the past week at the George tral and southwestern Oregon. Re- Henneman home. Mrs. Keller If freslimnts were served by the hos an aunt o f Mrs. Henneman. tess. T o Gooding— R FB E K AH S H E AR R E PO R T Mrs. A. C. Sallee left Sunday for A t the regular meeting of the Gooding to visit her mother, Mrs. Rebekah lodge last Thursday ev- John Edholm. . ening, Mrs. A. V. Cook gave an in- teresiing report on the Rebekah as Here from Wyoming— sembly field at Eugene. Mrs. Cook Guests last week at the home of attnded as a delegate from the Mr. and Mrs. Luray Trabert were Nyssa lodge. Mrs. G. H. Kuehner, mother of E N T E R T A IN A T P A R T Y Mrs. Trabert, and Mrs. Russell Da- Mrs. Ward Wieneke, Mrs. Houston I vis and children, all of Wheatland, Wiison and Mrs. Edward Boydcll Wyoming. were hostesses at lour tables oi ' Story Hour Held— A large number o f children at- i tended the opening summer story hour held Tuesday afternoon at ‘ the city hall. The program, under the auspices of the county librarian. By Tuttle's Mobil Service M i's Lillian Nisbett, is open to all children. Miss Pennington was the story teller this week. Feeder cows $200 to $230 Weaner calves $25 to $30 Fat ho.’s $24.60 Slows $15 to *20 Feeder pigs $23.50 to $25 F’al lambs $22.50 to $25.75 Ewes $8 to *12 Son Arrives— A son was born to Mr. and Mrs: Quentin D. Clarkson M ay 19 at Eugene. The baby is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs J. I. Brady of Nyssa. Mrs. Brady left Sunday for Eugene. SPECIAL HORSE SALE SATU R D AY, JUNE 5 ONTARIO LIVESTOCK COMMISSION COMPANY PHONE 264 ONTARIO, OREGON Call us for transportation for your livestock or market information. g » Phone IOÔ HILAIRE MOBIL TIRES — BATTERIES O N H IW A Y 20 IF YOU HIT SOMEBODY WITH YOUR U R I. V. TUTTLE. Owner Phone 011-M N y s s a ........ Oregon John Wayne, Gail Russell and Ham Carey in “ Á NG EL AND THE B A D M A N ” Cartoon TUESDAY, JUNE 8 BARGAIN NIGHT Double Feature Program Adele Mara. Robert Seott in “ EXPOSED” Johnny MacBrown in “CODE OF THE SADDLE” Adm. 25-9r, Inr. Tax W EDNESD AY & THURSDAY. JUNE 9 10 A wonderfully warm and heartlifting story in the rich tradition o f “ Home in Indiana” . A drama surging with heart-stirring emotions and violent conflict! June Haver and Lon McAllister in “ SCUDDA-HOO. SCUDDA-HAY” In Beautiful Technicolor (Take our tip— you’ll love the Mule) Adm. Evening*. Wf-5r, Inr. Tax. home? things? income? protection? Bible School Held— The dsliy vacation Bible school [ is being held this week and next at the Methodist church. Those assisting with the teaching of class- i s and re"reation program are Mrs.) L. E. Robbins, Mrs. Vern Farson, Mrs. R. Sager, Mrs. C. H. Bennett, Mrs. Pounds, Mrs. K. E Keveren Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Donna Tra- tert, Janice Frost, Betty Winched, larilyn Fharoali and Dorothy Er win. To Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lovejoy left Wednesday for Island City, Idaho, where they will .spend the summer. Mr. Lovejoy may attend summer school. Picnic in Idaho— Mr. and Mrs. Carlas Buchner and 'am ily picnicked at Garden Valley, daho Monday. OTHER BRASH QUESTIONS ... FLEX Cives you * wide range of colors with «flieh IO decorate your ««Ils and fur. ni fur«. C r t c r a , b lu rs, yellow s •nri pastel shades are • a sd y attained by m ix- ¿ n * two or m ore of Have you ample insurance against burglary and other possible losses at home— on household goods, jewel ry, furs, silverware, clothing, etc.? □ YES Q ER, AH, W E L L — ? How about losses away from home — luggage, golf clubs, cam eras, jewelry, furs and such? □ F U L L Y CO VERED □ H A D N 'T T H O U G H T OF I T How much would you need per week if an accident kept you from working for 200 weeks? $__________• How much of a lump sum if you were totally and permanently dis abled? $- «ts 1 8 f r i e n d l y c o lo r s . F L E X resists water, dirt, grease and soot sta ns i asy to apply Qu<ck to d ry M ir COLO* CARO GENERAL P A IN T Bernard Eastman Insurance STU N Z LU M B ER COMPANY Visits in Council— Mr.-. George Mitchell and her sis ter, Miss Doris Kuntz o f Boise, visited last week at Council, Idaho, where they were guests of their later, Mrs. Charles Ross, and bro- her-in-law. Dale Donnelly. Here from Tacoma— Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Ness of T a coma and Mrs. Johnny Door of Boise have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George McKee. Mrs. Ness and Mrs. Door are nieces of Mrs. McKee. T o Boise— Mrs. Houston Wilson and Mrs. Bud Wilson were Boise visitors Tuesday. Here from Utah— Mrs. Helen OLsen and children, Gordon, JoRae, Judy and Parrel, of Morgan, Utah are guests at the home of Mrs. Olsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Child. I Conducts Upholstering Class— Mrs. Charles Steffens is conduct ing a class In upholstering at the high school for two weeks. NEWS VIEWS I This is the month of June Brides — an annual affair that's as regu lar as the return of the swallows to Capistrano. It is also the month of June Bridegrooms, although they get less publicity than a bride s bouquet! The groom is as incon spicuous as a clam at high tide Fashion editors go into dreamy ecs tasies over what the bride and bridesmaids year, but Mr. Groom eoull don a buralp bag and high button shoes— no one would ever now the difference. It almost seems as though the ceremony could be run o ff without him— but there has to be someone waiting when the bride makes her triumphal tour up the aisle. A Benicia. California woman in jured herself playing baseball. She is 67 years o’.d. S h ell probably be tack In condition for the football season! Which reminds me— for Big League" service, there's no place like the H E R R IM AN M OTOR C O M PANY. Courteous, friendly ser vice really means something with us. W e want you to be satisfied, that's why we insist on doing every thing possible to give you the finest most personalized service in town. Try us. Phone 77 Our Service Manager. Oene Fischer, will be glad to help you! H E R R IM A N Phone 64 Nyssa. Oregon Mr. and M O T O R CO. Mrs. Sailor Comes to Nyssa— Robert Hille, son o f Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hide, arrived In Nyssa Tues day morning from San Diego, »h e re he was recently released from navy training. The fam ily lived at Mesa, Arizona when he entered the services and have made their home in Nyssa. TO THOSE W H O H A D THEIR CHILDREN’S PICTURES TA K E N HERE LAST W E E K There will be a delay in finishing the proofs. Each person will receive a card as to the daU his proofs will be ready. Golden Rule Store NYSSA OREGON W E HAVE TH EM .' FEDERAL \ttend St«x*k Show— Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Wilson left Wednesday for Union, where they will attend the Eastern Oregon Livestock show. Real Estate «•••»COR PORATION r s l his grandparents, Burnall Brown. NOTICE Attend Graduation— Mrs. E. H. Fleslunan and Mrs. Tes-e Rigney left Thursday for ; Salem to attend the graduation I >f Shirley Fleshman from Salem ligh school. ! B Y LEAV IIE K R IM A N W hat’s your protection if your car should be stolen? $ . O r bum? $._______ _ Protection is too inexpensive t o neglect a minute o r a mile. S U N D A Y & MONDAY, JUNE 6-7 • your your your your $ ........... ........................... Mat.. Sat.. 2:30; Adm. 25c-5r. Inr. Tax Adra. fc.veiling*. 40r 9«\ IncludÉn* Tax Mat.. Sun., 2:30; Adm. SOe-0f, Inr. Tax Adm. Evening*. 40r-E\ Inr. fax would the law. . . I~J seize I I seize I~J seize W h at’s SATUR D AY, JUNE 5 The daring story of a Woman’s strange de ception and a man’s struggle against his destiny. Dana Andrews, Merle Oberon, Ethel Barry more and Hoagy Carmichael in “NIGHT SONG” Disney Cartoon Attend Fire Chief's Convention— Vern Farson left Wednesday ev ening for Baker, where he will ittend a three-day fire chief's con vention. He will take a special fire man's cour.e while he is there. K u m n u ir Sale Set— A rummage sale will be held F ri day and Saturday, June 4 and 5. at Townc's garage by the St. Anne's Altar society. Mrs. John Dority Is chairman of the sale. Tuttle's Mobil Service LOCATED 1 MILE NORTH PROGRAM dist church at Nampa from June Here from I'la h — 1 to 6. Mrs. Arthur Weston of Ogden Is enjoying an indefinite visit at Hospital Shower Planned— the homes of her daughters, Mrs. A towel shower is being arranged W ilford Bybee and Mrs. Leslie by the hospital auxiliary to be held Stoker. June 28 at the parish hall. An ad dress and special music will be Visits Grandparents— provided. Stephen Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown of Boise, spent Attend Convention— W illiam Wahlert, manager of the «ist week visiting at the home of Dessert ?eed company plant at Ny.-sa. and Mrs. Wahlert attended a meeting o f the Pacific States Seedtnen's association at Sun V al- !ey, Sunday. Monday and Tuesday of last week. .Attend Conference— Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Gernhardt Bishop Coming— 'e ft Tuesday morning to attend the T h e Rt. Rev. Lane G. Barton, annual conference of the Metho- Episcopal bishop of eastern Oregon, The Doer Fly of South America will be in Nyssa Tuesday, June 8 ir probably the fastest animal on earth. He was tested by use o f the to confer confirmation on a class p'.ertrlc eye to travel at speeds over in St. Paul's church. Members and 500 and 600 miles per hour. friends o f the church are invited to attend the service, which will be opened at 8 p.m. ACCESSORIES NYSSA THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1948 For a F E A T H E R - S O F T RIDE EXTRA LOW PRESSURE ABSORBS ROAD SHOCKS Come in today for a demonstration of these revolutionary, new type tires that set a new standard of riding comfort. Thom pson O il C o m p a n y PHONE 11